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Diagnostic tasks differ from predictive tasks in two respects (1) the direction of the inference in diagnosis (from effect to cause) is inverse to that in prediction (from cause to effect), and (2) the event to be inferred is more distal in diagnostic tasks than in predictive tasks. These task features led to the hypothesis that a diagnostic task would be harder to learn than a predictive task. This hypothesis was tested in an experimental situation in which the causal mechanism was random sampling with replacement. Five groups of subjects with 10 subjects in each (two predictive and three diagnostic groups) were run in individual sessions with 100 trials of feedback training. The two predictive groups learned more rapidly and to a higher level compared to the diagnostic groups. Conclusion: the present data support the hypothesis that predictive tasks are easier to learn than comparable diagnostic tasks.  相似文献   

Forty mothers were observed interacting with their hyperactive children during a play and structured task situation. Relationships between observed child behavior, maternal self-ratings of self-esteem and stress and mothers' behavior in these situations were examined. The amounts of interaction, control and nonresponding exhibited by mothers during play and task situations were significantly correlated with both their children's behavior and their reported self-esteem and stress associated with the parental role. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the behavior of the child predicted maternal behavior for both the play and structured task situations. However, mothers' reports of stress and self-esteem were significant predictors of their behavior only for the structured task situation. These preliminary findings suggest that maternal cognitions and affects may be more highly correlated with their interactional behavior for some situations versus others. Such information could be useful for the development of situation-specific treatment goals when working with mothers of disturbed children.  相似文献   

正念训练的去自动化效应:Stroop和前瞻记忆任务证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究显示正念训练对心理认知和健康有改善作用, 但少有研究用认知实验进行检验并探讨心理机制, 本研究将正常成人分为正念(训练)和对照组(等待)、使用Stroop任务和前瞻记忆任务, 进行前、后测考察。结果发现, 两种任务正念组后测反应时均低于前测, 且不一致条件下更显著, 对照组无差异。对前瞻记忆前后进行中任务的差值进行前、后测比较发现, 对照组后测显著小于前测, 正念组差异不显著。结果表明, 正念训练促进了Stroop和前瞻记忆任务的完成, 起到了抗自动化干扰、及阻止随任务熟悉加工更为自动化的作用。  相似文献   

The author examines the mechanisms and dynamics of framing effects in risky choices across three distinct task domains (i.e., life–death, public property, and personal money). The choice outcomes of the problems presented in each of the three task domains had a binary structure of a sure thing vs a gamble of equal expected value; the outcomes differed in their framing conditions and the expected values, raging from 6000, 600, 60, to 6, numerically. It was hypothesized that subjects would become more risk seeking, if the sure outcome was below their aspiration level (the minimum requirement). As predicted, more subjects preferred the gamble when facing the life–death choice problems than facing the counterpart problems presented in the other two task domains. Subjects’ risk preference varied categorically along the group size dimension in the life–death domain but changed more linearly over the expected value dimension in the monetary domain. Framing effects were observed in 7 of 13 pairs of problems, showing a positive frame–risk aversion and negative frame–risk seeking relationship. In addition, two types of framing effects were theoretically defined and empirically identified. Abidirectional framing effectinvolves a reversal in risk preference, and occurs when a decision maker's risk preference is ambiguous or weak. Four bidirectional effects were observed; in each case a majority of subjects preferred the sure outcome under a positive frame but the gamble under a negative frame. In contrast, aunidirectional framing effectrefers to a preference shift due to the framing of choice outcomes: A majority of subjects preferred one choice outcome (either the sure thing or the gamble) under both framing conditions, with positive frame augmented the preference for the sure thing and negative frame augmented the preference for the gamble. These findings revealed some dynamic regularities of framing effects and posed implications for developing predictive and testable models of human decision making.  相似文献   

The present study consisted of developing the Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale (KTSES). The KTSES is a 30-item scale measuring a person's self-efficacy for tasks corresponding to Kuder's 10 occupational interest areas (Kuder Zytowski, 1991). Responses from the KTSES were compared with responses to the Self-Esteem Inventory (SES; Rosenberg, 1965) and the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDMSE; Taylor Betz, 1983) to see if career task self-efficacy was related to self-esteem and career decision-making self-efficacy. Answers to the KTSES were also compared with responses given for occupations corresponding to the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS; Kuder Zytowski, 1991) to see if occupational self-efficacy was related to career task self-efficacy. Results supported the validity and reliability of the KTSES. The utility of having a task self-efficacy scale to go with the KOIS is discussed, and ideas for future research are given.  相似文献   

Task switching: a PDP model   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
When subjects switch between a pair of stimulus-response tasks, reaction time is slower on trial N if a different task was performed on trial N - 1. We present a parallel distributed processing (PDP) model that simulates this effect when subjects switch between word reading and color naming in response to Stroop stimuli. Reaction time on "switch trials" can be slowed by an extended response selection process which results from (a) persisting, inappropriate states of activation and inhibition of task-controlling representations; and (b) associative learning, which allows stimuli to evoke tasks sets with which they have recently been associated (as proposed by Allport & Wylie, 2000). The model provides a good fit to a large body of empirical data, including findings which have been seen as problematic for this explanation of switch costs, and shows similar behavior when the parameters are set to random values, supporting Allport and Wylie's proposal.  相似文献   

A serious problem facing counselors in today's schools is the increasing number of youth who are alienated from their schools. In dealing with this situation, counselors frequently regard it as one which stems from a dysfunction within the individual student; although this may be true in some cases, it is the thesis of this article that the problem often stems from the structure of the school. The theoretical background and causes of alienation in today's youth are discussed. Implications for counselors and the schools are presented along with recommendations for possible courses of action.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore creativity in the domain of physics and, specifically, its relation to fluency of responses (divergent thinking) and type of task. Fifty-four university students were pretested on their knowledge of relevant physics concepts. They then were asked to solve 3 ill-defined problems representing different types of tasks. The appropriate responses given to each problem were evaluated as to their number (fluency) and frequency (originality). Task-specific components were found to influence creativity independently and to moderate the effects of general factors such as fluency of responses. Efforts to predict and facilitate creativity in educational settings, therefore, also must take into account the way creativity is manifested within particular domains and the constraints that different types of tasks may impose.  相似文献   

Psychology students were presented with a mental puzzle based on knowledge of geometry, with several versions of Wason's selection task, and with some tasks of essay writing. Test scores were obtained on a sentence completion test and a test of spatial configuration. With the different problem-solving tasks, a relationship between success and intellectual ability was observed only in cases where the data indicated that the subjects were familiar with the task in question. The results support the theory previously set forth by Raaheim; that only in situations where the degree of novelty is moderate, will the intelligent use of past experience prove beneficial to problem solving.  相似文献   

The Corsi Block-Tapping Task: Methodological and Theoretical Considerations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Corsi block-tapping task has enjoyed extensive use in clinical and experimental studies for a quarter of a century and is arguably the single most important nonverbal task in neuropsychological research. Nevertheless, there has been considerable inconsistency not only in the administration and scoring of this measure, but also in the physical properties of the test apparatus. In this paper, we survey a wide range of studies that have made use of the block-tapping task during the past 25 years and provide a detailed appraisal of the manifold methodological variations. Additionally, we discuss the historical context in which the Corsi originated and offer a critical examination of the cognitive processing operations purported to underlie performance on this task.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the ability of perceivers to form impressions of tasks as part of the process of forming a task attitude. This ability is described as being partly given by a syntactic grammar that specifies both the primitive elements of tasks and the rules that structure these elements to form meaningful task impressions. The proposed grammar is shown to generate representations of task structure that can be mapped readily onto task attitudes. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of task grammar for research on task attitudes.  相似文献   

张锋  周艳艳  李鹏  沈模卫 《心理学报》2008,40(6):642-653
以61名男性海洛因戒除者和32名正常成年男性为被试,探讨了海洛因戒除者在延迟折扣任务和Iowa赌博任务两种决策条件下的冲动性反应模式及其关系。结果发现,海洛因戒除者的决策行为受其对即时强化的超敏感性或“即时收益优先”模式控制,其高冲动性特质既表现为对强化物长远价值的非敏感性,又表现为对强化物潜在风险的耐受性;该类人群上述两方面的特征虽有一定关联,但二者分别反应了其行为冲动性的两个相对独立的维度,且具有跨戒除时相的相对稳定性  相似文献   

A general theoretical model of tasks is presented in which the three essential components of all tasks are products, (required) acts, and information cues. These components are defined and are then used to derive three analytical dimensions of task complexity: component complexity, coordinative complexity, and dynamic complexity. Various indexes which can be used in the quantification of these constructs are also presented. Two examples which illustrate the calculation of some of the indexes for a relatively simple task and a relatively complex task are presented and the relationship between task complexity and task performance is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Green, Over, and Pyne's (1997) paper (hereafter referred to as “GOP”) seems to provide a novel approach to examining probabilistic effects in Wason's selection task. However, in this comment, it is argued that their chosen experimental paradigm confounds most of their results. The task demands of the externalisation procedure (Green, 1995) enforce a correlation between card selections and the probability of finding a counterexample, which was the main finding of GOP's experiments. Consequently GOP cannot argue that their data support Kirby's (1994) proposal that people's normal strategy in the selection task is to seek falsifying evidence. Despite this methodological problem, effects of the probability of the antecedent (p) of a conditional rule, if p then q, predicted by Kirby (1994) and by Oaksford and Chater (1994) were observed, although they were inconsistent between Experiments 1 and 2. Moreover, the probability estimates that GOP collected, which are not vulnerable to that methodological criticism, do support the idea that when P (p)> P (q), participants revise P (p) down as suggested by Oaksford and Chater (1994).  相似文献   

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