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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a participative management (self-management) procedure directed toward increasing the frequency of positive interactions between direct-care staff and group home residents. A component of the self-management procedure, goal setting, was also evaluated. This study took place in two group homes housing a total of 16 male and female adults with moderate to mild mental retardation. Ten direct-care staff served as subjects. It was found that self-management produced an increase in the frequency of positive interactions of staff and residents, but did not produce changes in other behaviors being measured (e.g., negative interactions, self-stimulation, etc.). Goal setting did not result in changes in positive interactions or other target behaviors. Reasons for the different results of self-management versus goal-setting are discussed and further research is suggested.  相似文献   

To test the feasibility and utility of involving peers as sources of feedback, 6 subjects, instructors in a vocational program for adults with mental retardation, participated in a staff training and management program. Subjects' teaching interactions were assessed during baseline, in-service training (on effective teaching), return-to-baseline, peer management, and follow-up phases. Peer management was introduced in multiple baseline fashion across pairs of subjects. Members of each pair were trained to monitor peer teaching, to record and graph data, to provide feedback, and to set goals with the peer. Each pair then performed these procedures on the job for several weeks, during which time 4 of the 6 subjects increased their use of effective teaching methods (over baseline). However, inconsistencies in the magnitude and durability of these increases require that the study be viewed as inconclusive, although it has heuristic value as a promising model for involving co-workers in staff management programs.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of antecedent specificity in goal statements on adherence to positive behavior‐management strategies. Teaching staff were recruited from 2 different school settings where there were routine expectations to use behavior‐specific praise in the classroom, but adherence was poor. In a concurrent multiple baseline design, the use of behavior‐specific praise by 4 participants was found to be unaffected by goal statements that increasingly specified the behavior to be used and the conditions under which the behavior should occur. However, adherence by 3 of the 4 participants did change when goal statements included teacher‐specified frequencies with which the behavior should occur. Results were systematically replicated in a second study in which, in a concurrent multiple baseline design, 3 participants showed marked increases in adherence when goal statements specified the target behavior, the conditions under which it should occur, and the frequency with which it should occur.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a participatory model of staff training within a community habilitative setting for adults with developmental disabilities. The objectives were to formulate an approach to training that was not time intensive, included multiple instructional methods, and incorporated all levels of staff involvement. Senior administrative, middle‐level supervisory, and direct‐care personnel comprised a committee that designed and implemented a training program that targeted performance and verbal report competencies required by ‘on‐line’ staff. Training consisted of corrective feedback, modeling, rehearsal, and practice procedures that were carried out with three individuals in a multiple baseline design across sets of target competencies. The training program was effective in establishing staff competencies although individual learning effects were revealed. The implications of these findings for the design of staff training programs within human service agencies are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



In this study we compared the effect of different emotion regulation strategies on positive and negative emotions in patients with borderline personality disorder.


Emotion regulation strategies were a distracting task, individual positive memory imagery, individual soothing imagery, and a neutral comparison condition. During two separate sessions, 17 participants watched either neutral or negative movie segments before using these strategies.


All three strategies influenced emotions into a favorable direction as compared to the neutral comparison condition. The positive memory image increased positive emotions significantly stronger than counting colors and distracting.


Different strategies seem to have similar effects in decreasing negative emotions. Positive emotions may be affected in particular by positive and soothing imagery techniques.  相似文献   

Traditionally, chaplains have provided care for staff through consultation, informal conversation, grief work, and more formal counsel and ritual. This article discusses four programmatic approaches to staff care created in response to particular assessed needs: "Finding Soul" addresses staff care needs to find meaning and joy in their work and to contribute to the "soul" of the institution. "Existential Expedition" helps staff both deal with their accumulated grief and provide better direct care around existential issues being faced by their patients. "After Book" provides a way for staff to have closure with parents/families and to provide holistic care to families after discharge from the system. "The Labyrinth Program" provides staff with an opportunity to de-stress and to attend to their emotional and spiritual well-being. Focused upon staff care, these programs also secondarily benefit both patients/families and the vision and mission of the institution.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a behavioral treatment on the safe passing of sharp instruments using the hands-free technique among hospital operating room personnel during surgical procedures. Treatment consisted of participative goal setting, task clarification, and feedback. The average percentage of sharp instruments passed safely increased from 32% to 64% and 31% to 70% between baseline and treatment phases in the inpatient and outpatient surgery units, respectively. Five-month follow-up data suggested maintenance of treatment effects. These findings suggest the utility of organizational behavior management strategies in reducing risky behavior in hospital settings.  相似文献   

We conducted and compared both brief and extended functional analyses of disruptive behaviors for 3 individuals with developmental disabilities who attended a vocational training program. Results demonstrated that the brief assessment identified the function of 2 of the 3 participants' disruptive behavior compared to the extended assessment.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of proactive climate on performance in a post-reorganization setting. We hypothesized that proactive climate should have both a direct effect on unit performance and should—in the sense of the “substitutes for leadership” approach—enhance the effect of managers' entrepreneurial attributes (e.g., personal initiative) on unit performance. Hypotheses were tested using data from organizational units, called “centres” (n?=?35), of four recently reorganized public transport organizations. Managers provided ratings of centre performance, and centre members assessed their centre's climate. Proactive climate was positively related with performance. Moderated regression analyses revealed significant interaction effects between proactive climate and some centre manager variables; however, the interaction pattern indicated that proactive climate compensated for a low degree of entrepreneurial attributes.  相似文献   

Direct care and supervisory staff in five residential training programs for persons with mental retardation in North Dakota rated the acceptability of six staff management procedures. Overall, staff rated “Instructions”, “Instructions and Modeling”, “Feedback and Praise”, and “Instructions, Feedback, and Praise”, as significantly more acceptable than “Self-Management” and “Self-Management, Feedback and Praise”. There was a significant group by treatment interaction in which supervisors and direct care staff had significantly different acceptability rating for four of the six procedures. The results were further analyzed by group and implications and future research are discuessed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a group treatment program designed to increase androgyny in feminine women was examined. The full treatment (FT) incorporated the principles of assertiveness training and consciousness raising, and was compared to a discussion-orientated alternate treatment (DO) and a wait-list control (WL). Fifty-one female subjects who scored feminine on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory participated in this study. Pre- and posttreatment measures of sex-role orientation, assertiveness, and the attainment of individual goals were obtained. Two-month and 1-year follow-up data were also collected. At the posttest, the FT group was more assertive than the DO and WL groups, and higher than the WL group in the attainment of individual goals. No posttest differences were found among the groups on sex-role orientation. These findings were reversed by the 2-month follow-up such that the FT was more androgynous and more masculine than the WL group, while the differences between groups in assertiveness and personal goal attainment had dissipated. The 1-year follow-up revealed the FT group to be superior to the WL group in androgyny, masculinity, and assertiveness.Appreciation is extended to N. J. Chehayeb, Brenda Barker, and Jimmie Eaker for their assistance in the data collection for this study. The study is based in part on the first author's doctoral dissertation submitted to Southern Illinois University under the supervision of the third author.  相似文献   

In a Web-based general psychology course, students were observed to postpone use of on-line study aids until 2 days prior to examinations, thus negating any influence of advance organizers (Taraban, Maki, & Rynearson, 1999). We attempted to modify this behavior by providing course credit in the form of short quizzes as rewards for using on-line study aids to preview each chapter. Some students received quizzes after previewing frequently asked questions (FAQ); other students received quizzes after previewing chapter outlines. Students who received quizzes for previewing FAQ pages accessed those pages more frequently than did students who received quizzes for previewing outline pages. Increased access to FAQs was associated with higher scores on FAQ-related midterm examination questions. However, the advantage on examination items was not apparent on a cumulative final examination. Navigational structures and reward values need to be considered when one is managing contingencies in Web courses.  相似文献   

This study examined effects of outcome performance feedback on maintenance of client and direct care staff behavior in a group home for four clients with severe/profound intellectual disability. Following baseline observations, 8 staff were instructed to prompt and praise interclient interactions and game activity during leisure sessions. Staff training comprised written instructions, in situ modeling and rehearsal, and performance feedback. This was followed by a 17-week maintenance period, during which staff received outcome performance feedback based on independent and self-recorded observations. Results showed that client gains were maintained, but did not stabilize. It was concluded that process feedback should have accompanied outcome feedback until staff behavior levels suitable for durable maintenance were obtained. In addition, successful use of performance feedback as a maintenance tool is highly dependent on which outcome behaviors are selected, and whether these are eventually naturally reinforced.  相似文献   

Male and female college students were instigated to aggression by a confederate's shocks during a preliminary task. The confederate informed half of the treatment subjects of the response strategy which he intended to adopt. The other half received an irrelevant message. All subjects then competed against the confederate, who employed one of the following five response consequence strategies: a) set a maximum shock on all trials; b) set a minimum shock on all trials; c) set shocks identical to the subject's response on the preceding trial; d) set shocks two settings below the subject's response; or e) set shocks two settings above the subject's. The subject's latency to setting a shock, the intensities of the shocks set, the durations of the shock settings, and the subject's reaction times were recorded. When an irrelevant message was delivered, passive responses, well below those of the opponent, resulted in the lowest level of retaliation. In the presence of a relevant message, the match-same strategy emerged as an effective deterrent to aggressive behavior. The results were found to be consistent with predictions derived from an application of the norm of reciprocity and research demonstrating the enhancing effects achieved through the communication of existing contingencies.  相似文献   

Despite demonstrations of the utility and cost effectiveness of behavioral programming, such techniques are not commonly employed in psychiatric inpatient settings. Several explanations for this have been proposed, including inadequate levels of training and competence in behavioral programming among prevalent treatment staff. This study employed a multiple choice inventory to assess behavioral knowledge among subjects representing several direct care disciplines commonly found in inpatient psychiatric settings. The results support assertions of relatively low levels of behavioral knowledge among disciplines that are most prevalent in such settings. The implications of these results for initiatives to enhance behavioral knowledge and skills are discussed.  相似文献   

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