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从《儒教中国及其现代命运》看列文森的儒学观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列文森(1920—1969)作为美国20世纪50、60年代“中国研究”领域的重要代表,以一部《儒教中国及其现代命运》奠定了其令人瞩目的学术地位。在这部著作中,他着重从思想、政治、历史三个不同的视角层面,剖析了主要由儒学所培养的文化精神对中国社会历史发展进程的影响,以及儒教在现代社会的命运,尤其着力于揭示儒家文化的内在特质及由其所决定的儒教在现代社会成为一种历史存在的必然性,许多深刻见解至今发人深省。  相似文献   

在西方学者研究中国思想史的著作中,大约很少有哪一部著作的影响能与美国加州大学教授列文森(Joseph R.levenson)写作的《儒教中国及其现代命运》相比.该书可以说集中体现了本世纪60年代以前西方学者研究中国学术思想史的一种占支配地位的思想观念.60年代末期以来,书中的观念遇到了越来越严峻的挑战,于是,列文森的名字又频繁地出现在批评者的文章著作中.儒学第三期发展的倡导者杜维明,就一而再、再而三地提及列文森和他的著作.  相似文献   

蒂蓓  王芃 《天风》2003,(3):30-31
基督徒之所以是基督徒,几乎没有例外,都不是先被一套套教义所说服而归向基督的。我们都是首先受到了爱的感动,爱的激励。他们首先感受到基督爱人们的那种爱。他们被世界上最高、最美、最好的爱所感动,意识到自己有亏欠,是罪人,因而甘愿放弃一切接受基督。我们不是首先用脑袋去把教义一条条搞通的。我们首先是在感情深处,在心灵深处,为基督的爱所吸引,所融化,因而五体投地地归服于基督,投诚于基督。  相似文献   

岳清华 《天风》2011,(2):4-4
面对新的历史机遇和挑战,傅先伟主席在中国基督教三自爱国运动60周年总结报告上说:我们一定要把三自爱国运动引向深入,继承爱国爱教的优良传统,肩负起三自爱国运动新时期的历史使命,在未来一段时间,服务于建设一个和谐、健康发展的教会,将成为三自爱国运动的应有之义。  相似文献   

桑万邦 《天风》2002,(1):31-31
如何全面而正确阐述福音真理,引导信徒灵命追求及如何处理好基督徒、教会与国家、政府、社会关系等问题,为此长期来作为江苏省教会同工所研究的课题。江苏省基督教最近编写义工培训教材共16册。据悉,现在已经出版了《圣灵和圣灵的工作》(教材之四)和《三自爱国运动讲义》(教材之一)两本,其中《圣灵和圣灵的工作》一书,是由季剑虹长老撰写的。他从“圣灵的位格和属性”、“圣灵的主要工作”、“圣灵工作的目  相似文献   

余玥 《宗教学研究》2006,(1):198-201
在对晚期文艺复兴不同潮流、不同著作地分析中,我们看到一种新的,围绕于君主与基督教的核心历史关系重新解读历史的可能性途径,看到文艺复兴核心概念群的不同组织方式.从而,文艺复兴以一种与"近代起源"拉开了差距的面目呈现出来,它意味着重写历史,尤其是概念史的必要性.  相似文献   

科学的无神论者与人创造出来的、反过来控制人的虚幻观念作对,但他从不敌视人,恰恰相反,正因为他热爱人,才敢于用行动坚定地反对反对人的,观念。千百年来,人们被自己制造的虚幻枷锁禁锢得太厉害了,有时甚至不忍目睹。人的思维需要更为清新的风;人的行动需要打破枷锁的自由、广阔与光明。  相似文献   

近代中国曾经发生过两次规模巨大的反基督教运动:一次是1900年的义和团运动,一次是1922年至1927年的非基督教运动。从思想文化史的角度审视,非基督教运动的广度和深度远远超过义和团运动。义和团运动是中国民众对列强侵略的激愤抗争,带有浓重的盲目排外色彩。而非基督教运动则是中国知识阶层对宗教文化的理性批判。  相似文献   

明治政府所颁布的《教育敕语》激起了日本的反基督教运动。在"国家主义"的强势话语下,日本的基督教运动陷入困境。深陷社会舆论批判之中的日本基督教会和学校一方面消除自身的"洋化"色彩以满足"本土"社会的需要;另一方面则顺从政府的要求,维护国家的利益。日本的基督教会在祛除"外来"色彩,消解同"国家"冲突的同时,也逐渐丧失了其独立性,并最终被卷入法西斯战争的漩涡。  相似文献   

基督教全国两会在古城南京正式发布《推进我国基督教中国化五年工作规划纲要》(以下简称《规划纲要》)。《规划纲要》历时一年,听取多方建议,经过数次修改,终与广大基督徒见面。《规划纲要》分总论、主要任务、重点工作安排和组织实施四个部分,全文发布在中国基督教网(www.ccctspm.org)。现摘编部分内容,以飨读者,以期共襄此圣工。  相似文献   

In this article, the attitudes of the Italian Jewish diaspora towards Israel, seen as a symbolic homeland, are analyzed. This analysis is based on the theoretical discourse on diaspora. Attitudes are explored through the participation of Italian Jews in the celebration of Yom ha'atzma'ut. Given the significance of Israel's Independence Day in the sequence of the three‐day civil religious commemoration in Israel – which constitutes a sort of national narrative – the entire sequence is also considered in the analysis of the Italian diaspora.  相似文献   

Studies of religion and fandom have tended to explore the extent to which fan cultures might be seen as forms of surrogate religion. This article suggests that a more detailed examination of the way in which believers use their faith within their individual fandoms would offer more interesting insights into both contemporary religious practice and fandom. Conducting a case study of ‘Brony’ fandom (adult fandom of cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), this article explores the ways in which Christian fans use fan fiction and art to promote religious literacy, explore theological issues and engage in evangelism and exegesis. Fan knowledge is used as a way to quickly impart and explore complex religious concepts in a manner which utilises the shared culture of fandom. This should not be seen as a symptom of ‘mediatisation’ but as part of a complex synthesis of faith and popular culture.  相似文献   

我国实行改革开放以来,经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但随着开放步伐的加大,宗教渗透也越演越烈。在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,和谐  相似文献   

This qualitative investigation explored a relatively understudied aspect of cultural diversity: feminism and religion in the lives of religiously diverse women. More specifically, structured interviews were used to investigate views of religion, women's issues, gender roles, culture, and feminism for a small group of Muslim and Christian women living in the United States. The data were analyzed using consensual qualitative research methods (Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997). Findings indicated a complex relationship between feminism, gender roles, culture, and religion for these women with the majority of the Muslim women reporting that their religion supports feminist principles and identifying themselves as feminist. Christian women were less willing to endorse the feminist label. Implications for multicultural feminist practice are discussed.  相似文献   

当前,中国宗教领域的局势总体是稳定的,这 首先有赖于在中国共产党领导下,半个世纪以来中 国的巨大进步,特别是二十多年来改革开放的成 功,国力不断增强,社会安定,人民社会地位提高 和生活水平的改善。也得益于中国党和政府统战政 策、民族政策和宗教政策的正确贯彻,受到了各族 信教群众的拥护。但仍面对着许多现实问题,必须 加以关注,归纳起来主要是:  相似文献   


This article examines the way in which Christian fans of popular media franchises have incorporated their fan identity into a lived religious experience, producing religious fan works such as fan fiction, art, and fan-themed church services. Based around a series of interviews with fans in the United States and the UK, both lay and clergy, it suggests the powerful affective connections forged through fandom, and examines the way in which fandom operates as a shared language to engage the wider fan community with theological ideas. Fans viewed their fandom as an arena through which God communicated and developed personal faith, working through fan texts and fan works to encourage and develop their connection to the divine. This article, therefore, challenges academic positions that see fandom as a secular replacement for religion, or as a form of blasphemous excess.  相似文献   

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