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减肥瘦身保持苗条是很多女性热衷的话题,各种减肥药、减肥秘诀层出不穷。前不久,在湖南长沙出现了一个“气功大师”,声称只要喝“神水”发“神功”就能终身减肥,这是怎么回事呢?  相似文献   

预《审员和记》中载有这样一个案例:1954年的初冬,一个自称是蒋介石随从副官的中年人来到中南海,说是奉了蒋总统之命,求见毛泽东主席.有国家大事相商。中南海的警卫人员认为此人可疑,于是就把他交给了北京市公安局审查。一连讯问了三天,此人态度十分傲慢,一口咬定自己是刚从台湾来的蒋总统的随从副官,声称负有特殊的使命,唯有见到毛泽东本人才能说出,别的什么也不讲.承办此案的预审员虽然认为此话不可信,但又无法驳倒他,弄清他的真实身份。第四夭,预审专家双湖接办了此案。讯问前,他先提审了几个在押的台湾特务,通过相互印…  相似文献   

<正>1937年七七卢沟桥事变,中国人开始蒙受灾难,我虽仅十岁左右,已经记得非常清楚,当时进出城门口见了太阳旗,必须鞠躬行礼,据说这是对日本天皇的尊敬。没有人身自由,随时会受检查,我在浙江湖州城门口,经常见到有中国人被搜查、挨打等情况。有一次日寇到农村扫荡,因为城内没有鸡鸭鱼肉吃了,便到农村来抢劫,名为搜查新四军,实为来抢"花姑娘"。我父亲作为教会牧师,也如许多平民百姓,集中在一地点,被查问游击队在哪里?我父亲没有做正面回答,即被推到河中,幸好自己爬上来,没有送命。  相似文献   

看了由《中国科学院》主办, 《中国工程院》、《国家自然科学基金委员会》共办的《科学时报》在今年8月8日发表的“科普新见”栏目中田松所写的文章——《科学的迷信与迷信的科学》 (下称  相似文献   

当人类社会发展到20世纪末,试管婴儿在美国首次获得成功,从此揭开了人类生育的又一之谜,解除了不育夫妇也能“生育”的难题。然而在现实生活里还有一些不育夫妇,不是求医问药,相信科学,而是把能否生育的希望寄托在封建迷信上,信奉上帝能把贵子降临给他们,其结果,求子不成反到成了荒  相似文献   

人们常说:“一份劳动,一份收获,”这是最普通的道理,可在我们的生活中间,却有一种人因贫穷而愚昧,用迷信来企及幻想,  相似文献   

我叫刘菊芬,大学文化程度,是河南省平顶山市委党校一名副教授,无神论者。在普及科技知识,反对封建迷信及一切歪理邪说的今天,我要把自己亲历过的“驱鬼”事件描述出来,以证实超自然、超时空的鬼神这东西确实不存在。正如古代无神论者范缜所说:“形存则神存,形谢则神灭”。即精神、意识离不开客观的物质载体及其能量的供应,生命一旦停止,意识灵魂亦不复存在。鬼神灵魂都是人们主观的想当然而已。同时,也警示人们要相信科学,反对迷信,切不能害人误己。 说起来,我还是“驱鬼”事件的主角呢!事情是这样的: 1971年腊月,我刚过11周岁生日,正上小学四年级。有  相似文献   

尽管科学技术日新月异,很多传统迷信思想已经被破除,但事实上迷信形式也在花样翻新,它贯穿于传统和现代社会的各个领域之中,跨越所有社会经济地位和教育水平。本研究以控制策略理论为视角,试图从心理成因方面对迷信行为进行解释,阐述了迷信行为的情境诱因、认知因素、情绪因素以及适应功能,随着人们科学素养的提高,必将在未来根除迷信行为。  相似文献   

去年公历是2002年,传统历(夏历)是壬午年,也称马年,按习俗,凡去年出生的人属相都是马。  相似文献   

需要是生理的和社会的要求在人脑中的反映。马克思主义认为,个体的需要是个体行为积极性的源泉。或者说,人的活动的积极性,根源在于他的需要。那么,迷信者制造、参加迷信活动,是为了满足他们的什么需要呢?他们的需要是不是得到满足了呢?下面我们就来分析一下。  相似文献   

Persistence of superstitions in the modern era could be justified by considering them as a by-product of the brain’s capacity to detect associations and make assumptions about cause-effect relationships. This ability, which supports predictive behaviour, directly relates to associative learning. We tested whether variability in superstitious behaviour reflects individual variability in the efficiency of mechanisms akin to habit learning. Forty-eight individuals performed a Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT) or an Implicit Cuing Task (ICT). In the SRTT, participants were exposed to a hidden sequence and progressively learnt to optimize responses, a process akin to skill learning. In the ICT participants met with a hidden association, which (if detected) provided a benefit (cf. habit learning). An index of superstitious beliefs was also collected. A correlation emerged between susceptibility to personal superstitions and performance at the ICT only. This novel finding is discussed in view of current ideas on how superstitions are instated.  相似文献   

Twenty undergraduate students were exposed to single response-independent schedules of reinforcer presentation, fixed-time or variable-time, each with values of 30 and 60 s. The reinforcer was a point on a counter accompanied by a red lamp and a brief buzzer. Three color signals were presented, without consistent relation to reinforcer or to the subjects' behavior. Three large levers were available, but the subjects were not asked to perform any particular behavior. Three of the 20 subjects developed persistent superstitious behavior. One engaged in a pattern of lever-pulling responses that consisted of long pulls after a few short pulls; the second touched many things in the experimental booth; the third showed biased responding called sensory superstition. However, most subjects did not show consistent superstitious behavior. Reinforcers can operate effectively on human behavior even in the absence of a response-reinforcer contingency and can, in some cases, shape stable superstitious patterns. However, superstitious behavior is not a consistent outcome of exposure of human subjects to response-independent reinforcer deliveries.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2013,33(5):689-707
The main goal of this paper is to share the changes that have been occurring in the theory, technique, and practice of psychoanalysis, and how they have had a very significant repercussion on my personal way of thinking, disseminating and daily practicing psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

人们对自己的身体的秘密总是抱着幻想,希望碰上神奇而快速的治疗方法。而一个江湖医生,只要摆出门面,就往往能赚大钱。其次,如果他表现真诚,或者有一点真诚,他的医疗成果肯定能骗人上当。当然,有些人本来就是骗人的庸医,而另一些庸医表现出具有欺骗性的真诚,更是让病人受害匪浅。  相似文献   

We explored whether spontaneous trait transference (STT) occurs in cases where inanimate objects, rather than human bystanders, are presented in the context of trait-implicative behavior. The results provide a vivid demonstration of the associability of primed trait constructs by demonstrating STT to inanimate objects to which one does not normally attribute traits (e.g., superstitious being associated with a banana). This finding is consistent with the notion that the trait associations involved in STT are formed independent of person perception processes. The implications of this finding for the types of associative processes exposed by the popular savings in relearning methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

近几年,风水术又流行起来。风水先生不足论,在一些学者的言论和论著中,也把风水说成是建筑选址的“环境科学”,比如要依山傍水,背风向阳之类。笔者经过对历史文献的考察,发现这完全是一种误解。兹将结果发表,供有关人士参考。一、风水术不是孔孟老庄及其以前的传统选择适当的地方做窝,是许多动物的本能。据研究,有些动物还有选择葬地的行为。到该死的时  相似文献   

Superstitious key pecking after three peck-produced reinforcements   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The first three pecks on a response key by experimentally naive pigeons produced grain reinforcements. Thereafter, for approximately 50 experimental sessions and under a variety of schedule conditions, grain was presented independently of the subjects' behaviors. The pigeons continued to peck the response key “superstitiously” throughout the 50 sessions. The results suggest that superstitions are commonplace—not relatively infrequent or abnormal events—in the behavior of pigeons.  相似文献   

Superstitious perceptions reveal properties of internal representations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Everyone has seen a human face in a cloud, a pebble, or blots on a wall. Evidence of superstitious perceptions has been documented since classical antiquity, but has received little scientific attention. In the study reported here, we used superstitious perceptions in a new principled method to reveal the properties of unobservable object representations in memory. We stimulated the visual system with unstructured white noise. Observers firmly believed that they perceived the letter S in Experiment 1 and a smile on a face in Experiment 2. Using reverse correlation and computational analyses, we rendered the memory representations underlying these superstitious perceptions.  相似文献   

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