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Cognitive distorsions are inherent to any gambling situation whatever the level of commitment of the gambler. Irrational beliefs lead the subject to overestimate his share of control over the game's outcome to the detriment of chance. Knowing the objective probability to win and having good numeric capacities of reasoning does not prevent the gamblers from developing these false beliefs. According to the concept of double switching proposed by Ladouceur and Sévigny (2005), irrational beliefs would coexist with objective knowledges on the game and would bustle in situation of gambling. The progress and the outcome of the game influence the development and the maintenance of cognitive distorsions, which influences the subject's practice of gambling. Pathological gambling, repeated and persistent gambling behavior, is characterized in particular by the presence of cognitive distortions, leading the subject to maintain, even to increase his gambling practice. Indeed, if cognitive distorsions are present in any situation of gambling, it seems nevertheless that it is more frequent and more intense in problem and pathological gamblers. Cognitive distorsions, in particular illusion of control, thus lead to a more important practice of gambling and a financial risk-taking, favoring the installation and the preservation of problem gambling. Certain factors seem to influence cognitive distorsions. There is a gender effect: women would present fewer irrational beliefs than men. Depression, anxiety and stress would also favor the development of these beliefs in situation of gambling. Several methods exist to estimate cognitive distorsions in gamblers. The first researches are based on assessment made by others (observation and analysis of gambler's verbalizations). Afterward, several self-report scales were created. At the moment, none of these scales has been validated in French language. The identification of gambling related cognitive distortions permit to elaborate adapted modes of treatment. So, the cognitive therapy suggests identifying and restructuring the beliefs to bring the subject to change his gambling behavior. In spite of the current knowledge on cognitive distorsions, certain questions remain open, in particular about the implication of theses beliefs in games implying a part of strategy, in which the subject has effectively a certain control over the game.  相似文献   

The objective of our study is to investigate the sources of motivation as well as the resources that help the worker to maintain his or her activity during periods of lockdown. It rests on a qualitative approach based on semi-directive interviews with a sample of self-employed workers. Several studies in social, labour and organisational psychology are of interest in studying intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors as well as the importance of certain resources, personal, social or professional, in maintaining the worker's activity. Our results show that the most motivated workers are those who combine several intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Moreover, it is personal resources, such as adaptability, that mainly help the worker to maintain his or her activity.  相似文献   

Among factors favoring the addictive behaviors, some specific family processes are often identified in eating disorders and dependences with psychoactive substances. Different models of systemic orientation described the familial disturbances involved in the addictive pathologies emphasizing either the emotional interaction and the processes of differentiation family, either the structure and the level of family cohesion. This article proposes a critical review of the systemic literature on the familial disturbances involved in the families of adolescents with eating disorders or with a substance-dependence. The systemic models (Bowen, Minuchin) are reference values in the understanding of family processes and therapy with families. The observations of these family processes have been confronted to empirical researches integrating different epistemological levels and different methods. The empirical results are heterogenous concerning the different forms of family functioning associated with these addictive pathologies. The empirical studies support the hypothesis of a family dysfunctioning in the different addictive behaviors and demonstrate the relationship between the severity of familial disorders and the severity of the addictive disorders. However, the family configuration described by the typological models is rarely found complete or with a similar intensity between the families. The studies support the hypothesis of an emotional distance in the family interactions and a lack of parental care which could correspond to factors of chronicity or vulnerability. Comparing the family characteristics of these two types of addictive behaviors, the literature supports the existence of (1) some specific family characteristics according to the type of addictive behavior (in particular the conflict avoidance which appears specifically in anorexic families) (2) some similar family patterns of interactions between the members of addictive families in particular the representation of a low family cohesion, an intergenerational enmeschment and a high level of control. These family patterns suggest rather to a dimensional approach of the family characterized by different protective or risk factors. We suggest that these family patterns could constitute, according to their importance (intensity and frequence), a family risk factor of development or aggravation of the addictive behaviors.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe illusion of control is widely accepted as a key factor in the gambling behaviors. A polysemic concept, its theoretical definition remains debatable, however, and the multitude of measures used to account for it makes it difficult to compare the results of research on it.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to clarify what the illusion of control is and to provide a measure that captures what it is.MethodBy considering the two valences, positive (focusing on gains) and negative (focusing on losses), relating to gambling cognitions, two subscales were thus subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on the data collected from 482 participants (82.78% of women, Mage = 36.5, SDage = 12.31).ResultsThe results reveal that a 4-factor solution (absolute luck/series law; skills, knowledge and strategies; superstitious rituals and behaviours; personal luck/misfortune) allows us to describe the sample data for each of the two subscales. Polynomial regressions with response surface analyses make the case for presenting the two subscales simultaneously (matrix format). These analyses also show that the illusion of control is linked to gambling habits through the interaction of positive and negative valences. In particular, individuals gamble more frequently when they simultaneously attribute more their winnings and less their losses to luck.ConclusionsThe usefulness of this new tool, which addresses the illusion of control by a direct measurement of its dimensions and an indirect measurement of its affective structure, is discussed both in terms of research and practice, since it would make it possible to orient care.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2022,2022(174):39-42
Brexit, by its magnitude, has many legal consequences, including the issue of access to healthcare. Although an exit agreement has been reached between the European Union and the United Kingdom, problems still arise regarding the social protection of European and British residents.  相似文献   

How to adjust to the malignancy is an area that is widely explored by researchers in health psychology for over 35 years. A number of concepts and theories have been developed in an attempt to help people better cope with this particularly stressful life event. Two theoretical approaches are briefly presented: the transactional model of stress and the health belief model. Then, we discuss the interest of several concepts from these models (personality traits, social support, perceived control and coping), illustrating recent research. Finally, both theoretical and practical perspectives are discussed, with proposals that are supported to develop to help patients.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(3):175-192
IntroductionAs an extension of the counseling program for adults, dedicated to meaning of life and meaning of work, a complementary session called “Developing the meaning of one's life by cultivating one's links with others and social communities” has been created. It is developed under the impetus in particular of formulated research perspectives in which broadening the focus is encouraged, by no longer focusing solely on individuals but also on social groups, collectives and communities.ObjectiveThe intention is to understand the way through which meaning is developed by way of contact with social interactions and how the development of reflection on social communities makes it possible to enrich the individual in the construction of his identity, his references and of his social integration. This session strives not to reinforce, with the accompaniment to meaning, individualism, excessive self-centeredness, withdrawal into oneself within what is known of the intimate sphere. On the contrary, it strives to promote an awareness of the importance of the link to others, of an openness to otherness which is fundamental in the construction of meaning.ProcedureThe objective of this study is to present the session by considering its processes and its effects in order to provide practicing psychologists and counselors in the field of orientation with an intervention device and operational tools.Concluding discussionThe scientific and practical implications are discussed in the light of the main results collected during the 2019 experimentation of this session with four communities and its application within five counseling programs validating its contributions for the beneficiaries and for the overall device.  相似文献   

The present study aims at exploring the effect of user control on learning from technical animations. First, the concept of user controllability is defined and possible reasons for the divergent findings concerning its effectiveness in supporting learning are considered. Second, an empirical study is reported, in which young learners studied the operation of gear systems from animated instruction involving different levels of user control. Finally, results of the study are discussed and related to processing constraints that may influence the educational effectiveness of user controllable animations.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(3):199-213
The traumatic impact linked to the revelation of an assault, at the time of the announcement of the abuse, but also in the daily life of the family, disrupts the family system. This study aims to compare the perception of the parent and his child when the child has been the victim of a sexual, psychological and/or physical extra-family assault, particularly around emotions, guilt and the victimization experience. The exploratory research approach is through the qualitative analysis of the content of interviews conducted with parents and children received by the Medico-Judiciary Unit (UMJ) and the Youth Victims Reception Unit. (UAJV). Our results show the presence of a strong emotional state in parents that results in anger, as well as a difficulty in naming emotions in their children. Children have difficulty to express their emotions, but everyday life seems less difficult than parents. Despite the limitations due to the small sample and the conditions for data collection, recommendations for clinical treatment of families are proposed.  相似文献   

Referring to studies about addictive behaviors, the objective of this article is to present the validation of a new tool for the assessment of the addictive behaviors with or without substances: the Addictive Intensity Evaluation Questionnaire (AIEQ). Twelve different versions of the AIEQ have been administered to 354 participants in order to assess their addictive behaviors. The study of the factorial structure of the questionnaire and its reliability allow us considering the psychometric qualities of the AIEQ as satisfactory. The results suggest the existence of a continuum between the absence of addiction and the severe forms of addiction. The discussion section proposes a classification based on the severity of the addictive behaviors and applications of the use of the AIEQ.  相似文献   

This study compares the effectiveness of two compliances without pressure techniques (door-in-the-face and “you-are-free-of…”) in favour of a charitable donation. This evaluation relates to an event, which was very present in medias (tsunami of December 26, 2004). The results indicate an effectiveness of the two techniques compared to a control condition. However, the “you-are-free-of…” technique proved less effective in time than the door-in-the-face. An interpretation on the basis of various mechanism implied by the two techniques is proposed.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that environmental attitudes and behaviour are linked to people's values. In the present study, adherence to a pro-environmental norm is expected to be associated with self-transcendence values, whereas clear-sightedness regarding this norm is expected to be associated with self-enhancement values. Amongst a sample of 191 participants, values are measured with Schwartz's Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ) and normative adherence and clear-sightedness are measured within the self-presentation paradigm, using a pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour questionnaire. Overall, results corroborate the hypotheses. It is argued that the distinction between normative adherence and clear-sightedness enables alternative interpretations of research exploring the relationship between values and pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour.  相似文献   

This research aims at suggesting a causal model of risk-taking, following the announcement of another player's gains in a gamble with elementary characteristics. Risk-taking was measured by investment ratio, the amount the participant decided to bet divided by his current total assets. According to Langer's definition [J Perso Soc Psychol 32 (1975) 311-328], the illusion of control was measured by the level of personal success. The results show that the knowledge of another's gain increased risk-taking and the expectancy of personal success. These results validated the causal-model wherein the effect of the knowledge of another's gain on risk-taking was mediated by the expectancy of personal success. The discussion relates mainly to the need for taking into account the fact that gamblers are not isolated decision-makers, but takes account of some social parameters which guide their choices and actions.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):357-375
IntroductionAlthough orthorexia is described as a pathological obsession over healthy food, its nature remains unclear. The results of the majority of studies, mainly using the ORTO-15 measurement scale, remain limited to certain countries and cannot be generalized to every culture. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that body image should be included in the orthorexia research, in addition to eating disorders.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to propose a French adaptation of the ORTO-15 measurement scale using the Vallerand's transcultural validation procedure, explore its psychometric properties and the links between orthorexic behvaiour, symptoms of eating disorders and body image.MethodFour hundred and nine young adults (89% female), aged 18 to 25 years, completed the online version of the following scales: ORTO-15, Dunn et al. criteria (2016), the Eating-Attitudes Test (EAT-26), Binge Eating Scale (BES) and the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scale (MBSRQ-AS). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA, respectively) were carried out on two randomly split samples and links between different variables were explored using Spearman correlation coefficients.ResultsThe EFA yielded a single-factor 11-items structure explaining 24% of variance. The adjustment indices from the CFA were excellent. The stability of the scale was satisfactory (ICC = 0.71), despite a questionable internal consistency (α = .50). Links with other scales indicated good structural validity.ConclusionORTO-11-Fr presented satisfactory psychometric properties. Further studies are needed for identifying predictors of orthorexia as well as improving its definition and assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of perception of religious control during the first year after breast cancer diagnosis and to establish how this evolution could have an effect on coping strategies, psychological distress and quality of life. One hundred and seventeen patients completed four self-reports questionnaires at surgery time and 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 months after the first assessment. Findings showed that religious control declined during the first 4 months treatment, although it is stable after. Furthermore, maintenance of religious control was associated with lower helplessness-hopelessness, denial, anxious preoccupations and avoidance and with better emotional and physical quality of life at all times of the study. We found no association with anxiety or depression.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):105-120
The present study aimed to assess workaholism in the light of job demands (psychological demands, efforts, emotional dissonance) and job resources (control, social support, rewards). The study was conducted among 342 employment counselors. The results revealed that the employment counselors would have all the more workaholism behaviors that the organizational context expose them to high levels of psychological demands and efforts, high levels of over-commitment and emotional dissonance and low levels of social support and rewards. Multiple regressions highlighted the central role of psychological demands, over-investment and emotional dissonance to reveal workaholism.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the specific relation between 18-month-olds’ performance on tasks measuring language skills, executive function (EF) and theory of mind (ToM). The ToM tasks included measures of intention and false-belief understanding whereas working memory and inhibitory control were assessed with three EF tasks. Expressive vocabulary was assessed with the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory. The main findings showed that both aspects of ToM are strongly linked at this age to inhibitory control, but not to working memory abilities. Language skills were not associated with either ToM or EF abilities. With regard to inter-tasks coherence within EF and ToM, we replicated previous findings with no consistency across EF tasks but an association between false-belief and intention understanding. Overall, these findings provide evidence for a link between executive function and theory of mind at the youngest age ever tested. They also challenge the view that EF is not required to succeed on the false-belief task based on spontaneous responses.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2021,2021(171):120-122
Vaginal lubricants and moisturizers are products of similar composition used as appropriate to alleviate pathological dryness or facilitate sexual intercourse. The status of this type of product is not clear to some companies who confuse cosmetics and medical devices. With regard to the regulatory definition of cosmetics, it appears that this type of product can in no way be marketed under this status.  相似文献   

Professional career paths are nowadays marked by multiple transitions. Job loss is one of the most frequent causes of professional transitions. Given this emphasis, recent studies questioned a possible evolution of the “work” norm, the emergence of an “unemployment norm” and its effects on job seekers. This paper proposes to contribute to the discussion on the current evolution of the relation to work and unemployment. At first, the results of a study with 500 unemployed people, who completed a questionnaire on work centrality and on the perception of work, will be presented. Then, a discourse analysis on the meaning and meaningfulness of work of 15 working people will be discussed. The results show the central function of work and the relative normalization of unemployment.  相似文献   

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