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从科尔伯格提出道德认知发展概念至今,已经出现对道德认知发展的几种不同解释,其中较为著名的包括阶段论、水平论和认知图式论.本研究通过对一份道德判断测验的数据进行分析,采用建立模型的实证方法,试图验证已有的几种道德认知结构理论的正确性.研究表明:道德发展过程的确包含六个阶段,它们是按照一定顺序发展的.同时,道德发展过程中还出现三个水平,并先后建立了三种不同的认知图式.  相似文献   

从儿童认知阶段分析皮影文化的传承与再设计,能够为企业和设计师在塑造和分析现代皮影的发展传承形式与设计方面提供有效的借鉴。以儿童认知阶段的生理和心理为依据,从感知运动、前运算、具体运算与形式运算等阶段出发,结合设计案例分析,来探讨合适的皮影设计策略。皮影戏因其独特的优势,可从视觉训练、运动训练、认知能力训练、社会行为能力训练等四个方面充分调动儿童的感官系统、多维度锻炼儿童的能力,加之阶段性的教育方式,皮影文化能够以最佳方式进行文化传承,从而促进皮影文化的发展。  相似文献   

态射的建构与发展:发生认识论的一种动态形式化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙志凤  林敏 《心理科学》2006,29(2):499-501,495
发生认识论主要研究认识的心理发生及其形式化。对于后者的研究,上个世纪30年代皮亚杰建构了“群集”结构来解释儿童前运算阶段的思维方式,70年代又引入了数学范畴论来解释形式运算阶段的认知发展,再一次对儿童思维的发展与科学发展两者间的连续性给出了明证。数学范畴论是对数学对象的结构间变换进行形式化的一个数学分支,建构的思想以及对所建构结构进行转换是范畴论的本质,而其中作为范畴对象的态射与态射组合体现了其建构本质,且能最为妥贴地描述认识的动态发生与发展。新的理论建模将对应与转换揉合在一起更好地阐释认知发展过程中每一转换过程的机制与结构发展。本文试图通过介绍认识发生过程中对应、转换的发展,以及所引入数学范畴论中态射的概念,来阐释认识发生中认知生成工具———态射———的建构与发展,以及认知结构的系统发展,从而对皮亚杰晚年这一形式化工作予以简单说明与评价。  相似文献   

李其维 《心理学报》1989,22(4):25-34
根据皮亚杰的认知发展阶段论,形式思维作为一种不同于具体运算的思维方式,在青少年和成人中是普遍存在的。皮亚杰认为,“形式思维的一般特征—它超出与经验事实直接有关的转换的框架之上,并且从属于一个假设-演绎运算,即关于可能的运算的系统”。实质上,这个系统是由形式运算构成的一种机能性的运转结构。它的运转是动态  相似文献   

皮亚杰关于儿童智慧发展四个阶段的理论已尽为人知,日内瓦学派的许多经典实验,如守恒实验等,国内外的重复性验证和批评性论述也为数不少。但在一般介绍皮氏理论的文章和著作中,对发展的第四个阶段,即形式运算(形式思维)阶段却多语焉不详,进一步的深入研究更属寥寥,造成这种情况的可能原因之一,就是皮氏用来解说形式运算的逻辑语言比较抽象,使人难识其卢山真面。笔者不揣谫陋,试图在本文中以主要篇幅廓清这层“逻辑迷雾”,对皮氏关于形式运算的实验及其运算逻辑的解释发表一些不成熟的看法。因是初学,错谬难免,切望国内研究皮氏学说的前辈与同行不吝指正.  相似文献   

使用皮亚杰经典任务探查了小学一、三、五年级儿童的认知发展以及发展的个体间差异和个体内差异。结果表明随着年级的升高,儿童的具体运算思维能力从一年级到三年级发展迅速,到五年级时达到比较稳定的水平;同时,形式运算思维能力在一年级已经萌芽并逐步发展。不管在具体运算任务还是形式运算任务,各年级儿童都表现出显着的个体间差异和个体内差异。这些发现对教育和临床心理都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

成人期社会情绪问题研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对成人期个体而言, 社会情绪问题是其日常问题中最为经常、最为重要的形式。解决此类结构不良问题, 需要个体对问题情境产生他们自己的解释, 而不依赖他人强加的结构, 反映了成人期认知发展中出现了有别于儿童、青少年时期形式运算的新质思维。对其解决能力的高低是衡量成人期个体认知适应性发展的良好指标。该文从成人期社会情绪问题研究的缘起、理论观点及其表征水平的发展图景等方面回顾了此领域的研究。  相似文献   

以预防和发展为取向的婚前辅导是婚姻、家庭治疗实践研究中一个新的、快速发展的领域。辅导项目以实证研究为基础,代表了婚前辅导实施和评估的一般形式,有两种重要途径:其一以技能训练为导向,其二以认知评估为基础。本文在系统分析两类辅导项目理论基础、发展与研究现状、存在问题的基础上,从有效性、多样化、系统化三方面对未来婚前辅导项目研究提出了前瞻性思考。  相似文献   

问题的提出1979年以来,我们曾选用了Piaget 的几项主要实验(五项守恒、序列、类包含),对5—10岁儿童进行了测验,取得了云南省不同地区不同民族儿童认知发展的一些资料。本实验在过去研究的基础上,进一步探寻处于具体运算阶段及命题运算阶段儿童思惟发展的特点,以取得儿童认知发展较为系统的资料,并研究文化背景、民族和性别等方面的差异对儿童认知发展的影响。  相似文献   

儿童思惟的发展共经历了哪几个阶段?对于这个问题,一般认为(如皮亚杰):儿童思惟发展经历了感知运动、前运算、具体运算和形式运算这样四个阶段。形式运算思惟已接近成人的水平,是儿童思惟发展的最高阶段。而我们认为,形式思惟作为一种抽象思惟,的确是儿童思惟发展的较高级阶段。但是,人的抽象逻辑思惟并不都是处在同一层次上的,又有形式逻辑思惟为辩证逻辑思惟之分。因此,儿童思惟并非象皮亚杰所认为的那样仅停留在形式运算阶段。在儿童思惟发展中,还存在着第五个阶段——辩证思惟阶段,这才是儿童思惟发展的最高阶段。关于把抽象思惟区分为不同阶段的提法,早已有之。远在古希腊罗马时期,柏拉图就曾把认识的理性阶段划分为许多等级,探索了理性认识的层次和阶段性问题。亚里士多德也曾主张把理性分为被动理性和能动理性两个阶段,企图在思惟中区分出某些具有质的不同的阶段。在德国古典哲学中,康德和黑格尔都曾明确主张把理性认识分为悟性(或知性)和理性两个阶段,这里的悟性(或知性)和理性就是指形式思惟和辩证思惟。  相似文献   

Expert research administrators responded to questions to determine to what degree they had postformal thinking skills. Postformal theory suggests that the interpersonal and institutional complexity of work roles would make them likely to exhibit postformal thought. The tests included a questionnaire about the use of postformal operations on the job, and thinking-aloud taped interviews of responses to job-related and standard postformal problems. The respondents demonstrated the use of postformal thinking operations on job-related tests and a more moderate degree of use on the standard problems. The results support prior research and our working hypothesis that a high degree of interaction with people and complex problems is associated with adults' postformal thought.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and postformal thought ability and to test the comparability of three methods of testing for postformal thought. In a sample of 119 participants, postformal thought levels and attachment styles were assessed using postformal thought questionnaires and an attachment style scale. It was predicted that individuals with secure attachment styles would exhibit higher levels of postformal thought ability than individuals with anxious–ambivalent or avoidant attachment styles. It was also predicted that the three postformal tests would have equivalent results. Results indicated that attachment and postformal thought were not related and that the three measures of postformal thought were equivalent. Results are discussed in terms of the relationship between attachment styles and individuals’ abilities to perform complex problem-solving tasks and/or dilemmas.  相似文献   

The relationship between formal operations and postformal reasoning was examined by using the Shayer (1978) chemicals problem to assess formal operations and the Commons, et al. (1982) four-story problem to measure postformal reasoning. The subjects were 35 undergraduate social science and humanities students. None of the subjects who were classified as concrete operational or transitional on the chemicals task showed postformal reasoning. The hypothesis that full format operations are a necessary condition of post-formal reasoning and the expectation that subjects showing full formal operations are more likely than others to exhibit postformal reasoning was not supported.  相似文献   

It has been suggested by some past research that there is a relationship between postformal thought and intelligence. Also, prior research suggests that motivated individuals tend to perform better on measured tasks, such as taking tests. The two distinct studies reported here first test the hypothesis that, supposing that IQ and postformal thought tap into some similar cognitive operations, individuals would use some similar patterns of responses in showing both intelligence and reported postformal operations. The participants in this research were two separate samples of 41 emerging adult undergraduate students from Towson University who chose to sign up through the research pool website. In the first study materials consisted of a consent form, demographic questionnaire, a use of postformal thought survey, and the WASI abbreviated test. In the second study a pretest and posttest reported motivation survey were added. In the first study no significant relations were found between the reported use of postformal thought and the WASI IQ scores. In the second study there was a significant correlation between motivation and intelligence and between motivation and an individual’s reported level of postformal thought. However, there was no significant relationship found between postformal thought and intelligence, even with motivation controlled. Further studies of the cognitive mechanisms underlying IQ and postformal complex problem solving may help determine the cognitive skills needed to differentially succeed at each of these skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide age-comparative evidence of social cognitive reasoning in adulthood, as mediated by the emotional saliency of tasks tapping postformal reasoning. Specifically, the tasks focused on the ability to resolve discrepant accounts of the same event sequence. It was assumed that less mature thinking may be more evident in reasoning contexts in which emotional factors play a major role. A postformal coding scheme was used to assess levels of reasoning in an interpersonal context. Tasks were administered to 60 subjects--adolescents and young and middle-aged adults. Measures of formal operations, ego level, and verbal ability were also administered. An interaction was found between age and degree of emotional saliency of the task for reasoning level. Specifically, adolescents performed less well on tasks higher in degree of emotional saliency. In addition, developmental differences in postformal reasoning as a function of age and ego level were found.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between formal and postformal systematic metasystematic reasoning. Shayer's (1978) chemicals task and a modified version of Kuhn and Brannock's (1977) plant task were used to measure formal thinking and Commons, Richard, and Kuhn's (1982) multisystem task and balance-beam task to detect postformal reasoning. Subjects were university students from the humanities and social sciences (N=35). For each subject, a composite score was defined by taking into account the highest score in the tasks measuring the same developmental stage. Findings indicated that composite scores of formal and postformal reasoning were significantly correlated. Results also indicated that full formal operations are not a necessary condition for systematic thinking. The developmental status of systematic reasoning should be defined more strictly than has so far been the case. Further studies should focus on metasystematic reasoning as a possible postformal mode of reasoning. Longitudinal designs are also required to assess whether metasystematic reasoning develops in adulthood.  相似文献   

Spirituality is important to humans but gets little attention in experimental studies of life span cognitive development. One way to integrate such studies is to examine cognitive aspects of spiritual development using complex postformal Piagetian models. Four possible points of interface within postformal models are: developmental stages; elements of emotion and will; multiperson cognition; and forms taken by the processes used. Testable hypotheses are outlined and some possible difficulties to be expected within such research are discussed.  相似文献   

Wu PL  Chiou WB 《Adolescence》2008,43(170):237-251
This study investigated the relationship between cognitive development levels and creative performance among late adolescents from a post-Piagetian perspective. Participants were 386 college students, ranging in age from 19 to 26 years. The Social Paradigm Belief Scale was employed to measure the three cognitive styles of late adolescence: formal, relativistic, and dialectical thinking. The Divergent Thinking Test (DTT) was used to measure creative performance. Dialectical and relativistic thinking were positively correlated with creative performance, whereas formal thinking was negatively correlated. Planned contrasts revealed that postformal thinkers scored higher than formal thinkers in all dimensions of creativity, and additional MANOVA analysis exhibited a similar pattern. Multiple discriminant analysis showed that the linear combination of the six dimensions of creativity recognized in the DTT discriminated between formal and postformal thinkers, which supported our findings about the relationship between postformal thinking and creativity. Future research directions and implications for creativity pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

Theories of postformal thought (PFT) suggest that cognitive development is enhanced by social interactions where differences must be negotiated. Friendships provide the potential for complex social interactions and are an ideal context in which to explore the relation between cognitive development and the negotiation of social differences. The present research is the first to directly explore the relation between close cross-category friendships and level of postformal cognitive reasoning among college students. Participants from two universities completed questionnaires assessing PFT and friendship characteristics. Results indicate that individuals reported more same-category versus cross-category friendships. This was true for sex, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, and age. In addition, individuals high in PFT had more social category differences in their existing close friendships than individuals low in PFT.  相似文献   

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