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The consulting process seems to work similarly regardless of whether the consultant is internal or external or is doing individual or group consultation. Some differences may occur depending on whether the consultant is a process helper or content helper, although good content-focused consultants often possess excellent process skills and use them as a regular part of the consulting process. Several consultation processes were reviewed, and from this a six-step approach is presented.  相似文献   

Many counselors need and want to reach more students through effective counsultation with teachers. While the desirability of consulting has been established in the literature, the counselor may be concerned about how to begin a consulting role and how to develop a consulting relationship with teachers. Beginning a consulting role may be simple and informal. The use of systematic procedures should aid the counselor in developing the consulting relationship. Systematic consulting procedures, along with the all-important attitude of the consultant, are illustrated through two cases.  相似文献   

The counseling profession has much in common with that of organizational consulting. The authors provide an overview of consulting practices that those in counseling might find useful should they decide to investigate the promise of organizational consulting. Included are aspects of market research, gauging competition, and target markets. They also consider promotion, networking, and elements of consulting performance. Last, they provide an extensive overview of relevant associations and materials of potential value to the prospective consultant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine sport psychology consultants’ (SPCs) perceptions of the influence of SPC characteristics on consultant effectiveness, while determining the conditions necessary for establishing an effective consulting relationship. Thirteen accredited SPCs participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic content analysis identified three characteristics of SPC effectiveness: (a) build a connection with the athlete to create positive change, (b) build a professional consulting relationship with athlete, and (c) consulting relationship meets athletes’ needs. Two aspects emerged as essential for an effective consulting relationship: (a) athlete is an active participant, and (b) SPC awareness of client boundaries of confidentiality.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between teaching and consulting in clinical ethics teaching and the role of the ethics teacher in clinical decision-making. Three roles of the clinical ethics teacher are discussed and illustrated with examples from the authors' experience. Two models of the ethics consultant are contrasted, with an argument presented for the ethics consultant as decision facilitator. A concluding section points to some of the challenges of clinical ethics teaching.  相似文献   

Questionaires distributed by 12 school psychologists to school personnel with whom they had been consulting for six months were completed and returned by 73 teachers, counselors, and principals. The information provided by the respondents indicated the frequencies with which the school psychologists engaged in consulting and child study activities, the school personnel's evaluations of nine different school psychologist skills, and the preferences of the respondents for the different school psychologist functions in their schools. The data showed that: (1) school psychologists were doing more consulting than evaluations of individual children, (2) school personnel tended to perceive their psychologists as cooperative, knowledgeable, and skillful, though relatively inefficient and undependable, and (3) school personnel preferred consulting activities to psychometric activities. It was concluded that the consultant model had been shown to be operative and that it was more highly valued than the psychometric model by the consumers of psychological services.  相似文献   

本研究探析了人格因素与咨询期望的相关性及对临床工作的启示.通过方便抽样选取样本348人,用心理咨询预期简表、卡特尔16项人格因子问卷进行调查.咨询期望在性别之间无差异,心理咨询中的个人承诺与聪慧性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.对咨询师专业性的期待与乐群性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.人格中的有恒性、聪慧性等对个人承诺有正向影响,而忧虑性、怀疑性对其有负向影响.有恒性、乐群性对专业性期待有正向影响,而忧虑性则产生负向影响.在临床心理咨询中要想达到理想效果,需要依据来访者的人格特点,评估并适时调整咨询期望.  相似文献   

This paper draws on my doctoral research study based on consulting work with three primary school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCos) that took place in 2008. The study examined the interactions that arose in the consultations with the SENCos and their staff. The findings that emerged from the application of Grounded Theory research methodology showed that the consultant, the SENCos and the children for whom they were responsible all felt on the edge of school life. SENCos and their staff were subject on a daily basis to powerful projections from children who were unable to tolerate difficult feelings and they were at risk of becoming identified with these feelings. The consultant in turn was the recipient of powerful projections from the SENCos. These complex dynamics of projective identification are examined in the study. The question of how SENCos and staff can better support children on the edge of exclusion with these unregulated feeling states is discussed. It is proposed that senior management teams and policy makers are essential in putting the SENCo role more at the centre of schools, both physically and in terms of how it is perceived. The need for access to a consultant who can help SENCos to understand and process extreme feelings is recommended as a way forward.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore expectations of athletes and nonathletes about sport psychology consulting. Tinsley's (1982) Expectations About Coun-seling-Brief form was revised using sport psychology terms. The revised instrument, Expectations About Sport Psychology Consulting (EASPC) questionnaire, was administered to 111 athletes (64 male and 47 female) and 166 nonathletes (72 male and 94 female) attending an NCAA Division I university. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the data fit the hypothesized 3-factor model (i.e., personal commitment, facilitative conditions, and consultant expertise). A 2 (College Sport Participation) 2 (Gender) MANOVA and follow-up discriminant function analyses revealed that females had higher expectancies of personal commitment than did males whereas males believed that consultants were more directive and more capable of solving problems quickly than did females. No significant differences were obtained between athletes and their peers. The results indicate that the EASPC instrument might be a valuable tool for determining expectations about sport psychology consulting.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes forms of political involvement among consultants engaged in planned organizational change. This analysis is intended to contribute to research and theorizing on organizational change and to help consultants and managers cope with the challenges posed by organizational politics. Four consulting styles are distinguished, those that vary in the sources of consultant power, the consultants’ degree of involvement in organizational politics, the processes on which consultants and their clients rely to implement organizational change, and the consultants’ definition of the main client. Factors accounting for variations in the use of the four consulting styles are noted, along with conditions that may influence the effectiveness of these styles. Implications for consulting practice also are discussed. He is also head of the department’s Graduate Program in the Sociology of Organizations. This article is a revised version of part of a paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Madrid, July, 1990. Thanks to Jean Bartunek, Jo Ann Harrison, Dafna Izraeli, Bruce Phillips, and Aryeh Shirom for their very helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper.  相似文献   

Fortunately, people are becoming more aware than they used to be of the existence of relationship abuse and are consulting ministers and pastoral counselors to help them deal with this problem. Unfortunately, several myths exist regarding relationship abuse which, if taken as fact, are counterproductive to people involved in such relationships and countertherapeutic for the ministers and pastoral counselors who are attempting to help. This article addresses four commonly held myths regarding relationship abuse and the attendant pastoral implications. is a pastoral consultant and conductor of workshops. He makes his home in Tiburon, California.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how the internal worlds of adolescents who are looked after in residential care homes impact upon workers and generate complex dynamics within teams. This is especially so regarding internal parental objects and couplings, which inevitably include those of abandoning, abusive and ambivalent parental figures. Versions of these are projected and enacted between adolescents and workers, workers and managers, team and consultant. Conceptual thinking about groups and gangs is drawn upon to help illuminate the emotional phenomena encountered in team consultation meetings as described in the paper. Clinical material is given of working in the transference as consultant to the team, in order to illustrate processes of containment and the opportunity for thinking to take place. In this, there is movement between different states of mind within the team. The paper seeks to demonstrate a way of consulting to residential teams working with looked after adolescents and to show how this can mediate some of the enactments by workers and teams of projected states and transferential phenomena. Associated with this, there can be a deepening of the team's understanding of the emotional experience of the adolescents in their care.  相似文献   

Family consultation is aimed at facilitating the development of children by assisting parents to use more effective parenting techniques. Increasingly, consultants will find themselves conducting cross-cultural consultation because of the diversity of U.S. society. R. F. Pinto (1981) pointed out that cross-cultural consultants must be aware of their personal values and biases, be culturally empathic, be aware of their consulting paradigm, and be able to make culturally sensitive adaptations to their approach to consultation. Each of these points is addressed in this article.  相似文献   

In an overview of the essays in this project, a number of clinical ethics issues receive emphasis. (1) One cluster concerns the ethical concerns presented within the relationship between the providers (doctor, nurse, etc.) and patient (and family), as distinct from those associated with being a clinical ethics consultant invited into a situation to assist. (2) Distinct from these are ethical issues intrinsic to the ways in which clinical encounters are variously written about (from chart notes to published articles). (3) Finally, there is a set of issues connected with the major characteristics of clinical encounters, in view of which it is imperative to be specifically attentive to the fine details and complex interactions among patient, doctor, family, and others, within a specific social context. Keeping these matters in mind helps to clarify the differences between consulting (talking and listening) and writing about consultations, as well as among the various kinds of writing about clinical encounters.  相似文献   

Certain events, commonly found in the life histories of children, have been characterized as potentially stressful (Rutter, 1981). There is some evidence to support the hypothesis that these events play a role in the etiology of various disorders, although the nature of that relationship is not clear (Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend, 1974). Yet that relationship remains the subject of considerable interest, as can be seen by the number of studies on the influence of stressful life events on children's emotional adjustment and school performance (Boike, Gesten, Cowen, Felner, & Francis, 1978; Felner, Ginter, Boike, & Cowen, 1981; Felner, Stolberg, & Cowen, 1975; Gesten, Scher, & Cowen, 1981; Felner, Stolberg, & Cowen, 1975; Gesten, Scher, & Cowen, 1978; Rolf & Garmezy, 1974; Sandler & Block, 1979; Siegel, 1981). Sandler and Ramsey (1980) have suggested that the role of life events as stressors can be understood to be a function of, among other things, the frequency of occurrence of events. For research and clinical assessment purposes, baseline data on the incidence of stressful life events of children seem to be necessary. In order to collect and organize baseline data, the relevant demographic variables must be identified. It was hypothesized that there might be two relevant demographic variables: age and socioeconomic status (SES). The purposes of this study were to (a) conduct a survey to gather baseline data on the incidence of stressful life events of children, and (b) examine the effects of age and SES on the number of events reported.  相似文献   


This article provides a personal perspective on the link between excellence in sport and business. It traces the author's transition from sport psychologist to business consultant before identifying specific areas in which direct links can be drawn between the two domains. Specifically, five major areas are addressed: organizational issues, in which a demands, supports, constraints approach is outlined; stress, including a model of stress in leaders and a model of stress and coping; leadership, in which a model of leadership and how it relates to performance is presented; high-performing teams, based on a create, unite, perform (CUP) model of team building, team work, and team effectiveness; and one-to-one coaching/consulting, in which common areas across sport and business are identified. The general conclusion is that the principles of elite performance in sport are easily transferable to the business context, and also that sport has a considerable amount to learn from excellence in business.  相似文献   

This paper describes clinical work carried out as part of the Tavistock Clinic Under Fives Service, which offers brief focused psychoanalytically based interventions to families with young children, as well as longer-term work. It elaborates psychoanalyst Annette Watillon's idea that it is the dramatic way in which children enact their (and their family's) predicament in the consulting room which speeds up the process of change. The author clusters clinical cases into three categories, each cluster representing a different kind of ‘dramatic’ enactment and leading to a different kind of intervention relating to the therapist's role, the structure of the interventions and the ‘ports of entry’ for the work. The categories are defined as: ‘child-led drama’ with the therapist in the role of ‘therapeutic observer’; ‘internal parental drama’ with the therapist in the role of ‘therapeutic consultant’; and ‘external parental drama’ with the therapist in the role of ‘therapeutic modulator’. The author defines these categories, illustrating each category with clinical examples.  相似文献   

采用眼动法,探究来访者阅读去信与回信时认知信息的变化,以及新手型咨询师与来访者在阅读角色书信时认知信息的差异。结果表明,来访者阅读回信时,对去信中诱发不良情绪的部分认知因素予以回应;新手型咨询师的注视时间显著短于来访者,注视次数多于来访者,热点区域不同于来访者。结果说明,往复的角色书信可以促进来访者转变不良认知;新手型咨询师对角色书信的理解与来访者存在不同。  相似文献   

This study explores Black teachers' preferences for and ratings of consultant effectiveness as a function of consultant race, consultant style, and teacher stage of racial identity development. No significant differences were noted in preferences for either a same- or opposite-race consultant. Participants preferred and rated as more effective an instrumentally oriented consultant.  相似文献   

Methods that allow estimating the dollar impact of human resource programs are now available to Industrial/Organizational (I/O) psychologists and other human resource professionals. Dollar estimates running into the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars (and higher) have been established for various recruitment, selection and training programs across a wide variety of white and blue collar jobs. Most of this work has gone largely unnoticed by mainstream business communities due in large part to the inability of psychologists and other human resource professionals to communicate their research findings in a manner that is clear and credible to organizational decision makers and consistent with typical business conventions. It is concluded that I/O psychologists and other technical human resource professionals should place more emphasis on adequately communicating cost-benefit estimates to managers and other organizational decision makers, and that managers and organizational decision makers should routinely request such estimates from internal professional staff members and/or outside consulting firms.John M. Rauschenberger is a personnel research consultant in the Workforce Research and Selection Systems Section of Ford Motor Company. Frank L. Schmidt is the Sheets Distinguished Professor of Human Resources at the University of Iowa. He is on the Editorial Board of theJournal of Applied Psychology, and has been the recipient of the James McKeen Cattell Award for Research Design.  相似文献   

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