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个体不是孤立存在的, 其心理与行为的变化常依赖于与他人存在的关系。社会网络分析正是考虑到了这种依赖性, 发展出相应的处理关系变量的方法。在介绍社会网络理论的中心思想、社会网络分析的基本概念、数据表示方法和研究方法以及在个体水平和关系水平上的静态统计模型后, 使用UCINET软件展现了处理关系数据的基本步骤, 并简述社会网络分析在人格心理学、发展与教育心理学和管理心理学中的应用。  相似文献   

本文旨在从学校教育目的与教育心理学角色功能关系的观点,分析探讨以下三个问题:(1)科学心理学诞生之前,教育心理学的理念与教育理想间的手段与目的的密切关系早已存在;西方如是,中国尤然。何以在教育心理学研究科学化与学校教育制度化之后,两者间的关系反而愈形疏远?(2)近百年来科学心理学发展迅速,且学派众多,理论纷歧;此现象对教育心理学的发展取向产生了什么样的影响?  相似文献   

通识教育的目的在于建立人的主体性,以完成人之自我解放,并与所互为之人文及自然环境建立生存主体性的关系。通识教育可区分为核心课程与一般课程两个层次。伦理是教养之大成,医学伦理是医者把认知、发展与修养在医患关系上的努力。动之以情,说之以理,诉立以法,是通识伦理教育的一般方法。  相似文献   

彭利平 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1524-1525,1428
心理发展和教育的关系涉及到如何从学生心理发展的角度出发,选择适宜的教育模式问题,它是当代发展心理学与教育心理学的一个重要课题。首届"中学和高校的趋势、机遇和挑战——教育家的会议"从自我同一感和道德教育、心理的连续型发展与教育衔接、内隐学习与实践教育出发,就心理发展和教育间的关系提出了一些全新的理解,为解决中等教育实践中的多个问题提供了宝贵的建议。  相似文献   

通识教育的目的在于建立人的主体性,以完成人之自我解放,并与所互为之人文及自然环境建立生存主体性的关系.通识教育可区分为核心课程与一般课程两个层次.伦理是教养之大成,医学伦理是医者把认知、发展与修养在医患关系上的努力.动之以情,说之以理,诉立以法,是通识伦理教育的一般方法.  相似文献   

《21世纪人才心理素质教育丛书》是目前国内较为少见的一套心理学、教育学与人才学相互交融、相互渗透的专著。它是针对21世纪人才发展的需求而编写的。本套丛书从人才的成长和培养的需要出发,运用心理学理论探讨了健康心理与人才发展的关系、成功心理与人才发展的关系、人际交往与人才发展的关系、人性塑造与人才发展的关系、创新素质与人才发展的关系以及性心理与人才发展的关系,揭示了人才发展与成长的规律,提出了一整套行之有效的训练方法。阅读本套丛书并参照本套丛书所提供的方法进行训练,定会使读者获益匪浅。本套丛书是由北…  相似文献   

教育分寸实际上是指在教育和教学中对行为和要求的"度"的把握。从道德价值层面来看,教育分寸实际上也是要求教师把握教育工作中的"中道",它在与人的关系中起调节作用。教育分寸之所以具有道德价值,是因为教师是否恰当地掌握教育分寸,与教育和教学效果、学生利益、教师利益、教育事业利益密切相关。教育分寸是从道德方面来调节教育过程的,它具有自己的特点,是教育道德的一个不可分割的部分,在理论与实践中起着至关重要的作用。教育分寸为教师道德个性的发展提供了有益的探索途径并提出了具体的道德要求。  相似文献   

本研究试图探索幼儿园游戏活动与儿童智力发展的关系。在对30名年龄为4岁8个月的男女儿童进行长达7个月的教育训练后的测验表明,每周两次的符合儿童兴趣并在成人指导下的游戏活动,显著地促进了儿童的智力发展。  相似文献   

本文以科学方法论为指导,对美国品格教育的发展历程和评判标准做了理论结合实际的论述和例证,并辩证地分析了美国品格教育与当前我国学校德育的关系,力图发掘其成功经验和思想,为我国学校开展道德教育提供借鉴,提高我国道德教育的实效性。  相似文献   

在二十世纪国学教育发展史上,二十年代创办的清华大学国学研究院和五十年代初创办的新亚书院是两个重要的代表机构,其主事者吴宓和唐君毅都怀抱着人文主义教育理念,但二者的教育实践却产生了迥异的结局。吴宓与唐君毅的个性差异、清华国学研究院与新亚书院的机构性质差异、在教育理想与现实生存关系的协调上以及时局的变迁是导致二者不同命运的几个重要因素。清华国学院走向解体是历史发展的必然,非吴宓个人所能掌控。研究唐君毅与吴宓的人文主义教育思想,并不是对二者进行简单的对比,更重要的是探索由清华的"转制"和新亚的转向所反映出的高等教育自身的发展规律及其对当前国学教育的启示。  相似文献   

心理理论与同伴接纳   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来的相关研究表明 ,心理理论能力的发展与儿童被同伴喜欢接纳的程度之间具有复杂的、双向作用的关系 ,二者的相关程度随着年龄增长有增强的趋势并且存在性别差异。对矛盾的和被忽视群体以及学龄儿童的研究也许有助于进一步理解二者间的关系。  相似文献   

Cross-classification, the ability to categorize multifaceted entities in many ways, is a remarkable cognitive milestone for children. Past work has focused primarily on documenting the timeline for when children reach cross-classification competence. However, it is not well understood what cognitive factors underpin children’s improvements. The current study aimed to examine the contributions of age, theory of mind, and rule switching to children’s cross-classification development. We tested 3- to 5-year-old children (N = 75) using a cross-classification task, the Theory of Mind Task Battery, and the Three-Dimensional Change Card Sort test. The results revealed that age and theory of mind predict children’s cross-classification over and above the effects of rule switching. The results also revealed that advanced-level theory of mind reasoning is a particularly strong predictor of cross-classification development. These findings increase understanding of cross-classification within children’s broader cognitive development.  相似文献   

Research on children's developing theories of mind has contributed to our understanding of the developmental relation of self and action (1) by exploring the relation of the development of self knowledge to the development of knowledge of others' minds and (2) by investigating the relation between theory of mind development and the development of action control. We argue that evidence on theory of mind reasoning in children with deficient action control (ADHD-diagnosed children) is especially relevant to the second issue and we present some first evidence supporting the bi-directional hypothesis, that is, the view that theory of mind leads to improved action control which in turn supports the ability to represent mental states on-line.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to investigate the performance on theory of mind tasks of four different clinical groups: children with deficits in attention, motor control and perception (DAMP), children with autism, children with Asperger syndrome, and non-vocal cerebral-palsied children. The children with DAMP performed on the same level as the comparison group on the first and second order theory of mind task. The children with autism and Asperger syndrome performed somewhat lower than the children with DAMP and the comparison group. However, in respect of the specifcity issue, only 6 out of 14 of the non-vocal participants successfully solved the first order theory of mind task, while 13 out of 14 children in a comparison group did. The children were matched for chronological age and IQ. The findings suggest that deficits in theory of mind are not specific to the autistic continuum, but can be found in other groups with communicative disabilities, implying that linguistic and communicative skills are important precursors in the development of theory of mind. The study also shows that severe dysfunction in attention, motor control, and perception is not associated with any theory of mind difficulties.  相似文献   

Carpendale JI  Lewis C 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2004,27(1):79-96; discussion 96-151
Theories of children's developing understanding of mind tend to emphasize either individualistic processes of theory formation, maturation, or introspection, or the process of enculturation. However, such theories must be able to account for the accumulating evidence of the role of social interaction in the development of social understanding. We propose an alternative account, according to which the development of children's social understanding occurs within triadic interaction involving the child's experience of the world as well as communicative interaction with others about their experience and beliefs (Chapman 1991; 1999). It is through such triadic interaction that children gradually construct knowledge of the world as well as knowledge of other people. We contend that the extent and nature of the social interaction children experience will influence the development of children's social understanding. Increased opportunity to engage in cooperative social interaction and exposure to talk about mental states should facilitate the development of social understanding. We review evidence suggesting that children's understanding of mind develops gradually in the context of social interaction. Therefore, we need a theory of development in this area that accords a fundamental role to social interaction, yet does not assume that children simply adopt socially available knowledge but rather that children construct an understanding of mind within social interaction.  相似文献   

We investigated the social use of theory of mind in school-aged children. The expressions Nice Theory of Mind and Nasty Theory of Mind are used to differentiate behaviours requiring a prosocial use and an antisocial use of ToM abilities respectively. Our goals was to investigate whether and how mind reading abilities and empathy affect nice and nasty ToM behaviours. One hundred and ninety-seven children who were fourth and fifth graders took part in this study. Participants were administered stories that assessed cognitive, affective or moral mental state reasoning abilities and they also completed a self-report measure of empathy. Teachers’ rating on children’s prosocial and antisocial behaviours that underpin ToM abilities led us to identify nice and nasty ToM behaviours. We found that children who engage in nasty ToM behaviour showed good abilities to understand others’ thoughts and beliefs. However, children with nice ToM behaviour showed more moral and emotional sensitivity as compared to children who engage in nasty ToM behaviour. Furthermore, the hot component of empathy is stronger in fostering prosocial behaviours and inhibiting antisocial acts than cognitive component.  相似文献   

聋童执行功能发展:聋童与正常儿童的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用标准Dimensional Change Card Sort任务(DCCS),对76名智力正常的3~8岁聋童和78名3~5.5岁的正常儿童进行了对比测试,旨在考察聋童执行功能发展的年龄特征与发展水平。结果发现,3岁组的聋童和正常儿童在DCCS任务上的表现没有显著性差异,但正常儿童在4~4.5岁时进入一个迅速发展期,而聋童要在6岁时才有快速的发展,到7岁后才相当于正常儿童5岁的发展水平,大约滞后2年。研究认为,造成聋童执行功能发展滞后的原因主要有:(1)语言符号系统和聋童特有的符号系统之间可能存在的差异;(2)聋童可能存在计划和灵活性的缺陷;(3)聋童可能存在命名和标识策略上的困难和注意机制的缺陷。结合关于聋童心理理论发展滞后于正常儿童7年以上的报道,心理理论发展和执行功能发展在聋童身上表现出较大的不一致性。  相似文献   

This study reports on the inter-generational transmission of faith values to young children (three to six years) from the perspectives of parents, grandparents, and religion teachers. The study was conducted at two religious education centres in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Through a qualitative rapid ethnographic approach (interviews, focus groups, and observations), we explored the practices and challenges in realizing the practice of faith as part of children’s everyday life. Eleven themes elicited which were further reflected in three overarching trends – ‘Building the foundation – on the right path’; ‘Meeting the challenges-embedding faith’; ‘Creating a conducive environment – brining us together’. Key findings revealed that although parents were keenly interested in spiritual development of their young children, they felt challenged by time deficits, multiple priorities, and secularization. Grandparents and religious education teachers were critical of the lack of parental commitment to spiritual development, seeing themselves often becoming surrogate drivers for this imperative. In conclusion, parents requested the institutions to schedule weekly practical classes in prayer and rituals. They also indicated that grandparents’ involvement in religious education activities are enabling and supportive to the parents in nurturing children’s spirituality. As a result there is a clear indication of the role for inter-generational involvements in embedding spirituality in young children.  相似文献   

聋儿的心理理论发展特点及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前,探究聋儿的心理理论(TheoryofMind,ToM)发展特点多从三个方面进行:一是分析聋儿与正常儿童及自闭症儿童ToM水平的差异;二是比较聋父母聋儿、口语聋儿及正常父母聋儿的ToM发展差异;三是分析聋儿对不同心理状态的理解水平。此外,对聋儿ToM发展影响因素的讨论,多是从聋儿交往、语言、训练等角度进行的  相似文献   

An exploration into the world of the queer others of gender and sexuality moves us beyond the binary opposition of male/masculinity and female/femininity in our understanding of gender and expands the meaning of gender and sexuality for all humans. A revision of Jungian gender theory that embraces all genders and sexualities is needed not only to inform our clinical work but also to allow us to bring Jungian thought to contemporary gender theory and to cultural struggles such as gay marriage. The cognitive and developmental neurosciences are increasingly focused on the importance of body biology and embodied experience to the emergence of mind. In my exploration of gender I ask how gender comes to be experienced in a developing body and how those embodied gender feelings elaborate into a conscious category in the mind, a gender position. My understanding of emergent mind theory suggests that one's sense of gender, like other aspects of the mind, emerges very early in development from a self-organizing process involving an individual's particular body biology, the brain, and cultural environment. Gendered feeling, from this perspective, would be an emergent aspect of mind and not an archetypal inheritance, and the experiencing body would be key to gender emergence. A revised Jungian gender theory would transcend some of the limitations of Jung's anima/animus (A/A) gender thinking allowing us to contribute to contemporary gender theory in the spirit of another Jung; the Jung of the symbolic, the mythic, and the subtle body. This is the Jung who invites us to the medial place of the soul, bridging the realm of the physical body and the realm of the spirit.  相似文献   

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