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The relations for hand preference with craniofacial asymmetry and ear advantage, and between craniofacial asymmetry and ear advantage were investigated in young healthy subjects. Ear advantage was recorded as duration of hearing, craniofacial asymmetry by computerized tomography in 44 right-handed and 38 left-handed male and female high school students. Right-handers had a right ear advantage and a larger left craniofacial region, whereas left-handers had a left ear advantage and a larger right craniofacial region. These results are consistent with the speculation that hand preference may be related to craniofacial and consequently aural asymmetries.  相似文献   

The hand preferences of 5 semi-free-ranging black-and-white ruffed lemurs were assessed by using three distinct testing procedures. Testing conditions varied in the extent to which they required animals to make a whole body postural adjustment prior to making a reach. Minimal bodily adjustment was necessary for free foraging, whereas discrete food presentations on land (DFP-land) and in a moat (DFP-moat) promoted a gross reorientation of the animal's entire body. In the DFP-moat condition 4 animals exhibited exclusive use of the left hand, and only 1 of 515 reaches was made with the right hand. Similarly, all 5 animals showed a pronounced left hand preference in the DFP-land condition. The free-foraging condition revealed a hand preference for only 1 of the 5 subjects, and that preference was weak in comparison with those measured in the other two test conditions. These findings indicate that whole body postural adjustments critically influenced the expression of hand preference and should be taken into consideration in future studies of primate hand preferences.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 2 experimental subjects were given pretraining of nonarbitrary relations that brought their responses under the control of four contextual stimuli; same, opposite, more than, and less than. One control subject was not exposed to this pretraining. The 2 pretrained subjects and the 3rd nonpretrained subject then received training in six arbitrary relations, the following four relations being the most critical: same/A1-B1, same/A1-C1, less than/A1-B2, more than/A1-C2. All 3 subjects were then tested for seven derived relations, the following three relations being the most important: same/B1-C1, more than/B1-C2, less than/B1-B2. The 2 pretrained subjects, but not the nonpretrained subject, showed the derived relations. One of the stimuli (B1) from the relational network and two novel stimuli (X1 and X2) were then used to train three different self-discrimination responses on three complex schedules of reinforcement. That is, all 3 subjects were trained to pick X1 if they had not emitted a response, to pick B1 if they had emitted one response only, and to pick X2 if they had emitted two responses only. The 2 pretrained subjects, but not the nonpretrained subject, showed the predicted transformation of self-discrimination response functions in accordance with the relations of sameness, more than, and less than (i.e., no response, pick B2; one response only, pick C1; and two responses only, pick C2). In Experiment 2, 2 new subjects were employed, and the arbitrary relational training and testing phases were modified to control for a procedural artifact that may have contributed to the results of the first experiment. Experiment 2 replicated the findings of Experiment 1. The pattern of results support the utility of a relational frames approach to understanding derived stimulus relations.  相似文献   

Indian (N = 400) and Japanese (N = 502) adult subjects were examined for their hand preference on a 7-point scale (1 = left always, 7 = right always) of the 32-item Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire (Steenhuis & Bryden, 1989). Factor analyses of the data yielded a two-factorial structure of hand preference: skilled and unskilled. Interaction of Culture × Hand preference indicated that Indians had more right-hand preference for unskilled activities whereas Japanese subjects had more right-hand preference for skilled activities. Further analyses revealed that the frequency of middle category responses was more common in Japanese subjects. Indian subjects were found to give more extreme responses for either right- or left-hand preference. Findings are discussed in the light of cultural training given to the individuals in these two societies, which are essentially collective in nature.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the relationships among degree of obesity, nearness to set point for adipose tissue mass, and responsiveness to taste. In Experiment 1, subjects rated milkshakes varying in sweetness intensity. Overweight and normal weight subjects did not have significantly different detection thresholds or preference ratings. However, overweight subjects worked longer than normals to obtain their most preferred substance. Experiment 2 varied the ease of tasting the milkshake. Preference and food intake of moderately overweight subjects were significantly more influenced by tastes that they found positive and negative than was the preference of normal weight or obese subjects. The ease of ingesting the taste substance also significantly influenced preference and food intake of the moderately obese only. Nearness to set point, operationally defined as weight stability for 2 years, had no significant effects.  相似文献   

Two studies are described in which the relations between sexual experience, sex guilt, and sexual moral reasoning were examined. Subjects were asked to articulate their opinions on each of six sexual activities, and then choose one of six statements (corresponding to Kohlberg's six stages of reasoning) that most clearly reflected why they had, or had not, engaged in three of those activities. An analysis of the moral reasoning present in each of the six articulated responses indicated that level of reasoning was inversely related to sex guilt. Analysis of the preference data indicated that subjects endorsed reasoning (statements) at a higher stage than they had articulated, and that this “gap” between articulation and preference was much greater for less experienced subjects. Results are discussed in terms of the utility of using situation-specific moral dilemmas when assessing moral reasoning, and in terms of the possible role that lack of sexual experience plays in inhibiting sexual moral development.  相似文献   

Using multiple measures of hand preference, the authors investigated lateralization at an individual level in 21 common marmosets. Despite showing group biases for sensory and communication functions, these same marmosets did not show a group bias in direction of lateralized hand use. Hand preferences were recorded on four novel reaching tasks requiring different levels of visual guidance and postural control. As found for simple food holding (with the same subjects), they displayed strong individual hand preferences but no group bias indicative of handedness. The strength of hand preference was influenced by task demands: stronger preferences were expressed when subjects adopted a suspended posture, and when "successful" versus "unsuccessful" foraging strategies were compared. Comparisons between visuospatial reaching and simple food holding preferences also revealed that half of the subjects displayed a division of function between the hands/hemispheres; subjects displayed opposing preferences in simple and visuospatial reaching, which would be beneficial for the performance of coordinated bimanual tasks. Given the apparent absence of a selective advantage for handedness, the authors suggest that hand preferences may reflect hemispheric dominance of other cognitive domains (i.e., temperament).  相似文献   

Two experiments investigate the impact of the evaluative connotation of risk terms on the judgment of risk behaviour and on risk preference. In the first experiment we focus on (1) the evaluation congruence of the risk terms with a general risk norm and (2) with subjects' individual risk preference, and its effects on the extremity of judgments of risk behaviour. In the second experiment we address (3) the effects of evaluative connotation of risk terms on risk preference. In the first experiment subjects were presented with four decision problems, each with a risky and a cautious decision option, and were required to judge options. Results showed that the judged discrepancy between the risky and cautious option was larger on scales which were evaluatively congruent with the general risk norm for that specific decision problem or with subjects' individual preference. More specificly, in decision problems for which there was considerable consensus about the risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales which were congruent with the risk norm, in those problems lacking a clear-cut risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales congruent with subjects' individual risk preference. In the second experiment we studied the reverse relation between the evaluative connotation of risk terms and risk preference. This experiment demonstrates that using evaluatively biased risk terms can affect risk preference. Using terms which imply a positive evaluation of risk-taking and a negative evaluation of risk avoidance led to increased risk preference, and vice versa. Results are discussed in the context of accentuation theory.  相似文献   

风险偏爱特征的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用等级排序的方法 ,60名被试分别在大、小两种恒定的期望值条件下 ,对不同风险来源和不同风险水平的抽彩方案进行偏爱排序 ,以此来检验组合理论有关风险偏爱模式的假设。结果发现 :( 1 )被试的风险偏爱模式以单峰模式为主 ;( 2 )期望值的大小和不同的风险来源对偏爱模式没有显著影响。通过与美国研究者的结果比较发现 ,中美被试对于固定收益、中等风险和高风险评为最不偏爱的数量上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

杨骏 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1435-1440
本研究旨在探讨个体风险偏好如何影响信息加工过程;同时呈现信息的完整性是否影响个体信息加工过程。以31名正在求职的大学生为被试,探讨了他们在信息板上进行职业决策的信息加工过程。结果显示:(1) 低风险偏好者比高风险偏好者更关注与概率相关的线索;(2) 当信息不完整时,个体在决策中增加了对概率相关线索的关注;(3) 信息完整性对个体决策信息加工过程并未产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

Observers are often asked to make intensity judgments for a sensory attribute of a stimulus that is embedded in a background of “irrelevant” stimulusdimensions. Under some circumstances, these background dimensions of the stimulus can influence intensity judgments for the target attribute. For example, judgments of sweetness can be influenced by the other taste or-odor qualities of a solution (Frank & Byram, 1988; Kamen et al., 1961). Experiments 1 and 2 assessed the influence of stimulus context, instructional set, and reference stimuli on cross-quality interactions in mixtures of chemosensory stimuli. Experiment 1 demonstrated that odor-induced changes in sweetness judgments were dramatically influenced when subjects rated multiple attributes of the stimulus as compared with when they judged sweetness alone. Several odorants enhanced sweetness when sweetness alone was judged, while sweetness was suppressed for these same stimuli when total-intensity ratings were broken down into ratings for the sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and fruitiness of each solution. Experiment 2 demonstrated a similar pattern of results when bitterness was the target taste. In addition, Experiment 2 showed that the instructional effects applied to both taste-odorand taste-taste mixtures. It was concluded that the taste enhancement and suppression observed for taste-odor and taste-taste mixtures are influenced by (1) instructional sets which influence subjects’ concepts of attribute categories, and (2) the perceptual similarities among the quality dimensions of the stimulus.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the role of context in the expression of conditioned flavour preferences. Rats were trained on a mixture of almond and sucrose and were then given intermixed exposures to almond in one context (Context A) and to sucrose in a second context (Context S). Finally, choice tests were given in both contexts, with one group given almond-versus-water tests and the other almond + sucrose-versus-sucrose tests. Preference for almond over water was greater in Context A than in Context S. Conversely, preference for almond + sucrose over sucrose was greater in Context S than in Context A. These results suggest that the perceived sweetness of a flavour depends on the context in which it is presented and confirm that expression of a flavour preference depends on the type of test employed.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the role of context in the expression of conditioned flavour preferences. Rats were trained on a mixture of almond and sucrose and were then given intermixed exposures to almond in one context (Context A) and to sucrose in a second context (Context S). Finally, choice tests were given in both contexts, with one group given almond-versus-water tests and the other almond + sucrose-versus-sucrose tests. Preference for almond over water was greater in Context A than in Context S. Conversely, preference for almond + sucrose over sucrose was greater in Context S than in Context A. These results suggest that the perceived sweetness of a flavour depends on the context in which it is presented and confirm that expression of a flavour preference depends on the type of test employed.  相似文献   

To assess the extent of interaction between lateral biases in response systems at different levels of the neuraxis and detect the possible presence of different patterns of interaction related to population subgroups, we investigated laterality in hand reaching, whole-body turning and eye use in 20 bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii). Two subgroups were clearly identified: the STABLE group was composed of subjects, mainly females, that were consistent in hand preference and had correlation of hand/eye bias; the UNSTABLE group included subjects, mainly males, that showed instability in hand preference as a function of change in test conditions and had correlation of hand/turning bias. Results are interpreted to support the value of the study of interaction between lateral biases as a way of gaining a deeper understanding of the complexity of laterality.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(4):239-263
Four experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between the phasing of hand movements and the pickup of optical information in cascade juggling. Three jugglers of intermediate skill juggled three balls while wearing liquid crystal (LC) glasses that opened and closed at preset intervals. The first experiment, in which the duration of the viewing window was gradually reduced to zero, revealed a preference for seeing the segment of the ball flight following the zenith in one subject; such a preference was hinted at in the other two subjects. The second experiment, in which the tachistoscopic rhythm of the glasses was perturbed, showed that, in the case of a stable phase lock, the phasing of the hand movements was adjusted to restore the visibility of the segment following the zenith when it was lost. The third experiment, however, revealed that, after practice, the jugglers did not become better attuned to the optical information contained in this segment. The fourth experiment, in which two jugglers per- formed a cascade together while viewing the ball flights intermittently, suggested that haptic information about the trajectories of the balls to be caught is not necessary for subsequent catching: Optical information picked up during brief intervals of viewing was sufficient to perform the task equally well as when they juggled alone (i.e., when haptic information about the throws was available). Although, admittedly, the results raised only a tip of the veil covering the perceptual basis of juggling, they testify to the potential power of the new technique that was used to let subjects themselves reveal what optical information is relevant for performance.  相似文献   

Female zebra finches show a preference for male zebra finches over heterospecific males based solely on the auditory cues of males, such as songs. The present study was designed to investigate whether females show a similar preference for male zebra finches based solely on visual cues. Using a Y-maze apparatus, social preference of female zebra finches was studied between male zebra finches and male Bengalese finches in three experiments. In experiment 1, where female zebra finches could see and hear live male zebra finches and male Bengalese finches, the females preferred to associate with the male zebra finches. In experiment 2, using a sound-attenuated experimental apparatus, subjects could see, but not hear, male zebra finches and male Bengalese finches. The subjects did not show a significant preference for associating with zebra finches. In experiment 3, as in experiment 2, females could see live male zebra finches and male Bengalese finches in the sound-attenuated chambers. However, in experiment 3, the subjects also heard prerecorded auditory cues (i.e., songs and calls) of male zebra finches, which were presented simultaneously in both arms of the maze. Although the females could not use the auditory cues to identify the location of the male zebra finches, they preferred to associate with the male zebra finches rather than the male Bengalese finches. These results suggest that visual cues alone were effective in initiating choice behaviors by females and that auditory cues facilitate such visually based choice behaviors. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

为探明手动作流畅性和情感材料呈现空间在不同利手者左右空间情感偏好中的关系,本研究将情绪Stroop范式和眼动测量相结合,通过反应速度和眼动数据将动作流畅性和空间情感注意偏向相分离,并考察其交互作用。结果发现右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手效应,不同利手者在使用左手时表现出对优势手同侧空间的内隐情感偏好,表明右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手流畅性的主导作用,手动作流畅性和内隐空间情感偏好的作用可以分离。  相似文献   

In a series of 4 experiments, the effects of extinction on flavor preferences conditioned by mixing flavor cues with a nutrient were examined. In each experiment it was observed that rats preferred a flavor cue that had not undergone extinction to one that had. In addition, this preference was reversed in subjects trained thirsty (Experiments 1 and 2) if the associated nutrient had been devalued prior to the test or the preference for the nonextinguished cue was attenuated by nutrient devaluation in subjects trained hungry (Experiments 3 and 4). The results suggest that extinction may weaken associations between the flavor and the specific sensory properties of the nutrient and, for subjects trained hungry, between the flavor and the motivational components of the nutrient as well.  相似文献   

Lateral preferences for the use of eye, hand, and foot were assessed in 17 male and female albino subjects, aged 15 to 52 yr. Visual evoked potential (VEP) recordings suggested that optic fibres were abnormally decussated in these subjects, as others have shown. Fewer albino subjects showed the lateral preference for the use of hand/eye and foot/eye similar to that of normals. It is postulated that the abnormal decussation of optic fibres may underlie the reduced preference for the use of the same hand and eye, and foot and eye, in albinos.  相似文献   

Hand mouthing often has been described as a stereotypic response that is maintained by non-social (automatic) reinforcement; however, data supporting this conclusion can be found in relatively few studies. This series of studies presents an experimental analysis of conditions associated with the maintenance of hand mouthing. In Experiment 1, a functional analysis was conducted for 12 individuals who engaged in chronic hand mouthing to determine whether the behavior is usually maintained independent of social contingencies. Results obtained for 10 subjects were consistent with an automatic reinforcement hypothesis; the remaining 2 subjects' hand mouthing was maintained by social-positive reinforcement. Based on these results, Experiment 2 was designed to identify the specific reinforcing properties of hand mouthing. Each of 4 subjects was provided with a toy that substituted for hand mouthing, and preference for a specific topography of toy manipulation (hand-toy contact or mouth-toy contact) was measured. Results indicated that hand stimulation was the predominant reinforcer for all subjects. Experiment 3 provided an extension of Experiment 2 in that the same responses were measured across a variety of toys presented to each of 5 subjects. Results again indicated that hand stimulation was the predominant reinforcer for all subjects. Implications of these results are discussed with relevance to treatment.  相似文献   

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