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For each response to a nipple from which they were trained to take liquid food, goldfish were punished with a brief ac shock administered through a pair of stainless steel electrodes placed either to the right and left of the animal, over and under it, or in front and back of it. As anticipated, on the assumption that the aversiveness of shock is a function of the potential difference across the animal's body, the right-left orientation of the electrodes was found to produce the least suppression of feeding and the front-back orientation the most.  相似文献   

Grooming movements as operants in the rat   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two experiments investigated the effect of contingent food deliveries on grooming movements in rats. The grooming sequence was divided into three topographically distinct behaviors: paw washing, face washing, and body washing. The first experiment found that rates of paw washing and body washing increased reliably under a food contingency, but face washing did not. A second experiment replicated these findings, and, in addition, showed that the average duration of paw washing and body washing decreased in length when followed by food. Placing a contingency on face washing, however, produced an increase in the rate of paw washing but no increase in face washing. It was concluded that, on the one hand, paw washing and body washing may be influenced by operant contingencies in the same way as behaviors such as lever pressing. On the other hand, increases in paw washing under the face washing contingency suggested that increases in the rate of grooming movements may occur by means other than operant relations.  相似文献   

An intense controversy regarding new and unpopular religious movements, or cults, continues to involve professionals at the juncture of psychiatry, religion, and the law. As the cults come under increasingly critical scrutiny, the concept most often used for assessing them is that of coercive persuasion. Briefly, such persuasion is seen as a means of psychological manipulation that leaves individuals without the normal control of their own minds. Considering recent pertinent cases and literature, the authors find major weaknesses in this theory. When applied it proves elastic, and it is regularly identified in cults for conduct that, on close examination, is similar to that of established religious groups. The concept of coercive persuasion as a means of thought control fails to pass scientific muster, and it serves poorly as a means of evaluating the connection between alleged harm and the cults. Instead, the authors suggest that a search for an alternative theory might well begin with one based on the individual as competent or not to make a choice regarding religion.  相似文献   

In golden hamsters, the expression of a conditioned place preference (CPP) or avoidance (CPA) is regulated in a circadian pattern such that the preference and avoidance are exhibited strongly at the circadian time of prior training, but not at other circadian times. In the rat, reports are conflicting regarding whether time of day learning is evident. We investigated whether this conflict arises because different strains of rat have been used. In this experiment, Long Evans and Wistar rats were trained at a specific circadian time to discriminate between a context paired with food reward and an unpaired context. Animals were then tested for preference at the same or a different circadian time. Long Evans rats showed preference for the paired context at both times tested, whereas Wistar rats showed preference only when training and testing times matched. The results show that time of day learning can be generalized to rats using the Wistar strain.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined mouse killing as a reinforcer of key pressing by rats that killed mice. In Experiment I, mouse-killing rats performed the key-pressing response when each press was reinforced with presentation of a mouse. Offered a choice between a key that yielded presentation of mice and one that did not, the rats preferred the key that yielded mice. When the contingency was reversed, the rats preferred the other key and continued to kill mice. In Experiment II, mouse-killing rats that did not kill rat pups performed a key-pressing response reinforced with presentation of mice on a variable-interval schedule. In tests for responding reinforced on that schedule with presentation of normal mice, anesthetized mice, dead mice, or rat pups, these rats that killed mice but not rat pups exhibited a decline in response rate when rat pups were the reinforcer. Altering the condition of the mice did not significantly affect performance.  相似文献   

Pavlovian conditioning of heart rate in the white rat was attempted using milk presentation as reinforcement, and with both trace and delay paradigms. Delay conditioning produced positive results that were statistically significant, whereas trace conditioning exhibited the same trends but did not reach statistical significance. In both cases, CR had the same direction as UCR to milk (acceleration of heart rate) and opposite to the unconditional reaction to CS. Extinction and reconditioning were both accomplished. Some indications of complex response interactions were noted in the occurrence of the cardiac CR on conditioning trials where the instrumental response to the UCS (drinking) eventually occurred, as against the absence of cardiac CR on trials where the instrumental response did not occur. The existence of such interactions was also indicated by the fact that CR on individual trials within any single session could vary in direction between acceleration and deceleration, although averages might be stable.  相似文献   

Three experiments with paired comparisons were conducted to test the non-compensatory character of the recognition heuristic (D. G. Goldstein & G. Gigerenzer, 2002) in judgment and decision making. Recognition and knowledge about the recognized alternative were manipulated. In Experiment 1, participants were presented pairs of animal names where the task was to select the animal with the larger population. In Experiment 2, participants chose the safer 1 out of 2 airlines, and 3 knowledge cues were varied simultaneously. Recognition effects were partly compensated by task-relevant knowledge. The compensatory effects were additive. Decisions were slower when recognition and knowledge were incongruent. In Experiment 3, compensatory effects of knowledge and recognition were found for the city-size task which had originally been used to demonstrate the non-compensatory character of the recognition heuristic. These results suggest that recognition information is not used in an all-or-none fashion but is integrated with other types of knowledge in judgment and decision making.  相似文献   

M. J. Lavin, B. Freise, and S. Coombes (Behavioral and Neural Biology, 1980, 28, 15–33) have shown that if two rats consume a flavored solution and one is poisoned, the unpoisoned partner will also exhibit a flavor aversion during a later preference test. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a sufficient condition for obtaining this aversion is that the poisoned partner be present with the unpoisoned rat after it has consumed the flavored solution. It is not necessary that the poisoned partner be present when the flavored solution is consumed or indeed have had any exposure to the flavored solution. Experiment 3 showed that the unpoisoned partner can exhibit a flavor aversion when there is a temporal gap of as long as 6 hr between consumption of the flavored solution and exposure to the poisoned rat.  相似文献   

In this work, the authors explored how a person's view of himself or herself might determine his or her use of power in a complex dispute resolution negotiation. In 3 studies of asymmetric power in negotiations, the authors demonstrated that the impact of power on motivation and behavior is moderated by both a person's self-view and the social context. In Study 1, the results revealed that in a one-on-one dispute, powerful individuals primed to hold an interdependent (as opposed to independent) self-construal are more generous in resolving their disputes with low-powered opponents. Study 2 replicated this finding but revealed a different pattern in intergroup disputes, in which powerful interdependent teams of negotiators are actually less generous than are independent teams. Study 3 provided a conceptual replication of Study 2, with the use of chronic measures of self-construal and self-reported measures of behavior. Results suggest that an interdependent self-construal may lead to a more benevolent use of power in dyadic conflicts but more exploitive uses of power in intergroup conflicts. Implications for the understanding of power and self-construal are discussed.  相似文献   

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