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The aim of this study was to investigate in families of two working parents the effects of parents’ work organisation and work-related stress on the level and rhythmicity of their children's attention in school. Four hundred and sixty children between five and 10 years of age, divided into three age groups, completed crossing-out tests. Each parent completed a coded and anonymous questionnaire. The results, analysed using a repeated measures ANOVA (α = 0.05), suggest that the mother's and father's work organisation and work-related stress impact on the child's attention differently according to age. Irregular professional activities, difficult to foresee and out of step with social life, as well as mental strain and accumulated stress could affect the regulatory function of the family on the child's receptiveness to learn at school.  相似文献   

Analytical tools that give precision to the concept of "independence of syntax" are developed in the form of a series of substitutivity principles. These principles are applied in a study of the rôle of language in belief revision theory. It is shown that sets of sentences can be used in models of belief revision to convey more information than what is conveyed by the combined propositional contents of the respective sets. It is argued that it would be unwise to programmatically restrain the use of sets of sentences to that of representing propositional contents. Instead, the expressive power of language should be used as fully as possible. Therefore, syntax-independence should not be seen as a criterion of adequacy for language-based models of information-processing, but rather as a property that emerges from some but not all the idealization processes through which such models are constructed.  相似文献   

Bradley, Charles, M.D. Schizophrenia in Childhood. New York: Macmillan, 1941. Pp. 152. Reviewed By Livingston Welch  相似文献   

The fears of 133 boys and girls aged 7 to 19, classified as educable mentally retarded (EMR), trainable mentally retarded (TMR), and specific learning disabled (SLD), were ascertained through self-report data and compared with those of 106 normal children aged 6 to 12. Similar developmental trends were found in all groups, with younger children reporting more unrealistic fears than older children. When mental age was calculated for the EMR and TMR children, their developmental trends closely approximated those of the normal children. In general, exceptional children were found to have a much wider range and a greater number of fears than normal children. Most fears were found to be realistic, learned, and dependent upon the child's intellectual and maturational level.  相似文献   

It is now a fact that health and well being at work are enhanced by organizational characteristics (Dupret, Bocéréan, Teherani, & Feltrin, 2012) and individual characteristics such as coping strategies used in a stressful situation (Truchot & Fisher, 2002). The purpose of this research is to study the interaction between organizational characteristics and coping strategies in the emergence of psychosocial risks factors. This study was conducted with 427 employees, as part of a psychosocial risk assessment. The analysis (Sobel tests and LISREL modelization) show the moderating influence between coping strategies and the organizational variables on occupational health and life quality.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the attitudes of managers are somehow determinant of the policies of organizations toward the recruitment of ex-convicts. This study demonstrates that the recruiting policies of organizations are independent of the attitudes of managers. Attitudes of managers toward hiring ex-convicts were found to be negatively related to the age of the organization and to have a mixed relationship to the age, level of education, and length of service of managers.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the moderating role of personality traits on the relationship between work conditions and burnout. The stress theories (Lazarus et Folkman, 1984; Marchand, 2004; Pearlin, 1999) argues that the effects of stressors are moderated by the individual perception of stressors, some personality traits may thus moderate the relationship between work stressors and burnout. The main results confirm self-esteem and locus of control moderates the relationship between work conditions and burnout. The results of this study may be useful in some human resource management activities, particularly career management, promotions management and personnel selection.  相似文献   

The existence of no significant attitudinal differences between three generations of selected families was hypothesized. Basic life attitudes of 199 college students were compared with those of their middlescent parents and senescent grandparents. The Adolescent-Middlescent Attitude Scale developed by Armstrong was administered to the adolescents in the college classroom and mailed to parents and grandparents. The least squares analysis of variance was employed to determine the amount and direction of variance in attitudes among the three generations of respondents. The F factors were found to be significant at the .05 level of confidence. This finding suggested the possibility of basic attitudinal differences among the adolescent, middlescent, and senescent groups. Significant variance was found within the middlescent generation, revealing attitude differences between the adolescent's mother and father in relation to basic life concepts. Adjustment similarities and differences among the three generations were predicted from the attitudinal data.  相似文献   

Forty male and 40 female volunteer college students were divided into two groups. Half were exposed to actual tape recorded verbal reports of violent events, and half to similar reports of nonviolent happenings. Ss who had been angered by insult prior to being exposed to violent tapes displayed significantly more aggression than Ss in an insult, nonviolent condition and Ss in a no-insult, violent condition on a subsequent “extrasensory learning” task supposedly involving shocks for incorrect responses. An unexpected finding was that Ss who had not been insulted administered significantly higher “shocks” after exposure to nonviolent reports than Ss in the no-insult, violent group. No significant sex differences were found. Results were interpreted as failing to support the catharsis hypothesis, and comparisons with the effects of visually witnessed violence were made.  相似文献   

Organizational initiatives to empower employees have limited success if they are supported only by top managers. The goal of this study is to examine how two actors in the workers’ proximal social environment, the supervisor and colleagues, contribute to employee empowerment. A questionnaire study was conducted with a sample of 418 workers relying both on psychological and behavioral self-report measures of employee empowerment. Multiple regressions revealed that contributions from the supervisor and colleagues are distinct, additive and interact in a synergic way to increase employee empowerment. These results suggest that it is important to foster favorable conditions in the workers’ proximal social environment to instill employee empowerment.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the age-related differences in control strategies deployment, and examined the relations of control strategies with indicators of well-being and cognitive efficiency. Eighty-five participants aged from 18 to 93 years old completed measures of control strategies and anxiety, and were administered several cognitive tests designed to assess processing speed, reasoning and episodic memory. Results showed that (1) middle-aged individuals use more control strategies based on emotional regulation and goal disengagement than younger and older individuals, (2) individuals who deploy more control strategies focused on emotions report lower levels of anxiety, and (3) cognitive resources moderate the relation between age and control strategies deployment. That is, although increased age is associated with lower deployment of control strategies, the current project showed that age effects in control strategies were weaker for people with higher levels of cognitive resources than for people with lower levels of cognitive resources.  相似文献   

Researchers have proposed that high quality of supervisor–employee relationships (Basu & Green, 1997; Scott & Bruce, 1994; Sanders, Moorkamp, Torka, Groeneveld & Groeneveld, 2010) fosters innovative behaviour. Moreover, researchers have acknowledged that this relationship is not clear (Rosing, Frese & Bausch, 2011; Volmer, Spurk & Niessen, 2012). The present study aims at testing the moderating role of resistance to change in the LMX-innovative behaviour relationship. Results of a study based on 160 participants from an organization provide empirical support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relationship between employees’ affective commitment to the supervisor and negative feedback seeking is barely explored in the literature. Moreover, the role of the characteristics related to the context where this relationship develops is unknown. In the present article, we examine the relationship between affective commitment to the supervisor and negative feedback seeking using data collected from 250 employees affiliated with organizations operating in the service industry. Three moderating variables were measured: supervisor-organization value incongruence, supervisors’ networking ability, and supervisors’ perceived organizational status. Data analysis through moderated multiple regression indicates that commitment to the supervisor is positively related to negative feedback seeking, and that this relationship is enhanced when the supervisor is perceived to have a low value incongruence with the organization or a weak networking ability. In contrast, supervisors’ perceived organizational status did not exert a moderating role. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on feedback seeking behavior in the workplace.  相似文献   

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