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Is Conceptual Analysis Needed for the Reduction of Qualitative States?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I discuss the claim (advanced in various ways by Joseph Levine, Frank Jackson and David Chalmers) that the successful reduction of qualitative to physical states requires some sort of intelligible connection between our qualitative and physical concepts, which in turn requires a conceptual analysis of our qualitative concepts in causal-functional terms. While I defend this claim against some of its recent critics, I ultimately dispute it, and propose a different way to get the requisite intelligible connection between qualitative and physical concepts.  相似文献   

Hardy and Moriarty (2006) presented evidence in support of James's (1890) individual importance hypothesis using a new methodology. Marsh (in press) criticized the Hardy and Moriarty approach, claiming that it did not constitute a valid test of the hypothesis and that in his article he had produced more evidence against it. In this article, we refute both these claims and argue instead that Marsh's individually weighted-averages method does not constitute a valid test of the hypothesis. We also assert that his new analyses actually offer further evidence in support of the Jamesian perspective. Finally, we direct attention toward questionable assumptions that appear to underpin Marsh's approach, and we try to point a way forward for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Signal detection theory (SDT) allows a bias-free measure of sensitivity, d′, to be simply estimated from discrimination data when certain conditions are met. The computation is not straightforward, however, in several popular discrimination designs, such as two- and four-interval same-different designs and the ABX design. The present tables, derived from the SDT models of Macmillan, Kaplan, and Creelman (1977), make possible the estimation of d’ from these complex discrimination designs.  相似文献   

Comprehension of various usages of “or” was investigated in children 5–6, 7–8, and 9–10 years old, and in college students. One task used imperatives containing “or.” and investigated the set union interpretation. In a second task, one puppet asserted a statement and another puppet contradicted it: subjects were asked whether both could be right, and whether one had to be right. A third task investigated the truth conditions for disjunctions. The fourth task presented reasoning problems that tested principles of inference involving “or.” It was found that all age groups, even the youngest, could make the logical inferences involving “or.” All age groups could also perceive contradictions, but subjects were less than unanimous that one of the puppets contradicting each other had to be right. Sensible truth judgments for disjunctions began to develop around 7–8 years. Set union was elicited in only a few adults. In general, except when it indicates set union, “or” is understood substantially earlier than the current literature suggests. Logical inference is one of the first uses in which children become competent, suggesting that the basic meaning of “or” is given by inference forms for reasoning with alternatives, not by truth conditions.  相似文献   

Using the example of a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), a painful radiological procedure, this study investigated whether parental soothing behavior (reassuring comments like “it’s almost over” or “You’re O.K.” and soothing by “sh, sh”) in one phase of the procedure influenced the child’s distress in the following phase. The sample was comprised of 68 2–8 year-old children and the accompanying parent(s). Child and parental behavior during the VCUG was coded using a standardized rating scale (CAMPIS-R). Parental reassurance during the anticipatory phase significantly increased the child’s distress of the following phase, while parental “sh, sh” significantly reduced it. Both parental behaviors showed no significant effect on the child’s distress of the following phase when applied during the procedure itself. Results underline the importance of differentiating between anticipatory and procedural phases of the VCUG. Counselling methods for parents on more appropriate strategies to assist their children during procedural phases of the VCUG are necessary.  相似文献   

Depression commonly co-occurs with anxiety and externalizing problems. Etiological factors from a central cognitive theory of depression, the Hopelessness Theory (Abramson et al. Psychological Review, 96, 358-372, 1989), were examined to evaluate whether a negative inferential style about cause, consequence, and self interacted with stressors over time to predict prospective elevations in depressive symptoms specifically compared with typically co-occurring symptoms. Negative inferential style was assessed at baseline in a sample of early and middle adolescents (N = 350, sixth to tenth graders). Measures of general depressive, anhedonic depressive, anxious arousal, general internalizing, and externalizing symptoms and occurrence of stressors were assessed at four time points over a 5-month period. Results using hierarchical linear modeling show that a negative inferential style interacted with negative events to predict prospective symptoms of general and anhedonic depression specifically but not anxious arousal, general internalizing or externalizing symptoms. Negative events predicted prospective elevations of symptoms of anxious arousal, internalizing, and externalizing problems.  相似文献   

The present study compared the rates of detection of misspellings in content and in function words, controlling for the effects of familiarity by studying verbs that could be either content words or function words according to the context. In agreement with previous studies, it was found that errors were more readily detected in content words than in function words, thereby clearly demonstrating the importance of syntactic factors in processing the words in a text. Unlike previous studies, we did not find consistent evidence that errors changing the overall word shape were detected more easily than errors preserving word shape, and we found no evidence that the position of the error in the word affected its rate of detection. These findings were interpreted in the framework of an interactive approach to the reading process.  相似文献   

Results from research with the flanker task have been used to argue both that flankers are identified without attention and that flanker identificatin requires attention. In three experiments, we addressed this issue by examining flanker recall. In Experiment 1, we manipulated flanker redundancy, a variable that could influence attention to the flankers, in order to determine whether it affected the magnitude of the flanker effect, the magnitude of flanker recall, or both. Redundancy did not influence the flanker effect, and recall was high in both conditions, suggesting that the flankers were attended. The recall results contradicted those of Miller (1987), the only other study that we could find in which flanker recall was used. In Experiments 2 and 3, we examined differences between Miller’s procedure and ours. Although flanker recall was lower when open-ended rather than forced recall was used and when the flanker task was made more complicated, flanker recall remained well above chance in all conditions. The data strongly suggest that in the typical correlated flanker task there is a failure of selective attention at some point during processing such that flankers receive attentional processing.  相似文献   

The children of Canadian immigrants from some source regions, Asia, Africa and China in particular, attend university at extraordinarily high rates. Most others participate at lower rates, but still compare favourably with non-immigrant Canadians. In this paper, the Youth in Transition Survey is used to analyse the role of various background factors on these outcomes, including parental education, family income, parental expectations, high school grades and PISA test scores. To some degree, the children of immigrants go to a university because they have higher levels of the background attributes associated with university attendance, parental education in particular. But by allowing these effects to vary by immigrant group, this research finds that the high immigrant university participation rates are largely driven by those possessing “unfavourable” characteristics (low levels of parental education in particular) attending university in spite of these apparent disadvantages.  相似文献   

Do people make trait inferences, even without intentions or instructions, at the encoding stage of processing behavioral information? Tulving's encoding specificity paradigm (Tulving & Thomson, 1973) was adapted for two recall experiments. Under memory instructions only, subjects read sentences describing people performing actions that implied traits. Later, subjects recalled each sentence under one of three cuing conditions: (a) a dispositional cue (e.g., generous), (b) a strong, nondispositional semantic associate to an important sentence word; or (c) no cue. Recall was best when cued by the disposition words. Subjects were unaware of having made trait inferences. Interpreted in terms of encoding specificity, these results indicate that subjects unintentionally made trait inferences at encoding. This suggests that attributions may be made spontaneously, as part of the routine comprehension of social events.  相似文献   

Information relevant to a prediction was presented in one of eight formats: a table of numbers, a brief text, a longer biographical story, and five different types of bar graphs. Experimental participants made judgments of marathon finishing times based on information about the runners' ages, prior performance, training, and motivation. A regression analysis was used to assess the individual judges' relative weighting of the various types of information relevant to their predictions. The different formats for displaying information yielded different levels of accuracy and patterns of information utilization. In accordance with an explanation-based decision model, the text and story displays induced the heaviest reliance on information about the runners' motivation and prior performance and produced the most accurate judgments of marathon finishing times.  相似文献   

The present research provides evidence that people use facial prototypes when they encounter different names. In Experiment 1, participants created face exemplars for fifteen common male names, subsets of which were endorsed as good examples by a second set of participants. These most typical faces were morphed to create face-name prototypes. In Experiment 2, participants matched one of the names to each of the prototype faces from Experiment 1. Participants’ matching choices showed convergence in naming the prototypes for many of the names. Experiment 3 utilized these same prototypes in a learning task designed to investigate if the face-name associations revealed in Experiment 2 impacted the learnability of the names. Participants learned face-name pairings that had a higher association (based on frequencies from Experiment 2) faster than pairings with a low association. Results suggest a more direct relationship between faces and names than has been previously proposed.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that values on Erikson’s psychosocial stages covary to form a general factor of psychosocial development (GFPD). The purpose of the current investigation was to further test this possibility by conducting a meta-analysis on the association among the psychosocial stages. Sixty-two correlation matrices from 50 different samples (N = 20,326) were analyzed. Factor analyses supported the existence of a GFPD. Future research should explore the nature of the GFPD.  相似文献   

Four experiments probed the nature of categorical perception (CP) for facial expressions. A model based on naming alone failed to accurately predict performance onthese tasks. The data are instead consistentwith an extension of the category adjustment model (Huttenlocher et al., 2000), in which the generation of a verbal code (e.g., "happy") activated knowledge ofthe expression category's range andcentral tendency (prototype) in memory, which was retained as veridical perceptual memory faded.Further support for amemory bias toward the category center came from a consistently asymmetric pattern of within-category errors. Verbal interference in the retention interval selectively removed CP for facial expressions, under blocked, but not under randomized presentation conditions. However, verbal interference at encoding removed CPeven under randomized conditions and these effects were shown to extend even to caricatured expressions, which lie outside the normal range of expression categories.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined whether 4- and 5-year-olds can explicitly revise uncertain beliefs in light of disconfirming evidence. We considered 2 factors that might influence belief revision: a) the type and variability of evidence provided, and b) whether children generated an explanation of their initial hypothesis. When provided with limited observed evidence, children revised their belief about their initial guess greater than chance expectations, but differences were not observed when the quality of the explanation was considered (Experiment 1). In a similar paradigm, children revised their beliefs more often than chance when asked to explain or describe their initial belief when shown more diverse counterevidence (Experiment 2) or when told that their initial belief was incorrect (Experiment 3). Overall, these data suggest that preschoolers have nascent capacities for explicit belief revision in light of counterevidence.  相似文献   

The Domain‐specific Risk‐taking scale was designed to assess risk taking in specific domains. This approach is unconventional in personality assessment but reflects conventional wisdom in the decision community that cross‐situational consistency in risk taking is more myth than reality. We applied bifactor analysis to a large sample (n = 921) of responses to the Domain‐specific Risk Taking. Results showed that, in addition to domain‐specific facets, there does appear to be evidence for a general risk‐taking disposition. And this general appetite for risk appears to be useful for predicting real‐world outcomes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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