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中医西传与翻译问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪的后半叶 ,中国传统医学不但在接受西方医学的挑战之后存活了下来 ,甚至还获致了相当的振兴与发展。尤其近 30年来针灸引起了国际医学研究界的注意 ,不但受到西方国家的医疗体系广为采用 ,更造成了研究的风潮。最近二三十年来 ,在西方科学化的医学达到史无前列的伟绩之际 ,中国传统医学与其他多样的“另类疗法”却还能在西方各国逐渐受到欢迎 ,是一种值得探讨的现象。不过就实际而言 ,西方人对中医的兴趣仍然只是一种边缘性的社会现象 ,中医医疗在大部分国家并未能获得国家或私人保险的给付 ,至于中医教育的施行 ,也仍以非大学级等的…  相似文献   

中医经典文献的解释可分为语言文字、概念术语、思想文化观念三个层面,历代医家对其作了大量的注解,这与西方诠释学传统有一定的相似之处,但历代医家的注解尚存不足,而诠释学则能为我们提供富于启发性的见解与思路.通过"是动、所生"诠释历史的回顾,认为经典中医文献研究具有强烈的诠释学向度.  相似文献   

金丹包括外丹和内丹,中医是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治的一门学科。金丹和中医在世俗目的上是相同或相近的。金丹与中医都以阴阳理论为依据,但有不同。外丹与中药丹、内丹有同有异。内丹与中医药物不同。内丹药物是人体内精气神,中医药物以植物为主。内丹与中医对人体的认识有同有异。脏腑理论和经络理论、腧穴理论既是中医的基本理论,也是内丹学得以成立的生理基础。对内丹来说,奇经八脉的作用更为重要,特别重视任督二脉和特有的中黄之脉。丹田理论在腧穴理论中,仅是一个普通的穴位而已,内丹学认为丹田对内丹修炼有着极其重要的作用,是人体中产药结丹之处所。  相似文献   

论中医的科学精神和人文方法   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
近十几年来中医现代化研究成效不显,以及发生许许多多的争论和困惑的重要原因在于我们对中医的基本性质缺乏一种共识。说中医就是一门科学或者不是科学,是一门经验医学或者是哲学医都会使我们陷于一个难堪的困境。中医具有科学精神,但不具有西方意义上的科学方法,而是用具有中国特色的人文方法实现科学精神的经验知识体系。具有科学精神是一回事,怎样实现这种精神却是另一回事,前者是无国界的,后者却是可以文化多元的。  相似文献   

对中医文化研究现状的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 中医文化研究的现状1 1 中医文化研究取得的成果1 1 1 收集整理了大量非医学典籍中有关中医药的内容[1] ,为继续研究提供了一定的素材与线索。1 1 2 对药物器械、技术方法、理论形式、思维逻辑、心态结构、价值观念等中医文化各层次内容与西方医学文化中相应的内容进行了大体上的比较 ,并在对两者作出一定价值评判的基础上 ,批判了中医科研工作中存在的或者将中西医理论概念简单对应 ,或者以西方医学为价值标准的研究倾向 ,肯定了中医学在疾病观、治疗观、用药方法等方面确实有契合生命特征的合理因素。1 1 3 对中医学与其他中国传统…  相似文献   

在以梅洛-庞蒂为代表的当代身体哲学与中国古代中医的身体思想之间,我们发现了根本理念上的诸多相契之处。如梅洛-庞蒂的"走向世界之身"与中医的"大身子"相契;他所说的"流动的身体"与中医的"气"相契;其"可见的-不可见的"身体与中医"藏象"相契;梅洛-庞蒂提到的身体的"双叶"与中医的"阴阳"相契;其"生命化的时间"说与中医"五行"说相契;梅洛-庞蒂的"身体间性"与中医"经络"相契;其"用身体知道"与中医"身诊"相契。这一切,不仅使梅洛-庞蒂身体哲学的兴起代表了对西方传统身体观的一场根本叛逆,也为中医身体观走向现代及中医身体观与当代身体观的会通提供了重要的理论契机。  相似文献   

从文化比较的角度,阐述了中医形与神俱论与西方心身医学、五脏藏神说与情绪生理心理学、精神内守法与西方精神分析及生物反馈技术的区别与联系,指出了中医心身相关理论与技术的文化特质及其蕴涵的现代科学意义。  相似文献   

基于现象学对西方科学危机的反思,认为中医具有与西医完全不同的知识建构模式,中医知识是以中国古人的日常生活世界为基础建构起来的,中医学基本理论具有直觉知识的自明性,原初的自明性体验是其他后继的认识活动的起点.要回答中医理论的合理性和实践智慧就必须返回到本民族的生活世界中去寻找,而不是以西医为标准去评判.  相似文献   

中医基础理论的研究范畴与方法探讨中国中医研究院基础理论研究所(100700)刘艳骄一、中医基础理论研究的范畴中医基础理论的研究应包括中医基础学科的基础理论、中医临床学科的基础理论、中医软科学的基础理论研究三大部分。中医基础学科的基础理论包括中医哲学理...  相似文献   

中医现代化与中医国际化中国中医研究院基础理论研究所(100700)吕爱平,徐世杰中医现代化,用简单的话来说,就是用现代科学包括西医学方法来研究或解释中医。研究中医的目的是发展丰富中医本身,使他朝着自身的发展规律而发展。解释中医就是用现代科学通常是西医...  相似文献   

Recent controversial decisions to terminate several large clinical trials have called attention to the need for developing a sound ethical framework to determine when trials should be stopped in light of emerging efficacy data. Currently, the fundamental rationale for stopping trials early is based on the principle that equipoise has been disturbed. We present an analysis of the ethical and practical problems with the "equipoise disturbed" position and describe an alternative ethical framework based on the principle of nonexploitation. This framework acknowledges the need for balancing the dual ethical obligations of clinical research, the protection of human subjects and the generation of new medical knowledge. Based on this framework, we put forward a proposal to make early stopping guidelines more stringent under specified conditions. The temporary withholding of apparent benefits in certain circumstances is justified by achieving a fair contract with the research participants, one that protects them from undue harm and exploitation while reducing the many uncertainties surrounding new investigational treatments that arise when trials are stopped prematurely.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes statistical decisions during the interim analyses of clinical trials. After some general remarks about the ethical and scientific demands of clinical trials, I introduce the notion of a hard-case clinical trial, explain the basic idea behind it, and provide a real example involving the interim analyses of zidovudine in asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. The example leads me to propose a decision analytic framework for handling ethical conflicts that might arise during the monitoring of hard-case clinical trials. I use computer simulations to show how the framework can assist in reconciling certain ethical conflicts. The framework is partial, lacking the precision of a complete systematization of statistical monitoring procedures in practice.  相似文献   

Go/no-go tasks seem to provide a simple marker of inhibitory development in young children. Children are told to respond to one stimulus on go trials but to make no response to another stimulus on no-go trials; responding on no-go trials is assumed to reflect a failure to inhibit the go response. However, there is evidence to suggest that a type of go/no-go task, which we call the "button-press" task, does not require inhibition. We investigated the conditions under which young children (M=3 years 6 months, N=120) experience inhibitory difficulty with this type of task. The data suggest that the speed of stimulus presentation is crucial and that other studies using this type of task have presented the stimuli too briefly. The importance of establishing the inhibitory credentials of a task before it is used as a marker of inhibitory control is emphasized.  相似文献   

语言学:医者的利器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古代和中世纪,语言学是哲学的一部分,那时语言学还不是独立的科学.当今这两门学问都有了同样发展,对于医者的作用都很大[1].  相似文献   

Theories of adult reasoning propose that reasoning consists of two functionally distinct systems that operate under entirely different mechanisms. This theoretical framework has been used to account for a wide range of phenomena, which now encompasses developmental research on reasoning and problem solving. We begin this review by contrasting three main dual-system theories of adult reasoning (Evans & Over, 1996; Sloman, 1996; Stanovich & West, 2000) with a well-established developmental account that also incorporates a dual-system framework (Brainerd & Reyna, 2001). We use developmental studies of the formation and application of intuitive rules in science and mathematics to evaluate the claims that these theories make. Overall, the evidence reviewed suggests that what is crucial to understanding how children reason is the saliency of the features that are presented within a task. By highlighting the importance of saliency as a way of understanding reasoning, we aim to provide clarity concerning the benefits and limitations of adopting a dual-system framework to account for evidence from developmental studies of intuitive reasoning.  相似文献   

从唯物主义认识论立场探讨中医现代化问题;讨论了中医学的现实和理论危机以及当前对中医现代化的若干不正确认识;运用唯物主义认识论的方法分析中医学的本质,认为中医学的两个本质在于面向“状态”和充分依赖机体自我修复能力的治疗方式,中医现代化过程中应该坚持这两个本质特性而扬弃传统中医中的古代哲学;在此基础上提出了中医现代化可能的实践方案。  相似文献   

In this paper I address the conflict of interest (CoI) issue from a legal point of view at a European level. We will see that the regulatory framework that exists in Europe does state the need for the independence of ethics committee involved in authorisation of research and clinical trials. We will see that CoI is an element that has to be closely monitored at National and International level. Therefore, Member States and Newly Associated States do have to address CoI in the authorisation process of research and clinical protocols of biomedicine. The opinions here expressed are personal and do not commit the European Commission. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a Conference on Conflict of Interest and Its Significance in Science and Medicine, 5–6 April, 2002, Warsaw, Poland. The author is a Scientific Officer in the Programme Science and Society dealing with ethics and science (Unit C.3).  相似文献   

中医概念体系需要细化和重构,在对中医辨证、辨病内涵实质进行再分析基础上,认为目前中医辨病辨证认识存在着关系不清、临床功能定位模糊等问题,阐述了细化重构中医辨治理论模型的必要性,并初步探析了辨病与辨证二者的趋同关系、互补关系、矛盾关系等,给出了面对辨病、辨证、辨症等多重认识时的处理原则。  相似文献   

Given the lack of knowledge about safety and efficacy of many treatments for children, pediatric clinical trials are important, but recruitment for pediatric research is difficult. Little is known about children's perspective on participating in trials. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences and motivations of young people who took part in clinical trials. This is a qualitative interview study of 25 young people aged 10–23 who were invited to take part in clinical trials. Interviews were audio or video recorded and analyzed using framework analysis. Young peoples' motivations were both personal benefit and helping others. Both incentives appeared to be more complex than expected. We introduce the terms “network of exchange” and “intergenerational solidarity” to describe these motivations. To improve recruitment, professionals should be more open about research opportunities, provide better information, and give young people feedback after the trial has ended.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— An international, multidisciplinary effort aims to identify evidence-based treatments (EBTs) or interventions. The goal of this effort is to identify specific techniques or programs that successfully target and change specific behaviors. In clinical psychology, EBTs are identified based on the outcomes of randomized controlled trials examining whether treatments outperform control or alternative treatment conditions. Treatment outcomes are measured in multiple ways. Consistently, different ways of gauging outcomes yield inconsistent conclusions. Historically, EBT research has not accounted for these inconsistencies. In this paper we highlight the implications of inconsistencies, describe a framework for redressing inconsistent findings, and illustrate how the framework can guide future research on how to administer and combine treatments to maximize treatment effects and how to study treatments via quantitative review.  相似文献   

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