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S M Anstis 《Perception》1973,2(3):337-341

Asymmetrical hand function was examined in the context of expert sports performance: hitting in professional baseball. An archival study was conducted to examine the batting performance of all Major League Baseball players from 1871 to 1992, focusing on those who batted left (n = 1,059) to neutralize the game asymmetry. Among them, left-handers (n = 421) were more likely to hit with power and to strike out than right-handers (n = 638). One possible account, based on the idea of hand dominance and an analogy to tennis, is that batting left involves a double-handed forehand for left-handers and a weaker and more reliable double-handed backhand for right-handers. The results are also interpretable in the light of Y. Guiard's (1987) kinematic chain model of a between-hands asymmetrical division of labor, which provides a detailed account of why left batting is optimal for left-handers.  相似文献   

Congenitally blind and blindfolded sighted children at ages of 6, 8, 10 and 12 years performed a pointing task with their left and right index fingers at an array of three targets on a touch screen to immediate (0 s) and delayed (4 s) instructions. Accuracy was greater for immediate than delayed pointing and there was an effect of delay for the orientation of the main axis of the pointing distribution in both groups, indicating distinct spatial representations with development such as ego- and allocentric frames of reference, respectively. The pointing responses of the blind covered less surface area indicating better overall accuracy as compared to the sighted blindfolded. The hands differed for four of the six precision and accuracy parameters. The right hand performed better and seemed relatively contextually oriented, whereas the responses of the left hand were closer to the body and egocentrically oriented. The elongation of the scatter of the pointing responses was greater for the boys and more allocentrically oriented, indicating gender differences in spatial representation. The study provides a first evidence of ego- and allocentric spatial frames of reference in congenitally blind children and an ability to point at targets with the left and right hands in the total absence of vision.  相似文献   

Performance asymmetries between the hands have recently been explained in terms of differences in the nature of motor control processes between the hands. If performance asymmetries between the hands on a serial tapping task are due to differences in motor control processes, the degree of asymmetry should be sensitive to changes in the manipulated response parameter, speed of tapping. The results strongly supported this prediction. The differences in control processes observed here seem to be explained by the feedback model proposed by Flowers. Alternate models to that of Flowers (1975) are, however, presented.  相似文献   

The author tested 12 left-handers and 12 right-handers on a bimanual circling task to examine how attention (either visual or nonvisual) to the task of 1 hand affects within-hand task parameters and whether the effects of attention manipulations are similar in left- and right-handers. The novel prediction that the attended task would be produced larger than the unattended task was confirmed in both handedness groups. The magnitude of the effect on circle size was more pronounced under visual than under nonvisual attention manipulations. The primary effects of attention were similar in the 2 handedness groups, although left-handers demonstrated some evidence of stronger parameter coupling between hands than right-handers did.  相似文献   

The authors report a series of experiments in which they use the masked congruence priming paradigm to investigate the processing of masked primes in the manual and verbal response modalities. In the manual response modality, they found that masked incongruent primes produced interference relative to both congruent and neutral primes. This finding, which replicates the standard finding in the masked congruence priming literature, is presumed to reflect the conflict that arises between two incompatible responses and, thus, to index the extent of processing of the masked prime. Somewhat surprisingly, when participants were asked to respond verbally in the same task, masked incongruent primes no longer produced interference, but masked congruent primes produced facilitation. These findings are surprising because they suggest that the processing of nonconsciously perceived primes extends to the response level in the manual, but not verbal, response modality. The authors propose that the modulation of the masked congruence priming effect by response modality is due to verbal, but not manual, responses being mediated by the lexical-phonological production system.  相似文献   

We are confident of many of the judgements we make as to what sorts of alterations the members of nature's kinds can survive, and what sorts of events mark the ends of their existences. But is our confidence based on empirical observation of nature's kinds and their members? Conventionalists deny that we can learn empirically which properties are essential to the members of nature's kinds. Judgements of sameness in kind between members, and of numerical sameness of a member across time, merely project our conventions of individuation. Our confidence is warranted because apart from those conventions there are no phenomena of kind-sameness or of numerical sameness across time. There is just ‘stuff’ displaying properties. This paper argues that conventionalists can assign no properties to the ‘stuff’ beyond immediate phenomenal properties. Consequently they cannot explain how each of us comes to be able to wield ‘our conventions’.  相似文献   

Direction and degree of manual specialization (functional asymmetry between the hands) on a pegboard task, and fine motor ability (total number of pegs inserted) of both hands were correlated with verbal and visuospatial performances for 47 preschool children. No significant differences were found between right-, and left-, and mixed-handers even though the best motor skills were shown by the 6 mixed-handed subjects, who also had the highest scores on cognitive tasks. Verbal and visuospatial performances were not correlated with degree or direction of manual specialization. They were instead correlated with the level of motor ability of both hands. Motor maturation should be viewed, then, as a process that implies a richer motor performance of both hands and could be interpreted as a more specific diagnostic parameter than the traditional indices of handedness in cognitive fields.  相似文献   

Summary This paper addresses the question of whether a simple two-stage account of variability in timing developed for single-hand repetitive tapping is applicable to regular tapping with the hands in alternation. The task required key presses at a steady rate, previously set by a periodic auditory signal. On separate blocks of trials four subjects used the index finger of the left hand or of the right hand at intervals of 200, 400, and 800 ms or alternated between the hands at intervals of 100, 200, or 400 ms. For each subject the variability of the between-hand intervals in the 200- and 400-ms alternate-hand conditions was greater than the variability of the same interval in the single-hand conditions. In the 100-ms alternate-hand condition correlations between adjacent (between-hand) intervals were reliably less then –.5. These results are inconsistent with the simple two-stage model, and two variants are shown to provide a better qualitative fit to at least some aspects of the data.  相似文献   

Effects of acute stress exposure on learning and memory have been frequently studied in both animals and humans. However, only a few studies have focused specifically on working memory performance and the available data are equivocal. The present study examined working memory performance during the Sternberg item recognition task after exposure to a predominantly adrenergic stressor. Twenty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to a stress group or a control group. The stress group was exposed to the cold pressor stress test (CPS; i.e. insertion of the dominant hand into ice water for 60s), while 37 °C warm water was used with the control group. Twenty minutes after the stress exposure, working memory performance was tested with the Sternberg item recognition task with three levels of cognitive load. Sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical (HPA) axis activation during CPS, were assessed by measuring heart rate and salivary cortisol before and during (heart rate) or 30 min after (cortisol) the stress procedure. Exposure to the CPS test was associated with a significant increase in heart rate but no increase in salivary cortisol. Participants exposed to the stress procedure showed significantly shorter reaction times during trials with higher cognitive load but tended to show higher false alarm rates than control subjects. The present results indicate that exposure to CPS can be associated with signs of both enhanced and impaired working memory performance. The observed behavioral pattern might represent a form of streamlined information processing advantageous in a threatening situation.  相似文献   

Bimanual coordination tasks suggest transient cross-talk between concurrent specification processes for movements of the left and right hand that vanishes as the time for specification increases. In 2 experiments with overlapping and successive unimanual tasks, the hypothesis of transient coupling was examined for a psychological-refractory-period paradigm. Time for specification was manipulated by varying the delay between first and second signal (Experiment 1) and by precuing the first response (Experiment 2). Participants performed rapid reversal movements of same or different amplitudes with the left and right hands. With different amplitudes, reaction times (RTs) of the second responses were longer than with same amplitudes at short delays, and this disappeared at longer delays in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, precuing also reduced the difference between RTs of second responses in same-amplitude and different-amplitude trials. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of transient coupling during amplitude specification obtained with bimanual tasks.  相似文献   

The nature of the difference in skill between the preferred and non-preferred hands was investigated using a peg-board task. The first experiment examined the effects of varying movement amplitude and target tolerance on performance. The difference between hands was found to be related to tolerance rather than movement amplitude. The second study analysed a film record of well-practised subjects, confirming the hypothesis that most of the difference between hands is due to relative slowness of the non-preferred hand in the positioning phase involving small corrective movements. Analysis of the type and number of errors further suggested that this result is not due to differences in duration of movements but to their increased frequency, implying greater accuracy of aiming with the preferred hand. Thus whilst the initial gross analysis implicated feedback processing in skill differences the more detailed analysis suggests that motor output of the nonpreferred hand is simply more variable.  相似文献   

College student subjects performed a sequential typing task requiring bilaterally synchronized movements (Experiment 1) or unilaterally synchronized movements (Experiment 2) singly, and concurrently with silent and vocal rehearsal of verbal lists varying in redundancy. Rehearsal interfered with bilaterally synchronized movements more when the right hand was leading the sequence than when the left hand led, and with movements of the right more than the left hand in unilaterally synchronized movements. Results are interpreted in terms of intrahemispheric and general capacity competition between the concurrent performances.  相似文献   

Visuo‐manual interaction in visual short‐term memory (VSTM) has been investigated little, despite its importance in everyday tasks requiring the coordination of visual perception and manual action. This study examines the influence of a manual action performed during stimulus learning on a subsequent VSTM test for object appearance. The memory display comprised a sequence of briefly presented 1/f noise discs (i.e., possessing spectral properties akin to natural images), wherein each new stimulus was presented at a unique screen location. Participants either did (or did not) perform a concurrent manual action (spatial tapping) task requiring that a hand‐held stylus be moved to a position on a touch tablet that corresponded (or did not correspond) to the screen position of each new stimulus as it appeared. At test, a single stimulus was presented, either at one of the original screen positions, or at a new position. Two factors were examined: the execution (or otherwise) of spatial tapping at a corresponding or non‐corresponding position, and the presentation of test stimuli either at their original spatial positions, or at new positions. We find that spatial tapping at corresponding positions elevates VSTM performance by more than 15%, but this occurs only when stimulus positions are matched from memory to test display. Our findings suggest that multimodal attentional focus during stimulus encoding (incorporating visual, spatial, and manual components) leads to stronger, more robust memory representations. We posit several possible explanations for this effect.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on two experiments that examined the haptic perception of slipperiness. The first experiment aimed to determine whether the type of finger motion across a surface influenced the ability to accurately judge the frictional coefficient (or slipperiness) of that surface. Results showed that when using static contact, participants were not as good at distinguishing between various surfaces, compared with when their finger moved across the surface. This raises the issue of how humans are able to generate the appropriate forces in response to friction during grasping (which involves static finger contact). In a second study, participants lifted objects with surfaces of varying coefficients of friction. The participants were able to accurately perceive the slipperiness of the surfaces that were lifted; however, the grasping forces were not scaled appropriately for the friction. That is, there was a dissociation between haptic perception and motor output.  相似文献   

This is a brief comment questioning Pellegrini's finding of marked correlations between the astrological sun sign of birth and the Femininity scale of the California Psychological Inventory.  相似文献   

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