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信任被破坏后如何修复是当前信任研究中未解的问题之一。有效的信任修复应关注整个关系, 包括信任、消极情感和消极行为三方面的内容; 修复结果可能出现矛盾状态, 且在某些情况下无法被彻底修复。现有关于信任修复的理论过程主要有归因、社会平衡和结构, 其研究视角经历了从单方向交互作用的转换, 当前研究更关注修复策略与修复效果之间的调节变量。今后研究应重视归因、人际和结构过程的整合, 尝试结合现场跟踪研究和个案研究以提高结果的外部效度, 以及考虑时间、社会情景和情绪对信任修复的影响等。  相似文献   

自动驾驶是当前智能汽车发展的重要方向。在实现完全自动化驾驶前, 驾驶员和自动驾驶系统共享车辆控制权, 协同完成驾驶任务。在该人-机共驾阶段, 人对自动驾驶系统的信任是影响自动驾驶中人机协同效率与驾驶安全的关键要素; 驾驶员对自动驾驶车辆保持适当的信任水平对驾驶安全至关重要。本研究结合信任的发展阶段与影响因素提出了动态信任框架。该框架将信任发展分为倾向性信任、初始信任、实时信任和事后信任四个发展阶段, 并结合操作者特征(人)、系统特征(自动驾驶车系统)、情境特征(环境)三个关键因素分析不同阶段的核心影响因素以及彼此间的内在关联。根据该框架, 信任校准可从监测矫正、驾驶员训练、优化HMI设计三类途径展开。未来研究应更多关注驾驶员和人机系统设计特征对信任的影响, 考察信任的实时测量和功能特异性, 探讨驾驶员和系统的相互信任机制, 以及提升信任研究的外部效度。  相似文献   

组织内信任的维持与修复   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
组织内信任可以促进组织成员间的沟通, 增强组织凝聚力, 提高工作效率; 而信任违背与不信任则会给组织造成巨大的经济、情感和社会成本消耗。因此, 信任破坏后的修复就变得十分重要, 也逐渐得到国内外研究者的重视。组织内信任是一个多水平的结构, 它的建立与维护受到个体、人际、组织等不同水平的多种变量的影响。信任违背后的修复策略有很多种, 这些策略的有效性因情境的不同而有所差异。明确组织内信任的概念, 完善研究工具以及进一步探讨更多影响信任修复效果的相关因素是未来的研究趋向。  相似文献   

马华维  杨柳  姚琦 《心理学探新》2011,31(2):186-191
随着组织联盟与合作的增多,组织间信任问题日益得到研究者关注。文章尝试从动、静态的角度对组织间信任的前因变量和结果变量进行梳理:单方组织层面的人口学特征及获得性特征,以及涉及双方互动层面的过去经历、目前状态及未来期望等因素会影响组织间信任的建立,降低双方合作的风险;而已经形成的组织间信任又会起到促进新知识的应用,提高联盟绩效及合作满意度的作用。今后的研究应关注组织信任的多层次分析、重视研究对象领域和地域的多样化以及互动(配对)和纵向数据的收集等。  相似文献   

快速信任是适应临时性组织的速成性、短期性和任务复杂性特点而形成的新的信任研究方向, 其一反传统信任对个性、人际关系和情感的关注而转向对认知、行为和角色的关注。利用快速信任能有效地管理临时性组织的脆弱性、不确定性、风险和期望问题。在介绍快速信任的概念和测量的基础上, 综述了影响快速信任形成的信任倾向、类别与原型和角色等因素, 并阐述了快速信任对团队及系统层面结果变量的影响。未来研究需对快速信任的情感成分、测量及维度划分、快速信任与领导的交互影响、快速信任下的不信任以及快速信任的动态发展方面展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

张宁  张雨青  吴坎坎 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1137-1143
信任是建立在对他人的意向或行为的积极预期基础上而敢于托付(愿意承受风险)的一种心理状态。心理学家以及组织管理学家通过对信任发展的研究提出了信任发展的二元互动模型、理性选择模型、动机归因模型和可信赖程度--合作双螺旋模型。背叛行为会对信任关系的建立与发展带来永久性的伤害。已有的关于信任的神经生理机制的研究表明:人们所表现出的信任行为与其催产素水平密切相关,而且信任与背纹状体、前脑岛以及处理奖赏信息相关的脑区--伏隔核、尾状核、腹内侧额叶/前额脑区底部和侧前扣带皮层--的活动相关联。尽管目前关于信任的研究已经取得了很大进展,但是要解开信任的心理机制及其神经生理机制之谜,还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

从信任违背到信任修复:道德情绪的作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期学者已经从认知的角度分析信任违背的原因及修复方式。近年来,情绪对信任修复的影响引起了重点关注,但是情绪在其中的作用机制并未得到解答。当前的研究主要从情绪影响信任的线索依赖效应和离散情绪(内疚、羞愧、愤怒、悲伤等)对信任修复的影响这两个角度着手研究情绪对信任修复的影响。通过文献梳理发现内疚和共情两种道德情绪是影响信任修复最重要的情绪因素:内疚能够促进受信方做出补偿行为,共情能够促进信任方宽恕他人。基于此构建了道德情绪的信任修复模型,并考虑了目标线索和信任方的特质性宽恕的调节作用。同时建议未来的研究进一步探讨其他离散情绪尤其是道德情绪对信任修复的作用,并关注情境与情绪的交互作用。  相似文献   

已有关于信任修复的研究主要集中在正直和/或能力违背方面,关注特定信任修复策略的修复效果。本研究以修复机制划分修复策略,考察不信任的约束策略及信任的展示策略对于正直违背和善心违背的修复效果差异。以408名企业员工为被试,通过情景模拟法操作违背类型和修复策略,结果显示:组织信任的正直违背比善心违背破坏性更大,更难修复;约束策略对善心违背的修复效果显著高于对正直违背的修复效果;对正直违背来说,展示策略相对更有效。  相似文献   

人际信任渗透在社会交互的各个方面, 是促进和维持合作的重要基石。以往研究者借助信任博弈范式, 主要探讨了人际信任的理论模型、生物基础和影响因素等方面。近年来, 研究者开始将计算模型应用于信任博弈的数据分析中, 深入挖掘人际信任行为背后的心理机制, 将计算模型与神经影像技术结合, 加深对信任行为背后脑机制的理解。目前将计算模型应用于信任博弈范式中的研究主要针对“信任是如何形成的”这一科学问题, 未来要进一步发展计算模型方法, 结合非侵入性脑刺激技术, 应用于精神疾病人群中, 以深入理解正常和异常信任形成的心理和神经机制。  相似文献   

回顾10多年来国内外关于青少年人际信任发展的影响因素的研究进展,研究范围涉及到个体层面、人际交往层面、群体层面的诸多因素,并得到了一些发人思考的结论。研究表明较高水平的人际信任可以使青少年获得更大的发展空间,进而促进其健康发展。未来研究应在早期人际信任发展的作用上予以重视,在人际信任的心理机制上进行深入探讨,同时更要在干预研究上进一步加强。  相似文献   

马华维  姚琦 《心理学报》2012,44(6):818-829
组织信任已成为管理学领域的热点研究议题, 虽然研究者开发了多种信任测量工具, 但多数信任测量工具与当前主导的组织信任定义不一致, 缺乏针对意愿的信任测量, 更没有研究探讨不同形态信任之间的关系及相应测量工具的适用范围。本研究以上级信任为切入点, 试图回答上述问题。研究1将信任视为一种行动意愿, 基于信任行为理论框架和开放性问卷结果, 开发了包含6个题目、“依赖”和“表露”两个维度的《企业员工对直接上级信任问卷》。研究2以553名企业员工为被试, 通过潜变量路径分析考察了不同形态信任之间的关系。结果显示:信任(意愿)受认知和情绪因素的共同影响; 可信度在信任基础和信任(意愿)间起部分中介作用; 信任(意愿)在可信度和工作满意的关系中起完全中介作用; 作为意愿的信任, 相对于信任基础(认知和情感信任)和可信度, 与信任结果变量(工作满意)关系最近, 能更直接、有效地测量信任水平。  相似文献   

This study conceptualized perceived trustworthiness of the individual, self-disclosure to the individual, perceived trustworthiness of people in general, and disclosive tendencies to other people in general to be indicants of a broader construct of trust. Self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness of the individual were found to be related constructs assessing differential aspects of the trust construct. Likewise, self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness of the individual were found to be criterial attributes of interpersonal solidarity. These communication-related phenomena indicated the solidarity of interpersonal relationships. In the progress of the research, a 20-item measure of perceived interpersonal solidarity was developed as a criterion for assessing the impact of communication-related variables on interpersonal relationships. Other exploratory research issues were investigated.  相似文献   

Because the choice to trust is inherently risky, people naturally assess others’ trustworthiness before they engage in trusting actions. The research reported here suggests that the trust development process may start before the conscious assessment of trustworthiness, via the activation of a relational schema. We present three experiments that examined the automatic, non-conscious activation of interpersonal trusting behavior via a variety of subliminal cues: positive or negative, relational or non-relational, and trust-related or not. In all three studies, subliminal relational cues influenced subsequent trusting behavior, apparently without conscious awareness. Results from the third study also indicated that subliminal relational cues that were specifically trust-related influenced trustors’ expectations of the likelihood of reciprocity. Overall, the data provide initial evidence that the development of interpersonal trust can start before and beneath conscious awareness.  相似文献   

This study develops a culture-contingent model of trust formation in emergent relationships by comparing how trust-warranting signs shape attributions of trustworthiness to unfamiliar trustees in collectivist versus individualist cultures. We predict and find that the effectiveness of dispositional and contextual signs varies systematically depending on trustors’ national culture. Collectivists tend to rely less on dispositional signs and more on situational signs than individualists. This difference fosters distinct trust-building pathways. Individualists bestow trust based on a trustee’s perceived ability and integrity, collectivists’ trusting choices depend to a greater extent on predictable, benevolent interactions with a potential partner. These findings suggest that, in cross-cultural encounters, signs aligned with trustors’ cultural expectations hasten trust production. Mismatched signs are impotent, even off-putting.  相似文献   

Perceived trustworthiness is a critical antecedent of interpersonal trust, yet researchers have a limited understanding of how such perceptions are generated. The authors used 2 competing perspectives within the relational demography literature--similarity-attraction and relational norms--to empirically examine the effect of demographic differences. Whereas the similarity-attraction account suggests that subordinates will perceive their managers as more trustworthy when managers and staff are similar in demographic attributes, the relational norms account proposes that subordinates will perceive their managers as more trustworthy when their demographic differences follow normative expectations. Data collected from a field study of 178 manager-subordinate dyads in Hong Kong and Macau support the relational norms account in terms of education and organizational rank. The authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the study.  相似文献   

面孔可信度在表达和理解社会信号中起着关键作用。人们通过微妙的面部线索快速地判断他人的可信度, 从而帮助人们进行日常生活选择。研究者们对面孔可信度加工的时间进程有关的行为和ERP研究都进行了深入地探讨, 并探索了其毕生发展特点, 以及面孔情绪和面孔性别等因素对面孔可信度评估的影响。未来研究可以提高面孔可信度研究材料的生态效度, 进一步拓展青春期和成年晚期对面孔可信度评估的研究, 以及考虑背景信息对面孔可信度评估的影响。  相似文献   

We present three spiral reinforcement models that describe how mutual perceptions of trustworthiness and/or mutual cooperation may develop in dyadic interpersonal and intergroup relationships: a perceived trustworthiness spiral model, a cooperation spiral model, and a perceived trustworthiness-cooperation spiral model that posits a relatively more complex spiraling between trustworthiness perceptions and cooperation. Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (Kashy & Kenny, 2000) analyses of data from two joint venture business simulations provided support for the spiral models in interpersonal and intergroup relationships. While all three models received some support, the perceived trustworthiness-cooperation spiral received the most consistent support, suggesting that trust perceptions play a crucial mediating role in the development of cooperation in both interpersonal and intergroup interactions. Overall, it does “take two to tango”: the development of mutual trust and cooperation involves an intricate dance that spirals over time and is fundamentally affected by partners’ initial moves.  相似文献   

研究选取297名8~12岁儿童为被试,考察了特质可信度和面孔可信度对儿童同伴信任的预测作用及其预测力的年龄差异。研究采用同伴互评的方式来测量被试对同伴的信任分数。采用同伴提名的方式测量同伴的特质可信度分数。采用第三方评价的方式,获得同伴的面孔可信度分数。结果发现(1)同伴特质可信度和面孔可信度均能正向预测儿童的同伴信任,同伴的特质可信度和面孔可信度越高,儿童对其信任程度也越高。(2)特质和面孔可信度之间存在显著的交互作用。当同伴的面孔可信度高时,特质可信度对儿童同伴信任的预测作用也更大。(3)特质可信度对同伴信任的预测作用随着年龄增长而变大,而面孔可信度对同伴信任的预测作用不存在年龄差异。  相似文献   

Trust is a widely studied phenomenon across numerous disciplines. E‐trust researchers have conducted a vast number of studies, but despite extensive interest in the issue, there are only few studies that concentrate on how consumers build e‐trust. Furthermore, consumer e‐trust is seen to be a function of both interpersonal and institutional e‐trustworthiness, but only limited number of attempts have been conducted to study the relative importance of interpersonal and institutional e‐trustworthiness in consumer e‐trust development process. The present article seeks to improve this situation by studying how consumers' perceived interpersonal and institutional e‐trustworthiness influence their intention to build e‐trust. The results of the study suggest that consumers build e‐trust actively, and the development of e‐trust is not only based on trustees' behaviour. Moreover, the results indicate that interpersonal e‐trustworthiness is more important than institutional e‐trustworthiness in consumers' e‐trust building. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The trust literature distinguishes trustworthiness (the ability, benevolence, and integrity of a trustee) and trust propensity (a dispositional willingness to rely on others) from trust (the intention to accept vulnerability to a trustee based on positive expectations of his or her actions). Although this distinction has clarified some confusion in the literature, it remains unclear (a) which trust antecedents have the strongest relationships with trust and (b) whether trust fully mediates the effects of trustworthiness and trust propensity on behavioral outcomes. Our meta-analysis of 132 independent samples summarized the relationships between the trust variables and both risk taking and job performance (task performance, citizenship behavior, counterproductive behavior). Meta-analytic structural equation modeling supported a partial mediation model wherein trustworthiness and trust propensity explained incremental variance in the behavioral outcomes when trust was controlled. Further analyses revealed that the trustworthiness dimensions also predicted affective commitment, which had unique relationships with the outcomes when controlling for trust. These results generalized across different types of trust measures (i.e., positive expectations measures, willingness-to-be-vulnerable measures, and direct measures) and different trust referents (i.e., leaders, coworkers).  相似文献   

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