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In task switching experiments, comparing performance with bivalent stimuli (affording both tasks) to univalent stimuli (affording one task) confounds the need to change focus between dimensions and stimulus-task binding, because bivalent stimuli require focusing (and refocusing) but also appeared in the competing task before. To separate these influences, participants switched between vertical and horizontal judgments performed on bivalent (e.g., up-left) or univalent (e.g., left) actual locations or location words. In a critical condition involving bivalence without stimulus-task binding, actual locations and location words were each linked to a different task. Bivalence increased switch costs and preparation reduced switch costs only with bivalent stimuli. Stimulus-task binding affected performance in task repetitions, especially when little preparation time was afforded.  相似文献   

The first objective was to assess whether healthy individuals could accurately estimate their weight-bearing distribution in sit-to-stand transfers. The second was to evaluate the effect of age on weight-bearing perception. 16 young participants (11 women, 5 men; M age 29 yr., SD = 8.7) and 15 elderly participants (7 women, 8 men; M age 65 yr., SD = 3.8) were recruited. Verbal instructions and visual feedback referring to different percentages of weight-bearing distribution to execute were used to quantify weight-bearing perception in sit-to-stand tasks. For the feedback approach, the perception was assessed with a visual analog scale. For the verbal task, the weight-bearing distribution produced was assessed with force plates. Both young and elderly participants had good perception of weight-bearing distribution, with mean absolute errors of 6.4%. Moreover, their perceived and real weight-bearing distribution showed good agreement (ICC > or = .79).  相似文献   

Previous studies have obtained conflicting evidence regarding the effect of probe modality when a secondary probe task is used to measure attentional demands of a primary letter-matching task. The present experiments found no difference in the shape of the probe reaction time functions for auditory and visual probes as long as probe modality was known. When probes "unexpectedly" occurred in the modality that was different from the majority of the probes, differences were obtained. Only the unexpected auditory function changed, shape relative to the others, with reaction time to probes that occurred early in the matching task sequence being increased. The results are interpreted as supporting a role of attentional capacity in the activation of structures that accept relevant sensory input.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The authors investigated how the nervous system responds to dual task performance. Because dual tasking is associated with greater postural challenges, it was hypothesized that spinal excitability would be reduced when simultaneously performing 2 tasks. For this experiment, participants maintained a lying or standing posture with or without performing a concurrent cognitive task (i.e., reacting to an auditory tone). Spinal excitability was assessed by eliciting the soleus Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex). Results indicated that the H-reflex was 6.4 ± 2.3% smaller (p = .011) when dual compared to single tasking. The reduced H-reflex amplitude, indicating a depressed spinal excitability, when dual tasking is suggested to reflect a neural strategy that individuals adopt to maintain postural stability when cognitive resources are divided between 2 concurrent tasks.  相似文献   

Unlike many sports, karate imposes pointing to a target with the lower limb. The nature of each sport could influence gait variables of sportsmen. The aim of this study was to examine the pointing accuracy of limb swing and the spatial and temporal parameters of the walking cycle during walking in karate experts (Group K, n=6) compared to accuracy of nonkarate sportsmen (Group S, n = 11). The second aim of this study was to compare the influence of this skill on the spatial and temporal parameters of the walking cycle between the two groups. The analysis was performed with a device composed of a gait analysis system (locometer) coupled to a lighted walkway. This system provides a measurement of the motor skill and the spatial and temporal gait during walking. Analysis for the pointing task indicated no differences between the Karate and the Sportsmen Groups during walking. Moreover, neither the spatial nor temporal characteristics of walking differed between the two groups. Karate does not therefore seem to develop motor programs specific to enhanced performance on this pointing task during walking or alter the walking cycle as compared to some other competitive sports.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the dual task paradigm would influence arm movements during walking. Furthermore, we examined the effects of different walking surfaces on arm movements while performing dual tasks. The effects of age and gender were also investigated. Fifteen young adults and 15 older adults were included in this study. Subjects were asked to perform the walking task alone (single-task trial) and walking in combination with a cognitive task (dual-task trial). Four walking conditions (1 single task and 3 dual task trials)×two walking surfaces were encountered. Both age groups had greater elbow and trunk movement in the sagittal plane under the dual task trials as compared to the single task trial (p<.05). Subjects had greater upper extremity and upper body movement on the soft floor than on the hard floor (p<.05). Subjects had greater movement amplitude when confronting a challenging environment, especially in the contralateral side. Among gender, there was a group-gender interaction: the older females had smaller upper extremity movement than the older males (p<.05) but the opposite was true for the young adults. The results suggest that different age groups of males and females use different balance control strategy to deal with the challenging conditions.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the relationship between subjective experience and attentional lapses during sustained attention. These experiments employed two measures of subjective experience (thought probes and questionnaires) to examine how differences in awareness correspond to variations in both task performance (reaction time and errors) and psycho-physiological measures (heart rate and galvanic skin response). This series of experiments examine these phenomena during the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART, Robertson, Manly, Adrade, Baddeley, & Yiend, 1997). The results suggest we can dissociate between two components of subjective experience during sustained attention: (A) task unrelated thought which corresponds to an absent minded disengagement from the task and (B) a pre-occupation with one's task performance that seems to be best conceptualised as a strategic attempt to deploy attentional resources in response to a perception of environmental demands which exceed ones ability to perform the task. The implications of these findings for our understanding of how awareness is maintained on task relevant material during periods of sustained attention are discussed.  相似文献   

Young and older adults provided language samples in response to elicitation questions while concurrently performing 3 different tasks. The language samples were scored on three dimensions: fluency, grammatical complexity, and content. Previous research had suggested the hypothesis that the restricted speech register of older adults is buffered from the costs of dual task demands. This hypothesis was tested by comparing language samples collected during a baseline condition with those produced while the participants were performing the concurrent tasks. The results indicate that young and older adults adopt different strategies when confronted with dual task demands. Young adults shift to a restricted speech register when confronted with dual task demands. Older adults, who were already using a restricted speech register, became less fluent although the grammatical complexity and informational content of their speech was preserved. Hence, some but not all aspects of older adults' speech are buffered from dual task demands.  相似文献   

Changes in sustained attention, attentional selectivity, and attentional capacity were examined in a sample of 113 participants between the ages of 12 and 75. To measure sustained attention, we employed the sustained-attention-to-response task (Robertson, Manly, Andrade, Baddeley, & Yiend, Neuropsychologia 35:747?C58, 1997), a short continuous-performance test designed to capture fluctuations in sustained attention. To measure attentional selectivity and capacity, we employed a paradigm based on the theory of visual attention (Bundesen, Psychological Review 97:523?C547, 1990), which enabled the estimation of parameters related to attentional selection, perceptual threshold, visual short-term memory capacity, and processing capacity. We found evidence of age-related decline in each of the measured variables, but the declines varied markedly in terms of magnitude and lifespan trajectory. Variables relating to attentional capacity showed declines of very large effect sizes, while variables relating to attentional selectivity and sustained attention showed declines of medium to large effect sizes, suggesting that attentional control is relatively preserved in older adults. The variables relating to sustained attention followed a U-shaped, curvilinear trend, and the variables relating to attentional selectivity and capacity showed linear decline from early adulthood, providing further support for the differentiation of attentional functions.  相似文献   

An experiment investigated the relationship between the ability to encode verbal stimuli during an attentional lapse. The task employed a variation on the sustained attention to response task (SART, Robertson, Manly, Andrade, Baddeley, & Yiend, 1997) which involved the detection of an infrequent target against a background of words. As a manipulation, participants were either instructed to encode the stimuli or were merely exposed to the stimuli. Retrieval was measured using process dissociation. Irrespective of the instructions given to the participants during the task, participants were more likely to retrieve information on the basis of recollection after an error was made than before, whilst the likelihood of retrieving information on the basis of familiarity remained invariant over the same period. The implications of this result for methods of investigating subjective experience are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate interlimb coordination in young and older adults with and without a history of falls during the combined task of walking and prehension with different levels of manual task difficulty. Participants walked on a pathway and grasped a dowel. A vector coding technique evaluated coordination patterns. The coordination pattern was not affected by the difficulty level of the manual task. Older adults seemed to prioritize the movement of the right shoulder to grasp the dowel and then ‘froze’ the movement of the other joint (left shoulder) not directly involved in the grasping task. The preference to pick up the dowel in the double support phase and the increase in right shoulder phase made by older adults with a history of falls suggests an even greater decoupling between walking and prehension.  相似文献   

A digital pursuit rotor was used to monitor speech planning and production costs by time-locking tracking performance to the auditory wave form produced as young and older adults were describing someone they admire. The speech sample and time-locked tracking record were segmented at utterance boundaries and multilevel modeling was used to determine how utterance-level predictors such as utterance duration or sentence grammatical complexity and person-level predictors such as speaker age or working memory capacity predicted tracking performance. Three models evaluated the costs of speech planning, the costs of speech production, and the costs of speech output monitoring. The results suggest that planning and producing propositionally dense utterances is more costly for older adults and that older adults experience increased costs as a result of having produced a long, informative, or rapid utterance.  相似文献   

BackgroundIndividuals with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) experience difficulty with motor coordination and this affects their daily functioning. Research indicated inferior visuospatial processing and oculomotor control in DCD. As visual information is essential for locomotor control, more insight in the gaze behaviour of this population during walking is required and crucial for gaze training interventions as a possible means to improve daily functioning of children and adults with DCD.AimThis study explored differences and similarities in gaze behaviour during walking between typically developing young adults and those with DCD.Methods and proceduresTen young adults with DCD (age: 22.13 ± 0.64) and ten typically developing individuals (age: 22.00 ± 1.05) completed a walking task in which they had to place their feet on irregularly placed targets wearing eye tracking glasses.Outcomes and resultsIndividuals with DCD walked slower and demonstrated a different gaze strategy compared to their neurotypical peers as they fixated almost each and every target sequentially. Typically developing individuals, on the other hand, directed gaze further along the path and often fixated areas around the targets.Conclusions and implicationsDespite adequate walking performance in daily situations in young adults with DCD, fundamental control deficits persist into adulthood.What this paper adds?This paper is the first to demonstrate differences in gaze behaviour between young adults with DCD and typically developing individuals in a task that resembles a task of daily living, as previous research focused on laboratory tasks. This is a valuable finding as DCD has a clear impact on the daily life. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that the fundamental control deficits of DCD persist into adulthood despite frequent performance and practice of these daily tasks. Lastly, these findings might contribute to the therapeutic potential of gaze training interventions to improve the daily functioning of children and adults with DCD.  相似文献   


This paper reviews empirical research on adult age differences in the use of attention during visual search and classification tasks. This research suggests that the selective aspect of attention, in the sense of the ability to discriminate relevant and irrelevant information, is relatively resistant to age-related change. The capacity aspect of attention, in the sense of the limited processing resources that underlie task performance, appears to undergo age-related decline. Questions remain, however, regarding whether capacity-reduction explanations of age differences in cognitive performance have any advantages over explanations based on task complexity. Recent analyses of ageing and attention emphasise the potential contribution of formal models of cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine young adult participants performing the visual and tactile n-back working memory task were compared. In the visual task, letters were presented on a computer screen and in the tactile task, plastic letters embedded on a board were explored tactually. The amount of incorrect responses increased with increasing memory load in both tasks, but was significantly lower in the visual task. Subgrouping the participants with extreme performances into "skilled" and "poor" performers showed that the best performance was found among "skilled" visual performers, and the worst one among "poor" tactile performers. There was more interindividual variation among tactile than visual performance. We conclude that tactile working memory capacity, measured here by letter recognition and letter memory, is generally more limited and shows more variability than visual memory in normal sighted participants.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated whether acquired signals for threat capture and hold visual attention. Cues that were presented in an exogenous attentional cueing task were emotionally modulated using a fear-conditioning paradigm. During acquisition, undergraduate students (55 women, 11 men) learned that one cue (CS+) of the attentional task was a signal for an aversive white noise burst (UCS, 100 dBA) and that another cue (CS?) signalled its nonoccurrence. In a subsequent extinction phase, no UCSs were presented anymore during the cueing task. Results indicated that during acquisition, the CS+ cues strongly captured and held visual attention in comparison with the CS? cues, and that these effects diminished during extinction.  相似文献   

Normal aging is associated with disruption of neural systems that subserve different aspects of cognitive function, particularly in the hippocampus and frontal cortex. Abnormalities in hippocampal function have been well investigated in rodent models of aging, but studies of frontal cortex function in aged rodents are few. We tested young (4–5 mo old) and aged (27–28 mo old) male Long-Evans rats on an attentional set-shifting task modified slightly from previous publication. After training on two problems in which the reward was consistently associated with the same stimulus dimension, and a reversal of one problem, a new problem was presented in which the reward was consistently associated with the previously irrelevant stimulus dimension (extradimensional shift [EDS]). Aged rats as a group were significantly impaired on the EDS, although some individual aged rats performed as well as young rats on this phase. In addition, some aged rats were impaired on the reversal, although a group effect did not reach significance in this phase. Impairment in neither reversal nor EDS was associated with impairments in spatial learning in the Morris water maze. Young rats with neurotoxic lesions of medial frontal cortex are also selectively impaired on the EDS. These results indicate that normal aging in rats is associated with impaired medial frontal cortex function. Furthermore, age-related declines in frontal cortex function are independent of those in hippocampal function. These results provide a possible basis for correlating age-related changes in neurobiological markers in frontal cortex with cognitive decline.  相似文献   

Study of the effects of brief exercise on mental processes by Tomporowski and Ellis (1986) has shown that moderate muscular tension improves cognitive performance while low or high tension does not. Improvements in performance induced by exercise are commonly associated with increase in arousal, while impairments are generally attributed to the effects of muscular or central fatigue. To test two hypotheses, that (1) submaximal muscular exercise would decrease premotor time and increase would increase the attentional and preparatory effects observed in premotor time 9 men, aged 20 to 30 years, performed an isometric test at 50% of their maximum voluntary contraction between blocks of a 3-choice reaction-time fencing task. Analysis showed (1) physical exercise did not improve postexercise premotor time, (2) muscular fatigue induced by isometric contractions did not increase motor time, (3) there was no effect of exercise on attentional and preparatory processes involved in the postexercise choice-RT task. The invalidation of hypotheses was mainly explained by disparity in directional effects across subjects and by use of an exercise that was not really fatiguing.  相似文献   

Following up on studies of the "attentional blink," we studied interference between successive target stimuli in visual and auditory modalities. In each experiment, stimuli were two tones and four dots, simultaneously presented for 1,800 msec. Targets were brief intensity changes in either a tone or a dot. Subjects gave unspeeded responses. In four experiments, our results showed interference between targets in the same modality, but not across modalities. We conclude that, under our experimental conditions, restrictions in concurrent target identification are largely modality specific.  相似文献   

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