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The provision of counselling services for refugee and asylum-seeking patients is relatively new in the UK and their complex needs may present considerable challenges within primary care, where access to specialist support resources is often limited. As far as we know, no previous research has attempted to look at the experiences of the counsellors who do this work. We undertook in-depth interviews with 13 counsellors who provide counselling to refugees in primary care in north London. The findings of this study suggest that counsellors who work in a primary care setting find themselves conflicted, troubled and out of their depth by the experiences, narratives and distress presented by refugee and asylum-seeking patients. They also report an erosion of usual counselling boundaries. Thus, the problems presented by refugees seem to demand approaches which go beyond standard counselling practice and which create ambivalence and uncertainty. These counsellors express feelings of isolation and impotence. The paper concludes with implications for counselling practice and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

The historical and contemporary context of pastoral care and counselling within the judaeo/Christian tradition is reviewed. Three kinds of pastors who use counselling in their work - Christian, specialist, and generic - are identified and the ethical problems of their positions clarified. The ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice are applied to the counselling work of pastors. Theology's definition of various ethical levels, and the impact of these upon the professional ethics of pastoral carers and counsellors, are explored, and some conclusions for the future drawn.  相似文献   

Aim: Counsellors who work with young people in a range of contexts know that they are not engaging with ‘mini‐adults’. The issues young people bring to counselling are often complex, challenging and wide‐ranging, as adolescents are experiencing times of turbulence and change in their physical, emotional, social and psychological development. This paper focuses on a research project undertaken with five counsellors who work with young people, and asks the question: ‘What works?’ Method: The research project is an in‐depth qualitative study into the counsellor's experience of counselling young people, using a narrative approach. Findings: Four key shared themes emerged: the significance of ‘safety’ in the relationship; building the therapeutic alliance; flexibility and integration relating to theoretical orientation; and the use of creativity. Outcomes: This paper offers counsellors the opportunity to reflect on ‘what works’ and consider the professional knowledge, which underpins their own counselling practice with young people.  相似文献   


This chapter proposes a perspective on providing pastoral care for people at risk of, or who have mental health problems in later life. Two major areas of mental health, depression and dementia are explored, examining their impact on older people and strategies to identify risk in depression, and signs indicating need for pastoral intervention in depression and/or dementia. The work from two studies that examine issues for meaning of people, the first for older people living independently and the second in residential care, form the basis of the material presented in this chapter. It is maintained that pastoral interventions may greatly improve quality of life for these people, their families and carers.1  相似文献   

There are 39 voluntary sector alcohol agencies in the UK who meet minimum standards of counselling set out by the national organization Alcohol Concern through their Volunteer Alcohol Counsellors Training Scheme (VACTS). This paper reports on a study to create a profile of volunteer counsellors who work in VACTS-recognized agencies. Fifeen agencies agreed to take part in the study, and 141 counsellors completed and returned a mailed survey questionnaire, to elicit information about demographic characteristics, current and previous counselling training, reasons for undertaking the VACTS training and level of experience within agencies. The results suggest that this cohort of counsellors tend to conform to the volunteer stereotype of the middle-aged middle-class woman. Many counsellors utilize their experience within agencies to develop counselling skills, often in connection with further counselling courses, or to consider a change in career direction. Some counsellors wish to use personal experience of alcohol problems to help others undergoing similar difficulties. In contrast to those in the generic volunteer field, counsellors appear to retain long-term involvement with their agencies. The study concludes that alcohol services in the UK rely greatly upon a group of committed and competent volunteers to deliver individual counselling to problem users of alcohol.  相似文献   

Using parts of the prayer commonly known as the “Our Father,” a reflection is presented in which anger toward absentee fathers is seen as an inhibitor to relatedness to God as father. The way people behave toward and interact with their environment may be indicative of their interaction with the divine. Such attitudes make people question their religious experience and their ability to enter into intimacy with the divine. When people with skeptical attitudes toward father-like figures enter the world of pastoral counseling, ministers or counselors should help these people to explore and come to terms with the thought that God can be identified as father. It requires a willingness to approach the pain of separation. The goal of the counselor then is to help these people make substantial change in their ability to cope with anger and thus enter into relatedness with the divine. Pierre M. Balthazar is a student in the PsyD program in Clinical Psychology at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology.  相似文献   

This paper explores understanding and awareness among counsellors and counselling psychologists, of work with older people. The result of a piece of reasarch on this topic are presented. These tentatively confirm a relative lack of interest and insight into work with this age group and indicate that an age bias may exist among therapists. The reasons for this lack of awareness are explored and it is suggested that issue of the therapists' countertransference is crucial and that work with older persons may raise complex emotional issues for the counsellor. Possible future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Professional counselling has been criticised as being the preserve of the elite, and neither available nor affordable for the vast majority of society. However, there are other sources of help which people avail themselves of in times of need. One such source has been the local clergyman. This study looked at the helping service provided by Catholic priests working in pastoral situations in a Northern Irish diocese. Based on a questionnaire survey of 32 Catholic priests (25% of the diocese) the study looked first at the types of problems being presented to clergy, and how they responded to them. It examined their training for this work, as well as their attitudes to it, support for Catholic priests in this aspect of their work and also at their referral practices. Findings in respect of problems presented and training were in line with previous research. A wide variety of problems was encountered by Catholic priests where the most common were bereavement, alcohol or substance abuse, marital disharmony, relationship problems and terminal illness. Despite very positive attitudes towards counselling-type work and its importance in their ministry, Catholic priests' initial training in this area was reported as largely irrelevant to their current needs and there was a prevailing view of dissatisfaction. A level of self-confidence was displayed that seemed incongruent with the training in this field. Responses in respect of support and referral were contrary to previous studies. Priests seemed to be engaging in referral and reported high levels of personal but mainly informal support for this work.The findings are discussed in relation to priests continuing to undertake counselling-type work.  相似文献   

The basic purpose of pastoral counseling, and counseling in general, is to help people change. Therefore, it's critically important to understand the nature of change and to have realistic expectations with respect to how much people can change. To expect too little change can lead to underachievement and despair, whereas to expect too much change can cause needless frustration and an abiding sense of failure. This article discusses behavioral change, its potential and its limits, from the point of view of genetic potential and offers some specific pastoral implications.  相似文献   

If leisure is defined as free or unobligated time, then leisure is clearly the category of time expenditure that has the greatest potential for making people healthy and happy but it also has the greatest potential for creating problems. Therefore, educating and counselling people on how to make best use of their free time can have a great impact on the physical and mental health of individuals. The intent of this paper is to explain how leisure counselling can be implemented as a therapeutic technique for the benefit of many different types of people. It is also the intent of this paper to provide those who work as counsellors with information about leisure and leisure counselling so that they can help their clients to improve their lives through leisure. Therefore, this paper examines the contributions that both leisure counselling and leisure education can make in promoting maximal physical and psychological well-being, although the main focus is on leisure counselling. The overall conclusion is that effective leisure counselling services can significantly help to improve the physical and mental well-being of individuals and society in general.  相似文献   

Problems relating to the role of academic staff in the pastoral care of students in institutions of higher education are discussed, and the arrangements made in one university for the provision of such pastoral care are considered. The operation of this 'supervisory system' is shown to vary between the different departments, and the views of the heads of departments are seen to be far from unanimous. The responsibilities attributed by heads of departments to supervisors are numerous and diverse. Perhaps, with the influx of professional student counsellors into institutions of higher education, the time is ripe for a re-assessment of the part academic staff can play in the pastoral care of their students.  相似文献   

This qualitative research study, focusing on the learning and change of two trainee therapists over a nine‐month period, was conducted by the trainees themselves. In collecting and analysing their data, the researchers made use of the heuristic methodology, to which some of the principles of the co‐operative inquiry methodology were added. The findings shed light on some of the ways in which trainee counsellors and psychotherapists might learn through their work with clients, the forms and contexts in which this learning may arise, and how the learning might affect the trainees. The findings additionally highlight some of the possible benefits of engaging in research for trainee counsellors and psychotherapists, in terms of their roles as practitioners. These include positive changes in the ways in which they work with clients, and changes in the ways they think about their practice.  相似文献   

Fortunately, people are becoming more aware than they used to be of the existence of relationship abuse and are consulting ministers and pastoral counselors to help them deal with this problem. Unfortunately, several myths exist regarding relationship abuse which, if taken as fact, are counterproductive to people involved in such relationships and countertherapeutic for the ministers and pastoral counselors who are attempting to help. This article addresses four commonly held myths regarding relationship abuse and the attendant pastoral implications. is a pastoral consultant and conductor of workshops. He makes his home in Tiburon, California.  相似文献   

The objective this article is to describe five practice guidelines for counsellors working with people of African ancestry in a sport context. The practice guidelines pertain to counsellor training, counsellor perspectives, counsellor services, counsellor ethics and counsellor research. These practice guidelines can assist counsellors working with people of African ancestry in a sport context to focus on both personal development through sport and performance enhancement in sport. This will enable athletes not just to view sport in terms of their win-lose record, but to also strive for excellence in sport by becoming better people. In becoming better people athletes can contribute to building up Africa and her people.  相似文献   

Given recent prevalence estimates most pastoral caregivers and counselors will work with persons who experience same-sex attraction (SSA). Many of the people who experience SSA will report such a consistency in the directionality and intensity of their attractions that they think of themselves as having a homosexual orientation. Others will integrate their experiences of SSA into a gay identity. What can facilitate pastoral care and counseling is an intentional use of this three-tier distinction: experiences of SSA, homosexual orientation, and gay identity. A discussion of this three-tier distinction is followed by specific suggestions for utilizing this conceptual framework as a resource in pastoral care and counseling.  相似文献   

Abstract. One of the primary aims of pastoral leadership education is to offer reflective processes that enable learners to surface, critique, and construct different epistemological conceptions of reality leading to more effective pastoral practice. In many pastoral leadership education programs, this type of intentional reflection usually takes place in a mentoring or supervisory relationship as well as in a reflective seminar. In this essay, I describe how I have used the “immunity‐to‐change language technology” as one type of reflective process for intentional reflection and transformational learning in pastoral leadership education. The results of my research and ongoing use of this educational tool indicate that it can be valuable for enabling change by helping learners expand their pastoral leadership capacities and become more effective in their practice. Given my findings, I conclude that this educational tool could be of interest to other educators who are seeking to broaden their own repertoire of approaches to transformational learning. A version of this research appears in a forthcoming book by the same author, published by Novalis, in Fall 2008.  相似文献   

Recent large-scale survey research has raised serious concerns in both the counselling community and the mass media about the ways in which counsellors work with lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) clients. The current questionnaire-based research focused on client experiences of their own, and their counsellor's, self-disclosures of sexuality. Most clients did not require counsellor disclosure. However, failure of the counsellor to disclose could result in problems and assumptions being made by the client. We conclude that LGB awareness is improving, but there is still much need for training in this area to challenge limiting assumptions by some counsellors and to avoid the need for clients to educate them.  相似文献   

Gay men and women were interviewed in single‐sex focus groups in order to learn more about the therapeutic help that could be offered to people in same‐sex relationships. Interviews were analysed using the constant comparative method. Among the various themes that emerged was the need to have their relationships valued and accepted and the damaging effects of living in a heterosexist and homophobic society. The need for men, in particular, to identify a set of developmental stages for gay relationships was important. Difficulties in seeking help from mainstream organisations are discussed and recommendations made for both counsellors and agencies.  相似文献   

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