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创造性思维是运用独特且新颖的观点解决问题的思维形式,发散与聚合思维是两种常见的类型。体育运动对发散与聚合思维具有不同的影响,且受到运动强度、方式、时长以及个体差异等因素的调节。目前解释体育运动如何影响创造性思维的理论有情绪假说、执行功能假说与身心隐喻理论。未来的研究需要在进一步重视研究规范性的基础上,加强神经科学研究并拓宽群体覆盖面,关注体育运动与创造性成就的关系,为开具创造性思维运动处方提供有力的科学支持。  相似文献   

A positive mood enhances creative performance. We examined which type of creativity, divergent or convergent thinking, was enhanced by a positive mood. Half of the participants listened to happy music and thought about happy events (positive group). The other half listened to the Japanese Constitution (neutral group). Participants' emotional valence and arousal were measured before and after mood induction. All participants then engaged in a creative activity involving the generation of new names for rice. The results indicated that the positive group produced more divergent ideas than did the neutral group. On the other hand, the two groups did not differ with respect to the number of convergent ideas that were generated. We suggest that being in a positive mood facilitates flexible thinking and consequently leads to production of unconventional and atypical ideas.  相似文献   

In this study, we focus on mental speed and divergent thinking, examining their relationship and the influence of task speededness. Participants (= 109) completed a set of processing speed tasks and a test battery measuring divergent thinking. We used two speeded divergent-thinking tasks of 2 minutes and two unspeeded tasks of 8 minutes to test the influence of task speededness on creative quality and their relation to mental speed. Before each task, participants were instructed to be creative in order to optimally measure creative quality. We found a large main effect of task speededness: less creative ideas were generated when tasks were speeded as compared to unspeeded (Cohen's d = −1.64). We could also replicate a positive relationship of mental speed with speeded divergent thinking (= .21) and mental speed with unspeeded divergent thinking (= .25). Our hypothesis that the relation is higher for the speeded divergent-thinking tasks was not confirmed. Importantly, variation in creative quality scores under speeded conditions was not explained by mental speed beyond the predictive power of unspeeded creative quality. The latter finding implies that measurement of creative quality under speeded conditions is not confounded by mental speed.  相似文献   

姚海娟  白学军 《心理科学》2014,37(2):316-321
抑制是创造性思维过程中的一种重要的认知加工机制。创造性思维与认知抑制的关系主要有三种观点:创造性思维的认知去抑制假说、认知抑制假说和适应性认知抑制假说。本文系统评述了创造性思维与认知抑制关系的相关理论、研究新进展和神经机制。未来研究应加强创造性思维与认知抑制关系的理论整合与构建,分析创造性思维的不同阶段的认知抑制机制,采用无意抑制与有意抑制研究范式,对创造性思维与认知抑制的关系、影响因素及神经机制进行深入研究。  相似文献   

We present behavioral mimicry as a social cue for creative thinking. Specifically, we argue that being mimicked by an interaction partner cues convergent thinking by signalling a social opportunity for collaboration, while not being mimicked cues divergent thinking by signalling a social demand for improvisation and innovation. To test this theory, we experimentally manipulated whether individuals were subtly mimicked or not by an experimenter during a 5 min social interaction, and subsequently measured participants’ capacity for convergent thinking (Experiment 1) and divergent thinking (Experiment 2). The results point to the importance of understanding how social relationships influence the creative processes and contributes to the growing understanding of the social function of behavioral mimicry.  相似文献   

Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychotropic drug in the world, with numerous studies documenting the effects of caffeine on people’s alertness, vigilance, mood, concentration, and attentional focus. The effects of caffeine on creative thinking, however, remain unknown. In a randomized placebo-controlled between-subject double-blind design the present study investigated the effect of moderate caffeine consumption on creative problem solving (i.e., convergent thinking) and creative idea generation (i.e., divergent thinking). We found that participants who consumed 200 mg of caffeine (approximately one 12 oz cup of coffee, n = 44), compared to those in the placebo condition (n = 44), showed significantly enhanced problem-solving abilities. Caffeine had no significant effects on creative generation or on working memory. The effects remained after controlling for participants’ caffeine expectancies, whether they believed they consumed caffeine or a placebo, and changes in mood. Possible mechanisms and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how teams are affected by and adapt to unexpected change is critical to maximizing team effectiveness. We explore the perspective that rather than being adaptive, how teams experience relativistic adjustments in pacing can actually undermine team creative processes and performance. We test our hypotheses in two experimental studies. Study 1 considers how teams experience change in the time available to complete the task, while Study 2 employs a change in workload. Results support that the deviating patterns of task pacing exhibited by teams responding to an unexpected exogenous change undermines effective team creative processes, leading to lower levels of creative performance. In addition, their effects differ by when the change occurs in the teams’ work process (i.e., earlier, midpoint, or later).  相似文献   

大学生创造力特点的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
罗晓路 《心理科学》2006,29(1):168-172
运用问卷法对我国八大行政区10所不同类型学校的1008名大学生进行调查研究。从创造性思维和创造性人格多侧面认识大学生创造力的特点,研究发现:大学生有较强的创造潜能,突出表现为创造性人格富有挑战性;创造性思维核心品质的新颖性表现突出,创造性思维能力的典型表现中投射未来、评估力和通感特点较为明显;专业类别对大学生创造力的发展有显著影响,艺术类大学生的创造力较为突出,社科类大学生的创造力较差;大学生创造性人格和创造性思维的年级差异明显。  相似文献   

对315名初中生施测Kirton适应–创新认知风格问卷、Williams创造性倾向量表和Torrance创造性思维测验任务,以考察创造性认知风格、创造性人格与创造性思维之间的关系。相关分析表明,在创造性认知风格中,效率性、规则性均与创造性思维呈显著负相关;在创造性人格中,冒险性、好奇心及挑战性均与创造性思维显著正相关。回归分析进一步表明,在创造性认知风格中,创新性、效率性分别正向、负向预测创造性思维,在创造性人格中,好奇心正向预测创造性思维;对回归系数的逐步检验发现,创新性维度通过创造性人格而对创造性思维具有间接的积极影响。结构方程模型结果则显示,创新性维度、规则性维度以创造性人格为中介分别对创造性思维发生间接的积极、消极影响。可见,创新认知风格有利于创造性思维,而适应认知风格不利于创造性思维;创造性人格有利于创造性思维;创造性人格在创造性认知风格与创造性思维之间具有一定的中介作用,创新性认知风格通过创造性人格而促进创造性思维,规则性认知风格通过创造性人格而抑制创造性思维。  相似文献   

Zhongyong thinking is a common approach adopted by Chinese people to solve problems encountered in life and work. Based on the four modes of zhongyong thinking proposed by Pang (Social Sciences in China, 1, 1980, 75), this study chooses the “neither A nor B” form, which represents the “mean” (中) characteristics of zhongyong thinking, called eclectic thinking, and the “both A and B” form, which reflects the “harmony” (和) feature, called integrated thinking. This study primed eclectic thinking and integrated thinking, respectively, through self‐compiled problem situations, and 150 college students and postgraduates students were the participants. Experiment 1 explored the role of the priming of zhongyong thinking in three classic creative thinking tasks: a divergent thinking test, remote association test, and insight problem‐solving test. Experiment 2 further examined the effect of priming of zhongyong thinking on “market investment problems” with higher ecological validity. The findings show that priming integrated thinking can improve remote associates test performance and promote creative solutions to market investment problems, but there is no significant impact on the scores of divergent thinking test and insight problem‐solving; priming eclectic thinking has no significant impact on any of the subsequent creative tasks. This study shows that integrated thinking primes cognitive processing related to information association and information integration, promoting subsequent creative tasks.  相似文献   

本项工作尝试将人类思维的神经生物学基础研究与人工智能的研究成果相结合, 利用类比生成模型的原理, 开发了一个计算机辅助设计系统“多源类比人脸生成系统”, 并运用此平台开展了fMRI实验, 对人类大脑创造性思维的神经生物学机制进行了探索。实验采用open-ends模式下的“design task”和problem solving模式下的“control task”作为对照, 共采得15名健康成人被试的有效数据。数据结果显示design task与control task相比更为显著地激活了内侧前额叶、额中回、右侧颞上回、前扣带回、双侧海马、楔前叶这些脑区。综合以往研究推测, 内侧前额叶可能更多地与即兴自由创作中对自我信息的表征有关, 颞叶可能与不断产生和输出新颖性的观点有关, 边缘系统则可能主要与创造性活动中的动力驱动作用有关。总的来说, 创造性思维是多个脑区同时参与的高度分布式加工的结果。  相似文献   

冥想与创造性的关系正逐渐被关注,澄清冥想练习对创造性思维的影响效果和作用机制对个体创新潜能的培养与提升具有重要意义。不同冥想类型对创造性思维的影响具有特异性,专注冥想主要通过注意聚焦和提升自上而下的执行控制能力来对聚合思维产生积极影响;正念冥想引起的离焦的注意状态,以及对认知灵活性和积极情绪的促进,有助于发散思维。未来应加强不同冥想类型与创造性思维的整合研究,探讨冥想影响创造性思维的脑机制,以及冥想与其他干预训练对创造性思维的不同作用机制等。  相似文献   

While the scientific investigation into creativity is a recent phenomenon, creative thinking has always been a crucial feature of humanity. The ability to creatively solve problems enabled early humans to survive and laid the foundation for the creative imagination that has resulted in our modern society. While most humans no longer face physical threats, life and work in the 21st century demands heightened creativity skills. To meet these demands, educational practices must leverage the insights and strategies gained through research into the trainability of creative thinking.  相似文献   

The field of creativity has largely focused on individual differences in divergent thinking abilities. Recently, contemporary creativity researchers have shown that intelligence and executive functions play an important role in divergent thought, opening new lines of research to examine how higher-order cognitive mechanisms may uniquely contribute to creative thinking. The present study extends previous research on the intelligence and divergent thinking link by systematically examining the relationships among intelligence, working memory, and three fundamental creative processes: associative fluency, divergent thinking, and convergent thinking. Two hundred and sixty five participants were recruited to complete a battery of tasks that assessed a range of elementary to higher-order cognitive processes related to intelligence and creativity. Results provide evidence for an associative basis in two distinct creative processes: divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Findings also supported recent work suggesting that intelligence significantly influences creative thinking. Finally, working memory played a significant role in creative thinking processes. Recasting creativity as a construct consisting of distinct higher-order cognitive processes has important implications for future approaches to studying creativity within an individual differences framework.  相似文献   

自然语言处理的发展为探究语义距离与创造性思维的关系提供了可靠且有效的研究方法。近些年关于两者之间关系的研究逐渐增多,但研究结论并不一致。本研究基于创造力联想理论及扩散激活模型,通过元分析的方法探讨了语义距离与创造性思维的整体关系,并且分析了以往研究结论不一致的原因。本文经过文献检索和筛选后获得14项研究,提取r值作为效应值(共53个效应值,4729个独立样本),并使用随机效应模型进行了元分析。结果显示:语义距离与创造性思维存在中等程度的正相关(r=0.379, 95%CI [0.300, 0.452]);二者的相关强度受到被试年龄和创造性思维不同测量指标的调节。研究结果表明语义距离与创造性思维关系密切,同时解释了以往研究结论不一致的原因。上述结果不仅能为更深入地探讨创造性思维的认知神经机制提供新的研究视角和理论解释,而且有助于更全面地理解语义距离与创造性思维二者的关系及其边界条件,为更好地解释、预测和提升创造力提供科学依据和重要启示。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between critical thinking disposition and scientific creativity and examines the hypothesized mediating role played by creative self-concept (trait-like creative self-efficacy). A large sample (= 1,153) of Chinese high school students filled the Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory and revised trait-like creative self-efficacy scale, and then solved Scientific Creativity Test for Adolescent. Structural equation modeling has demonstrated that students’ critical thinking disposition was positively related to their creative self-concept and scientific creativity, and creative self-concept fully mediated the link between critical thinking disposition and scientific creativity. We discuss these findings in terms of the hypothetical role played by creative self-concept for creative functioning.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe primary objective of this study was to examine the association between time perspective (domain-general or domain-specific) and accelerometer-assessed physical activity behavior in ecological conditions (i.e., ambient temperature and precipitation levels) that vary in the implementational opportunities that they provide.DesignProspective observational study.MethodsThe study sample consisted of 208 community dwelling residents, free of functional impairments, stratified by age. Physical activity was assessed using a hip mounted tri-axial accelerometer worn during waking hours for 7 consecutive days. Participants completed the time perspective questionnaire, exercise version (TPQ-E) at baseline, to assess tendencies toward present versus future-oriented thinking about physical activity behavior. Ecological support for physical activity was assessed as average weekly temperature and precipitation patterns for the week that the accelerometer was worn by each participant.ResultsFindings revealed main effects of both temperature and time perspective on accelerometer-assessed physical activity. Most importantly, there was also a significant two way interaction between domain-specific time perspective and temperature, such that future-oriented individuals were more likely to increase their activity level when temperatures were warmer (and therefore more activity-supportive) than their less future-oriented counterparts. Precipitation level was not associated with activity level alone or in combination with time perspective.ConclusionsThe effect of domain specific-time perspective on accelerometer assessed physical activity is moderated by ambient temperature. In the current study, present and future-oriented participants were active at similar levels when temperatures were cool; when conditions were warmer (i.e., more supportive of physical activity) those with more future-oriented time perspectives were more active than their present-oriented counterparts. These effects were invariant by age group.  相似文献   

不同学业成就中学生创造性思维的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究采用创造力量表对990名不同学业成就中学生的创造性思维进行研究,结果发现:(1)高学业成就组中学生的创造性思维、发散思维和聚合思维显著高于低学业成就组.(2)高低学业成就组中学生创造性思维、发散思维和聚合思维表现出年级差异性.(3)高低学业成就组中学生的创造性思维都随着年级发展而上升,但是两组的高峰期却出现差异,高学业成就组创造力高峰出现在初二和高二,而低学业成就组出现在高一.(4)发散思维的发展趋势上,高学业成就组呈现出曲折上升的趋势,而低学业成就组整体的发展趋势平稳.(5)高低学业成就组中学生聚合思维的发展趋势相似,都呈现出在初中阶段上升到高中阶段趋于稳定,并且在高中阶段两组的水平接近.  相似文献   

采用言语和空间创造力测验、青少年人格问卷、中学生日常创造性行为问卷对1048名中学生施测,考查青少年创造性思维的特点,并探讨创造性思维、人格对日常创造性行为的影响.结果发现:(1)女生在言语创造力的流畅性、灵活性维度以及图形创造力各维度的得分均显著高于男生;高一年级的言语创造力流畅性、灵活性维度显著高于其他三个年级,高一年级的图形创造力质量维度显著高于初二、高二年级;(2)言语创造力与人格的开放性和外向性、语言文学、文艺表演和社会活动维度呈显著正相关.图形创造力与开放性、语言文学、文艺表演和手工技术呈显著正相关;(3)开放性和外向性在言语创造力和创造性行为之间起完全中介作用,在图形创造力上中介作用不显著.具体到创造性行为的各个领域,开放性和外向性在创造性思维和创造性行为间起着不同的作用.  相似文献   

对个体化角膜屈光手术这一屈光矫正领域的新理念和新方法进行探讨,提出医务工作者要勇于思想创新;以辩证思维看问题;关注社会需求,正确处理以人为本与追求经济利益的关系;加强多学科交叉合作和复合型人才的培养,才能推动个体化角膜屈光手术不断向更高层次迈进。  相似文献   

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