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采用外部情绪性Simon任务(EAST)对109名大学生对代表自我和他人的刺激词的态度差异进行测量,从而探讨内隐自尊的特性。结果显示:在个体的认知图式中,对自我持有一种内隐的积极的评价或态度,对他人持有一种内隐的相对消极的评价或态度。具体表现在:(1)内隐自尊的特性是将自己与积极的评价和情感相联系,将他人与消极的评价和情感相联系;(2)自我姓名激活的积极的内隐自我态度比一般性自我词更为强烈,而他人姓名激活的消极的内隐态度比一般性非我词更弱。本研究表明,EAST能有效检测出内隐自尊效应,并可以同时获得个体对自我和他人的内隐态度的强度和方向,为内隐自尊研究提供了一种新的有效的方法,但其应用仍需谨慎。  相似文献   

Recently, De Houwer (2003) introduced the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST) as a new procedure for the indirect assessment of attitudes. In the present paper, we propose an explanation of EAST effects based on a task-set switching account. Specifically, we argue that EAST effects result from difficulties in efficiently switching between two different task sets. Results from two experiments support the assumptions of the task-set switching account: While there were strong EAST effects in task-shift trials, no robust effects were found in task-repetition trials. In Experiment 2, the robustness of this task-shift effect on the EAST was demonstrated: Visual similarity between concept and attribute stimuli did not qualify the task-shift effects. Implications for the interpretation of EAST effects are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the psychometric properties of the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST; De Houwer, 2003a ) as adapted for the measurement of the implicit self‐concept of personality. The EAST was adapted to allow the simultaneous assessment of the three traits shyness, anxiousness, and angriness. In order to test the EAST's psychometric properties, 100 participants completed a trait EAST, Implicit Association Tests (IATs), and direct self‐ratings. The EAST showed low internal consistencies and correlated neither with the IATs nor with the direct measures. The main problem of the EAST, namely its low reliability, is discussed, and general conclusions regarding the indirect assessment of the personality self‐concept by EASTs are derived. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

袁晓劲  郭斯萍 《心理科学》2017,40(3):651-656
本研究采用外部情感西蒙任务(EAST),以36名大学生为被试对自我词及亲人、熟人、陌生人三种人际关系词与积极情感和消极情感的关系进行探究,从而检验个体对自我和不同人际关系对象的情感是否存在差序格局的表现形式。结果显示,在EAST中,对自我词和亲人词作积极反应比作消极反应时间更短;对陌生人词作消极反应比作积极反应时间更短;对熟人词作积极反应和消极反应的时间差异不明显。并且,自我词的EAST效应值最大,接着依次是亲人词和熟人词;陌生人词的EAST效应值为负值。表明了在个体的认知图式中,对自我、亲人持有积极的情感,而对陌生人持有消极的情感,对熟人情感偏向不明显;且不同人际关系在情感的联结强度上表现出差序格局的形式。  相似文献   

This study assessed whether a pictorial, rather than a verbal, Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST: De Houwer, 2003) is, 1) sensitive to the affective valence of normatively positive, neutral, and negative pictures, 2) sensitive to interindividual differences pertaining to fear-relevant affective associations, and 3) a valid predictor for strategic and/or reflexive fear responses. High (n = 35) and low (n = 35) spider fearful individuals completed an EAST comprising of universal positive, negative, neutral, and spider pictures. The pictorial EAST was sensitive to normatively valenced stimuli, tended to differentiate between high and low fearful individuals with respect to spider pictures, and showed independent predictive validity for avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

In this article, a modified variant of the Affective Simon Task (AST; De Houwer & Eelen, 1998) is presented as a measure of implicit evaluations of single stimuli. In the AST, the words "good" or "bad" have to be given as responses depending on the color of the stimuli. The AST was combined with an evaluation task to increase the salience of the valence of the presented stimuli. Experiment 1 investigated evaluations of schematic faces showing emotional expressions. In Experiment 2 we measured the valence of artificial stimuli that acquired valence in a game context during the experiment. Both experiments confirm the validity of the modified AST. The results also revealed a dissociation between explicit and implicit evaluations.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the sensitivity of the affective Simon paradigm to the affective connotation of pictures. In a recent experiment carried out by De Houwer and colleagues (De Houwer, Crombez, Baeyens, & Hermans, 2001, experiment 3), participants were asked to respond using the words POSITIVE or NEGATIVE depending on whether a picture depicted a man-made or natural object. Responses to pictures were faster when the valence of the picture matched the required response. The current study replicated this effect when 16 participants were asked to respond using the words NICE and NASTY depending on whether positive or negative pictures were humans or animals. Furthermore, the Affective Simon Effect was found, but reduced in magnitude, when a further 16 participants were asked to respond using the affective nouns COMEDY or CANCER to the same affective pictures.  相似文献   

The meaning of spontaneous skin conductance activity, and its relevance to appraisal theory, are examined. Spontaneous skin conductance activity is hypothesised to reflect task engagement, and thus to be correlated with appraisals of problem-focused coping potential. In a within-subjects design, subjects solved anagrams in which task difficulty was manipulated by varying both the difficulty of the anagrams and the amount of time available to solve them. In the most difficult condition, appraisals of coping potential were expected, and observed, to be especially low, and these appraisals were predicted to produce selective disengagement from the task, yielding reduced skin conductance activity. Within trials, skin conductance activity increased at the start of the trials in all conditions, but decreased by the end of the trials in the most difficult condition only. At the end of the trials, both spontaneous response rate and maximum response amplitude were positively correlated, within-subjects, with appraisals of coping potential, and, even after controlling for task difficulty, with solving the anagram. These findings support the hypothesised relation between appraised coping potential and spontaneous skin conductance activity, and the interpretation of this activity as reflecting task engagement.  相似文献   

为了探讨非反应手对标准Simon任务改装的go/no-go任务的影响,被试只对其中一种颜色进行按键反应,通过指导语来操控非反应手的状态,结果发现:(1)实验一中当不提醒非反应手如何放置时,不会产生Simon效应;(2) 实验二中要求非反应手放在固定的桌面位置上,产生了视觉运动Simon效应,其随反应时的增大而减小;(3) 实验三中要求非反应手放在固定的非反应键上,却产生了认知Simon效应,其随反应时的增大而增大。这说明非反应手的状态影响Simon效应的产生及其性质。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examined affective forecasting errors as a possible explanation of the perennial appeal of extrinsic values and goals. Study 1 found that although people relatively higher in extrinsic (money, fame, image) compared to intrinsic (growth, intimacy, community) value orientation (REVO) are less happy, they nevertheless believe that attaining extrinsic goals offers a strong potential route to happiness. Study 2's longitudinal experimental design randomly assigned participants to pursue either 3 extrinsic or 3 intrinsic goals over 4 weeks, and REVO again predicted stronger forecasts regarding extrinsic goals. However, not even extrinsically oriented participants gained well-being benefits from attaining extrinsic goals, whereas all participants tended to gain in happiness from attaining intrinsic goals. Study 3 showed that the effect of REVO on forecasts is mediated by extrinsic individuals' belief that extrinsic goals will satisfy autonomy and competence needs. It appears that some people overestimate the emotional benefits of achieving extrinsic goals, to their potential detriment.  相似文献   

评价分类任务中的情绪启动效应有很多现象,如比例效应、反转效应、词频效应。到目前为止,任何一个启动模型均无法解释所有的情绪启动现象,表明现有的模型均有理论不足。为此提出了四条定理,实验一证实了启靶一致RT(一致性期待时)<启靶不一致RT(不一致性期待时)<启靶一致RT(不一致性期待时);实验二证实了“启—靶”反应从快到慢依次是:N(负)—N、P(正)—N、N—P、P—P;实验三证实了在评价分类任务中准确性判断与速度判断出现了实验性分离。使用这些定理可以解释所有的评价分类任务中的情绪启动现象。  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which a semantic variant of the Simon paradigm was used. In Experiment 1, participants saw Dutch and English words that corresponded to names of animals (e.g. DOG) or occupations (e.g. TEACHER). Participants were instructed to respond by saying ANIMAL or OCCUPATION, depending on whether the presented word was a Dutch or English word (i.e. relevant stimulus feature) but irrespective of whether the word was the name of an animal or an occupation (i.e. irrelevant stimulus feature). Results showed that responses were facilitated when the correct response corresponded to the name of the semantic category of the presented word (e.g. saying 'ANIMAL' to DOG) compared to when it was the name of a different semantic category (e.g. saying 'OCCUPATION' to DOG), even though the semantic category of the presented word was irrelevant and had to be ignored. Category membership also influenced response times when letter case (upper- or lower-case: Experiment 2) and grammatical category (noun or adjective: Experiment 3) had to be determined in order to select a category label as a response. The semantic Simon effect offers a new tool that can be used to study automatic semantic processing.  相似文献   

本实验使用情绪负启动技术,在情绪评价任务中考察了抑郁个体和正常被试对正、负情绪词分心抑制方面的差异。结果显示,与控制条件下相比,非抑郁控制组被试在负启动条件下对探测显示中正、负性靶子词的反应时间更长;抑郁个体只表现在对探测显示中正性靶子词反应时的延长,负性靶子词未出现负启动效应。结果说明,抑郁个体对负性信息存在抑制机制障碍,对负性信息的偏向与选择性注意中的维持成分有关。这提示心理治疗家应该注重训练抑郁个体对负性信息的抑制能力,预防抑郁复发的目标应集中在注意持续的控制上。  相似文献   

王若茵  范宁 《心理科学》2016,39(3):559-565
本研究使用ERP技术对比了效价判断与真假字判断两种任务形式下的汉字情绪启动效应。结果发现,在效价判断任务中高频目标字出现情绪启动的反转效应,效价不一致比一致条件下反应时短,诱发了较大的P200;低频目标字出现情绪启动的一致性效应,效价一致比不一致条件下反应时短,诱发了较大的P200与N400。真假字判断任务中高频和低频目标字均出现情绪启动的一致性效应。情绪启动的反转效应依赖于刺激材料的可通达性与注意导向,启动字与目标字的反应竞争关系导致了情绪启动的反转效应。  相似文献   

The Simon effect in vocal responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wühr P 《Acta psychologica》2006,121(2):210-226
The Simon effect refers to the finding that faster responses are made to non-spatial stimulus features (e.g., color) when the positions of stimulus and response correspond than when they do not correspond. The usual explanation is that a spatial stimulus code automatically activates a corresponding spatial response code. Recently, however, the Simon effect has also been observed in vocal responses. The present study investigated the properties of Simon effects in the vocal modality. Experiment 1 compared horizontal and vertical Simon effects in vocal responses and found similar patterns of sequential modulations, but different time-courses. Yet the observed results are similar to those described in the literature for manual Simon effects. Experiments 2 and 3 used a dual-task procedure to investigate the impact of manual response codes on the encoding of irrelevant location and the initiation of vocal responses, respectively. Results suggest close links between manual response codes and conceptually corresponding vocal response codes.  相似文献   

The authors examined clockwise and counterclockwise wheel-rotation responses to high- or low-pitched tones presented in participants' (N = 96, Experiment 1; N = 48, Experiment 2; N = 48, Experiment 3) left and right ears. In Experiment 1, a Simon effect (fastest responding when tone location and direction of wheel turn corresponded) was obtained when participants' hands were at the top or middle of the wheel but not at the bottom. With line bottom hand placement, a Simon effect was induced by instructions emphasizing hand movements but not by instructions emphasizing wheel movements (Experiment 2), and by a visual cursor controlled by the wheel but not one triggered by the response (Experiment 3). The results of the experiments showed that the nature of the task and the instructed action goal influence the direction of the Simon effect.  相似文献   

Summary S-R compatibility and Simon effects were studied for real visual motion. In Experiment 1, two small stimulus lights were constantly visible, 5° to the left and right of fixation; after a random delay, one began to move at 2°/s. In Experiment 2, a single stimulus light moving at 2°/s suddenly appeared 5° to the left or right of fixation, i. e., motion onset and stimulus onset coincided. In both experiments, subjects responded by a key press with their left or right index finger as soon as they detected motion. In Condition A responses were made to the position (left or right) from which the motion started, irrespective of its direction (position compatibility); in Condition B responses were made to the direction of motion (leftward or rightward) irrespective of whether motion started to the left or to the right of fixation (direction compatibility). The results show strong compatibility effects for both position and direction of motion in both experiments. A Simon effect, however, occurred only when position was task irrelevant in Experiment 1; no Simon effect was found in Experiment 2. The data only partly confirm previous results obtained with apparent motion. The selective lack of a Simon effect supports the integrated model of Umiltá and Nicoletti (1992), which requires orienting of attention for the Simon effect to occur. It is specifically assumed that this attention-orienting is triggered only by the saccade program and does not extend to the pursuit program that is initiated by smooth stimulus motion.  相似文献   

The authors examined clockwise and counterclockwise wheel-rotation responses to high- or low-pitched tones presented in participants' (N = 96, Experiment 1; N = 48, Experiment 2; N = 48, Experiment 3) left and right ears. In Experiment 1, a Simon effect (fastest responding when tone location and direction of wheel turn corresponded) was obtained when participants' hands were at the top or middle of the wheel but not at the bottom. With the bottom hand placement, a Simon effect was induced by instructions emphasizing hand movements but not by instructions emphasizing wheel movements (Experiment 2), and by a visual cursor controlled by the wheel but not one triggered by the response (Experiment 3). The results of the experiments showed that the nature of the task and the instructed action goal influence the direction of the Simon effect.  相似文献   

Extrinsic Value     
Bradley  Ben 《Philosophical Studies》1998,91(2):109-126
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

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