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自新中国成立以来,中国绘画沿袭了一定的传统艺术精神和绘画特色,但是在创作思想与文化思潮方面却产生了巨大的变革。中国表现性绘画融汇中西,西方绘画与中国传统文化不断冲撞融合,表现性绘画在中国的发展也愈发呈现出了民族性、历史性、多元性的特征。从时代历史背景出发,以夏俊娜为例,追溯社会背景下的人文精神,探讨中国表现性绘画的内涵与价值。  相似文献   

西方儿童绘画与认知发展关系研究的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王贞琳  李文馥 《心理科学》1998,21(5):449-451,459
0引言儿童绘画有着独特的特点,是儿童表达情绪、情感和对事物的理解的一种方式,它反映着儿童对周围世界的认识程度,是研究儿童认知发展的一个很好的工具。儿童在画画时,采用与成人绘画不同的表征策略。绘画表征策略的发展反映出认知发展的过程。西方发展心理学家在儿童绘画与认知发展的关系方面做了一些工作,发表了大量的研究报告。但是在国内这方面的探讨还比较少。本文介绍的是国外这一领域的一些研究结果和研究动态与趋势。1儿童画所表现的是什么?儿童画画的是什么,这是儿童绘画认知发展研究的一个中心问题。Piaget[1]…  相似文献   

关于幼儿绘画的“知”、“见”矛盾历来是儿童绘画认知发展研究中的热点,对于此现象的探讨,用得最多的是绘画遮挡关系的模型。该文主要介绍关于幼儿物体遮挡的绘画及幼儿绘画认知发展的研究,归纳出关于幼儿把遮挡关系绘画成“分离”的三种原因,同时对幼儿画中的“知”,“见”矛盾加以解释。  相似文献   

关于幼儿绘画的“知”、“见”矛盾历来是儿童绘画认知发展研究中的热点,对于此现象的探讨,用得最多的是绘画遮挡关系的模型。该主要介绍关于幼儿物体遮挡的绘画及幼儿绘画认知发展的研究,归纳出关于幼儿把遮挡关系绘画成“分离”的三种原因,同时对幼儿画中的“知”、“见”矛盾加以解释。  相似文献   

儿童绘画与儿童语言的关系,是儿童绘画心理及符号认知发展研究中的重点和难点问题。文章在简要回顾儿童绘画心理相关研究的基础之上,从绘画与语言都是符号、二者在发生和发展过程中的相似性以及二者心理发展阶段的一致性等方面介绍了儿童绘画与语言相互关系的研究。这些研究的结果表明,不同符号系统之间联系的焦点在于意义,意义是沟通两个符号系统的纽带。儿童绘画与语言的关系随着儿童的发展而变化。文章还分析了这些研究中存在的不足并提出了今后研究的思路。  相似文献   

在社会经济快速发展的影响下,当代艺术表现为对艺术的汲取、传承和创新的发展形势。中国画的写意山水艺术作品绘画主导理念为表现论和表现性,强调笔墨、意境以及线条。印象派风景油画将西方国家绘画中的表现论和表现性绘画带向一个巅峰,在西方绘画领域中占据重要地位。但是中国写意山水画和印象派风景油画不论是从绘画观念还是表现形式上来看,在很多方面都表现出一定的相似性。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童手脑的配合处于适应与发展时期,绘画的内容从成人的角度来看更像是涂鸦,但其内容反映了儿童所处的状态和对自我与外界的认识。绘画是儿童表达对外界和自我认知的方式,儿童的生理和心理的发展对绘画内容产生直接的影响,呈现出由线条到图案、由单一圆形到几何组合的趋势。家长或教师应选择适合儿童绘画的环境和材料,细心观察儿童的绘画过程,仔细领会他们表达的内容。在理解学龄前儿童不同阶段的绘画艺术特点后,才能更深入地理解儿童的绘画内容,了解儿童对外界的所看所想,为发现儿童目前的不足和未来的培养方向提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过简要回顾儿童遮挡绘画的研究历史,总结了对幼儿遮挡绘画中理智写实性绘画与视觉写实性绘画持不同见解的两种概说:"知见说"与"表征策略说",在此基础上提出新的绘画认知理论——遮挡图式的格式塔渐成论,由此展开幼儿遮挡绘画的表征策略及其与幼儿认知发展的关系的深入探讨。  相似文献   

王贞琳  方俊明 《心理科学》1999,22(5):407-410
本研究考察了5-6岁儿童不同认知方式对部分遮挡绘画任务的影响。实验设定不同形式的误导情境,共有两部分组成。研究结果表明:1儿童绘画表征水平的发展存在个别差异。  相似文献   

在儿童美术教学的过程中,有的教师往往按照成人的审美标准干预儿童的绘画构图、内容和配色,这导致在很大程度上禁锢了儿童自由绘画的表达方式,更是背离了儿童美术教育培养创造性思维的目标。针对美术教师对儿童绘画指导和评价过程中忽视儿童心理特点,以及不尊重儿童绘画发展规律的现状,文章对儿童的心理特点和绘画倾向关系进行探讨和阐述,以期对儿童绘画教学有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

All sides in the recent debates over the Quine-Putnam Indispensability thesis presuppose Quine's criterion for determining what a discourse is ontologically committed to. I subject the criterion to scrutiny, especially in regard to the available competitor-criteria, asking what means of evaluation there are for comparing alternative criteria against each other. Finding none, the paper concludes that ontological questions, in a certain sense , are philosophically indeterminate.  相似文献   

德性是人优秀品质中的一种,是由理智或智慧在正确道德观念的前提下根据有利于具有者和他活动于其中的共同体及其成员更好生存的根本要求培育的,通常以心理定势对人的活动发生作用并使人的活动及其主体成为善(好)的道德意义上的善(好)品质,即道德的品质.它具有指向性、意向性、多维性、统一性、稳定性和普适性等主要特征.德性从直觉的层次看是社会道德要求的内化,但从批判的层次上看则根源于人更好生存的需要.德性一般都体现为德目或德性要求,因而具有规范性,但德性规范是构成性规则,与作为规范性规则的道德规范有所不同.  相似文献   

Drawing on non-clinical experience and with reference to relevant literature, this article examines countertransference and its impact on the development of a secure frame, focusing in particular on the countertransference dream and on its significance within the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

On Philosophy     
In this article the author holds that progress in philosophy is a vague concept. Its criteria are not universally acknowledged. All that is clear is that philosophy does not develop in a linear way. Philosophy is polydiscoursive. As for the past fifty years, the author believes three important things happened in philosophy. (1) It has been shown that consciousness exists not within one individual but spreads within a community of people; (2) philosophy has discovered autism, a result that helps us to understand a human being as neither a biological nor a social individual but a third thing—a dreaming being who is not only asocial but also tongueless, where speech and consciousness are separated; and (3) contemporary philosophy has learned to distinguish between sign and symbol. And it has been realized that the human mind is neither an instinct nor a computer but an objectified suffering, a transformed emotion.  相似文献   

On mediation     
The mediation-nonmediation dichotomy proposed by the Kendlers (Psychological Review, 1962, 69, 1–16) and subscribed to by Cole and Medin (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1973, 15, 352–355) is reviewed and critiqued. It is proposed that the appropriate question for research is how children mediate, not when they mediate.  相似文献   

Although it encapsulates the Freudian theory of art, the theory of sublimation has become outmoded. What is more, since its inception there has always been something ill‐defined about it. Does it use sexualized or de‐sexualized drive energy? Is it a defence or an alternative to defence? Does it serve Eros or Thanatos? Is it useful in clinical work or is it unusable? The only, albeit uncertain, aid to a definition relies on the extrinsic criterion of concrete artistic realization. My aim here to revisit and possibly ‘reinvent’ sublimation in the light of certain principles of the pre‐Romantic aesthetics of the sublime. Both are theories of spiritual elevation, in other words, elevation that moves towards abstract thinking, and of man's ‘moral’ achievement; and both attempt to explain the mystery of aesthetic experience. On the one hand, the aesthetics of the sublime offers a modern myth that helps us articulate a series of factors occasionally referred to by various authors as constitutive of sublimation but which have not been incorporated into a single organic framework: loss and early mourning work; the earlier existence of a catastrophic factor – to be regarded, depending on the situation, as either traumatic or simply ‘negative’; the correspondence with a process of somatopsychic categorization which coincides with subjectivity. On the other hand, it also helps us grasp the experience of negative pleasure empathically, living it ‘from the inside’.  相似文献   

On talking-as-dreaming   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many patients are unable to engage in waking-dreaming in the analytic setting in the form of free association or in any other form. The author has found that 'talking-as-dreaming' has served as a form of waking-dreaming in which such patients have been able to begin to dream formerly undreamable experience. Such talking is a loosely structured form of conversation between patient and analyst that is often marked by primary process thinking and apparent non sequiturs. Talking-as-dreaming superficially appears to be 'unanalytic' in that it may seem to consist 'merely' of talking about such topics as books, films, etymology, baseball, the taste of chocolate, the structure of light, and so on. When an analysis is 'a going concern,' talking-as-dreaming moves unobtrusively into and out of talking about dreaming. The author provides two detailed clinical examples of analytic work with patients who had very little capacity to dream in the analytic setting. In the first clinical example, talking-as-dreaming served as a form of thinking and relating in which the patient was able for the first time to dream her own (and, in a sense, her father's) formerly unthinkable, undreamable experience. The second clinical example involves the use of talking-as-dreaming as an emotional experience in which the formerly 'invisible' patient was able to begin to dream himself into existence. The analyst, while engaging with a patient in talking-as-dreaming, must remain keenly aware that it is critical that the difference in roles of patient and analyst be a continuously felt presence; that the therapeutic goals of analysis be firmly held in mind; and that the patient be given the opportunity to dream himself into existence (as opposed to being dreamt up by the analyst).  相似文献   

On integrity     
This paper argues that, rather than statutory registration, it is the personal integrity of the individual practitioner that will best safeguard the interest of the client and ultimately the image and reputation of the counselling/psychotherapy profession within society. An attempt is made to define integrity as an absolute moral component of the personality and to consider its significance to the therapeutic relationship. Trust, too, is considered as a vital factor in this relationship. As well as the integrity of the individual practitioner, the integrity of the psychotherapy profession as a whole is considered with particular regard to its considerable reliance on the production of theory for its sense of self worth, as opposed to its efficacy as a therapeutic enterprise.  相似文献   

On motherhood     
This article deals with motherhood as a function of the innerspace, as a representation of the integrated feminine inner-genitality, and with disturbances in motherhood as a suffocation of that genitality. The development of feminine ego ideals, from the girl's illusory loving triadic relationships shared with the mother and father, and the primary significance of these ideals in regulating the maternal functions is explored. The young girl tends to react to traumas in the maternal relationship by stifling her own early genitality. This is followed by a blocking off and a sealing up of the innerspace by pregenital drive impulses. Such disturbances to motherhood as oral, anal and urethral decathexes and the phallic idealization of motherhood can be explained in terms of the developmental disturbances described above.  相似文献   

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