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In Expt 1 subjects named words, shapes or colours presented to one eye while words or shapes were presented to the other eye subliminally. The subliminal stimuli were found to slow naming responses when they had the same name as the stimulus to be named or a closely related name, compared with random letter strings or blank cards. This result was replicated in a second experiment which also included unrelated words as subliminal stimuli. On these trials latencies were midway between those for trials with blank cards or random letter strings as the subliminal stimuli, and trials with the same name or a closely related name as the subliminal stimuli. The results imply that stimuli related in meaning compete for common analysing mechanisms.  相似文献   


Since Kepler (1604) and Descartes (1637), ‘vergence’ (the angular rotation of the eyes) has been thought of as one of our most important absolute distance cues. But vergence has never been tested as an absolute distance cue divorced from obvious confounding cues such as binocular disparity. In this article, we control for these confounding cues for the first time by gradually manipulating vergence and find that observers fail to accurately judge distance from vergence. We consider several different interpretations of these results and argue that the most principled response to these results is to question the general effectiveness of vergence as an absolute distance cue. Given that other absolute distance cues (such as motion parallax and vertical disparities) are limited in application, this poses a real challenge to our contemporary understanding of visual scale.


Participants performed a priming task during which emotional faces served as prime stimuli and emotional words served as targets. Prime-target pairs were congruent or incongruent, and two levels of prime visibility were obtained by varying the duration of the masked primes. To probe a neural signature of the impact of the masked primes, lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) were recorded over motor cortex. In the high-visibility condition, responses to word targets were faster when the prime-target pairs were congruent than when they were incongruent, providing evidence of priming effects. In line with the behavioral results, the electrophysiological data showed that high-visibility face primes resulted in LRP differences between congruent and incongruent trials, suggesting that prime stimuli initiated motor preparation. Contrary to the above pattern, no evidence for reaction time or LRP differences was observed in the low-visibility condition, revealing that the depth of facial expression processing is dependent on stimulus visibility.  相似文献   

H Heuer 《Perception》1987,16(3):337-350
Two experiments are reported in which the effect of combining stimuli of changing size and changing vergence on the perception of motion in depth was examined. Changing size and changing vergence corresponded to in-phase or anti-phase sinusoidal motions of an outline circle, with different amplitudes. In-phase stimuli had approximately additive effects on the estimated peak-to-peak amplitude of apparent motion in depth. Anti-phase stimuli did not cancel each other; apparent motion was in-phase with one or the other stimulus. When apparent motion was in-phase with one stimulus, there was only a limited influence of the other stimulus. The results are discussed with regard to a model proposed by Regan and Beverley for the combination of changing size and changing disparity.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to assess the effect of different orientations and direction of lighting on the visual processing of shaded or bipartite disks. In the first two experiments, observers were presented with nine different shading orientations from 0 degree to 180 degrees. Targets were detected in a rapid and parallel fashion for shaded disks when the orientation of the shading gradient was not horizontal (90 degrees) or oriented at 67.5 degrees. Search asymmetries favoring the detection of "pock" targets over "ball" targets were found for all orientations. The search rates for bipartite disks were similar to the shaded disks at 0 degree, 22.5 degrees, and 90 degrees but not for intermediate orientations, and no search asymmetries were found. These differences suggest that shaded displays and bipartite displays are processed by different underlying mechanisms. The third experiment showed that the direction of the light source (left or right) had no influence on search asymmetries around the 90 degrees point. Shading gradient orientation affected magnitude estimates of depth in the fourth experiment. These experiments show that the visual system's "assumption" of overhead lighting is broadly tuned.  相似文献   

Observers viewed a screen on which a number of patches containing horizontally moving pixels were presented. Target patches consisted of pixels whose motion simulated the rotation of a cylinder around its Y-axis; distractors, of pixels whose motion was linear. The task was to assess whether a display contained a target patch. Exp. 1 showed that the superposition of the displays with drifting sine-wave gratings interfered with rotation detection in a spatial- and temporal-frequency specific manner. In Exp. 2, dichoptic presentation greatly reduced the interference of the drifting gratings. It is argued on various grounds that the process(es) responsible for the detection and discrimination of rotating structure in depth exists at a low level of the visual system.  相似文献   

Poom L 《Perception》2002,31(12):1439-1448
Traditionally, it is assumed that stereovision operates only on the positional difference (disparity) between luminance-defined features in the images in the left and the right eye. Here, I show that stereoscopic depth can be seen from disparity between edges created by relative motion of texture elements, and between edges created by correlated flicker of stationary texture elements. Luminance-based stereopsis was impossible since the texture was binocularly uncorrelated. Positional disparity of the centre of revolving patterns was not an efficient depth cue. Stereopsis from the stimuli presented here was possible even without binocular overlap of textured areas. The results provide evidence that positional disparity of kinetic edges, defined by correlated flicker or motion contrast alone, can be used as matching features to recover stereoscopic depth.  相似文献   

W A Simpson 《Perception》1988,17(4):497-512
A simple scheme for deriving relative depth (time-to-collision, or TTC) from optic flow is developed in which the total flow is first sensed by unconnected motion (imperfect filter) sensors and then the rotational component is subtracted to yield the translational component. Only the latter component yields depth information. This scheme is contrasted with one where the TTC sensors respond only to the translational component at the initial registration of the flow (perfect filter sensors or looming detectors). The simple scheme predicts the results of three experiments on discrimination of TTC: discrimination thresholds are elevated if the objects withdraw from rather than approach the observer, thresholds are elevated if a rotational component is added to the flow, and the amount of threshold elevation resulting from the addition of a rotational component is reduced by prior adaptation to a pure rotational flow. These results confirm the simple model and disconfirm predictions based on the looming detector scheme.  相似文献   

Reber R 《The American psychologist》2006,61(3):258-9; discussion 259-61

Langer MS  Bülthoff HH 《Perception》2000,29(6):649-660
The human visual system has a remarkable ability to interpret smooth patterns of light on a surface in terms of 3-D surface geometry. Classical studies of shape-from-shading perception have assumed that surface irradiance varies with the angle between the local surface normal and a collimated light source. This model holds, for example, on a sunny day. One common situation in which this model fails to hold, however, is under diffuse lighting such as on a cloudy day. Here we report on the first psychophysical experiments that address shape-from-shading under a uniform diffuse-lighting condition. Our hypothesis was that shape perception can be explained with a perceptual model that "dark means deep". We tested this hypothesis by comparing performance in a depth-discrimination task to performance in a brightness-discrimination task, using identical stimuli. We found a significant correlation between responses in the two tasks, supporting a dark-means-deep model. However, overall performance in the depth-discrimination task was superior to that predicted by a dark-means-deep model. This implies that humans use a more accurate model than dark-means-deep to perceive shape-from-shading under diffuse lighting.  相似文献   

Liking and respect are proposed as two dimensions of interpersonal attitudes. Whereas liking–disliking reflects personal preferences, respect–disrespect reflects deference. Four studies involving a variety of samples and target persons showed that: (1) liking is more strongly influenced by communal than agentic qualities of the target, (2) respect is more strongly influenced by agentic than communal qualities of the target, (3) influence of communal information on liking is mediated by the perceived benevolence of the target, (4) influence of agentic information on respect is mediated by the inferred status potential of the target person. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When flickering dots are superimposed onto a drifting grating, the dots appear to move coherently with the grating. In this study we examine: (i) how the perceived direction of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in opposite directions with equal speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; (ii) how the perceived speed of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in the same direction but at different speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; and (iii) whether this stimulus is discriminable from its metameric speed match. Dot signal strength was manipulated by using different proportions of signal dots in noise and different dot lifetimes. Both the perceived direction and speed of these compound stimuli depended upon the relative motion-signal strengths of the grating and the dots. Those compound stimuli that appeared coherent were not discriminable from the speed-matched metameric compound stimuli. When the signals were completely integrated into a coherent compound stimulus, the local motion signals were no longer perceptually available, though both contributed to the global percept. These data strongly support a weighted-combination model where the relative weights depend on signal strength, instead of a winner-takes-all model.  相似文献   

The lightness hangover illusion is an unusually robust, long-lasting, prior-experience-based lightness effect. The effect occurs in the Mondrian world, a miniature chamber with interior walls covered with dark gray to black patches. The lightest patch in this scene, physically dark gray, looks white. When real whites and light grays are added to the scene, all the patches darken, but at an unusually slow rate. For several seconds, the white patches look self-luminous and the other patches continue to look very light. The luminosity fades and the other patches darken only after 2 min. We tested three possible explanations for this illusion: retinal adaptation, lightness persistence, and anchor persistence. The results clearly support anchor persistence, which is caused by the presence of steady patches, surfaces that retain their luminance values across scenes. The data also show that the size of the illusion varies directly with the number of these steady patches.  相似文献   

The dependence of the Simon effect on the correspondence of the previous trial can be explained by the conflict-monitoring theory, which holds that a control system adjusts automatic activation from irrelevant stimulus information (conflict adaptation) on the basis of the congruency of the previous trial. The authors report on 4 experiments showing that conflict adaptation is mediated by task structure as well as previous congruency. Experiment 1 showed that for 2 completely segregated sets of stimulus-response pairs there was no conflict adaptation across sets. However, if the stimulus sets overlapped for 2 separate response sets, conflict adaptation could be observed across the response sets. Experiment 2 showed that this effect was not due to the use of stimulus-response sets lateralized to 1 hemisphere each. Experiment 3 showed that if response sets are common for 2 separate stimulus sets, then conflict adaptation can again be observed across sets. Finally, Experiment 4 showed local control effects in the absence of confounding feature-overlap effects. These results indicate that deployment of control as evidenced by conflict adaptation reflects task structure.  相似文献   

The credible intervals that people set around their point estimates are typically too narrow (cf. Lichtenstein, Fischhoff, & Phillips, 1982). That is, a set of many such intervals does not contain the actual values of the criterion variables as often as it should given the probability assigned to this event for each estimate. The typical interpretation of such data is that people are overconfident about the accuracy of their judgments. This paper presents data from two studies showing the typical levels of overconfidence for individual estimates of unknown quantities. However, data from the same subjects on a different measure of confidence for the same items, their own global assessment for the set of multiple estimates as a whole, showed significantly lower levels of confidence and overconfidence than their average individual assessment for items in the set. It is argued that the event and global assessments of judgment quality are fundamentally different and are affected by unique psychological processes. Finally, we discuss the implications of a difference between confidence in single and multiple estimates for confidence research and theory.  相似文献   

Using both the method of adjustment and forced-choice techniques, it was found that binocular depth thresholds depend on the orientation of the test targets, which in these experiments consisted of long, thin rods. Stereoacuity is greatest with vertical rods and decreases progressively as the angle of orientation approaches horizontal. The relationship between stereoacuity and orientation is governed by the orientation of the images of the targets on the retina, and is predicted fairly well by the sine of the angle of orientation, suggesting an equivalence between angular rotation and reductions in rod length.  相似文献   

The “oblique effect” was studied using an embedded figures task in which complex patterns and hidden forms were rotated into different orientations. One set of stimuli (Series I) used patterns consisting either entirely of depending on rotation) horizontal and vertical line segments or entirely of obliques. A second set of stimuli (Series II) used patterns composed of horizontal, vertical, and oblique segments in equal proportions. With Series I, both form and complex pattern orientations changed with rotation. In Series II, rotation changed the orientation of the hidden forms, but not the relative proportion of contour orientations in the complex patterns. Significantly longer search times were required to find forms embedded within the obliquely oriented patterns of Series I. There were no significant differences in Series II. These results are discussed in terms of the role contextual contours may play in the detection of differently oriented form.  相似文献   

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