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Truth是西方哲学特别是当代分析哲学、语言哲学的一个重要范畴,也是逻辑学的一个关键性概念。一般情况下,我们都把它译为“真理”。但要特别注意的是,当代分析哲学、语言哲学与逻辑学所研究的truth与我国传统哲学认识论意义下的“真理”,两者的涵义是不完全相同的:我国传统哲学认识论意义下的“真理”主要指对客观事物及其规律的正确性认识,它在一般意义上不是指某一个单独的真命题或语句,而是倾向于指某一个理论体系,即由一些命题组成的系统;而当代分析哲学、语言哲学与逻辑学所研究的truth主要指真命题或语句,即其值为真的东西。鉴于这种…  相似文献   

考察马克思对康德哲学的批判是理解马克思哲学革命的一条重要途径,这不仅是因为康德哲学的"哥白尼式革命"在西方哲学史上第一次系统认识并批判了形而上学的独断,而且由此导向的对社会历史的判断成为关于现代性矛盾问题最初的、具有哲学高度的把握和批判。从二者的关系看,马克思哲学继承了康德哲学直面现实问题的批判精神,并将康德哲学中的自由问题进一步深入到了历史现实的层面。沿着康德哲学试图解决而未解决的问题,马克思推进了认识论问题的真正解决和形而上学的根本转向,进而揭示了认识论与形而上学问题之间的本质关联,克服了康德哲学的不彻底性。马克思真正在实践层面实现了将哲学改造为"改变世界"的思想武器,并且在实践的基础上把康德哲学所关注的"抽象的人的自由"改造成为对"一切人的自由发展"的追求。  相似文献   

康德与形而上学问题——评海德格尔对康德的解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,一方面,海德格尔在他的《康德与形而上学问题》中所发挥的对康德的解释,没有停留在单纯字句,而是带有大胆的探索性质,带有真正哲学探索的标记,它始终让我们置身于问题本身,并使这些问题保持着真正的力量和自身的原初性。然而,另一方面,由于海德格尔的解释在最重要的方面采取了“武力索取”的方法,它没有公正对待康德明确坚持的感性与知性的二元论原则,就此而言,海德格尔的解释无异于是在用武力侵犯康德思想,强行让其屈从于自己的形而上学问题。本文坚持认为,领会康德思想的最确定的出发点就是要坚持康德的认识能力二元论原则,以及由此派生的“现象”与“自在之物”、“感性世界”与“理智世界”和“经验”与“理念”的二元区分。  相似文献   

苏联亚美尼亚共和国国家出版社在1958年年底用俄文出版了哲学博士卡别江教授的一部长达三十余万言的新著“康德哲学的批制分析”。本书共分“导论”和九个专题。“导论”部分对康德哲学的时代背景和对康德哲学的各种评价怍了扼要的介绍,作者不但批判了康德哲学的反动方面,同时也对康德作了全面的估价,指出了康德反地旧形而上学的重要意义。其他九个专题是:康德哲学的社会根源和认识论根源;  相似文献   

舍勒情感现象学的起点是对康德哲学的批判,这一批判所指向的是康德哲学 中的先天论。针对康德认识论中的“形式先天”,舍勒试图代之以“质料先天”;针对康德 伦理学中的“理性先天”,舍勒试图代之以“情感先天”。由“质料先天”与“情感先天” 主张所构成的新“先天论”,确立了舍勒情感现象学的基础。通过强调“情感先天”,舍勒 试图将伦理学建基于“情感”之上,以克服康德伦理学中的形式主义与理性主义倾向,实现 伦理学的精神转向。舍勒对康德先天论的批评昭示了伦理学理应充满对人的关怀,直面人的 丰富的情感体验,深入揭示情感的本质和意义,并使人在情感活动中服从本心的召唤。  相似文献   

三分析哲学:罗素与维特根斯坦(上)分析哲学是一个概称,指的是由于本世纪初数学、逻辑学和物理学等学科的重大突破而兴起的一种哲学运动,但其中的各个流派的主张是不同的,其共同点是方法上而不是内容上的。分析哲学认为哲学是“语言分析”的活动,通过语言分析,澄清哲学问题。就它强调“科学”并承袭经验主义的传统来看,它是实证主义思潮的延续和发展;在认识论上,则表现为物理主义、心理主义、通过语言上的逻辑演算对思维进行定量分析和精确化的倾向。将认识问题归结为语言和逻辑判断问题,康德就已经开始做了,但直到本世纪才由于同数理  相似文献   

先验逻辑作为康德认识理论的核心内容,其意义不仅超越了逻辑学,而且超越了认识论,成为康德清算旧形而上学、实现形而上学革命的关键环节,也是康德哲学通过形而上学的意义转换贯通古代哲学与现代哲学的关键环节。探讨康德哲学的先验逻辑,对于理解西方哲学的演进具有十分重要的意义。一、先验逻辑的基本内容先验逻辑属于康德以感性认识为基础的(广义的)理性认识学说,包括知性认识和(狭义的)理性认识两个阶段。康德认为,先验逻辑与形式逻辑既有联系又有区别:就其联系而言,它们都能提供真理的消极条件(必要条件),因为形式逻辑像先验逻辑一样属于…  相似文献   

倪胜 《世界哲学》2004,(6):31-34,113
我国对康德研究的现状和进展,可以从康德译本里反映出来.本文即以杨祖陶、邓晓芒的《康德三大批判精粹》为主,比较了康德哲学的不同中文译本,对照德语和拉丁语原文评价和讨论了康德哲学翻译上的几个重要问题,尤其是对译名进行了讨论,并对不同译本有所比较和评价.  相似文献   

本文考察了从康德的“世界公民”、黑格尔的“世界历史个人”到马克思的“世界历史性的个人”思想的历史演变,进而认为,康德哲学的意义决不仅仅在于它是近代哲学主题由本体论向认识论转变的完成者,更主要的是它开启了近代哲学主题由认识论向历史观的转变这一“新的哲学变革”;黑格尔哲学以其“宏大的历史感”和否定性辩证法使历史观的探讨达到前所未有的高度;而马克思的唯物史观则使历史观真正奠立在科学的基础上,从而完成了近代哲学主题由认识论向历史观的转变。在深化改革、扩大开放的现汽化建设过程中,有必要重新认识和把握马克思的哲学革命的实质与现实意义。  相似文献   

胡塞尔的休谟哲学批判一方面回溯笛卡尔的“先验动机”,以笛卡尔的“先验动机”来考量休谟哲学的得失;另一方面则前瞻康德哲学,考量“休谟问题”对康德哲学的历史效应。通过这种“回溯-前瞻”的关联性分析,胡塞尔将休谟哲学织入近代哲学发展的统一性进程。因此,胡塞尔的休谟哲学批判本质上是以休谟哲学为切入点对整个近代哲学传统的系统反思。胡塞尔的休谟哲学批判的意义在于,它揭示了休谟哲学的深层意图与其经验主义怀疑论之间的根本冲突,指明了消解这一根本冲突的方向和路径,澄清了近代哲学发展的旨归,即现象学是整个近代哲学的隐秘的憧憬。  相似文献   

Compactness is an important property of classical propositional logic. It can be defined in two equivalent ways. The first one states that simultaneous satisfiability of an infinite set of formulae is equivalent to the satisfiability of all its finite subsets. The second one states that if a set of formulae entails a formula, then there is a finite subset entailing this formula as well.In propositional many-valued logic, we have different degrees of satisfiability and different possible definitions of entailment, hence the questions of compactness is more complex. In this paper we will deal with compactness of Gödel, GödelΔ, and Gödel logics.There are several results (all for the countable set of propositional variables) concerning the compactness (based on satisfiability) of these logic by Cintula and Navara, and the question of compactness (based on entailment) for Gödel logic was fully answered by Baaz and Zach (see papers [3] and [2]).In this paper we give a nearly complete answer to the problem of compactness based on both concepts for all three logics and for an arbitrary cardinality of the set of propositional variables. Finally, we show a tight correspondence between these two concepts  相似文献   

Although a wide variety of feminist approaches to bioethics presently share a common feminist methodology (sometimes referred to as "raising the woman question"), they do not all share the same feminist politics, ontology, epistemology, and ethics. As a result of their philosophical differences, feminist bioethicists do not always agree on which biomedical principles, practices, and policies are best suited to serving women's interests. In other words, some feminist bioethicists insist that so-called "assisted reproduction" enhances women's procreative liberty, while others claim that it does nothing of the sort. Although such disagreement among feminist bioethicists reassures the general public that the feminist "program" for bioethics is not ideologically monolithic, it also confuses the public, especially women. In order to overcome this confusion, feminist bioethicists should work toward developing the kind of shared theoretical base that will foster frequent consensus on the biomedical principles, practices, and policies most likely to serve the interests of most women in the U.S. today.  相似文献   

A hypermodality is a connective whose meaning depends on where in the formula it occurs. The paper motivates the notion and shows that hypermodal logics are much more expressive than traditional modal logics. In fact we show that logics with very simple K hypermodalities are not complete for any neighbourhood frames.  相似文献   

The researcher's role in creating knowledge and interpretations is of critical concern as new research methods are developed. Recent attention has been given to the "implications of difference" on the research process; however, the processes of analysis/interpretation and presentation of research remain to be illuminated. Seeking to address this, I present my experiences as a White researcher of middle socioeconomic status (SES) conducting qualitative research about childbearing with several pregnant Black American adolescents of lower SES. Although the research process was consistent with qualitative research methods, initial analyses of the data led to findings that seemed far afield from the participants' worlds. I subsequently reanalyzed the data with the principles of a feminist epistemology (Harding, 1991) in mind. The impact of using this epistemology on the processes of analysis and interpretation and my presentation of the data are presented. The results support the importance of developing feminist methodology and epistemology and provide new direction for further work.  相似文献   

Wolter  Frank 《Studia Logica》1997,58(2):229-259
This paper investigates partitions of lattices of modal logics based on superintuitionistic logics which are defined by forming, for each superintuitionistic logic L and classical modal logic , the set L[] of L-companions of . Here L[] consists of those modal logics whose non-modal fragments coincide with L and which axiomatize if the law of excluded middle p V p is added. Questions addressed are, for instance, whether there exist logics with the disjunction property in L[], whether L[] contains a smallest element, and whether L[] contains lower covers of . Positive solutions as concerns the last question show that there are (uncountably many) superclean modal logics based on intuitionistic logic in the sense of Vakarelov [28]. Thus a number of problems stated in [28] are solved. As a technical tool the paper develops the splitting technique for lattices of modal logics based on superintuitionistic logics and ap plies duality theory from [34].  相似文献   

Wolter  Frank 《Studia Logica》2000,65(2):249-271
In this paper we investigate first order common knowledge logics; i.e., modal epistemic logics based on first order logic with common knowledge operators. It is shown that even rather weak fragments of first order common knowledge logics are not recursively axiomatizable. This applies, for example, to fragments which allow to reason about names only; that is to say, fragments the first order part of which is based on constant symbols and the equality symbol only. Then formal properties of "quantifying into" epistemic contexts are investigated. The results are illustrated by means of epistemic representations of Nash Equilibria for finite games with mixed strategies.  相似文献   

A major question for the relevant logics has been, “Under what conditions is Ackermann's ruleγ from -AB andA to inferB, admissible for one of these logics?” For a large number of logics and theories, the question has led to an affirmative answer to theγ problem itself, so that such an answer has almost come to be expected for relevant logics worth taking seriously. We exhibit here, however, another large and interesting class of logics-roughly, the Boolean extensions of theW — free relevant logics (and, precisely, the well-behaved subsystems of the 4-valued logicBN4) — for which γ fails.  相似文献   

B S Held  E Pols 《Family process》1985,24(4):509-524
The epistemology debates within the field of family therapy have become relatively infrequent in the last year or so, perhaps as a consequence of the confusion they have generated for many family therapists. This article maintains that the primary reason for the confusion is a failure to distinguish clearly between the conventional meaning of the term epistemology, which concerns the nature of knowledge, and the unconventional meaning given the term in family therapy, which concerns the nature of what we know. It is proposed that the confusion can be diminished by understanding the relationship between the two meanings, which are here distinguished as epistemology (meaning 1) and epistemology (meaning 2) respectively. Particular attention is given to the logical consequences of adopting a position on epistemology (meaning 1)—e.g, is the knower capable of knowing an independent reality, or does the act of knowing make its own reality?—or on epistemology (meaning 2)—e.g., is causality linear or nonlinear?. The relevance and implications of these problems for the theory and practice of family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Mark U. Edwards  Jr. 《Dialog》2000,41(1):50-62
Is there a distinct Lutheran epistemology? I contend that there is. This epistemology, coming from the writings of (and subsequent reflections upon the writings of) Martin Luther, is uniquely poised–due to its emphasis on history, its affirmation of "the ordinary" and embodied life, its ability to have genuine dialogue with "secular" disciplines, and its built–in humility–for addressing the interdisciplinary political, social justice, environmental, and other issues that face us today. Likewise, one is able to embrace this epistemology whether he or she is a geneticist, a priest, a teacher, or a doctor; in fact it is this epistemology that can enable us to discern vocational goals.  相似文献   

The veiled recession frame has served several times in the literature to provide examples of modal logics failing to have certain desirable properties. Makinson [4] was the first to use it in his presentation of a modal logic without the finite model property. Thomason [5] constructed a (rather complicated) logic whose Kripke frames have an accessibility relation which is reflexive and transitive, but which is satisfied by the (non-transitive) veiled recession frame, and hence incomplete. In Van Benthem [2] the frame was an essential tool to find simple examples of incomplete logics, axiomatized by a formula in two proposition letters of degree 2, or by a formula in one proposition letter of degree 4 (the degree of a modal formula is the maximal number of nested occurrences of the necessity operator in ). In [3] we showed that the modal logic determined by the veiled recession frame is incomplete, and besides that, is an immediate predecessor of classical logic (or, more precisely, the modal logic axiomatized by the formula pp), and hence is a logic, maximal among the incomplete ones. Considering the importance of the modal logic determined by the veiled recession frame, it seems worthwhile to ask for an axiomatization, and in particular, to answer the question if it is finitely axiomatizable. In the present paper we find a finite axiomatization of the logic, and in fact, a rather simple one consisting of formulas in at most two proposition letters and of degree at most three.The paper was written with support of the Netherlands organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

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