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我国教育科学“八·五”期间心理学研究的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈海平 《心理科学》1997,20(4):352-356
与此文有关的交流请与陈海平(100875北京师范大学心理系)联系.0引言为了总结已有的研究成果,展望“九·五”教育心理学研究的方向,本文拟对“八·五”期间我国教育心理研究的进展进行简要的评述。本文所指的“教育心理”,是广义的教育心理,包括有关教育教学的基本心理过程、中文认知加工与发展、心理与教育测量、发展心理、心理咨询与学校心理、以及教学心理与学习心理等方面。本文所引述的研究论文,除极少数外,绝大部分都以1991~1994年《全国社会科学报刊文献索引》心理学类(B84)所列文献为主,1995年的文献则以主要心理学刊…  相似文献   

2006年12月22日至24日,中国心理学会发展心理学、教育心理学专业委员会2006年度学术年会在广州举行.本次学术年会由中国心理学会发展心理学、教育心理学专业委员会联合主办,广州大学承办.会议历时两天半,共有800余名代表参加了会议,其中正式代表600余人,广州大学校内代表200余人.大会邀请了中国心理学界的著名专家林崇德教授、李其维教授、董奇教授及在国际心理学界卓有成绩的美籍华人严文蕃教授做了四场大会报告,分别分析了发展心理学的历史变迁和新进展、描述了21世纪的科学前沿—发展认知神经科学的功能及研究取向、对当前心理学的研究状态和未来趋势进行了全面阐释,并介绍了高级统计手段—多层线性分析在发展与教育心理学中的应用等.  相似文献   

学习风格理论应用于教育心理学教学的尝试谭顶良(南京师范大学教育系)0引言_近一、二十年来,现代教育和心理学对个别差异的研究,除了关注学习者的智力和已有知识、成就动机和相应的个性特征以外,还特别重视学习者的学习风格。所谓学习风格,指学习者在长期的学习活...  相似文献   

前苏联在马克思主义宗教心理学探讨方面的历史贡献在于:初步构建了马克思主义宗教心理学的学科框架:非常重视对西方各种有神论心理学思想的批判:视无神论教育为马克思主义宗教心理学的核心。其历史教训主要表现在:对社会主义阶段宗教问题的长期性、复杂性认识不足:没有真正体现马克思主义科学方法论的鲜明时代特征:对于马克思主义宗教心理学学科体系的理解不够全面。中国共产党的几代领导人在不同的历史时期.创造性地发展了马克思主义宗教心理观。其基本特点是:注重从政党建设的战略高度审视无神论心理与教育;力求运用政策杠杆准确地体现宗教心理的双重功能。文章最后阐述了马克思主义宗教心理学方法论的时代特征及基本要求。  相似文献   

德育心理学是教育心理学的一门新的分支,它正在迅速地发展成长。是什么原因使德育心理学作为教育心理学的独立领域而分离出来,成为一门新的分支的?德育心理学研究的对象和任务是什么?研究德育心理的方法又是什么?本文拟对这些问题作一些简单的介绍。一教育心理学研究教育实践领域中的各种心理学问题。我国教育心理学的主要任务就是研究受教育者在教育影响下形成道德品质,掌握知识和技能,发展智力和体力的过程及其规律性。对年青一代的思想品德教育在我国从来就是十分重视的。可是在十年浩劫期间,我国德  相似文献   

日本心理学教育是大学教育的重要组成部分,了解日本心理学专业教育的基本情况,可以对进一步加强我国心理学教育提供有益的启迪,为此,本文试图对日本心理学教育的基本情况作一简单介绍.(一)关于心理学专业的课程设置在日本,由于各大学心理学专业的特点不同,有的大学以实验心理学为中心,有的以  相似文献   

培养学生健康的心理素质,是教育的热点问题,美术教育具有塑造学生健康心理素质的特殊作用,因而受到更多关注与重视。美术教育审美活动担负着陶冶学生情操,帮助学生树立正确的、健康的审美价值观的作用。运用教育心理学进行美术教育活动,为审美教育提供新的发展可行性。  相似文献   

车文博先生是当代中国著名的心理学家,为中国心理学的发展作出了重大贡献.1)推进了中国心理学基本理论的研究,是中国理论心理学科的奠基人之一;2) 推动心理学史的研究,在东、西方心理学史及比较史研究方面均成就斐然;3)重视心理学的实践应用,并积极推进了中国心理学的组织建设与人才培养.  相似文献   

赵晶 《社会心理科学》2009,(5):12-14,22
进化教育心理学是研究人类朴素知识和学术知识之间关系的交叉学科。文章阐述了进化教育心理学的基本观点和产生的基础,介绍了进化教育心理学的主要研究学习动机、初级知识与次级知识之间的关系、教育的性别差异。  相似文献   

朱永新 《心理学报》1990,23(3):108-114
中国近代教育心理学思想在从古代教育心理思想过渡到现代教育心理学的过程中具有不可忽视的中介作用。它一方面保留着古代教育心理思想的形式,即采用经验式的描述或思辨式的宏论;另一方面又涉及到西方近代教育心理学的若干内容。本文着重探讨了近代教育心理学思想的几个主要领域,即基本理论问题、学科心理、教学心理和德育心理等内容。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that German basic psychology journals should change publication language to English in order to facilitate access to research from German-speaking countries. However, to truly increase the dissemination of German research, it seems crucial to progress towards an internationalization of authors and readers. We applied bibliometric analysis to investigate the impact of the transition to English on the rate of foreign authors publishing in Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie/Experimental Psychology, as well as possible associated changes in citation patterns. There was an increase in the rate of articles published by foreign authors from 14.6 and 8.7 per cent, respectively, for the last biannual periods as German-language journal, to 52.7 per cent in the first biannual period as English-language journal. Regarding citations patterns, the clearest changes emerged for domestic authors. The results illustrate possible consequences of a transition to English as publication language, and reveal that Experimental Psychology has successfully established certain prerequisites for an increase of the international dissemination of German psychology research.  相似文献   

Approximately 12 years ago the German Federation of Psychological Societies initiated a certified postgraduate training in psychology and law to qualify psychologists as forensic psychology experts. This qualification initiative was a consequence of a decade of evaluative research constantly yielding serious shortcomings in psychiatric and psychological expert reports. The present paper informs about the conception of the training and the experiences with it so far. Furthermore, it reports on current reform efforts regarding the training and informs about some further forensic psychological qualification options that have meanwhile been established in Germany.  相似文献   

关于中国教育心理学史研究的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕国材 《心理科学》2006,29(3):729-732
全文讨论三个问题:什么是中国教育心理学史?为什么要研究中国教育心理学史?怎样研究中国教育心理学史?以便了解中国心理学史的对象与范围,目的与意义,指导思想、原则与方法。  相似文献   

The multiplicity of definitions and conceptions of self-regulation that typifies contemporary research on self-regulation in psychology and educational psychology is examined. This examination is followed by critical analyses of theory and research in educational psychology that reveal not only conceptual confusions, but misunderstandings of conceptual versus empirical issues, individualistic biases to the detriment of an adequate consideration of social and cultural contexts, and a tendency to reify psychological states and processes as ontologically foundational to self-regulation. The essay concludes with a consideration of educational research and intervention in the area of students’ self-regulated learning in terms of the scientific and professional interests of psychologists and educators, and the disguised manipulation of student self-surveillance in the service of the institutional mandates of schools.  相似文献   

当代教育心理学的研究和发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高岚  李资渝  张莉 《心理学探新》2001,21(1):38-42,53
随着教育心理学的发展,其学科的独立性愈加明显,研究课题也发生了相应的变化,并且表现出所受当代心理学新理论影响的敏感性。在本文中,作者通过以上三个方面,来跟踪与评述当代教育心理学的研究与发展,强调了中国文化作为教育心理学重要资源的意义,提倡了一种东西方心理学和积极心理学的观点。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate the value of educational psychology theory in developing an age-appropriate programme to prevent tooth decay. A theory-based approach was adopted for the programme development, and a questionnaire was used to ascertain the knowledge gaps in 52 children aged five to six years in two preschools in an urban town. The results showed that most of the children had no awareness and only a moderate knowledge of proper dental care. Piaget's cognitive development theory was applied in the planning and implementation of the activities in the programme. The developed programme was presented to educational psychologists and dentists, and their feedback was used to refine the programme. The importance of educational psychology theory was illustrated in the development of an age-appropriate preventative programme as well as in using an accessible pedagogical approach. The value of multidisciplinary colloboration was also illustrated.  相似文献   

教育神经科学:探究人类认知与学习的一条整合式途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡谊  桑标 《心理科学》2010,33(3):514
教育神经科学是第二代认知科学对人的具身认知进行认识深化的必然产物,也是不同层面研究以整合态势来研究教育情境中人的认知过程及其发展的当然结果。在认知神经科学与教育已有的良好沟通下,教育神经科学就是要通过教育学家、心理学家、神经科学家等的合力,借助多种技术(包括脑成像技术),多视角、多层面地分析人的心理活动,以求最终达到科学改进教育理论及其做法的目的。不可否认,本研究领域还存在一些问题;但这并不会就此阻止教育学、心理学、神经科学加快合作与融合的步伐。  相似文献   

Chen Li is one of a small group of psychologists in China who trained abroad early in their careers, returned to teach and do research, and continued doing so into later life beyond normal retirement age. His contacts with a number of prominent psychologists in England and Germany in the 1930s, and his inadvertent position at the center of a political row in China in the 1960s, leading to the shutting down of psychology for 10 years, made him historically important. Known for his work in organizational psychology and education, he is a distinguished psychologist and educational leader. Although trained as an experimentalist, he now embraces a broader view of psychology but remains emphatic it should be applied to real-life problems.  相似文献   

近20年来教育心理学研究对我国教育改革的推动作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张大均  胥兴春 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1418-1421
近20年我国教育心理学空前繁荣,不但学科体系13臻完善,其研究成果从多方面推动了我国教育的改革和发展。主要表现为:一是在学科体系构建、研究领域拓展及研究取向的中国化等方面取得了较大的进展;二是为素质教育提供了理论依据;三是为课程教学改革奠定了心理科学基础;四是致力于为中国当代教育实践服务。  相似文献   

This entry surveys the characteristics, stages, and lines of development of modern psychology as an empirical psychology in Germany during the 19th and 20th centuries. These developments occurred in the context of very different political periods in German history, during a time span extending from the period of the Restoration after the Vienna Congress of 1814/15 to the present‐day “Berlin Republic”. At the centre lies the question of continuities and discontinuities in the evolution of psychology during the profound sociocultural changes that marked the politically heterogeneous developmental phases of German history. The stages are indicated by headings treating the development of psychology during the period of Restoration after 1814/15, in the German Empire (1871–1918), in the Weimar Republic (1919–1933), during the time of National Socialism (1933–45), in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, 1949–1990), in the German Democratic Republic (GDR, 1949–1990), and in united Germany after 1990. The result will be to demonstrate how psychology in 19th‐ and 20th‐century Germany developed from modest beginnings into a richly elaborated scientific field with diverse institutions and a differentiated professional structure. The fate of individual German psychologists during this time can be only tangentially considered.  相似文献   

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