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This study tests the hypothesis that self-leadership is positively related with employee adaptive performance and job satisfaction in rapid change and unpredictable work environments. This assumption was tested through a quasi-experimental study regarding the implementation of a self-leadership training programme in the Private Banking department of an international bank. Change in private bankers’ self-leadership, adaptive performance and job satisfaction was measured three times, over a period of 8 months. During the fourth month of the training programme implementation, the bank underwent an unexpected bailout. Fifty-two private bankers were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 28) and to a control group (n = 24). The results showed an increase in self-leadership, adaptive performance and job satisfaction for the experimental group, while job satisfaction decreased for participants in the control group. Our findings suggest that change in the level of self-leadership is positively related with change in the level of adaptive performance and job satisfaction over time. This study presents new evidence that individual adaptive performance and job satisfaction can be enhanced through self-leadership training. Self-leadership training can be used as a valuable tool to help organizations improve employees’ adaptive performance and job satisfaction, especially during organizational crisis.  相似文献   

采用元分析方法探讨情绪劳动策略(包括表层扮演和深层扮演)与工作满意度的关系。经筛选, 共有120篇文献226个独立样本符合元分析标准(N = 79659)。元分析结果发现, 表层扮演与工作满意度有显著负相关, 深层扮演与工作满意度有显著正相关。调节效应检验发现, 不同表层扮演测量工具、文化背景差异、行业类型差异对表层扮演与工作满意度的关系没有显著影响; 不同工作满意度测量工具对表层扮演与工作满意度的关系有显著影响, 表现为单维的JSS工作满意度量表的调节效果高于多维的MSQ量表。不同深层扮演测量工具、不同工作满意度测量工具、文化背景差异对深层扮演与工作满意度的关系有显著影响, 分别表现为深层扮演量表Grandey (2003)、Diefendorff, Croyle和Gosserand (2005)、Brotheridge和Lee (2003)调节效应依次减小, 单维的JSS工作满意度量表的调节效果低于多维的MSQ量表, 东方文化背景的调节效果高于西方; 行业类型的差异对深层扮演与工作满意度关系的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Narcissism has been studied in relation to leadership and productivity in the workplace. However, few studies have been conducted on how narcissism influences work attitudes. The first goal of this study is to measure the association between narcissism and the five factor model (FFM) of personality in an organizational sample. The second goal is to measure the influence of narcissism on job satisfaction when controlling for FFM traits. A total of 224 employees from a public organization have filled out self-rating measures of job satisfaction, FFM traits and a measure of narcissism. Results indicated that narcissism was positively correlated with FFM extraversion and openness to experience and negatively correlated with agreeableness. Narcissism had a significant influence on job satisfaction, even when controlling for FFM traits. We believe that these results stress the importance of better understanding the role of narcissism in employee attitudes in order to weigh the pros and cons of hiring or promoting narcissistic employees.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the possible indirect effect of person-environment (PE) fit on intentions to leave via job satisfaction and the moderating effect of leader empowering behaviour on job satisfaction and intentions to leave the work organisation. Participants were 398 employees working for a retail company in Gauteng Province, South Africa (females = 68.6 %, blacks = 58 %; managerial = 5.8 %; age range = under 20 to 60 years +). They completed the Perceived Fit Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Turnover Intentions Scale, and the Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire. Statistical mediation analysis (of PE on JS and IL), and moderation analysis (of LEB on JS and IL) were conducted. Results indicated that PE fit has an indirect effect on intentions to leave via job satisfaction. Leader empowering behaviour moderated the relationship between job satisfaction and intentions to leave. Low PE fit leads to job dissatisfaction and intentions to leave, therefore leaders should instil a sense of empowerment in employees to alleviate the impact of poor fit.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of work related psychological well-being in the relationship between personality and job satisfaction. Participants were 207 (females?=?58.9%, blacks?=?20.3%, white?=?64.3%, Indian?=?7.7% and Coloured?=?6.8%) employees of various South African organisations. The participants completed the Ryff's Scale of Psychological Well-being, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Basic Traits Inventory. The data were analysed by means of moderated hierarchical regression analysis. Results show self-acceptance, environmental mastery, and purpose in life fully explain extraversion and job satisfaction, and partly explain conscientiousness and job satisfaction. Self-acceptance, environmental mastery and purpose in life also moderated the relationship between neuroticism and job satisfaction. Findings lead to the conclusion that aspects of work related psychological well-being are influenced by personality traits and job satisfaction, growth and development.  相似文献   

Whereas the motivational aspects of pay are well-documented, the notion that high pay leads to high levels of satisfaction is not without debate. The current study used meta-analysis to estimate the population correlation between pay level and measures of pay and job satisfaction. Cumulating across 115 correlations from 92 independent samples, results suggested that pay level was correlated .15 with job satisfaction and .23 with pay satisfaction. Various moderators of the relationship were investigated. Despite the popular theorizing, results suggest that pay level is only marginally related to satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionOver-education is a current phenomenon, which hampers job satisfaction. Finding variables that moderates the deteriorating effect of over-education could be useful.ObjectivePresent study analyses the relationship between over-education and intrinsic, extrinsic and social facets of job satisfaction, and the moderation role of career enhancing strategies and job insecurity.MethodSample was composed of 1362 participants 16–30 years-old that entered the job market in the previous five years, from the 2011 cohort of the Spanish Observatory for Labor Entry of Youth. Analyses were made using Process Macro.ResultsResults show that all direct relationships are significant, and that career enhancing strategies moderated the relationship between over-education and social and extrinsic job satisfaction.ConclusionFindings provides insights regarding strategies to buffer the detrimental effects that over-education had for young employees’ job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effect of gender similarity as a potential moderator of the relationships between person–group (P–G) value fit and work attitudes. Specifically, we predicted that the effect of P–G value fit (in terms of social integration values) on individual attitudes would be stronger for individuals who had a similar gender than those of a different gender. Based on data obtained from 197 employees in South Korea, we found that when the focal individual had high gender similarity with his or her group, the relationships between P–G value fit and job satisfaction and between P–G value fit and turnover intentions were more prominent. Furthermore, these moderating effects were significant for men, but not for women.  相似文献   

This study examined influences of organisational climate on hardiness, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction in a military setting. Data were collected from 120 South African National Defence Force (SANDF) military personnel (female = 36%; officers = 90%; age range = 24–64 years). The defence force members completed a military hardiness scale, general self-efficacy scale, workplace climate questionnaire, and the generic job satisfaction scale. Regression analyses were computed to predict job satisfaction from hardiness and self-efficacy. This was followed by moderated multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of organisational climate on the relationship between job satisfaction from hardiness and self-efficacy. The results suggest high levels of hardiness (commitment) and organisational climate to predict 71% of the variance in job satisfaction. Personal hardiness (commitment) and organisational climate strongly influence job satisfaction among military followers.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at determining whether a significant relationship exists between procrastination, delay of gratification, and job satisfaction, with work‐related stress as an intervening variable among high school teachers. The sample consisted of 150 high school teachers from Karachi, Pakistan. The analysis showed a negative correlation between procrastination and job satisfaction, and a positive correlation between delay of gratification and job satisfaction. Also, procrastination and delay of gratification were significant predictors of work‐related stress, and work‐related stress was also a significant predictor of job satisfaction. In conclusion, when the teachers are not procrastinating on their job and score high on delay of gratification they will be more satisfied with their job and feel less stressed.  相似文献   

Background/objectives: Intrusions are a type of workplace interruption defined as unexpected interpersonal contact that disrupts workflow. Drawing from the Job Demands-Resources model of work stress, we examined how two personal resources – extraversion and emotional stability – influence relations among intrusions and strain outcomes.

Design/methodology: Self-reported, online questionnaire data were collected from two samples; 323 faculty and staff from a university (sample 1) and 574 full-time employees recruited from an online crowdsourcing forum (sample 2).

Results: In sample 1 extraversion was positively related to intrusions, whereas in sample 2, extraversion and emotional stability were negatively related to intrusions. There were no interactive effects of personality on relations among intrusions and strain outcomes in sample 1. In sample 2, low emotional stability strengthened relations among intrusions and work tension. Additionally, intrusions were negatively associated with stress for individuals high on emotional stability. Finally, introverts experienced less stress in response to intrusions.

Conclusion: Taking a person-situation interactionist approach, we examined personal resources that may mitigate interruption-related strain. Our findings suggest that for employees high in emotional stability, interruptions may be both less detrimental and, in some cases, beneficial. This study has practical implications for the structuring of work environments to mitigate strain and maximize person-environment fit.  相似文献   

In seeking to address the theoretical ambiguity regarding how and when obsessive job passion (OJP) leads to work performance, we integrate both self-verification and person–environment (P-E) fit perspectives to propose and test a moderated mediation model linking OJP to performance. We argue that OJP is indirectly related to co-worker-rated in-role and extra-role performance through self-verification, and these indirect links are conditioned by perceived demands–abilities (D-A) fit and needs–supplies (N-S) fit. Results from 190 healthcare professionals and their co-workers collected at three different time periods revealed the contrasting roles played by these two moderators. Individuals with higher OJP self-verify more when they perceive low D-A fit, but self-verify less when they perceive high N-S fit, whereas the opposite holds true for high D-A fit and low N-S fit. Contrary to predictions, negative relationships were found between self-verification and both types of performance. Specifically, OJP is associated with greater in- and extra-role performance (because of reduced self-verification) under high perceived D-A but low N-S fit, whereas the opposite results are observed under low perceived D-A and high N-S fit. The findings underscore the contingent nature of OJP and contribute to job passion, self-concept, and person–environment fit research.  相似文献   

摘要:通过对551名企业员工问卷调查,研究心理契约破裂、工作满意度与建言行为的关系,并探讨人格特征的神经质维度在以上关系中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)心理契约破裂感知与建言行为显著负相关。(2)工作满意度在心理契约破裂感知与建言行为关系中起部分中介作用;(3)神经质显著调节了心理契约破裂通过工作满意度影响建言行为这一路径。  相似文献   

Women are an important part of the medical workforce, yet little is known about gender differences in psychological morbidity, burnout, job stress and job satisfaction among neurologists. This study assessed gender differences in a large national sample of Chinese neurologists. Multivariate analyses were performed to examine associations. A total of 5558 neurologists were included in the analysis. Compared with their male counterparts, female neurologists were generally younger; were less likely to be married or to have children; had higher levels of education; were in practice for a shorter period of time; were less likely to hold senior roles; and had lower incomes. Male and female neurologists worked similar hours and spent a similar number of nights on call. No gender differences were found in psychological morbidity, burnout, and high levels of job stress for female and male, respectively. Women had higher emotional exhaustion scores, while men were more likely to have low levels of job satisfaction. The multivariate analysis showed that factors independently associated with psychological morbidity, burnout, high levels of job stress and low levels of job satisfaction were generally similar for women and men. These findings increase our understanding of gender differences in psychological morbidity, burnout, job stress, and job satisfaction among neurologists. As more women join the medical profession, these differences may be useful in designing medical training and practice.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the interplay of personality traits (i.e., person) in frontline care staff in nursing homes and the way they relate to the residents (i.e., situation) to account for their job satisfaction. Participants completed a survey including Mini‐IPIP tapping the five‐factor model of personality, Individualized Care Inventory tapping four aspects of person‐centered care and job satisfaction. The results revealed that staff scoring high on neuroticism experienced less job satisfaction. This relationship was partly accounted for by resident autonomy, suggesting that part of the adverse influence of neuroticism on job satisfaction may be mitigated by organizations providing a supportive care environment. In contrast, staff scoring high on agreeableness experienced higher job satisfaction. This relationship was accounted for by another aspect of person‐centered care, that is, knowing the person. This suggests that agreeableness in a sense facilitated adjustment of acts of care toward the unique needs and preferences of residents and this partly explained why the more agreeable the staff was the more they felt satisfied at work. In sum, effects of personality traits on job satisfaction in care staff are partially mediated by the perception of working conditions and care policy and to the extent that a certain personality trait affects whether the staff have a positive or negative perception of the way they relate to the residents, they will experience, respectively, higher or a lower job satisfaction. This finding has implications for how to combine a focus on delivering person‐centered care with improving personal job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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