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This study proposes a taxonomy of replication designs and applies it to a representative sample of experimental communication research reports in Communication Monographs and Human Communication Research. Results of the analysis indicate that publishability and reporting practices hamper our ability to identify replication studies. The implications of these findings are discussed, and several suggestions for improving the situation are offered.  相似文献   

Gender-role conflict theory has suggested that women athletes will experience role conflict because they are attempting to enact both feminine and masculine gender roles, yet research findings have shown mixed support for this notion. The purpose of this study was to explore how women rugby players negotiate gender-role expectations and conflict as women participating in a traditionally masculine sport. Eleven Caucasian women, noncollege rugby players between the ages of 25 and 38 were interviewed. The results indicated that women rugby players perceived numerous discrepant gender-role expectations. In addition, three different types of gender-role conflict emerged; however, similar to previous findings, participants perceived conflicting expectations for their gender-role behavior more than they seemed to experience conflict about those expectations. Participants actively employed various strategies to resolve or avoid experiencing gender-role conflict. The resiliency displayed by the women athletes in coping with discrepant gender-role messages provides new considerations for gender-role conflict theory.  相似文献   

We examined predictors and outcomes of women's hostility toward other women. Based on a projection model, we hypothesized and tested the theory via structural equation modeling that women's sense of personal inadequacy, the tendency to stereotype, and general anger would predict hostility toward women, and hostility toward women would predict blaming victims of violence and poor relationships with a female friend. Participants were 464 college women with an average age of 28.08. All measures were pencil and paper. Women's hostility toward women served as an intervening variable between a personal sense of inadequacy, tendency to stereotype, blaming women victims of violence, and intimacy with one's best female friend.  相似文献   

This investigation examined relationship stability among 60 women court-mandated to violence interventions by applying a general model (i.e., Rusbult's 1980 Investment Model) to predict intentions to leave current relationships. As in past research, results showed that Investment Model predictions were supported such that court-mandated women who reported lesser relationship satisfaction, greater alternatives, and fewer investments in current relationships endorsed lower levels of commitment and greater intentions to leave those relationships. Secondary analyses showed that court-mandated women's violence perpetration and experiences of being victimized were minimally related to model factors or women's intentions to leave. Taken together, results of this study provide additional evidence that general models should be used to predict relationship termination decisions among women involved in violent relationships, and violence experiences alone do not affect that decision.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained on successive AB symbolic matching show emergent BA antisymmetry if they are also trained on successive AA oddity and BB identity ( Urcuioli, 2008 , Experiment 4). In other words, when tested on BA probe trials following training, they respond more to the comparisons on the reverse of the nonreinforced AB baseline trials than on the reverse of the reinforced AB baseline trials (the opposite of an associative symmetry pattern). The present experiment replicated this finding. In addition, it showed that antisymmetry also emerged after baseline training on successive AB symbolic matching, AA identity, and BB oddity, consistent with the prediction from Urcuioli's (2008) theory of pigeons' stimulus‐class formation. Together, these results provide further empirical support for that theory including the proposition that the functional stimuli in pigeons' successive matching consist of the nominal stimuli plus their ordinal positions within a trial.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and provide normative data for the Silencing the Self Scale, a newly devised instrument for measuring cognitive schemas hypothesized to be related to depression in women. The study also tested the hypothesis that race would moderate the relationship between silencing the self and depression. The sample consisted of 80 women: 40 African Americans and 40 Caucasians. Controlling for income and socially desirable response bias, a significant relationship between silencing the self and depression was found only for Caucasian women. It was suggested that differing values and socialization practices may be responsible for the findings.  相似文献   

鄭祖心 《心理学报》1964,9(4):69-76
研究目的 本研究是关于十年制学校二年級小学生掌握等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理学問題。等分除法和包含除法应用題涉及求一个数的几分之一和一个数是另一个数的几倍。对于这一类的应用題如何才能理解得正确,如何才能給予正确的解答,这是关系提高教学效率的問題,同时,又是以后学生学习分数与倍数的基础。关于小学生理解等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理特点及外部化活动对人智力活动形成的作用,前人均有一定的研  相似文献   

Protective and risk factors for sexual victimization were examined in a sample of 274 undergraduate women. Assertiveness specific to situations with the opposite gender was protective at all three assessment times. Prior victimization, alcohol use, poor adjustment (as indicated by depression and anxiety), multiple sexual partners, and insecurity about relationships with the opposite gender were significant risk factors. Prevention efforts might be more effective if (a) behavioral practice of assertiveness was added to informational and attitudinal interventions; (b) assertiveness training focused specifically on relationships with the opposite gender; (c) medical and counseling services routinely assessed for prior victimization and other risk factors, and made appropriate referrals for women with victimization histories; and (d) alcohol education-programs were integrated with acquaintance-rape programs.  相似文献   

汉字双向启动效应的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以五类高、中、低频汉字为材料.用词汇决定任务与诵读回忆任务间的相互启动方法,对汉字启动效应进行了初步探讨。结果发现,形与音都具有启动作用;低频字表现出受到或产生更大的抑制性启动作用;对于真伪识别任务,则诵读回忆任务中与其字形相似的字产生的启动效果更大;对于诵读回忆任务,则真伪识别任务中与其字音相似的字产生的启动效果更大.结果表明,字形与字音启动作用的大小取决于目标字加工中二者相对作用的大小。  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 1999, 43 street-level prostituted women were interviewed regarding their developmental experiences, including prostitution entry, maintenance, and exit attempts. Three years later, 18 of the original 43 participants were located and interviewed. This exploratory follow-up investigation focused on the women's life experiences between the two points of contact, with emphasis on sex-industry exit attempts. Five women had maintained their exit efforts and had not returned to prostitution, nine had returned to both prostitution and drug use, and one had returned to prostitution only. Three additional women had violated parole and been reincarcerated. Themes evident among those who were able to stay out of prostitution and refrain from substance use are compared to those whose exit attempts had not been successful. Suggestions for intervention and outreach are presented, as are directions for future work.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为产生怎样的影响。方法:选择夹豆速度相同的初二学生为研究对象,在不同的性别配对和奖励结构下进行夹豆实验,考察性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为。结果:性别配对对中学生合作行为有显著影响,其中男×男配对组合的合作水平最高,而女×女配对组合的合作水平最低,男×女配对水平居中;另外,针对不同的奖励对象进行实验同样也产生不同的合作水平,奖励个人合作水平较低,奖励组合合作水平较高;在奖励对象为组合时采用不同的计分方式对合作行为也有显著的影响,分别计分合作水平较低,混合计分合作水平较高。结论:应根据初中生的这些特点进行有针对性地引导,促进他们合理的合作和竞争。  相似文献   

以实验鉴定了常规的启动效应计量方法的有效性程度,并为客观地计量启动效应,创用了“超意识广度法”、“二次比较法”等.结果发现:(1)如被试数量较少,以不同补笔率为“基线值”所求得的启动效应之间发生显著差异的可能性存在;(2)超意识广度法能克服“阈下呈现刺激法”“分散注意法”的不足,为内隐记忆提供有利的识记情境;(3)“二次比较法”能为正常人内隐记忆的存在提供更为直接、可靠的证据,并能客观、精确地计量启动效应。  相似文献   

为客观计量初学后潜留的内隐记忆效应和探索内隐记忆叠加效应的内在机制,创用了“重学──分离法”。结果发现:“重学──分离法”能有效地测得初学后内隐记忆的保存量;重学后内隐记忆的叠加效应明显,增值为63.4%;内隐记忆效应与年龄、学历(知识水平)之间无确定的对应关系。  相似文献   

An analysis of individuals' perceptions of situations was performed and confirmed the main results obtained in an earlier study by Magnusson (1971). Ss gave similarity ratings of situakions from a specific domain. A dimensional analysis and a categorization were mad on data. The method showed good agreement. Stability over time in factor structure was high as well as the agreement between individual structures. The analyses gave a clear and subjectively meaningful structure for both individual data and group data.  相似文献   

本文报道了中国人眼白—黑系列明度等级的实验研究结果,并与孟色尔体系的白—黑系列结果作了比较。结果表明,明度值(V)和亮度因素(Y)之间的关系是一种非线性关系。中国人的明度值,以明度等级5(即V=5.00)为中点,无论在高明度等级一端,或是低明度等级一端,都与孟色尔体系的结果有一定差别。在高明度一端,亮度因素值(Y)低于孟色尔体系的结果,而在低明度一端,亮度因素值(Y)则高于孟色尔体系的结果。本结果对研制中国色谱中的白—黑系列具有积极意义。  相似文献   

时序信息提取特点的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑云  黄希庭 《心理科学》1993,16(5):257-264
时距区分性理论认为提取时序信息是在包含一定项目的检索系中检索抽样的过程,通道因素应当对正确率和速度都产生影响.本文分别以英文字母和汉字为材料,对时序信息的提取特点作了两个实验研究.结果表明,只有材料的呈现顺序对时序信息提取的正确率和速度都有影响,通道因素只影响提取的正确率,而速度则未受其影响。显然,用时距区分性理论来说明时序信息提取特点是缺乏足够证据的.本文提出,对时序信息提取机制尚值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

通过实验的方法来考察应对风格、应激情境对焦虑水平、任务完成效率的影响。结果表明:应对风格和应激情境对焦虑水平和任务完成效率影响的主效应和交互效应都非常显著。在实验中,控制型应对风格的个体总体上表现出较低的焦虑水平和较高的任务完成效率。在低任务难度情境下,灵活应对风格和控制型应对风格的个体比非控制型应对风格和反常应对风格的个体表现出更低的焦虑水平和更高的任务完成效率,而且不同应对风格被试在焦虑水平和获胜率上的差异显著。  相似文献   

现在采用返回抑制范式所进行的空间非信息线索作用的研究,大多以非线索化位置反应时为参照,发现线索化位置的反应先易化后抑制。后者即返回抑制。本研究采用在返回抑制范式上增设中性线索化条件的方法,发现当靶子可以出现的位置为四个时,相对于中性线索化条件,非线索化位置反应快。这种非线索化位置的易化作用是独立存在的,它能使生物体尽快地对出现在多个非线索化位置的靶子作出反应。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨智力落后儿童在实验情景下用手抓物的方式、及其与大脑侧偏化的关系。结果表明:(1)智力落后儿童混用手情况多。被试在取物时,使用左手或右手次数的比率平均约为1:2,相当于1—2岁正常儿童用左、右手取物的比率;(2)性别与年龄对落后儿童用手方式无明显影响;(3)病情等级对用手方式有明显影响:轻度智力落后儿童使用左、右手的比率大于中、重度智力落后儿童的同样比率;(4)智力落后儿童抓物的线索在四个实验中不完全相同:实验Ⅰ至Ⅲ的线索为位置(近手),实验Ⅳ为对实验用具的喜爱;(5)在混用手与大脑侧偏化(或优势脑未分化)不完善之间,可能有直接关系。此问题尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Data on the characteristics of individuals diagnosed with AIDS show that Hispanic women, men, and children are overrepresented. In order to effectively reduce the risk of HIV infection in Hispanic communities, prevention programs must take into account characteristics of Hispanic populations that differentiate them from the general population and that reflect the social and economic contexts that shape the realities of Hispanic women's lives.
This article presents an analysis of the AIDS epidemic, taking into consideration the major factors that will need to be addressed in designing programs to prevent HIV infection in Hispanic communities. First, characteristics of the AIDS epidemic among Hispanics are discussed. Second, demographic and psychological characteristics of Hispanic women and their relevance to AIDS prevention efforts are presented. Third, recommendations for research and prevention programs are made. While the specific topic of concern here is AIDS risk reduction, the approach illustrates the types of questions and factors that need to be considered in developing prevention approaches for any health problem in any ethnic and racial minority communities.  相似文献   

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