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关于儿童内包量概念发展的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从Piaget等人提出对时概念的守恒性进行研究以来,对儿童比例概念形成的研究就成了儿童概念形成研究的一个热点,并积累了比较丰富的实验成果,提出了许多新的研究课题。近来,国外一些研究者又提出了对内包量概念进行研究。本文试就国内外关于内包量概念研究的主要取向、研究的一些新进展、内包量概念形成的实质等作一综合的介绍。  相似文献   

胡清芬  陈桄 《应用心理学》2007,13(4):360-366
通过计算机呈现任务和记录反应,对5岁、5岁半和6岁儿童解决多单位量比较问题的正确率和反应时进行了考察。研究结果表明:(1)6岁之前的儿童难以正确解决多单位量比较问题,从6岁开始,儿童开始逐渐掌握这种问题的解决方法;(2)在解决多单位量比较问题时,儿童采用了比较较高级单位的策略,而没有对每个单个物体进行计算;(3)进位规则没有对儿童解决多单位量比较问题的正确率和反应时产生显著影响。  相似文献   

本研究主要考查表面相似性效应和标签效应对60名3~5岁儿童数概念发展的影响。实验通过等量匹配任务和数量比较任务测查儿童数概念的发展情况,其中等量匹配任务和数量比较任务都包括了一致和不一致两种条件以考查表面相似性效应对儿童数概念的影响,并通过给物取数任务、给数取物任务和等量匹配任务与数量比较任务的关系测查儿童使用数字标签的能力对儿童数概念形成与发展的影响。结果表明:(1)4岁和5岁组儿童完成等量匹配任务和数量比较任务的正确率显著高于3岁组儿童;(2)儿童在一致条件下完成等量匹配和数量比较任务的正确率显著高于不一致条件的正确率,表明物体的高表面相似性有利于儿童数概念的形成;(3)擅长使用数字标签的儿童完成等量匹配任务和数量比较任务的次数超过几率水平,使用数字标签有利于儿童数概念的发展。  相似文献   

以270名小学三~五年级儿童为被试,采用问题解决类比任务范式,探讨了小学儿童类比问题解决及策略运用的发展趋势.结果发现:(1)在儿童类比问题解决质量的发展方面,不同年级儿童差异显著,四年级儿童成绩最好;而儿童类比问题解决速度则随着年级增高而加快;(2)儿童类比策略发展更符合混合模型;随着年级发展,儿童初级、中级和高级类比策略运用逐渐增加,而非类比策略运用渐少;儿童类比策略发展的“飞跃”发生在四到五年级之间;儿童策略运用的发展呈现出多样性、竞争性、适应性的特点.  相似文献   

苗丹民   《心理科学进展》1991,9(1):20-25
儿童比例概念的形成是儿童数学思维发展中的关键性转折。由于它在实际工作和日常生活中非常有用,但掌握起来又相当困难,受到国内外心理学研究工作者们的普遍重视。在皮亚杰儿童数学思维发展理论的影响下,人们对其发展过程、内部认知结构、及其影响因素等问题进行了深入探讨,并提出不少有意义的理论和观点。这方面的研究主要是围绕五个方面展开的:(1)比例问题研究方法;(2)比例推理策略;(3)比例推理发展理论;(4)影响比例概念形成的因素;(5)比例推理能力的获得与教学的关系。不同研究者所持观点和研究方法不同,研究结果也不尽相同。为提高我国中、小学比例概念的教学水平,促进儿童比例概念的研究,特将国内外主要有关研究综述如下。数学中比的概念是由两个数的除:a/b;比例概念则是两个比的平衡状态:a/b vs c/d。比例概念在日常生活和许多学科中应用广泛,是小学数学思维向中学数学思维发展的转折。然而,能够真正掌握科学的比例概念对于小学高年级和初中学生来说并不是一件容易的事。Capon和Pallrand(1979)指出,比例概念形成是比较晚的,甚至许多成人也没有最终掌握它。对比例概念形成的科学研究最早始于Winch(1913—1914),但直到二十五年前才开始受到广泛的重视。目前比例概念的研究重点正在从将其视为一种综合能和一般性认知结构的探讨,转移到对发展过程和影响发展的因素的研究方面。遗憾的是至今国内还很少见到有关方面比较系统的研究报告。比例概念的研究主要是围绕以下四个方面展开的:(1)比例问题的研究方法;(2)比例推理的策略;(3)影响比例概念形成的因素;(4)比例推理与数学关系。  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童记忆和记忆组织的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
施建农 《心理学报》1990,23(2):17-24
本实验以超常儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁2个月)和常态儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁3个月)为被试,以数字和图形为实验材料对超常儿童和常态儿童的记忆和记忆组织特点和差异作了初步的比较研究。结果是;(1)超常儿童不仅在回忆量上比常态儿童优异,更主要的是在记忆速度和记忆组织上比常态儿童发展得更好;(2)儿童的记忆与记忆组织有密切相关,尤其是记忆速度与记忆组织之间有显著相关;(3)实验表明同时使用回忆量和记忆速度作为记忆成绩的指标更为合适,能更好地说明儿童记忆的特点。  相似文献   

周润民 《心理学报》1989,22(3):25-31
此实验利用5—6岁儿童左右概念的发展来研究在其它条件相同的情况下,不同形式的个体之间(不仅儿童之间,而且大人和儿童之间)的相互作用对儿童认知发展的影响。通过预试选取两种不同水平的儿童后用不同的相互作用方法训练,训练完立即对他们单独再测试,看他们在握掌此概念上的进步情况。此实验研究了;(1)儿童在和同伴或和大人共同作业时能否产生冲突以及儿童是用什么方式解决冲突的;(2)儿童单独作业时能否意识到自己前后答案的不一致而产生认知冲突;(3)以上2个问题和儿童在预试时已具有的水平之间的关系以及和他们在再测试时表现出来的进步之间的关系。  相似文献   

以小学六年级思考型和冲动型儿童各32名为被试,通过考查儿童在完成不同难度拼图任务时的表现,探讨不同认知风格儿童在问题解决中认知活动和元认知活动的差异。结果发现:(1)在线与离线元认知监控均表现出认知风格与任务难度的交互作用。在简单和中等任务中,思考型的儿童运用更多的在线元认知监控,进行计划和检查的时间更长。离线元认知监控的差异只表现在简单任务中,思考型比冲动型儿童花费更多的时间进行预测和评价;(2)在问题解决结果上,认知风格不同的儿童完成任务的时间没有显著差异;(3)在问题解决过程中,冲动型儿童解决问题的操作步数多于思考型儿童;冲动型儿童更多地使用主体参照策略,而思考型儿童更多使用线索推断策略。  相似文献   

儿童对称概念发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用个别测试的方法研究了幼儿园、小学、初中总计160名儿童对称概念的发展。研究从对称所包含的各种层次出发探讨儿童认知发展的各级水平,儿童各类对称概念发展的认知历程、特点、水平以及发展速度等问题,认为对称概念的发展经历了感知运动水平、表象思维水平、抽象思维水平以及正确操作水平,并且对对称概念发展中的一些重要的现象进行了解析。  相似文献   

个体解决三项系列问题的心理模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李红  林崇德 《心理学报》2001,34(6):39-46
该研究设计了2种实验条件,对360名6-19岁个体解决三项系列问题的能力发展进行了研究,旨在讨论个体解决三项系列问题的心理模型的发展问题,结果表明:(1)6-19岁个体对三项系列问题中有必然逻辑答案的题目的判断能力的发展速度比较平稳;(2)个体对三项系列问题中有必然逻辑答案的题目的判断能力先于对没有逻辑答案的题目,6-9岁个体对三项系列问题中没有必然逻辑答案的题目的判断能力的发展速度低于10岁以后的个体;(3)空间模型、语义模型、语义一空间混合模型和枢纽项比较模型是相互补充的,是在不同认知发展阶段依一定次序,按一定的阶段逐渐形成的,经历了5个不同的发展阶段,最终形成以枢纽项比较模型为核心、四种心理模型并存于个体的心理结构之中的复合模型。  相似文献   

This study was conducted for three purposes. First, we assessed the development of children's concepts of hardness as an intensive physical quantity. We hypothesized a U-shaped behavioral growth curve for children's judgments on tasks measuring intensive physical quantity, but the hypothesis was not confirmed. The justifications accompanying correct and incorrect judgments for hardness were similar to those where U-shaped behavioral growth was found for other intensive physical quantities (temperature and sweetness). The second purpose was to determine how children solve seriation and transitivity tasks where hardness was the content. More older than younger children solved these tasks, and the transitivity task was correctly solved after the seriation task was correctly solved. One pattern of solutions for transitivity and intensive physical quantity allowed for differentiation between younger and older children who solved the intensivity tasks correctly. The third purpose was to determine whether children think that objects' hardnesses are labile (i.e., hard objects can become soft and vice versa) by simply adding more of that substance. More younger than older children thought that this was true  相似文献   

Relatively little empirical evidence exists concerning variations in the quantity of instruction across learning in complex, real‐world tasks. Examination of driving instructors' remarks to pupils during actual lessons indicated the rate of comment declined in a coherent fashion across training, most consistent with a power function. The presence of a power law is reminiscent of learning functions found from studies in other skill domains when using indexes of performance, and suggests that quantity of instruction therefore might be used to assay the performance in complex tasks. The implications of these findings, for both basic and applied research, are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用类别一致性判断任务考察汉语儿童义符一致性意识的发展特征。结果表明:(1)儿童的义符一致性意识随着年级增长而提高。三年级儿童尚未获得一致性意识, 四年级儿童初步具备义符一致性意识, 五年级儿童的义符一致性意识获得了长足的发展, 六年级儿童获得了完善的义符一致性意识。(2)义符一致性意识与认知发展水平、已有知识及加工策略有密切关系。应该有意识地培养儿童的义符一致性意识。  相似文献   

Previous research (Gilhooly, 1987) indicated considerable individual consistency in quantity and quality of thinking aloud performance over three 8-puzzle tasks. The present study investigated the consistency of individual thinking aloud performance over two types of tasks. One type was largely spatial (the 8-puzzle) and the other largely verbal (the Poisoned Foods task). Considerable individual consistency in thinking aloud performance was found within each task type and, more importantly, between types of task. Thus, subjects who produced lengthy and complete protocols on the 8-puzzle problems also did so in the Poisoned Foods task. These results are discussed in the context of Ericsson and Simon’s (1984) model of thinking aloud.  相似文献   

Previous research (Gilhooly, 1987) indicated considerable individual consistency in quantity and quality of thinking aloud performance over three 8-puzzle tasks. The present study investigated the consistency of individual thinking aloud performance over two types of tasks. One type was largely spatial (the 8-puzzle) and the other largely verbal (the Poisoned Foods task). Considerable individual consistency in thinking aloud performance was found within each task type and, more importantly, between types of task. Thus, subjects who produced lengthy and complete protocols on the 8-puzzle problems also did so in the Poisoned Foods task. These results are discussed in the context of Ericsson and Simon’s (1984) model of thinking aloud.  相似文献   

It is posited that because of the attentional effect of losses, individuals would show more behavioral consistency in risk‐taking tasks with losses, even in the absence of loss aversion. In two studies, the consistency of risky choices across different experience‐based tasks was evaluated for gain, loss, and mixed (gain loss) tasks. In both studies, losses facilitated the consistency across tasks: the correlation between risk‐taking choices in different tasks increased when the tasks involved frequent losses. Study 2 also showed a positive effect of losses on temporal consistency. Losses increased the correlation between risk‐taking levels across two sessions that were 45 days apart. Also in Study 2, losses induced consistency between experiential risk‐taking choices and self‐reported ratings of risky behavior. In both studies, the positive effect of losses on consistency was observed even when the average participant did not exhibit loss aversion. Taken together, the results indicate that losses increase the consistency of risk‐taking behavior and suggest that this is due to the effect of losses on attention. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Throughput is a corrected response rate measure giving the number of successes per unit of discretionary time. It is a simple but general index applicable to psychomotor, behavioral, and cognitive tasks in which response times are measured. This measure has several attractive features: (1) It allows comparisons to be made across various tasks in which speed and accuracy are meaningful and measurable, independently of temporal differences in hardware, software, and procedures; (2) under conditions in which both speed and accuracy decline (or improve), throughput will be a more sensitive index of performance than either alone will be; and (3) in those tasks in which the speed—accuracy trade-off phenomenon operates, throughput will tend to be relatively less variable than either component alone will be. The measure allows both behavioral and information-processing interpretations of data and may be useful as a simple composite index, a measure of effectiveness or of cognitive consistency in studies investigating performance degradation or enhancement.  相似文献   

采用义符启动范式,考察不同加工深度任务中家族大小和类别一致性对义符语义激活的影响。结果发现:在词汇判断中,家族大小影响义符的语义激活,大家族义符的语义不容易激活,小家族义符的语义容易激活。在语义相关判断中,类别一致性影响义符的语义激活,类别一致性高的义符的语义容易激活,并且在错误率上,这一影响受义符的家族大小调节。义符类别一致性影响义符家族效应的作用方向:当类别一致性低时,出现抑制的家族效应;当类别一致性高时,家族效应无影响或表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

学前儿童性别恒常性的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用改进的访谈方法,考察了3、4、5、6岁儿童的性别恒常性的发展。结果表明:3、4岁儿童已获得性别认同的能力,4、5岁儿童逐步获得性别稳定性的能力,5、6岁是性别一致性发展的快速期,大多数的6岁被试儿童已获得性别恒常性。研究还发现,在提示条件下,各年龄获得性别恒常性的被试人数大大增加;儿童对自己的性别恒常性的认知发展早于对他人,但这一差异仅表现在3岁儿童身上  相似文献   

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