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在文献分析基础上,以Holland(1997)职业理论和社会认知生涯理论为理论依据,结合国内高中生生涯活动的实际情况,编制了高中生生涯学习经验问卷。验证性因素分析结果表明,该问卷属于多维度因素结构,包含Holland六种生涯领域学习经验分问卷,每种分问卷包括成就表现、口头劝服、替代学习和积极情绪唤起等四个学习经验。信效度检验结果表明,该问卷多维构念合理,拟合良好,具备良好的内部一致性信度和构念效度。以中国个人球形职业兴趣量表简版中的生涯自我效能分量表为关联效标,发现在每种生涯领域下的生涯学习经验与生涯自我效能感都显著正相关,支持了量表的实证效度。该问卷可以作为我国高中生生涯学习经验的测量工具。  相似文献   

职业生涯理论述评   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文介绍了职业生涯理论从前职业研究到后职业再到全职业的发展历程。阐述了从人职匹配到环境理论 ,从职业发展阶段论到职业转变理论 ,从社会化与角色理论到人组织匹配的演变过程。指出 :在未来职业生涯研究中 ,整合的职业生涯研究、加强职业发展的中期与后期研究及组织与自我职业生涯管理的互动将是发展重点。  相似文献   

The authors propose a constructivist theory of career human agency to integrate and update the existing career theoretical models to better address the current postmodern zeitgeist. The career human agency theory (CHAT) represents a metatheory of career psychology guided by the principles of Bandura’s human agency framework and informs career development practice and counseling interventions. CHAT promotes the enactment of personal, proxy, and collective agency in the face of uncertainty and adversity. This article describes 4 pillar principles of career agency and provides concrete examples for career counseling application.  相似文献   

传统职业理论主要是还原论范式的,包括结构论和过程论;自引入混沌理论以来,职业发展的研究范式发生了重大转变;文章在国外相关研究的基础从3个方面深入分析了职业发展的混沌特征,包括初值敏感性,分形和吸引子的作用,通过分析指出这一理论在职业咨询中的应用及其对理论研究的启示  相似文献   

为探究成人依恋、认知融合、经验性回避与心理理论的关系及其作用机制,研究者采用实验法和问卷法对312名成年人进行了测量。研究结果表明:(1)不安全的成人依恋负向预测心理理论;(2)经验性回避在成人依恋与心理理论之间起中介作用;(3)认知融合在成人依恋与心理理论之间不存在中介作用;(4)成人依恋的两种类型(依恋回避、依恋焦虑)呈现出不同的链式中介作用:认知融合与经验性回避在依恋回避与心理理论之间起部分中介作用,而在依恋焦虑与心理理论之间起完全中介作用。研究从心理灵活性的角度考察成人依恋与心理理论的关系及其作用机制,并探究接纳承诺训练在提升社会认知能力上的实践意义。  相似文献   

Empathy is associated with positive outcomes in addictions counseling. The moral model of addiction and unresolved countertransference issues may hinder counseling students’ development of empathic understanding for clients with substance use disorders. Counselor educators must structure courses in such a way as to help students overcome obstacles to empathy. We provide examples of several experiential activities framed within the context of Kolb’s experiential-learning cycle that are designed to deconstruct obstacles to student empathy development.  相似文献   

The chaos theory of careers (CTC; Pryor & Bright, 2011 ) has emerged as a career development theory to describe the reality of career development and account for the changing nature of work in the 21st century. Integrating CTC into a coherent framework accessible to practitioners is an ongoing process. In recent years, CTC has gained traction within some college career centers. Although techniques and interventions have been discussed to address some of the primary issues, no overarching framework has been conceptualized. This article proposes a model to conceptualize CTC in an accessible framework for college career centers, students, and beyond.  相似文献   

背景行动理论是职业生涯研究中的新理论。此理论以人类职业行动为基本研究单位,认为:(1)人类的职业行动在本质上都是意向性和目标指向的;(2)应在日常生活中了解人们的职业观念、解释和选择;(3)职业是社会建构的。行动-项目质性方法基于此理论产生,从外显行为、内在过程和社会意义三方面收集职业行动的完整信息。背景行动理论对职业行动、发展过程及社会意义的认识为职业生涯研究提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

This article critiques the common use of principles of classical test theory (CTT) as the key means of assessing the effectiveness of career instruments for employment counseling. The authors argue that excessive reliance on CTT has hindered the development of career assessment tools that better meet the diverse and changing needs of those seeking guidance in their career choice. The authors argue for an alternative paradigm based on notions of usefulness. A computerized career tool is evaluated to illustrate the limitations of CTT and the benefit of alternative methodologies for the assessment of instruments designed to provide effective career guidance.  相似文献   

The utility of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) for predicting college women's interests and goals for positions of elite leadership was examined with 156 undergraduate women at a public university. They completed measures of elite leadership self-efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, interests, and goals. Results supported SCCT as a theoretical framework for understanding internal factors that may contribute to women's elite leadership interests and goals. Self-efficacy and outcome expectations for elite leadership positions related positively to interests and goals for such positions, and self-efficacy and outcome expectations each contributed unique variance to the prediction of elite leadership interests. Outcome expectations partially mediated the relation between elite leadership self-efficacy and interests, interests partially mediated the relation between elite leadership outcome expectations and goals, and the combination of elite leadership interests and outcome expectations completely mediated the relation between self-efficacy for elite leadership positions and elite leadership goals.  相似文献   

Utilization of cancer genetic risk assessment can be profoundly influenced by an individuals’ knowledge of risk assessment, attitudes regarding illness and healthcare, and affective reactions derived from social norms. Race and ethnicity play a powerful role in the development of an individual's attitudes and should be considered when attempting to understand a person's openness to cancer genetic risk assessment (Lannin et al., 1998). Until recently, however, cancer screening and prevention programs have been primarily based on data from studies conducted with the Caucasian population, yielding data that are not fully applicable to the African American community. In the last several years, research findings regarding African American's knowledge, attitudes, and feelings about genetic counseling and testing have grown (Matthews et al., 2000; Singer et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2003). However, to the authors’ knowledge, these data have yet to be presented in a manner that both summarizes the barriers that African Americans have reported regarding cancer genetic risk assessment, while at the same time suggesting methods individual genetic counselors can utilize during community presentations to help address these barriers. This article will first summarize previous empirical findings regarding African Americans’ knowledge, attitudes, and feelings about cancer genetic risk assessment. The article will then apply adult learning theory to those findings to provide genetic counselors with practical, theory based techniques to apply toward community based educational programs with African American groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate the value of educational psychology theory in developing an age-appropriate programme to prevent tooth decay. A theory-based approach was adopted for the programme development, and a questionnaire was used to ascertain the knowledge gaps in 52 children aged five to six years in two preschools in an urban town. The results showed that most of the children had no awareness and only a moderate knowledge of proper dental care. Piaget's cognitive development theory was applied in the planning and implementation of the activities in the programme. The developed programme was presented to educational psychologists and dentists, and their feedback was used to refine the programme. The importance of educational psychology theory was illustrated in the development of an age-appropriate preventative programme as well as in using an accessible pedagogical approach. The value of multidisciplinary colloboration was also illustrated.  相似文献   

Teen pregnancy among unwed young Black mothers is still an issue of concern in the United States. Black teen mothers face educational, economic, and career/vocational challenges. This article discusses integrating Gottfredson's (1981) career theory and the Outline for Cultural Formulation ( American Psychiatric Association, 1994 ) in career development counseling with young Black mothers.  相似文献   

介绍了国外学者为验证类别学习的多重系统理论所做的行为实验研究及主要结果,包括反馈训练、延迟反馈、反应位置、间断的类别刺激分布等因素对信息整合的类别学习的影响,和数字Stroop任务、序列记忆扫描任务、类别数量等因素对基于规则的类别学习的影响;同时,作者指出了实验中没有很好地解决两种类别结构之间的难度差异等问题,并提出了今后需要进一步研究的课题  相似文献   

We report on a volunteer programme for undergraduate psychology students, as a prospective career pathway into the inpatient mental health context. Data on motives for joining the programme, as well as their expectations and career plans were collected from 56 students (mainly under 25 years of age; approximately 80% females) in a volunteer placement within an inpatient mental health setting. About 89.3% of the volunteers reported being on the programme to enhance their applications for postgraduate training prospects in the same field. Only 10.7% were motivated primarily by the desire to help mentally ill patients. Over three-quarters planned to pursue postgraduate training in clinical psychology.  相似文献   


In the article the authors will discuss core concepts of RCT in greater detail while relating these concepts to the counselor education classroom setting. There are many aspects of the counseling process that are open-ended due to the necessity of counselors needing to be responsive to the client’s needs in the moment. It is the assertion of the authors that using RCT in the classroom as a pedagogical framework may be beneficial to the growth of CITs. Through creating and maintaining an environment that supports growth fostering relationships, mutual empathy, authenticity, recognition and healing of disconnection, identification of central relational paradoxes, and processing relational images can all lead to developing relational competence in the CITs who will become the next generation of counselors. Additionally, the authors provide examples of the core concepts in action that are grounded in their experiences, blending RCT into their instructional delivery in their course.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDespite a growing body of literature examining the migratory experiences of athletes, limited attention has been paid to the migratory experience of sport psychology practitioners (SPPs). This study explores SPPs’ experiences of transnational migration; specifically, for those who expatriated to receive their training and repatriated to begin their professional careers.DesignAdhering to consensual qualitative research methodology, we conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews.MethodsFollowing criterion-based sampling, we interviewed six female and four male SPPs who worked in academic (n = 3), applied (n = 3), and governmental (n = 4) environments. We used an analytical procedure encompassing concurrent deductive and inductive processes.ResultsParticipants described their motivations for expatriation and repatriation. They shared the challenges and benefits they faced throughout their transnational experience, recognizing the value that this experience brought to their lives. In most cases, SPPs shared how their training abroad became a professional advantage, once repatriated. They also described how the process of repatriation was more challenging than expected due to personal and professional difficulties.ConclusionsParticipants highlighted the positive influence that their transnational experience had in their personal and professional lives. Their transnational experience helped them grow personally and professionally, and provided them with professional advantages. However, our participants’ stories also highlighted systematic barriers that professional organizations could address to facilitate the transnational experience of practitioners, which would subsequently enhance the cultural growth of the field. Recommendations for professionals engaging in similar transnational experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

Because of the changes in the economy hastened by the Great Recession, recent college graduates face unprecedented challenges finding employment in the current labor market. In this new economic era, Krumboltz's (2009) happenstance learning theory provides college career counselors with a practical framework for helping students learn how to engage in proactive career behaviors, evaluate opportunities as they arise, and initiate actions to benefit from them. A 6‐component framework is provided to guide college career counselors working with this population.  相似文献   

Adolescent career development has predominantly been studied in the context of middle class Eurocentric cultures and there have been calls for greater attention to the career development of non-dominant and disadvantaged groups. Further, there have been calls to explore career development in terms of its context and process. In this regard, the need for research measures and approaches sensitive to adolescents and particular cultures has been recognised. This is particularly the case in South African career psychology. The present study used a qualitative career assessment instrument, My System of Career Influences, to explore influences on the career development of disadvantaged South African adolescents living in a children's home. Consistent with previous international and national studies, parents were shown to be an important influence. Unlike previous studies, the influence of working overseas was also identified as an important influence. The MSCI was shown to be effective in providing insight into both the context and process of career development and as a research instrument that may be used with adolescents. Recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

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