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Generalized latent trait models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we discuss a general model framework within which manifest variables with different distributions in the exponential family can be analyzed with a latent trait model. A unified maximum likelihood method for estimating the parameters of the generalized latent trait model will be presented. We discuss in addition the scoring of individuals on the latent dimensions. The general framework presented allows, not only the analysis of manifest variables all of one type but also the simultaneous analysis of a collection of variables with different distributions. The approach used analyzes the data as they are by making assumptions about the distribution of the manifest variables directly.  相似文献   

Latent trait models for binary responses to a set of test items are considered from the point of view of estimating latent trait parameters=( 1, , n ) and item parameters=( 1, , k ), where j may be vector valued. With considered a random sample from a prior distribution with parameter, the estimation of (, ) is studied under the theory of the EM algorithm. An example and computational details are presented for the Rasch model.This work was supported by Contract No. N00014-81-K-0265, Modification No. P00002, from Personnel and Training Research Programs, Psychological Sciences Division, Office of Naval Research. The authors wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for several valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper brings together and compares two developments in the analysis of Likert attitude scales. The first is the generalization of latent class models to ordered response categories. The second is the introduction of latent trait models with multiplicative parameter structures for the analysis of rating scales. Key similarities and differences between these two methods are described and illustrated by applying a latent trait model and a latent class model to the analysis of a set of life satisfaction data. The way in which the latent trait model defines a unit of measurement, takes into account the order of the response categories, and scales the latent classes, is discussed. While the latent class model provides better fit to these data, this is achieved at the cost of a logically inconsistent assignment of individuals to latent classes.The author wishes to thank Clifford C. Clogg, Otis Dudley Duncan and Benjamin D. Wright for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

A general latent trait model for response processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the current paper is to propose a general multicomponent latent trait model (GLTM) for response processes. The proposed model combines the linear logistic latent trait (LLTM) with the multicomponent latent trait model (MLTM). As with both LLTM and MLTM, the general multicomponent latent trait model can be used to (1) test hypotheses about the theoretical variables that underlie response difficulty and (2) estimate parameters that describe test items by basic substantive properties. However, GLTM contains both component outcomes and complexity factors in a single model and may be applied to data that neither LLTM nor MLTM can handle. Joint maximum likelihood estimators are presented for the parameters of GLTM and an application to cognitive test items is described.This research was partially supported by the National Institute of Education grant number NIE-6-7-0156 to Susan Embretson (Whitely), principal investigator. However the optinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the National Institute of Education, and no official endorsement by the National Institute of Education should be inferred.  相似文献   

For questionnaires with two answer categories, it has been proven in complete generality that if a minimal sufficient statistic exists for the individual parameter and if it is the same statistic for all values of the item parameters, then the raw score (or the number of correct answers) is the minimal sufficient statistic. It follows that the model must by of the Rasch type with logistic item characteristic curves and equal item-discriminating powers.This paper extends these results to multiple choice questionnaires. It is shown that the minimal sufficient statistic for the individual parameter is a function of the so-called score vector. It is also shown that the so-called equidistant scoring is the only scoring of a questionnaire that allows for a real valued sufficient statistic that is independent of the item parameters, if a certain ordering property for the sufficient statistic holds.  相似文献   

Higher-order latent trait models for cognitive diagnosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Higher-order latent traits are proposed for specifying the joint distribution of binary attributes in models for cognitive diagnosis. This approach results in a parsimonious model for the joint distribution of a high-dimensional attribute vector that is natural in many situations when specific cognitive information is sought but a less informative item response model would be a reasonable alternative. This approach stems from viewing the attributes as the specific knowledge required for examination performance, and modeling these attributes as arising from a broadly-defined latent trait resembling theϑ of item response models. In this way a relatively simple model for the joint distribution of the attributes results, which is based on a plausible model for the relationship between general aptitude and specific knowledge. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for parameter estimation are given for selected response distributions, and simulation results are presented to examine the performance of the algorithm as well as the sensitivity of classification to model misspecification. An analysis of fraction subtraction data is provided as an example. This research was funded by National Institute of Health grant R01 CA81068. We would like to thank William Stout and Sarah Hartz for many useful discussions, three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions, and Kikumi Tatsuoka and Curtis Tatsuoka for generously sharing data.  相似文献   

Estimating multiple classification latent class models   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E. Maris 《Psychometrika》1999,64(2):187-212
This paper presents a new class of models for persons-by-items data. The essential new feature of this class is the representation of the persons: every person is represented by its membership tomultiple latent classes, each of which belongs to onelatent classification. The models can be considered as a formalization of the hypothesis that the responses come about in a process that involves the application of a number ofmental operations. Two algorithms for maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation are described. They both make use of the tractability of the complete data likelihood to maximize the observed data likelihood. Properties of the MAP estimators (i.e., uniqueness and goodness-of-recovery) and the existence of asymptotic standard errors were examined in a simulation study. Then, one of these models is applied to the responses to a set of fraction addition problems. Finally, the models are compared to some related models in the literature.Thanks are to Paul De Boeck for creating the intellectually stimulating atmosphere in which this class of models came about, Iven van Mechelen for theone-sided idea, Kikumi Tatsuoka for the use of her data, and Theodoor Bouw for running part of the simulation study.  相似文献   

Eric Maris 《Psychometrika》1995,60(4):523-547
In this paper, some psychometric models will be presented that belong to the larger class oflatent response models (LRMs). First, LRMs are introduced by means of an application in the field ofcomponential item response theory (Embretson, 1980, 1984). Second, a general definition of LRMs (not specific for the psychometric subclass) is given. Third, some more psychometric LRMs, and examples of how they can be applied, are presented. Fourth, a method for obtaining maximum likelihood (ML) and some maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates of the parameters of LRMs is presented. This method is then applied to theconjunctive Rasch model. Fifth and last, an application of the conjunctive Rasch model is presented. This model was applied to responses to typical verbal ability items (open synonym items).This paper presents theoretical and empirical results of a research project supported by the Research Council [Onderzoeksraad] of the University of Leuven (grant number 89-9) to Paul De Boeck and Luc Delbeke.  相似文献   

Assuming a nonparametric family of item response theory models, a theory-based procedure for testing the hypothesis of unidimensionality of the latent space is proposed. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is derived assuming unidimensionality, thereby establishing an asymptotically valid statistical test of the unidimensionality of the latent trait. Based upon a new notion of dimensionality, the test is shown to have asymptotic power 1. A 6300 trial Monte Carlo study using published item parameter estimates of widely used standardized tests indicates conservative adherence to the nominal level of significance and statistical power averaging 81 out of 100 rejections for examinee sample sizes and psychological test lengths often incurred in practice.The referees' comments were remarkably detailed and greatly enhanced the writeup and sensitized the author to certain pertinent issues. Discussions with Fritz Drasgow, Lloyd Humphreys, Dennis Jennings, Brian Junker, Robert Linn, Ratna Nandakumar, and Robin Shealy were also very useful.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-84-K-0186; NR 150-533, and by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 85-03321.  相似文献   

The PARELLA model is a probabilistic parallelogram model that can be used for the measurement of latent attitudes or latent preferences. The data analyzed are the dichotomous responses of persons to stimuli, with a one (zero) indicating agreement (disagreement) with the content of the stimulus. The model provides a unidimensional representation of persons and items. The response probabilities are a function of the distance between person and stimulus: the smaller the distance, the larger the probability that a person will agree with the content of the stimulus. An estimation procedure based on expectation maximization and marginal maximum likelihood is developed and the quality of the resulting parameter estimates evaluated.I gratefully acknowledge Ivo Molenaar and Wijbrandt van Schuur for their advice and encouragement during the course of the investigation, Derk-Jan Kiewiet who constructed the program for the ML estimator for the person parameter and Anne Boomsma, Wendy Post, Tom Snijders, and David Thissen for their comments on smaller aspects of the investigation.  相似文献   

A multidimensional latent trait model for measuring learning and change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A latent trait model is presented for the repeated measurement of ability based on a multidimensional conceptualization of the change process. A simplex structure is postulated to link item performance under a given measurement condition or occasion to initial ability and to one or more modifiabilities that represent individual differences in change. Since item discriminations are constrained to be equal within a measurement condition, the model belongs to the family of multidimensional Rasch models. Maximum likelihood estimators of the item parameters and abilities are derived, and an example provided that shows good recovery of both item and ability parameters. Properties of the model are explored, particularly for several classical issues in measuring change.  相似文献   

Relations are examined between latent trait and latent class models for item response data. Conditions are given for the two-latent class and two-parameter normal ogive models to agree, and relations between their item parameters are presented. Generalizationss are then made to continuous models with more than one latent trait and discrete models with more than two latent classes, and methods are presented for relating latent class models to factor models for dichotomized variables. Results are illustrated using data from the Law School Admission Test, previously analyzed by several authors.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two-group classification when a unidimensional latent trait,, is appropriate for explaining the data,X. It is shown that ifX has monotone likelihood ratio then optimal allocation rules can be based on its magnitude when allocation must be made to one of two groups related to. These groups may relate to probabilistically via a non-decreasing functionp(), or may be defined by all subjects above or below a selected value on.In the case where the data arise from dichotomous items, then only the assumption that the items have nondecreasing item characteristic functions is enough to ensure that the unweighted sum of responses (the number-right score or raw score) possesses this fundamental monotone likelihood ratio property.  相似文献   

Jürgen Rost 《Psychometrika》1988,53(3):327-348
A general approach for analyzing rating data with latent class models is described, which parallels rating models in the framework of latent trait theory. A general rating model as well as a two-parameter model with location and dispersion parameters, analogous to Andrich's Dislocmodel are derived, including parameter estimation via the EM-algorithm. Two examples illustrate the application of the models and their statisticalcontrol. Model restrictions through equality constrains are discussed and multiparameter generalizations are outlined.  相似文献   

The quality of approximations to first and second order moments (e.g., statistics like means, variances, regression coefficients) based on latent ability estimates is being discussed. The ability estimates are obtained using either the Rasch, or the two-parameter logistic model. Straightforward use of such statistics to make inferences with respect to true latent ability is not recommended, unless we account for the fact that the basic quantities are estimates. In this paper true score theory is used to account for the latter; the counterpart of observed/true score being estimated/true latent ability. It is shown that statistics based on the true score theory are virtually unbiased if the number of items presented to each examinee is larger than fifteen. Three types of estimators are compared: maximum likelihood, weighted maximum likelihood, and Bayes modal. Furthermore, the (dis)advantages of the true score method and direct modeling of latent ability is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses thecompatibility of the polychotomous Rasch model with dichotomization of the response continuum. It is argued that in the case of graded responses, the response categories presented to the subject are essentially an arbitrary polychotomization of the response continuum, ranging for example from total rejection or disagreement to total acceptance or agreement of an item or statement. Because of this arbitrariness, the measurement outcome should be independent of the specific polychotomization applied, for example, presenting a specific multicategory response format should not affect the measurement outcome. When such is the case, the original polychotomous model is called compatible with dichotomization.A distinction is made between polychotomization or dichotomization before the fact, that is, in constructing the response format, and polycho- or dichotomization after the fact, for example in dichotomizing existing graded response data.It is shown that, at least in case of dichotomization after-the-fact, the polychotomous Rasch model is not compatible with dichotomization, unless a rather special condition of the model parameters is met. Insofar as it may be argued that dichotomization before the fact is not essentially different from dichotomization after the fact, the value of the unidimensional polychotomous Rasch model is consequently questionable. The impact of our conclusion on related models is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a strategy for pairwise assessment which may be used to evaluate the nature of both prerequisite and transference relations existing among a set of traits. This strategy is appropriate for use both within a confirmatory context, in which an attempt is made to establish the validity of some specified set of relations among traits, as well as within an exploratory context, in which a search is made for unconjectured prerequisite and transference relations existing between pairs of traits. Both uses of this strategy are based on a variety of latent class models which are representative of various possible relational states existing between pairs of traits. Thus, the nature of trait relations may be investigated through the use of statistical assessments of both absolute and relative fit attained by these models. An application is presented to exemplify how this strategy may be used within the exploratory context.The author is obliged to Clifford Clogg, C. Mitchell, Dayton, and William Schafer for helpful comments made regarding a previous draft of this paper as well as to Mary Papageorgiou who provided access to the data which was considered in this study.  相似文献   

In a restricted class of item response theory (IRT) models for polytomous items the unweighted total score has monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) in the latent trait. MLR implies two stochastic ordering (SO) properties, denoted SOM and SOL, which are both weaker than MLR, but very useful for measurement with IRT models. Therefore, these SO properties are investigated for a broader class of IRT models for which the MLR property does not hold.In this study, first a taxonomy is given for nonparametric and parametric models for polytomous items based on the hierarchical relationship between the models. Next, it is investigated which models have the MLR property and which have the SO properties. It is shown that all models in the taxonomy possess the SOM property. However, counterexamples illustrate that many models do not, in general, possess the even more useful SOL property.Hemker's research was supported by the Netherlands Research Council, Grant 575-67-034. Junker's research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, Grant CA54852, and by the National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-94.04438.  相似文献   

A normally distributed person-fit index is proposed for detecting aberrant response patterns in latent class models and mixture distribution IRT models for dichotomous and polytomous data.This article extends previous work on the null distribution of person-fit indices for the dichotomous Rasch model to a number of models for categorical data. A comparison of two different approaches to handle the skewness of the person-fit index distribution is included.Major parts of this paper were written while the first author worked at the Institute for Science Education, Kiel, Germany. Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily of Educational Testing Service. The results presented in this paper were improved by valuable comments from J. Rost, K. Yamamoto, N.D. Verhelst, E. Bedrick and two anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

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