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在当前推动一带一路建设的形势下,弘扬海上丝绸之路的文化和精神具有重要意义,音乐文化也是其中的组成部分。研究、挖掘古代海上丝绸之路的宗教音乐交流,不但具有学术意义,同时对于加强一带一路沿线地区各国音乐交流、文化合作具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Buddhism has been associated with travel and transportation since its inception. The Buddha himself led a peripatetic life wandering from town to town preaching his dharma, and King A?oka sent missionaries travelling far and wide. Travelling merchants were the most prominent early converts to Buddhism and their prominence in the religion continued for a long time. This article explores the importance of travel in the acceptance of Buddhist ideas, and will show that the changes in worldview undergone by one travelling from place to place, encountering along the road different ways of thinking, dressing, speaking and living are likely to foster in such a person an interest in some of the seminal ideas embodied in Buddhism. The psychological effects of travel force people to wrestle with their previously accepted local truths, drawing them instead to Buddhism’s universal outlook, its teaching of compassion for all beings and rejection of culturally specific social restrictions.  相似文献   

The theme of Islam and the Sermon on the Mount belongs to a lively, controversial field of discourse, in which representatives of the major monotheistic religions conflict in their claims to truth, and it has formed a central point in their encounters. For example, representatives of the Salafiyya saw in the Sermon a barrier to the secular order. Through their criticisms, they tended even to appropriate the Sermon for the purposes of Islam. However, the ethical message of the Sermon has usually not been interrogated as such. Form-critical, symbolic, structural and intentional similarities in Muslim remarks point to this appreciation. Nevertheless, Muslims seem much more concerned with the specific contextual meaning of the Sermon and its historicity rather than considering its principle of love for enemies or its legislative nature. Thus, positive receptions of the Sermon, such as al-Ghazzālī's or the recognition discourse of Sayyid Ahmad Khan, if not forgotten, have fallen into the background. In the atmosphere of Christian missionary and colonial experience and the post-colonial aftermath, this reception history and its semantic transformations are certainly understandable. However, they first offer a fertile ground for inter-religious dialogue when the mutual understanding processes are revealed and the discursively produced internal and external allocations, so rich with meaning, are exposed.  相似文献   

如何处理伊斯兰教与现代性的关系,以便在日益剧烈的西方挑战下自保而自强,是一个多世纪以来伊斯兰世界众多思想家们不得不面对的问题.作为当代伊朗最有影响力的思想家之一,阿卜杜卡里姆·索罗什提出的宗教知识收缩扩张理论以及宗教民主国家理论,实际上是在20世纪伊朗效仿西方的思想文化由盛而衰,诉诸什叶派传统的做法凌驾一切但又频受抨击之后,为身处伊斯兰与现代性困境的穆斯林开出的一套不是西方、不是伊斯兰,实质上努力调和两种文化的"第三条道路"式的处方.  相似文献   

C.E Bosworth 《Religion》2013,43(1):132-135

八十年代初,伴随着经济体制改革,全国各地大都举办过各种各样的"节",这些节一般都是根据本省或本地历史传统或产业传统中的典型事件或典型产品命名的.人们把办节称为"文化搭台,经济唱戏".不少省的"节"确实引来了外资,促进了经济,如今仍然坚持着,比如西安的古文化节.但有些节的经济效益也不十分理想.  相似文献   

C.E Bosworth 《Religion》1979,9(1):132-135

石窟文化是丝绸之路的产物,是佛教东传后生成的宗教文化繁荣的形象化载体。须弥山石窟开凿于北魏至唐代,地当丝绸之路东段北道必经之处,是全国十大石窟之一,其佛教艺术对我国石窟佛教造像有过直接影响,也影响到日本佛教的传入。石空寺石窟同样缘起于丝绸之路,是唐代以前开凿的石窟,道教、佛教、藏传佛教造像皆备,西域、中亚、非洲人物造像栩栩如生,是丝绸之路多元文化在宁夏的独特体现。  相似文献   

20世纪初,太虚大师等人倡导的"人间佛教"运动警醒了明清至民国陷于腐败、堕落的中国佛教,开始了近一个世纪的"人间佛教"运动.进入新世纪,回头分析"人间佛教"的发展,可以从中吸取很多经验,同时也可发现当中存在的问题.笔者提出"都市佛教"理念,以期通过它为"人间佛教"的发展瓶颈找到解决之策.  相似文献   

Suicide and homicide rates of a sample of 72 nations were associated with a cluster of social variables related to economic development but not with a cluster related to the proportion of Islamic adherents.  相似文献   

本文探讨与分析了原始及部派佛教的"六识"说,尤其从心识与五蕴、与十二处、与十八界、与心所、与其他诸法、与四缘的联系上,指出"六识"说存在的局限,而正是由于这些局限,才必然导致更为严密、周详,尤其非心理主义的唯识学的"八识"说的出现.  相似文献   

刘丰 《哲学动态》2003,(1):18-20
由中国社会科学院学术交流委员会、社会科学文献出版社、中国海外交通史学会、泉州市社会科学界联合会以及喜马拉雅研究发展基金会联合举办的“中华文化与域外文化的互动暨‘海上丝绸之路泉州’”学术研讨会于 2 0 0 2年 10月 19日至 2 1日在福建泉州举行。来自海峡两岸以及美国等地的 6 0多位专家学者参加了这次学术讨论会。中国古代历史上的中外文化交流曾经十分繁荣 ,在中国文化对域外文化产生重大影响的同时 ,外来文化对中国文化也曾产生过相当深远的影响。但是 ,由于受到一元史观和王朝中心观念影响 ,中国历史上并没有出现系统的文化交…  相似文献   

一、佛教的社会福利事业 佛教徒服务社会、济度世人的行为是有教义做理论基础的,并不只是一般宗教性的善行.佛教徒的主要修行德目是六波罗蜜(六度)与四无量心.六度是布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定与般若(智慧).四无量心是慈、悲、喜、舍四种心态的充量至极.这些德目包含两类内容:  相似文献   

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