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The purpose of this study is to test the serial mediation effect of family-to-work conflict and work-family balance in the relationship between family support and family satisfaction. Using a survey-based methodology and an online questionnaire, responses were obtained from 288 faculty members who work in higher education institutions in cities from the southern part of India. Partial least square structural equation modeling and PROCESS macros were used to test the proposed hypotheses of the three path mediation model. The results of the study show that academicians in higher educational institutions have high levels of support in their families, which is related to family satisfaction through family-to-work conflict and work-family balance. Overall, there exists, partial mediation support for the proposed theoretical model. The three path mediational hypothesis proposed in this study is new and unique in both Indian and global contexts. The study shows that when faculty members of higher educational institutions get support from their family members, there is less family interference with work, which, in turn, helps them balance their work and family life. Such balance eventually results in satisfaction within the family.  相似文献   

国外工作-家庭平衡研究的现状述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作-家庭平衡在国外已有十多年的研究历史, 我国在这方面的研究起步较晚。述评中总结了国外工作-家庭平衡研究的现状, 探讨了其理论起源, 并在概念、测量和相关变量方面做了梳理, 比较了平衡与目前工作-家庭界面研究中工作-家庭冲突和工作-家庭促进之间的关系, 并提出未来工作-家庭平衡的概念应在区别其他相关概念的基础上, 从主客观的角度, 结合中国国情来界定, 此外还需要开发测量客观平衡的工具来完善其测量方法, 同时也有必要进行跨文化背景下的研究。  相似文献   

Researchers who examine the relation of gender role attitudes to division of household labor and marital quality often overlook its relation to emotional spousal support. Moreover, research on gender and marriage often ignores how gender role attitudes may explain the link between spousal support and marital quality. Secondary data analyses on a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults examined the interaction of gender and gender role attitudes on spousal support and marital quality. Emotional spousal support predicted better marital satisfaction and less conflict for traditional women and egalitarian men, whereas both instrumental and emotional spousal support predicted better marital satisfaction for egalitarian women and traditional men. These results suggest that within, as well as between, gender differences are important for understanding the contribution of spousal support to perceived marital quality.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to investigate the role of perceived parental support as a moderator in the association between adolescents’ expectations in romantic relations and their psychological well-being. The sample consisted of 647 adolescents (boys = 285, girls = 362). Their age ranged from 16 to 18 years (M = 17.19 years, SD = .77) and they were regular students in different colleges of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. They completed the Perceived Parental Support Scale, the Well-being Questionnaire-W-BQ12 and the Romantic Relations Scale for Adolescents. The results showed that there were significant gender differences on expectations in romantic relations and psychological well-being with girls scoring higher than boys on expectations in romantic relations while boys scoring higher than girls on psychological well-being. The results also indicated that there was a significant negative association between expectations in romantic relations and psychological well-being. Findings of the moderation analysis showed that perceived parental support moderated the association. Simple slope analysis indicated that there was a significant negative slope for low and medium levels of perceived parental support while the slope was non-significant for high levels of perceived parental support. These results indicated that perceived parental support counters the negative effect of expectations in romantic relations on psychological well-being during adolescence. It is suggested that perceived parental support is important in planning interventions to improve the well-being of adolescents.  相似文献   


Information and communication technologies enable employees to be available anywhere and anytime, raising availability expectations of work and nonwork contacts. Building on the theory of planned behavior and the person-environment fit theory, the present study examines how others’ availability expectations predict employees’ management of work and nonwork boundaries, and how these bidirectional boundary management behaviors relate to well-being. Results of structural equation modeling with data from 401 employees collected in two waves show that availability expectations of both coworkers and nonwork contacts predict how employees manage the boundaries of work and nonwork domains. Thereby, availability expectations are negatively related to segmentation of the two domains and coworkers' expectations show an indirect effect on employee well-being. Further, our study shows that work-nonwork and nonwork-work segmentation behavior have divergent effects on employee well-being, indicating that asymmetric boundary management behavior with high work-nonwork segmentation and low nonwork-work segmentation may be beneficial. Besides, moderation analyses underline the importance of enabling individuals to align their boundary management preferences with their actual behavior, especially when individuals have high work-nonwork segmentation preferences. By integrating and unveiling distinct antecedents of work-nonwork and nonwork-work segmentation behavior and their divergent effects on well-being, the present study contributes to a comprehensive framework for investigating and understanding bidirectional boundary management in the face of technology-enabled availability.


Types and sources of received support among 902 Costa Rican employees were examined; gender and age differences as well as associations with mental health were considered. Four types of support (advice giving, assistance, reassurance, and empathic listening) were measured as received from four sources, namely friends, family, spouses, and groups/organizations. Support types were not very distinct, therefore we aggregated sum scores across these variables. In contrast, sources were discriminant and had to be analyzed separately. An interaction between gender and age pointed to a larger discrepancy of received spousal support in middle-aged men and women than in younger ones. The older the women were, the less support they received from their spouses. In addition to this interaction, further gender differences emerged at the correlation level, where the association between spousal support and depression was significant for men only.  相似文献   

Sex Roles - In the present study we aimed to investigate the role of social support, particularly emotional support, on work-family conflict (WFC) and employment-related guilt among employed...  相似文献   

在中国和北美两个样本中,探讨了工作家庭冲突模型的共性和差异。首先使用多组验证性因子分析找到适用于中美样本的模型,然后采用结构方程模型和多层次回归进行假设检验。结果显示,中美员工感知到的工作-家庭(家庭-工作)冲突在工作(家庭)角色压力和心理抑郁的关系中都起中介作用。此外,情境的差异导致中美员工在工作支持和家庭支持的调节作用上有不同的表现,即中国员工感受到的工作(家庭)支持对角色压力和冲突间关系的调节作用不显著,在北美样本中,工作支持负向调节工作角色压力到工作-家庭冲突的关系,而工作支持和家庭支持正向调节家庭角色压力到家庭-工作冲突的关系。本文的发现能够帮助管理者意识到情境因素的重要作用,从而制定更为有效的管理决策。  相似文献   

在国内外研究的基础上,以207名企业员工为被试,运用问卷调查法和分层回归分析统计方法,考察了工作投入与工作家庭冲突的关系,并考察了组织支持感在工作投入与工作家庭冲突之间的调节作用。结果表明:工作投入对时间冲突和行为冲突都具有显著的负向预测作用。组织支持感在工作投入与行为冲突的关系中起调节作用。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted in which decision makers were evaluated by subjects who had agreed or disagreed with the decision maker's choice. Subjects read one of two vignettes describing the alternatives available to the decision maker, indicated which alternative they personally favored, and then learned about the decision maker's choice and the outcome that occurred. Study 1 varied whether the outcomes of the decision maker's choice were positive or negative, and whether the subject's preferred option matched (congruent choice) or did not match (incongruent choice) that of the decision maker. Subjects rated the extent to which they thought the decision maker was worthy of praise (in the case of positive outcomes) or blame (in the case of negative outcomes), and the decision maker's likableness and competence. Results revealed a strong effect of congruence on attributions of praise and blame: More praise was ascribed to an agreeing decision maker and more blame to a disagreeing decision maker. The degree to which the decision maker was seen as likable was affected by congruence only, whereas perceived competence was influenced by both outcome and congruence. Study 2 addresses some methodological issues that were unresolved in Study 1 and replicated the results of the first study, using new stimulus materials and an expanded set of dependent measures.  相似文献   

曾守锤 《心理科学》2011,34(3):631-635
对流动儿童的领悟社会支持状况以及流动儿童的社会支持在压力与心理适应之间的关系中是否起调节作用进行了探索。给334名流动儿童和237名城市儿童及其家长施测青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)和Achenbach儿童行为量表(家长版)(CBCL)。结果发现,流动儿童的领悟社会支持得分显著低于城市儿童,层次多元回归分析的结果表明,社会支持在压力与心理适应之间的关系中起调节作用,表明社会支持对流动儿童的心理适应起保护作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Across two studies, we provide evidence for group-based trust in strangers. Specifically, when we offered participants a choice between an unknown monetary allocation made by an in-group (university or major) or an out-group allocator, both of whom had total control over the distribution of an identical sum of money, participants strongly preferred the in-group allocator. This preference occurred regardless of whether the stereotype of the in-group was relatively more positive or more negative than that of the out-group. However, this preference did not persist when participants believed that the allocator was unaware of their group membership. Measures of expected share of the allocator's funds support our hypothesis that differential trust of in-group members results from expectations of altruistic and fair behavior toward fellow in-group members rather than from positive stereotypes of the in-group.  相似文献   

High expectancies of success are widely assumed to have positive effects on performance in achievement situations. However, previous investigations have tended to ignore task difficulty or assume that expectancies affect performance in a linear fashion. In two investigations, we found that (a) expectancies were more closely related to performance at difficult tasks than easy tasks and (b) low expectancies produced the poorest levels of performance, but moderate and high expectancies were equally advantageous. The practical, methodological, and theoretical implications of these findings are considered.This research was supported by a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation (SBR-8958211) to Jonathon D. Brown, and a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship to Margaret A. Marshall.  相似文献   

Affect spin, or the dispositional maladaptive tendency to experience qualitatively shifting affective states over time, has attracted growing interest in organizational scholarship. We take a first step to extend affect spin research to the work-family interface. Drawing on the theoretical framework of personality in the stress process and family systems theory, we examine affect spin as a novel predictor of marital satisfaction and as a boundary condition for the interpersonal crossover of work-family conflict (WFC) to marital satisfaction. A sample of 201 dual-earner couples (402 participants) provided 7,533 experience sampling responses of affective states at home over 7 days, based on which we compute affect spin. Results from dyadic multilevel modeling suggest that individuals’ own affect spin not only takes a toll on their marital satisfaction but also exacerbates the negative crossover of spouses’ WFC to individuals’ marital satisfaction. In contrast, spouses’ affect spin does not predict individuals’ marital satisfaction nor does it impact the crossover effect of spouses’ WFC, suggesting individuals’ own affect spin, compared to spouses’ affect spin, is more consequential for marital well-being. These findings underscore the challenge that affect spin presents for employees to tackle work-family stressors and secure marital well-being.  相似文献   


This research examined the relationship between salespersons' perceptions of role conflict and role ambiquity from various sources and the degree of agreement between salespeople and sales managers on salesperson performance. Three sources of role ambiguity were found to explain the most variance in performance congruence. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   


Visitors who exhibit place attachment often demonstrate greater concern regarding how a place is managed. However, the extent to which the dimensions of attachment are related to management preferences has not been sufficiently investigated. Place attachment of visitors to coastal campsites along the southern Ningaloo coastline of northwestern Australia and its relation with management preferences were examined via an onsite survey. The relation was investigated using a suite of routines in the non-parametric multivariate statistics package PRIMER v6, providing the first example of the use of these types of statistical approaches in place research. Place attachment was measured using the dimensions of Place Identity, Place Dependence, and Everybody's Happy (a new, affective-based dimension). Within each dimension, significantly different groups of visitors were identified based on differences in their responses to the place attachment survey items. This was achieved using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis in conjunction with a Similarity Profile (SIMPROF) test. Subsequent analysis using the BVSTEP procedure showed that the pattern of differences among visitors in their responses to place attachment items produced significant though weak correlations with their level of support for various management actions. The authors conclude with a discussion of the implications of the results for future research on place and associated preferences for management actions.  相似文献   

In this study, 216 risk assessments conducted by law enforcement officers in a suburb of Stockholm using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) were followed up and correlated to both recidivism and type of protective actions implemented by the police. The results showed high recidivism rates across all risk categories, except in the highest risk group, where the recidivism rate was significantly lower. This finding suggests a poor, and even negative, predictive power of the police risk assessments: the higher the police-assessed risk, the lower the recidivism rate. However, it was clear that the police did very little, or nothing, in cases not assessed as high risk. All resources appear to have been directed to the high-risk cases, which seems to have had a preventive effect. Our results point to the importance of studying the nature and extent of protective actions taken in response to risk assessment, before drawing conclusions about the predictive validity of risk assessment instruments. Copyright ? 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although considerable evidence indicates that dispositional empathy is associated with the degree of help that observers will offer needy targets, little is known about the effect of empathy on one's initial willingness to enter situations in which such needy targets might be found. Three studies were conducted to evaluate two related propositions: (1) that dispositional empathy influences such situational preferences, and (2) that this influence is mediated by the expectancies one holds regarding the emotions likely to occur in those situations. Using hypothetical judgments, Study 1 found support for both propositions. Study 2, in which participants believed that their responses actually committed them to encountering needy targets, provided further support for the model, as did Study 3, which examined the experiences of actual community volunteers. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Older adults display positive preferences in their gaze, consistent with their prioritization of emotion regulation goals. While some research has argued that substantial amounts of cognitive effort are necessary for these information-processing preferences to occur, other work suggests that these attentional patterns unfold with minimal cognitive exertion. The current study used an implicit regulatory context (i.e., viewing facial stimuli of varying emotions) to assess how much cognitive effort was required for positive attentional preferences to occur. Effortful cognitive processing was assessed with a direct measure of change in pupil dilation. Results indicated that minimal cognitive effort was expended when older adults engaged in positive gaze preferences. This finding suggests that gaze acts as a rather effortless and economical regulatory tool for individuals to shape their affective experience.  相似文献   

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