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Three traits inform a pastoral theological hermeneutic. These include: interpreting “the living human web”; relying upon the unique location and nature of pastoral theological imagination; and embodying the power that comes with knowledge and the discernment of meaning. These traits often lead to pastoral theologians seeing things in a different light than colleagues in other theological disciplines, while often holding comparatively less power or influence in the academy. The image of the pastoral theologian as hermeneutical juggler is identified to complement existing metaphors that can inform the identity and hermeneutic of a pastoral theologian.  相似文献   

This article elucidates theoretical underpinnings for the use of one's self in the pastoral theological classroom. The contemplative bow is developed as a capacious metaphor to describe appropriate self use and its necessary importance in the teaching and learning of pastoral arts in a theological curriculum. Central to the argument is the assumption that effective teaching and learning in pastoral care emerges from awareness and knowledge of self as well as letting go of self in beneficial service with others. Analytical engagement of educational, theological, and psychological theory informs practice for the professional school classroom.  相似文献   

In this paper, the tradition in pastoral psychology of relating theoretical models to the specific practice of psychotherapy will be examined by using new hermeneutics to understand how psychological and theological studies are inter-related in pastoral psychology. The hazard of this tradition is that psychological languages being used in technical ways may arise out of a mechanistic orientation to the world. The benefits of using fiction as an experiential grounding for theory will be described. Two novels, Paradise news, by David Lodge and The autobiography of my mother, by Jamaica Kincaid will be employed to illustrate how using fiction can enliven models of pastoral care by pushing pastoral psychologists to interface imaginative language with conceptual language from several disciplines.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The theological and pastoral goals of Karl Rahner's work require an accounting of the capacity of human language to speak meaningfully about God. This article argues that in his reflections on dogma, poetry, mysticism and 'anonymous faith', Rahner presents two conflicting perspectives on religious language: an 'incarnational' approach in which language is a necessary and constitutive dimension of revelation; and an 'optional' approach in which language is the subsequent and ultimately unnecessary embodiment of the 'transcendental revelation' of God. A way forward for Rahner's theology is proposed through a rejection of his identification of grace and revelation.  相似文献   

This essay offers a pastoral reading of an episode of the cartoon Family Guy. The episode is titled ??I Dream of Jesus.?? In doing so, I explore six sayings of Jesus in this episode, and I identify nine theological themes that are raised by these sayings. On the basis of this pastoral reading of ??I Dream of Jesus,?? I argue that Family Guy can be used as a source for theological reflection, and I suggest, in closing, that the show might be a practical way for combating biblical and theological illiteracy among youth and young adults. This article also contains a table that can be useful for creating Sunday School or youth group lessons based on this episode. It is worth pointing out that this essay was written for the ??Group for New Directions in Pastoral Theology.?? The ??group?? was formed to celebrate the career of Donald Capps on the occasion of his retirement from Princeton Theological Seminary. The theme for the conference this year was the sayings of Jesus. While the choice of focusing on a contemporary cartoon for such an occasion may seem odd or quirky, the author does so to demonstrate the unique freedom that pastoral theologians enjoy with regard to what Robert Dykstra calls ??the acceptable latitude of inquiry?? in pastoral theology. Another way of putting this is to say that both the Apostle Peter and the animated Peter can serve as resources for theological reflection.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to teach theological reflection well, it is necessary to teach students how to write it well. This paper probes the writing of theological reflection as a rhetorical process and a theological practice by (1) situating theological reflection broadly within a “correlation” model, adapted for theological writers; (2) identifying two “generic” styles of theological reflection papers, the pastoral reflection paper and the systematic reflection paper; (3) following a writer's progress as she writes a one‐page pastoral reflection paper and constructs a working theology in the process of writing it. In conclusion, the correlation‐based “Reflecting on Paper” process provides a pedagogical bridge between the writing and teaching of “pastoral” and “systematic” theological reflection, and exemplifies the dynamic interplay between teaching theological reflection and reflecting on writing as a theological practice.  相似文献   

This special issue of the journal is comprised of papers given at a conference in May 2011 at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston on the theme of “Social Justice and the Health Professions.” This article offers the following rationale for this special issue in particular and for pastoral theologians to contribute to bioethics in general: (1) two contemporary theological thinkers in bioethics, Karen Lebacqz and Lisa Cahill, argue that theological discussions of justice broaden and deepen discussions of justice in mainstream bioethics—thus the focus on social justice provides an area for interdisciplinary and intersectional work; (2) pastoral theologians have not, to a great extent, contributed to discussions of religion and bioethics—this has been the territory of theological ethicists, especially during the 1970s; (3) one influential pastoral theologian, Bonnie Miller-McLemore, has called for (a) a broader concern for health in pastoral theology beyond psychological health and (b) more disciplinary approaches within pastoral theology beyond psychology so as to attend to “the living human web”; and (4) one way to advance the theological contributions in bioethics is by inviting pastoral theologians to focus on matters of social justice (an established area of intersection) as identified by health professionals, thus providing (a) new areas for inquiry and (b) new theological perspectives in bioethics. This article also suggests that pastoral theologians can contribute to bioethics by focusing on both “macro” issues (issues relating to structures and groups) and “micro” issues (issues relating to persons and experiences) as a way of pursuing the topic of justice in bioethics. The bulk of this article focuses on “macro” issues, but, in closing, the author articulates how he has been addressing “micro” issues in his own work. The author argues that both of these approaches—“macro” and “micro”—are legitimate ways for pastoral theologians to express pastoral concerns in bioethics.  相似文献   

As China enters an era of urbanization and change, mental health issues are increasingly becoming a concern of the Christian church. Pastoral counseling is taking new shape as people of faith respond to those in their midst in need of care. Bishop K. H. Ting, a long-time leader of the Chinese church, has stressed the importance of an indigenous Chinese Christianity. This article is based on an examination of Bishop Ting’s theological writing with the aim of eliciting themes that might be foundational in the construction of inherently Chinese models of pastoral counseling. Based on a survey of his work, six themes emerge with particular importance for pastoral counseling: the Three-Self church, God is Love, the Cosmic Christ, ethical responsibility, theological reconstruction, and religion in society. These themes are explored within their uniquely Chinese context and suggestions for application to the practice of pastoral counseling are discussed. Original publication: Wang, P. (Ed.) (2006). Seeking Truth in Love. Nanjing, China: Nanjing Seminary Press. This essay was originally published in a collection of essays honoring Bishop K. H. Ting on his 90th birthday. Bishop Ting has been the head of the Chinese Protestant church for over five decades and his leadership has profoundly shaped Chinese theology and church life. The purpose of this essay is to explore how his collected theological writings might inform a uniquely Chinese approach to pastoral counseling. This article is published with the permission of the original publisher.  相似文献   

Pastoral theology needs to clarify its identity as an autonomous theological discipline by developing its own knowledge base, body of research, and practice methods. It needs to broaden its scope to include not only a concern for personal issues, but also larger sociocultural and anthropological ones as well. Additionally, there is a pressing need for moving beyond the confines of traditional methods of correlation. This essay offers a new method for pastoral theological reflection and practice that is grounded in Hans-Georg Gadamer's understanding of aesthetic truth and hermeneutics. It offers a new way of conceptualizing the relationship of pastoral theology to such conversation partners as the Bible and theological tradition, the social sciences, and practical wisdom, demonstrating how these can contribute to the pastoral theological task.  相似文献   

Pastoral psychology has, over the course of the past century, undergone substantial transformation. Changes in the territory warrant, if not require, a thoroughly revised map. This essay approaches pastoral psychology as an interdisciplinary enterprise, a bridge discipline unifying three diverse, integrally related angles of vision: as a specialized field of theology (or theological studies), a specialized field or kind of psychology (or psychological studies), and a practical-clinical enterprise. The need to systematize the field as well as demonstrate its complex relations with cognate areas recommends approaching pastoral psychology, ultimately, as theological: as a dimension of pastoral theology, a kind of practical theology, which integrates practice-theory (praxis) and research; involves religious-theological and psychological domains of experiences, patterns of behavior, and forms of reflection; and maintains a focus on the understanding and care of persons across intrapsychic, familial, community, and cultural levels.  相似文献   

This article describes both the rationale for and the components of The Metanoia Model, a pastoral conversation construct that integrates Carkhuff's facilitative conditions and skills, a method of theological assessment, and techniques for using religious resources. It first considers pastors' need for the aforementioned skills, assessment, and resources, then presents the new model with its theological and psychological underpinnings, and concludes with brief introductions to the model's theological assessment process and its three stages.A more complete presentation of this conversation model can be found in my recently publishedThe Skilled Pastor: Counseling as the practice of Theology. (1991). Minneapolis: Fortress Press.  相似文献   

Summary This article has emphasized the ways in which theological education and pastoral psychologycan be optimally related in the future. It has been suggested that this future calls for a shift from purely medical models to field theory models of learning pastoral psychology. A shift from individualistic to social psychological data will be required. A new emphasis upon definitelypastoral types of research is urgently needed. An assimilation of technology in the media of teaching and learning pastoral psychology must be developed. And, finally, a shift from a passive to an aggressive mode of pastoral action is the unexplored region for the future adventures of pastoral psychologists.  相似文献   

This essay details the challenges of ministry in a psychiatric hospital. Using a narrative approach through the use of three case studies, the article suggests that commonly used pastoral techniques are ineffectual with people who have severe schizophrenia. The author explores the theological implications of ministry with few tools, as well as reflecting on the presence of God with those who suffer.  相似文献   

This paper offers a pastoral reading of the memoir written by Lionel Dahmer, the father of the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. I suggest that the literary genre of the memoir provided Lionel with a means of confession that enabled him to process three particular experiences related to his son—namely, grief, shame, and regret. I also suggest that the writing of this confession enabled Lionel to forgive his son for his son’s various failures and, potentially, to forgive himself for his own failures as a father, though this latter point can only be offered speculatively. This memoir is inherently pastoral and theological because it deals with the themes of confession and forgiveness, and, theologically, the memoir also may be viewed as a work of penance. One theological upshot, based on Lionel’s experience, entails challenging the idea that God the Father abandoned God the Son on the cross: A more divine model of fatherhood would be one in which a father could embrace the shame of standing by his son when the chips are down.  相似文献   

While pastoral counselling is a function of pastoral ministry in religious communities, it is also a specialised ministry requiring professional training that extends well beyond a pastoral/ theological education for ministry, as well as beyond the confines of religious communities. This article is an American perspective on Certified Pastoral Counsellors as mental health care providers for individuals, couples, and families, generally on a fee-for-service basis, with many qualifying for reimbursement by private and federal third party payers. It demonstrates that pastoral counselling as practised in the USA is spiritually integrated counselling and psychotherapy, requiring graduate academic and clinical work in these disciplines as well as graduate education in religious studies. It offers an American perspective on this specialised ministry of mental and relational health and discusses its identity and function, methodology, supervision requirements, and the clinical use of religious resources, including a case illustration.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of the psychological and theological themes of freedom and meaning within the world of those who experience emotional pain. The article focuses on how freedom and meaning can contribute to the development of a pastorally rigorous diagnostic protocol. It is in the examination of emotional freedom and the search for meaning that practitioners of the pastoral arts come to an understanding of the nature of suffering. The article offers an overview of the state of pastoral diagnosis highlighting and drawing from those resources that emphasize the need for pastoral psychology to construct a diagnostic protocol that is both theological and resonate with the lived experience of clients.  相似文献   

The author maintains that if the field of pastoral counseling is to achieve an identity that will satisfy both theologians and psychologists, then two issues must be faced. First, pastoral counselors must resolve the dilemma between the humanistic values of the psychotherapeutic community and the theological values of the religious community. Second, pastoral counselors must articulate the empirical distinctiveness of their practice. The author argues that the value dilemma should be approached through a Christian humanism that integrates the sacred and the secular without collapsing them. The author concludes with a discussion of the cognitive developmental approach as an example of a promising model for pastoral counseling practice and research.  相似文献   

This essay is an examination of the usefulness of incarnation as a theological metaphor for pastoral care and counseling. Understanding the incarnation as both an event and as a paradigm of God's relationship to the world provides a theological perspective for examining four interrelated questions about identity and the helping relationship frequently asked by the pastoral care-giver. The incarnation metaphor finally frees us to care in the confidence that in God the Incarnating One, all things, including our care for the sick, are held together.Dr. Anderson is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Counseling at Wartburg Theological Seminary, 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, Iowa 52001.  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences between prayer and theological reflection in the praxis of pastoral care and counseling? This qualitative study is ethnographic in design. A review of the literature is summarized. Researchers interviewed 75 participants in four cultures: (1) chaplains and (2) pastoral counselors in the Canadian Association of Pastoral Practice and Education (CAPPE), (3) community clergy and persons in lay ministry, and (4) students after internship in a theological reflection course. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and then coded for themes. Findings include seeing more similarities than differences between prayer and theological reflection. One of the differences is that prayer is more affective and theological reflection is more cognitive. There are also some areas of ambiguity. Discussion includes what ought to be normative or the orthopraxis for prayer and theological reflection in pastoral care and counseling. Limitations and areas for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

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