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The attention literature distinguishes two general mechanisms by which attention can benefit performance: gain (or resource) models and orienting (or switching) models. In gain models, processing efficiency is a function of a spatial distribution of capacity or resources; in orienting models, an attentional spotlight must be aligned with the stimulus location, and processing efficiency is a function of when this occurs. Although they involve different processing mechanisms, these models are difficult to distinguish empirically. We compared performance with abrupt-onset and no-onset Gabor patch stimuli in a cued detection task in which we obtained distributions of reaction time (RT) and accuracy as a function of stimulus contrast. In comparison to abrupt-onset stimuli, RTs to miscued no-onset stimuli were increased and accuracy was reduced. Modeling the data with the integrated system model of Philip L. Smith and Roger Ratcliff (2009) provided evidence for reallocation of processing resources during the course of a trial, consistent with an orienting account. Our results support a view of attention in which processing efficiency depends on a dynamic spatiotemporal distribution of resources that has both gain and orienting properties.  相似文献   

Emerging findings from studies with infants at familial high risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), owing to an older sibling with a diagnosis, suggest that those who go on to develop ASD show early impairments in the processing of stimuli with both social and non‐social content. Although ASD is defined by social‐communication impairments and restricted and repetitive behaviours, the majority of cognitive theories of ASD posit a single underlying factor, which over development has secondary effects across domains. This is the first high‐risk study to statistically differentiate theoretical models of the development of ASD in high‐risk siblings using multiple risk factors. We examined the prediction of ASD outcome by attention to social and non‐social stimuli: gaze following and attentional disengagement assessed at 13 months in low‐risk controls and high‐risk ASD infants (who were subsequently diagnosed with ASD at 3 years). When included in the same regression model, these 13‐month measures independently predicted ASD outcome at 3 years of age. The data were best described by an additive model, suggesting that non‐social attention, disengagement, and social attention as evidenced by gaze following, have a cumulative impact on ASD risk. These data argue against cognitive theories of ASD which propose that a single underlying factor has cascading effects across early development leading to an ASD outcome, and support multiple impairment models of ASD that are more consistent with recent genetic and neurobiological evidence.  相似文献   

The relationship between subjects' identification and categorization learning of integral-dimension stimuli was studied within the framework of an exemplar-based generalization model. The model was used to predict subjects' learning in six different categorization conditions on the basis of data obtained in a single identification learning condition. A crucial assumption in the model is that because of selective attention to component dimensions, similarity relations may change in systematic ways across different experimental contexts. The theoretical analysis provided evidence that, at least under unspeeded conditions, selective attention may play a critical role in determining the identification-categorization relationship for integral stimuli. Evidence was also provided that similarity among exemplars decreased as a function of identification learning. Various alternative classification models, including prototype, multiple-prototype, average distance, and "value-on-dimensions" models, were unable to account for the results.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to examine observers' attention to adults following warm and neutral interactions with them. Forty-two preschool and 36 third grade girls interacted with a pair of female models in one of three treatment conditions in which models were, respectively, warm and neutral, neutral and neutral, or warm and warm. Subiects then witnessed the models play a picture-preference game and were asked to recall the models' responses. Analyses of the children's overt attention to the models' responses revealed a greater attention to a warm model when in the presence of both a warm and neutral model and less distraction by nonsocial stimuli when at least one warm model was present. A significant positive correlation was obtained between attention to and recall of the models' responses.  相似文献   

Attention, similarity, and the identification-categorization relationship   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A unified quantitative approach to modeling subjects' identification and categorization of multidimensional perceptual stimuli is proposed and tested. Two subjects identified and categorized the same set of perceptually confusable stimuli varying on separable dimensions. The identification data were modeled using Shepard's (1957) multidimensional scaling-choice framework. This framework was then extended to model the subjects' categorization performance. The categorization model, which generalizes the context theory of classification developed by Medin and Schaffer (1978), assumes that subjects store category exemplars in memory. Classification decisions are based on the similarity of stimuli to the stored exemplars. It is assumed that the same multidimensional perceptual representation underlies performance in both the identification and categorization paradigms. However, because of the influence of selective attention, similarity relationships change systematically across the two paradigms. Some support was gained for the hypothesis that subjects distribute attention among component dimensions so as to optimize categorization performance. Evidence was also obtained that subjects may have augmented their category representations with inferred exemplars. Implications of the results for theories of multidimensional scaling and categorization are discussed.  相似文献   

The pooling of information from simultaneous, spatially congruent auditory and visual stimuli is examined in a signal detection task. The paradigm used permits discrimination among a number of models of the decision mechanisms involved in processing multiple component stimuli. Parameter-free predictions are presented for the weighted integration model and for three versions of the independent decisions model. The data support an independent decisions model of the bimodal detection process in which attention is shared equally between modalities.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of attentional priority   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
When a single abrupt onset occurs in a multielement visual display, it captures attention, possibly by generating an attentional interrupt that designates onsets as being of high priority. In 3 experiments, the mechanisms subserving attentional priority setting were investigated. Subjects searched for a prespecified target letter among multiple distractor letters, half of which had abrupt onsets and half of which did not. The target, when present, was equally often an onset element and a no-onset element. Several models for attentional priority, differing in how many onset elements have priority over no-onset elements, were assessed. The data support a model in which approximately 4 onset stimuli are processed before any no-onset stimuli are processed. Two attentional priority mechanisms are proposed: (a) queuing of a limited number of high-priority elements and (b) temporally modulated decay of attentional priority tags.  相似文献   

One class of models assumes that presentation of a signal results in an internal representation as a random variable. Depending on whether the signal is close to or far from the preceding signal, the variance of the representation is smaller or larger. Responses are determined largely by this random variable; however, when the signal is close to the preceding one, the response is generated by modifying the representation multiplicatively by some function of the ratio of the previous response to its representation. Power and linear functions are explored. The form of the random variable is assumed to be that arising from either the timing or the counting model operating on a Poisson process. Detailed analyses are carried out successfully only for the timing model with neural sample sizes independent of intensity; however, the data require the sample to increase with intensity. The linear response function coupled with the constant sample size counting model appears somewhat viable, but detailed calculations are very difficult to carry out. The second class of models postulates a power function relation between magnitude estimates and signals intensity for which the exponent is a Gaussian distributed random variable and the unit is the product of two log normal random variables. Again we assume an attention band such that succesive stimuli that are widely separated in intensity lead to independent samples of the random variables while a variety of assumptions is explored for successive stimuli that are near each other in intensity. Although they each give rise to the qualitative features of the data, estimates of parameters are sufficiently inconsistent that we are led to reject all of the submodels studied.  相似文献   

Further tests were provided of an exemplar-similarity model for relating the identification and categorization of separable-dimension stimuli (Nosofsky, 1986). On the basis of confusion errors in an identification paradigm, a multidimensional scaling (MDS) solution was derived for a set of 16 separable-dimension stimuli. This MDS solution was then used in conjunction with the exemplar-similarity model to accurately predict performance in four separate categorization paradigms with the same stimuli. A key to achieving the accurate quantitative fits was the assumption that a selective attention process systematically modifies similarities among exemplars across different category structures. The tests reported go well beyond earlier ones (Nosofsky, 1986) in demonstrating the generalizability and utility of the theoretical approach. Implications of the results for alternative quantitative models of classification performance, including Ashby and Perrin's (1988) general recognition theory, were also considered.  相似文献   

A technique for the bilateral activation of neural nets that leads to a functional asymmetry of two simulated "cerebral hemispheres" is described. The simulation is designed to perform object recognition, while exhibiting characteristics typical of human consciousness-specifically, the unitary nature of conscious attention, together with a dual awareness corresponding to the "nucleus" and "fringe" described by William James (1890). Sensory neural nets self-organize on the basis of five sensory features. The system is then taught arbitrary symbolic labels for a small number of similar stimuli. Finally, the trained network is exposed to nonverbal stimuli for object recognition, leading to Gaussian activation of the "sensory" maps-with a peak at the location most closely related to the features of the external stimulus. "Verbal" maps are activated most strongly at the labeled location that lies closest to the peak on homologous sensory maps. On the verbal maps activation is characterized by both excitatory and inhibitory Gaussians (a Mexican hat), the parameters of which are determined by the relative locations of the verbal labels. Mutual homotopic inhibition across the "corpus callosum" then produces functional cerebral asymmetries, i.e., complementary activation of homologous "association" and "frontal" maps within a common focus of attention-a nucleus in the left hemisphere and a fringe in the right hemisphere. An object is recognized as corresponding to a known label when the total activation of both hemispheres (nucleus plus fringe) is strongest for that label. The functional dualities of the cerebral hemispheres are discussed in light of the nucleus/fringe asymmetry.  相似文献   

Traditional views of automaticity are in need of revision. For example, automaticity often has been treated as an all-or-none phenomenon, and traditional theories have held that automatic processes are independent of attention. Yet recent empirical data suggest that automatic processes are continuous, and furthermore are subject to attentional control. A model of attention is presented to address these issues. Within a parallel distributed processing framework, it is proposed that the attributes of automaticity depend on the strength of a processing pathway and that strength increases with training. With the Stroop effect as an example, automatic processes are shown to be continuous and to emerge gradually with practice. Specifically, a computational model of the Stroop task simulates the time course of processing as well as the effects of learning. This was accomplished by combining the cascade mechanism described by McClelland (1979) with the backpropagation learning algorithm (Rumelhart, Hinton, & Williams, 1986). The model can simulate performance in the standard Stroop task, as well as aspects of performance in variants of this task that manipulate stimulus-onset asynchrony, response set, and degree of practice. The model presented is contrasted against other models, and its relation to many of the central issues in the literature on attention, automaticity, and interference is discussed.  相似文献   

Predicting similarity and categorization from identification.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, the relation between the identification, similarity judgment, and categorization of multidimensional perceptual stimuli is studied. The theoretical analysis focused on general recognition theory (GRT), which is a multidimensional generalization of signal detection theory. In one application, 2 Ss first identified a set of confusable stimuli and then made judgments of their pairwise similarity. The second application was to Nosofsky's (1985b, 1986) identification-categorization experiment. In both applications, a GRT model accounted for the identification data better than Luce's (1963) biased-choice model. The identification results were then used to predict performance in the similarity judgment and categorization conditions. The GRT identification model accurately predicted the similarity judgments under the assumption that Ss allocated attention to the 2 stimulus dimensions differently in the 2 tasks. The categorization data were predicted successfully without appealing to the notion of selective attention. Instead, a simpler GRT model that emphasized the different decision rules used in identification and categorization was adequate.  相似文献   

Emotionally arousing stimuli are at once both highly attention grabbing and memorable. We examined whether emotional enhancement of memory (EEM) reflects an indirect effect of emotion on memory, mediated by enhanced attention to emotional items during encoding. We tested a critical prediction of the mediation hypothesis-that regions conjointly activated by emotion and attention would correlate with subsequent EEM. Participants were scanned with fMRI while they watched emotional or neutral pictures under instructions to attend to them a lot or a little, and were then given an immediate recognition test. A region in the left fusiform gyrus was activated by emotion, voluntary attention, and subsequent EEM. A functional network, different for each attention condition, connected this region and the amygdala, which was associated with emotion and EEM, but not with voluntary attention. These findings support an indirect cortical mediation account of immediate EEM that may complement a direct modulation model.  相似文献   

Social fears emerging in adolescence can have negative effects on emotional well-being. Yet the mechanisms by which these risks occur are unknown. One possibility is that associative learning results in fears to previously neutral social stimuli. Such conditioned responses may alter subsequent processing of social stimuli. We used a novel conditioning task to examine how associative processes influence social fear and attention orienting in adolescents. Neutral photographs were paired with socially rewarding or aversive stimuli during conditioning; a dot-probe task then assessed biases in attention orienting. The social conditioning task modified subjective ratings of the neutral stimuli. Moreover, for the neutral stimulus that was paired with the aversive stimulus, the strength of conditioning showed a relationship with subsequent attentional vigilance. The findings elucidate mechanisms by which negative peer experiences during adolescence may affect emotional processing.  相似文献   

Social fears emerging in adolescence can have negative effects on emotional well-being. Yet the mechanisms by which these risks occur are unknown. One possibility is that associative learning results in fears to previously neutral social stimuli. Such conditioned responses may alter subsequent processing of social stimuli. We used a novel conditioning task to examine how associative processes influence social fear and attention orienting in adolescents. Neutral photographs were paired with socially rewarding or aversive stimuli during conditioning; a dot-probe task then assessed biases in attention orienting. The social conditioning task modified subjective ratings of the neutral stimuli. Moreover, for the neutral stimulus that was paired with the aversive stimulus, the strength of conditioning showed a relationship with subsequent attentional vigilance. The findings elucidate mechanisms by which negative peer experiences during adolescence may affect emotional processing.  相似文献   

Attentional capture and behavioral control by conditioned stimuli have been dissociated in animals. The current study assessed this dissociation in humans. Participants were trained on a Pavlovian schedule in which 3 visual stimuli, A, B, and C, predicted the occurrence of an aversive noise with 90%, 50%, or 10% probability, respectively. Participants then went on to separate instrumental training in which a key-press response canceled the aversive noise with a .5 probability on a variable interval schedule. Finally, in the transfer phase, the 3 Pavlovian stimuli were presented in this instrumental schedule and were no longer differentially predictive of the outcome. Observing times and gaze dwell time indexed attention to these stimuli in both training and transfer. Aware participants acquired veridical outcome expectancies in training--that is, A > B > C, and these expectancies persisted into transfer. Most important, the transfer effect accorded with these expectancies, A > B > C. By contrast, observing times accorded with uncertainty--that is, they showed B > A = C during training, and B < A = C in the transfer phase. Dwell time bias supported this association between attention and uncertainty, although these data showed a slightly more complicated pattern. Overall, the study suggests that transfer is linked to outcome prediction and is dissociated from attention to conditioned stimuli, which is linked to outcome uncertainty.  相似文献   

Blough (1975) proposed an elemental model of generalization and discrimination phenomena in which stimuli from physical dimensions, such as wavelength, are conceptualized as overlapping sets of elements. In order to test predictions generated by this model, we constructed an artificial 'dimension' of stimuli as a series of overlapping sets of arbitrary 'icons' (small, unrelated shapes). In Experiment 1, we trained pigeons to discriminate two neighbouring stimuli from this artificial dimension and then assessed their responses to other stimuli from the dimension. The results of these tests typified those obtained with stimuli from genuine physical dimensions-that is, we obtained positive and negative peak shifts. In Experiment 2, human subjects were given a similar discrimination task and produced an analogous set of results to those of the pigeons. These results support Blough's elemental theory and are not readily accommodated by Pearce's (1987) configural theory. In Experiment 3, both humans and pigeons were trained and tested with stimuli from a real physical dimension (luminance). The pigeons' results were again consistent with Blough's analysis, but those of the humans suggested the use of more sophisticated strategies that are unavailable to pigeons and that lie outside the scope of elemental models of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Metacontrast Masking and Attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metacontrast masking is generally considered an effect of preattentive processes operative in early vision. Because of the growing evidence of the role of attention in other phenomena previously considered low level and preattentive, its possible role in masking was explored in three experiments in which meaningful target stimuli known to capture attention (one's own name or a happy-face icon) were compared with control stimuli identical in spatial frequency and luminance. Not only were these salient stimuli significantly more resistant to masking than the control stimuli, but when one of the meaningful stimuli served as a mask, its strength was increased relative to a less meaningful variant, documenting the strong influence of attention on masking.  相似文献   

Model building or model selection with linear mixed models (LMMs) is complicated by the presence of both fixed effects and random effects. The fixed effects structure and random effects structure are codependent, so selection of one influences the other. Most presentations of LMM in psychology and education are based on a multilevel or hierarchical approach in which the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects is assumed to be positive definite with nonzero values for the variances. When the number of fixed effects and random effects is unknown, the predominant approach to model building is a step-up method in which one starts with a limited model (e.g., few fixed and random intercepts) and then additional fixed effects and random effects are added based on statistical tests. A model building approach that has received less attention in psychology and education is a top-down method. In the top-down method, the initial model has a single random intercept but is loaded with fixed effects (also known as an “overelaborate” model). Based on the overelaborate fixed effects model, the need for additional random effects is determined. There has been little if any examination of the ability of these methods to identify a true population model (i.e., identifying the model that generated the data). The purpose of this article is to examine the performance of the step-up and top-down model building approaches for exploratory longitudinal data analysis. Student achievement data sets from the Chicago longitudinal study serve as the populations in the simulations.  相似文献   

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