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New York State's initial attempt at individualizing services occurred within the context of an experiment. We randomly assigned children 5–12 years old who were referred for out-of-home placement in treatment foster care to either treatment foster care, Family-Based Treatment (n=15), or to Family-Centered Intensive Case Management (FCICM) (n=27). FCICM used teams of case managers and parent advocates to provide in-home services. Flexible service dollars, respite care, and behavior management skills training were available to assist teams in individualizing care. Preliminary outcomes indicate that children in FCICM are doing as well or better than children assigned to FBT in their functioning and symptom reduction. Parents of children in FCICM have made gains, although not at a statistically significant level, in behavior management skills and family strengths that allow them to provide care for their children at home.  相似文献   

As family support programs develop across the United States through grassroots efforts by families, state demonstration projects, and local initiatives, new opportunities have become available to examine the experiences of families with service delivery systems. In this study, the research team examined key principles of innovative family support and their effects on families with children at high risk for out-of-home placements. The research team used a multi-case study design with indepth participant observation and semi-structured interviews with a purposeful sample of families. The findings on agency implementation and the families' perspectives are described, together with implications for agency change in family support. The findings point to the need for a re-examination of the emerging approaches to family support innovations, including in the context of national policy reform and the agency-based, service delivery system.  相似文献   

The impact of a respite program on the cognitive and physical functioning of dementia and nondementia patients, and on the burden perceived by their caregivers, was assessed in a pretest-posttest design. A total of 55 caregivers were interviewed twice, 5 weeks apart. In the respite group, the caregiver's patient experienced a 2-week respite stay in a nursing home during the 5-week interval, whereas in the waiting-list comparison group, the patient experienced ongoing in-home care during the interval. We hypothesized that patient diagnosis (dementia vs. nondementia) would interact with respite exposure, with nondementia patients showing more improvement from respite than dementia patients. Regardless of diagnosis, however, positive effects from respite exposure were found for caregiver reports of the patient's memory and behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the rate, type and duration of respite care use in carers of an adult with mental illness, and the differences between respite care users and non‐users on demographic, caregiving context and adjustment variables. A total of 106 carers completed a postal survey questionnaire. The majority (76%) of carers who accessed care used it weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The most common types of respite services were in‐home, day programs, and residential respite. The mean duration of respite care periods was 58.18 hr each time respite was used. Compared to respite care non‐users, carers who accessed respite care were more likely to live with their care‐recipient and provide more caregiving. They also reported more benefits associated with their caregiving. Findings suggest that respite care services need to be varied, available for carers on a weekly to monthly basis with a range in duration, but catering for higher use of 2‐day respite periods. Carers who are highly engaged in a range of caregiving tasks and who live with their care recipient are more likely to have a greater need for respite care. Future research should examine the effects of a range of respite care factors on carer adjustment outcomes.  相似文献   

When risky child and family circumstances cannot be resolved at home, (temporary) 24-h out-of-home placement of the child may be an alternative strategy. To identify specific placement risks and needs, care professionals must have information about the child and his or her family, care history, and social-cultural characteristics at admission to out-of-home care. However, to date information on case characteristics and particular their similarities and differences across the three main types of out-of-home settings (namely foster care, family-style group care, and residential care) is largely lacking. This review compiles and compares characteristics of school-aged children of average intelligence and their families at the time of each child’s admission to one of the three care modalities. A scoping review technique that provides a broad search strategy and ensures sufficient coverage of the available literature is used. Based on the 36 studies included, there is consensus that the majority of normally intelligent children in care demonstrate severe developmental and behavioral problems. However, the severeness as well as the kinds of defining characteristics present differ among the children in foster care, family-style group care, and residential care. The review also identifies several existing knowledge gaps regarding relevant risk factors. Future research is recommended to fill these gaps and determine the developmental pathway in relation to children’s risks and needs at admission. This will contribute to the development of an evidence-based risks and needs assessment tool that will enable care professionals to make informed referrals to a specific type of out-of-home care when such a placement is required.  相似文献   

Australian health professional bodies promote the use of respite to ease carer burden, following well‐established findings that carers often face physical, mental, social, and financial strain while providing informal care. This narrative review examined the use and impacts of respite for older clients, with a particular focus on Australian research and on dementia respite. It was found that despite reports of high satisfaction from caregivers with respite use, barriers, such as caregiver concerns for the well‐being and safety of the care recipient during respite, limited flexibility for short‐notice respite booking, and low provision of support and education post respite, impacted on the accessibility and efficacy of respite care. It was concluded that respite care needs to move away from a custodial model to a more psychological model of care, and that more natural and flexible models (e.g., host family respite), integrated with increased post‐respite support and psychosocial education, are likely to be beneficial and need further evaluation.  相似文献   

Little is known about the characteristics or functioning of children with ADHD in residential care as compared to their non-ADHD peers. This study evaluated data on 538 children with (n = 125) and without (n = 413) ADHD in residential care to determine demographic, mental health, behavioral, and treatment (i.e., medication use) characteristics. Results revealed that both groups presented elevated risks, however, scores for children with ADHD indicated even greater levels of need. Specifically, differences were found between the two groups on demographics (e.g., family reunification status, restrictiveness of prior out-of-home placements), behavior (e.g., attention problems, rule-breaking and aggressive behaviors) and medication status. Findings suggest there is a need for aftercare services to help support families as children transition from care, interventions to address behavior, and medication management through assessment and monitoring.  相似文献   

We examined the service needs of foster families with children who have disabilities. Foster parents in a large Canadian city were asked “What services or supports would be helpful to you?” The responses to this question were edited for clarity and to eliminate redundancies, and sorted into piles of like statements by a group of 15 foster care professionals. Two types of statistical analysis were applied to the sorting of the statements to describe the relationship between statements and their groupings. The major concepts were identified according to the contents of the cluster and a map was constructed to provide a graphic representation of the conceptualization process. The major services and supports identified in this study were: support in the community, financial support, accommodating school system, good relationships with social workers, responsive professionals, information, comprehensive medical care, services for aboriginal children and families, transitional services, and respite.  相似文献   

We provide information about consumer and provider perceptions using a mixed-model pilot study within the Intensive Mental Health Project (IMHP), a school-based treatment service for children with SED and their families. Caregiver, youth, and provider questionnaires developed for this project elicited quantitative and qualitative information on treatment satisfaction, therapeutic alliance, and active involvement in treatment. Caregivers and children overall had positive perceptions of the services they received through IMHP. Providers reported very good working relationships with most children and families. Consumers also provided constructive comments about how to improve services. Our results add support to the importance of therapeutic alliance and collaboration, which are guiding principles of the IMHP.  相似文献   

To address important medical, psychological and social issues, the concept of respite recently developed in Belgium. The service offered by the Villa Indigo in Brussels allows parents to recover from stressful situations while promoting the well-being of their seriously ill children. Noting the parents’ high level of exhaustion when they first contact us, we decided to study the factors that influence their decision to access respite services. The results of ten exploratory interviews conducted with parents of children who have already stayed at Villa Indigo highlight the complexity of their decision, which is influenced by a variety of factors, such as familial support, tiredness and information about respite care, as well as dynamic representations of themselves, their seriously ill children and the concept of respite care. Once they have overcome their initial reluctance to ask for respite care, the benefits are tangible for both the parents and their children, and future stays are rapidly organized.  相似文献   

Integrating theory from the family ecological systems and social support literatures with findings from child care research, in this study we develop and test a model relating family, friend, and neighbour (FFN) child care provider characteristics to perceived child care quality (provider reports of caregiving behaviours, mother‐provider caregiving relationship) and maternal well‐being (work‐family conflict, depressive symptoms). Results from phone interviews with 187 FFN providers receiving public subsidies indicated that even after controlling for familial status or household income, caregiver perceptions of higher quality care were associated with higher education levels, greater attachment to child care as a job; and lower provider depressive symptoms. After controlling for familial status, data analysed from a subset of 51 mother‐provider pairs, indicated that mothers using care from providers who reported higher quality parent‐caregiver social relationships reported lower work‐family conflict and depressive symptoms. This study suggests mothers who have providers with whom they have good caregiving interactions may experience positive social support and psychological crossover dynamics associated with mother well‐being.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore clients' perceptions of the in-home family therapy services they received. The sample consisted of 20 low-income families who were at risk for having their children placed in foster care, but who had ultimately retained custody of their children. Results indicate that families view in-home family therapy as a useful intervention. They expressed appreciation for the therapists, their availability, and the support offered. Participants also stated that they wished services could have been more frequent and longer-term. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between child, familial, and case characteristics and mental health and medical health care service utilization by physically abused children. Participants included 26 parents or caregivers of 37 Medicaid-eligible children who had substantiated cases of physical abuse. Children whose female caregivers reported a greater number of stressors were more likely to receive mental health care. Furthermore, children not living with the maltreating caregiver were more likely to receive medical health care services. Results are discussed in terms of factors that may account for these links, and the similarities of these findings with those of service utilization in general and clinical child samples.  相似文献   

The majority of parents want to continue caring for their sons and daughters with disabilities at home, and they are expected and actively encouraged to do so. Notwithstanding, and for reasons that are not well understood, a substantial number of parents seek to place their disabled son or daughter out-of-home. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of parent-carers in Alberta, Canada, toward out-of-home placement. The primary objective was to identify factors that may explain why some families, and not others, seriously consider out-of-home placement as an option for their child. This knowledge is vital for developing social care policies and programs that support parents and promote sustainable family care for children with disabilities. A stratified (by child age group) random sample of 538 families raising children with disabilities in Alberta, Canada took part. Participants completed the family life survey, which incorporated measures of child and family characteristics, sustainability of the daily routine, and out-of-home placement propensity. Results suggest that family placement propensity is inversely associated with the sustainability of the daily routine. Sustainability of the daily routine is, in turn, more strongly associated with social-ecological resources, including parental control-over-work and the adequacy of child care options, than with child characteristics, including activity limitations and behaviour problems. If families have the social-ecological resources they need to create and maintain a daily routine that is congruent with their values and goals, and with the needs, interests and competences of family members, then they are unlikely to give out-of-home placement any serious consideration.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on respite care utilization, describes a respite care program in Arkansas, and reports on a study of utilization initiated by the Arkansas Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS). Among the 89 families qualifying for respite services, 70 consented to participate, and 66 were surveyed in a phone interview. Users (n=54) and non-users (n=12) were compared relative to a variety of staff, child, geographic, and budget differences. Also, respite use was examined relative, to the aforementioned variables based on level of use, (i.e., none, low, moderate, high). There were no differences in use according to age, the number of family members, family income, or needs of the child. A larger percentage of non-use and low use of respite care was evident among those families receiving Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) benefits. There were no significant differences between races related to perceived barriers to care. Differences in expectations/experiences with respite care among rural and urban groups were limited with rural respondents expressing, concern about travel/distance issues. Overall, the program as a whole received positive ratings by parents, and no clear factors were found to be related to non-use in the small sample (n=12) who did not take advantage of respite services.  相似文献   

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) utilize a greater number of healthcare services compared to children with other developmental disabilities. Despite this, children with ASD remain at high risk for unmet service needs, which are compounded by differences in socioeconomic status (SES). Both empowerment and parent-professional partnership play a role in service outcomes and may be especially important in understanding these service disparities. Our goal was to better understand the contributions of these variables to service disparities in families of children with ASD. Two-hundred forty-nine parents of children with ASD between the ages of 3 and 20 participated in this online survey. Results support previous research highlighting high levels of unmet needs that are exacerbated by differences in parent education, a common indicator of SES. Empowerment and parent-professional partnership also predicted service delivery outcomes. While high quality partnership predicted greater service adequacy, empowerment was inversely related to services. Furthermore, an interaction found that highly empowered families experiencing poor quality partnerships reported worse service delivery outcomes, while empowerment was not a factor in services for families experiencing high quality partnerships. Parent-professional partnership partially mediated the relationship between parent education and service delivery outcomes. As such, increasing parent-professional partnerships through family-centered care and professional training may help to reduce education-related service disparities and improve satisfaction with care for families and children with ASD.  相似文献   


Children in out-of-home care due to abuse and neglect are at disproportionately high risk for disabling conditions. The reasons for the over-representation of children with disabilities in the child welfare system are reviewed and discussed in this chapter. Factors discussed include impact of abuse and neglect, the impact risk factors such as exposure to community and domestic violence and poverty, risk of abuse or neglect associated with disability, and child welfare system factors. In addition, the need for greater efficacy in identification of disability, identification of service needs, and linkage with and delivery of services to serve the needs of children with disabilities in out-of-home care is addressed. Recommendations for policy review at State and Federal levels are offered along with direction for future research.  相似文献   

Maltreated children in out-of-home care are at high risk for poor relationships with caregivers (i.e., biological parents and substitute caregivers) and high levels of internalizing symptoms. It is unclear if these poor relationships are related to, and account for a large portion of the variance in maltreated children’s internalizing symptoms, above and beyond maltreatment type and out-of-home care factors. This study examined the relation between attachment quality with both biological parents and substitute caregivers and children’s internalizing symptoms within a sample of 493 maltreated children (aged 9–11; 51.0?% male) recently placed in out-of-home care. A series of hierarchical regression models indicated that greater child-reported attachment quality with both biological parents and substitute caregivers was associated with fewer child-reported anxiety (β?=??.15, p?<?.01; β?=??.29, p?<?.001, respectively) and depression symptoms (β?=??.14, p?<?.01; β?=??.28, p?<?.001, respectively) as well as fewer child internalizing symptoms (β?=??.12, p?<?.05; β?=??.14, p?<?.01, respectively). Attachment quality with the biological parent and substitute caregiver each explained a significant proportion of the variance in children’s internalizing symptoms, above and beyond child demographics, maltreatment type, and out-of-home care variables. The study also examined whether children’s attachment with substitute caregivers moderated the relationship between children’s attachment with biological parents and children’s internalizing symptoms. No statistically significant moderation effects were found. Future clinical work should focus on enhancing attachment quality between children and both biological parents and substitute caregivers, as these relationships appear to individually relate to the children’s internalizing symptomology.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been much discussion of the efficacy of mental health interventions for children as well as the transportation of empirically-supported treatments (ESTs) to field settings. A logical initial step in this line of research is to examine whether the efficacy of ESTs can be demonstrated in community settings such as in the home environment. The purpose of the study was to examine the efficacy of an in-home Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) program using a single-subject, A/B design across five subjects with staggered baselines. Decreases in caregiver use of negative behavior and caregiver-reported child behavior problems were observed for the three families that completed treatment. In addition, completers demonstrated increases in child compliance, caregiver use of positive behavior, and contingent praise. Data regarding caregivers' reported parenting stress and caregiver proportion of direct commands were less convincing. All three dyads completing treatment reported satisfaction with the intervention. Clinical implications regarding the possible benefits of PCIT for improving the effectiveness of home visiting programs are discussed as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

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