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The paper deals with some of the ways in which the last Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menahem Mendel Schneerson, radicalized the legacy of his predecessor, Yosef Yitshak Schneersohn, who was the first hasidic leader to mobilize women as active members of the Habad constituency. In the teachings of Menahem Mendel Schneerson, women were invested for the first time with the sense of being full-fledged female hasidim in their own right. Moreover, unlike his predecessor, whose mobilization of women never became an integral element of his apocalyptic messianism, Menahem Mendel Schneerson consistently framed the empowerment of women in terms of kabbalistic eschatology, anticipating in the present the inverted gender hierarchy of the messianic future, which was, as he declared, just about to unfold. In this context, he applied to women some of the classical hasidic formulations of the doctrine of the tsadik, depicting them as a channel that mediates between Heaven and earth, and as the trigger that releases from Heaven the flow of material prosperity expressed in terms of the traditional tsadik’s blessing for sons (offspring), life (health), and food (secure livelihood).  相似文献   

Many Palestinian women in the occupied territories face the risk of experiencing incidents of personal loss of their husbands, youngsters, and relatives through death, imprisonment, or deportation due to daily confrontation with the Israeli occupation. In many such incidents, the individualistic focus of psychological therapy renders it less appropriate as a technique to minimize the psychosocial consequences of loss at the population (macro) level. The current study evaluates the effectiveness of an alternative approach called “from a bereaved woman to another.” A convenience sample of 94 bereaved women (aged 31–50 years) from West Bank territories took part in this initiative. The results of the study confirmed a statistically significant increase in women's positive self-attitudes and interpersonal skills and a decrease in loss-related symptoms.  相似文献   

The identity of the Roman Catholic priesthood remains in serious crisis. Scholars have called for a return to traditional sources to find possible solutions, including the Early Church Fathers and the Hebrew Bible. Following Oden, this article further explores Pope Gregory the Great’s The Book of Pastoral Rule and his ideals regarding pastoral identity. Of unique importance is his notion of the pastor as a “physician of the heart,” unrecognized previously as central to his project.  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - The question of the conformance of a researcher’s features to the stereotype of a scientist is rarely addressed in the context of scientific research....  相似文献   

Shor  Eran  van de Rijt  Arnout  Miltsov  Alex 《Sex roles》2019,81(1-2):44-58
Sex Roles - Positive or negative media coverage may have important consequences for individuals’ lives and ability to succeed. One potential factor that may affect the tone of coverage, in...  相似文献   

This article begins to consider the late careers of late eighteenth-century English women writers. It provides a brief review of some of the eighteenth-century attitudes toward aging women and focuses specifically on the aging female writer. Surveying the available literature on this topic, the author demonstrates the need for a more thorough investigation of aging, gender, literary output, and reception among the first generations of professional women writers in Great Britain. This article concludes with a consideration of Hester Lynch Piozzi and some of her writing from her late years.  相似文献   

The wisdom of children's literature

The psychological symbiosis of child and adult merged together in a good story is the prima materia moment of the object relations theorist.

The root metaphor is one of finding a path whereby we can establish an ego in the world without developing violent body armor.

New fall releases

Omnibus review

Pushing at the boundaries of reality: the child and the dream

New books and magazines

M.a. and ph.d. programs with degree specialization in depth psychology

The secret world of drawings: healing through art. by gregg furth. boston: sigo press, 1988.

The chiron clinical series dreams in analysis

Spring 49-1989 a journal of archetype and culture

Jungian child psychotherapy: in-dividuation in childhood. edited by mara sidoli and miranda davies. London: karnac, 1988.

Children of psychiatrists and other psychotherapists. by thomas maeder. New york: harper &; row, 1989.

Analytical psychology notes of the seminar given in 1925

C. g. jung and the humanities toward a hermeneutics of culture

The father: mythology and changing roles. by arthur coleman and libby coleman. Wilmette, illinois: chiron publications, 1988.

When you're ready: a woman's healing from childhood physical and sexual abuse by her mother. by kathy evert. Walnut creek, ca: launch press, 1987.

Emotional child abuse: the family curse. by joel covitz. Boston: sigo press, 1986.

Inscapes of the child's world: jungian counseling hi schools and clinics. by john allan. Spring publications, 1988.

The plural psyche. by andrew samuels. London: routledge, 1989.  相似文献   

Which employees tend to better perform with customers? We suggest a combination of individual differences; specifically, we consider both why employees are working (prosocial motivation) and how (emotional labor). Deep acting should enhance the positive relationship between prosocial motivation and performance, while surface acting should dampen this relationship. Using a field sample of 214 grocery clerks and supervisor ratings of interpersonal performance with customers, we did not find the amplifying effect of deep acting. We do find the dampening effect for surface acting, such that surface acting buffers those with low prosocial motives, presumably by allowing them to “act” like they want to help others. This helps to explain the weak relationship of prosocial motives with performance and suggests implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Using a clinical vignette describing her work with a Korean patient, Kris Yi draws attention to the ways in which ethnic minority cultures are not monolithic. Yi offers the theoretical construct of a “cultural dissociation.” When sexual violence or discrimination is infused with cultural practices, people may seek relief by dissociating themselves from the culture that is fused with emotional pain. In this discussion, using examples that range from Sigmund Freud to Henry Louis Gates, I link Yi’s formulation to one I have developed, namely, that race in America constitutes an adaptive problem. When clinicians take into account the adaptive nature of the problem that race and ethnicity constitute in contemporary American culture, practitioners should expect dislocations. I conclude with a call for our profession open ourselves to the different stories differently situated others have to tell in their own voices and on their own terms.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss how the space of the classroom is a contested object that is constituted by historical, cultural, political, social, psychological, and discursive practices (Lefebvre in The production of space, Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1991). I then employ Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of “assemblage” to characterize the ways in which educational spaces cohere “content and affect” quoted in Puar (Terrorist assemblages: Homonationalism in queer times, Duke University Press, Durham, 2007, 193) into discursive figures of the heteronormative and racialized national “family.” Finally, I argue that in order to advance contemporary theorizing on safe space we might consider shifting the metaphor of the classroom (and/or schooling) as a situation of home (in loco parentis) to that of a metaphor of camp. As a discursive practice, “camp” is like “home” in that it has multiple associations of past histories. However, the advantage of the metaphor of classroom as camp allows for a more capacious range of past histories of association, from recreation to temporary inhabitation to forced relocation, thus foregrounding the innate political implications of theorizing space. Moreover, the metaphor of camp implies transience (whether real or imaginary) while keeping in mind the partial and situated nature of particular places and spaces. Foregrounding the transient component/feature of safe space allows us to make visible and explore the possibilities and limitations of conceptualizing relations of power as circuitous, contested and performative through competing claims to particular places as objects of safety.  相似文献   

Klein E  Klein C 《Cognitive Science》2012,36(2):179-82; author reply 183-6
In their "The Prevalence of Mind-Body Dualism in Early China," Slingerland and Chudek use a statistical analysis of the early Chinese corpus to argue for Weak Folk Dualism (WFD). We raise three methodological objections to their analysis. First, the change over time that they find is largely driven by genre. Second, the operationalization of WFD is potentially misleading. And, third, dating the texts they use is extremely controversial. We conclude with some positive remarks.  相似文献   


This article argues that Nietzsche’s meta-ethics is basically a form of sentimentalism (as opposed to cognitivism), but a form of sentimentalism that includes cognitive components in the sentiments that are involved. The article also ascribes to Nietzsche the more original position that the moral sentiments in question vary dramatically between historical periods, cultures, and even individuals, sometimes indeed to the point of becoming inverted between one case and another. Finally, the article also attributes to Nietzsche a hermeneutic insight into certain problems that this situation causes for the accurate interpretation of other people’s (moral) viewpoints. Along the way, the article in addition argues that Nietzsche’s positions on all these issues were molded not only by such well-known influences as Paul Rée and Hume, but also, and indeed more strongly, by Herder (and Hegel), and it develops some grounds for thinking that the positions in question are highly plausible ones.  相似文献   

The author presents the clinical case of a patient in his third analysis who seemed emotionless, did not feel alive, and complained of an uncontrollable urge to gamble, with disastrous financial results. His previous four-session-a-week “orthodox” analysis had left him prey to a sense of emptiness and to intense suicidal urges. He wanted only two weekly sessions, which became three after some analytic work. The author stresses the danger of rigidly following inflexible standards and the consequent activation of a pseudo-compliance in the analysand. A more slowly paced psychoanalysis should not be considered lower in the pecking order than “high-frequency” treatment, the author maintains: It requires great creative subjective involvement on the part of the analyst and close interaction in the context of the analytic couple. The author shows how this analysis involved a series of interactions in which the analyst was called upon to exercise a complex responsiveness, attuned in each instance to the patient's current needs. Finally he focuses on some clinical passages to show how the patient's internal theories represent a glaring assault on common sense and how death was not recognized perceptionally on a realistic level, but was instead replaced with acting out death against himself by keeping himself mentally dead and by suicidal urges.  相似文献   

Existing definitions of the self can be lumped into three groups: self as self-reflectivity, self as self-concept, and self as the individual. This article traces current disagreements over the definition of the self to a crucial ambiguity in William James's original delineation of the “Me.” Implicit in James's delineation was a distinction between first-order objects and second-order objects: while first-order objects are things as they are, independent of the perception of a knowing subject, second-order objects are things as perceived by a knowing subject. This article makes this distinction explicit and argues that the self is a second-order object associated with the first-person or “emic” perspective. Defined as the empirical existence of the individual (first order) perceived by the individual as “me” or “mine” (second order), the self is distinguished from the “I” which is the mental capacity for self-reflection; the self-concept which is the mental representation of the individual's existence; and the individual which is the empirical referent of the self-concept. As a second-order object, the “Me,” i.e., the self, is the unity of the existence and perception of the individual.  相似文献   

Cultivating a sense of humor that has redemptive possibilities for the soul in a post-Christendom era is an important but nonetheless risky act of pastoral ministry. Humor, like the soul, involves ambiguity, incongruity and paradox. Insufficient appreciation of the paradoxical nature of humor contributes to views that are both overly suspicious as well as insufficiently cautious where humor is concerned. A redemptive sense of humor is explored as a virtue analogous to the Greek virtue of eutrapelia in tension with bomocholia (buffoonery/flippancy) and agroikia (boorishness/excessive seriousness). The work of Erik and Joan Erikson on the needed tension between the syntonic and dystonic further clarifies how humor best serves the soul. I conclude that the willingness to cultivate a sense of humor is an act of faith.  相似文献   

A brief historical and philosophical analysis suggests that the biomedical model and prevention have been the pillars of health promotion practices with the underlying assumption that these concepts provide answers to people’s health woes. Another observation resulting from this analysis is that biomedical, prevention, and more recently, wellness, do not differ much from each other paradigmatically (e.g., instrumental rationality) and, hence, are severely restricted in their short- and long-term effectiveness for helping people with healthy living and quality of life. It is proposed that eudaimonic well-being—if explored, understood, and implemented in a manner that holds true to the purity of the concept—offers significant promise for shifts in health promotion practices that may lead to transformative health experiences and enhanced quality of life.  相似文献   

Sprecher  Susan  Regan  Pamela C.  McKinney  Kathleen 《Sex roles》1998,38(3-4):301-311
A person perception experiment was conducted toexamine people's beliefs about the outcome of anextramarital sexual relationship involving ahypothetical single friend and a married person. Twohundred and eleven undergraduate students (80 males and129 females; most of whom were Caucasian) were theparticipants in the experiment. The married person inthe vignette was presented as either a man or a woman (and always the opposite gender of the singlefriend) and as having low or high investments in themarriage (as indicated by number of children and yearsmarried). Results indicated that the participants' perceptions of the outcome of this type ofextramarital relationship depended on the gender of themarried person/single friend. Participants were morelikely to believe that the married person loved the extramarital partner, was committed to theextramarital relationship, and would marry theextramarital partner, if the married person was a womanrather than a man. The investment manipulations had noeffect on participants' perceptions of therelationship. The results were discussed as they relateto other beliefs about male vs. femalesexuality.  相似文献   

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