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This study investigated the mediating roles of academic self-efficacy and academic adjustment in the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction among Nigerian university freshmen. A total of 621 beginning university students (females = 50.4%, mean age = 19.67years, SD = 4.56) completed surveys of their academic self-efficacy, academic adjustment, perceived social support, and life satisfaction. Results, following regression analysis with partial mediation, revealed only academic adjustment to significantly mediate the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction. Social support networks from family and faculty members might enhance freshmen’s academic adjustment related life satisfaction.  相似文献   

We assessed 93 international students’ reports of their expected and feared possible selves in terms of their thematic content and configuration, and examined the relations between possible selves and cultural adjustment in Canada. The results showed that international students mostly envisioned possible selves in career, education, intrapersonal, and interpersonal domains, and reported more balanced configurations than matched configurations of possible selves. Balanced possible selves in the educational domain were associated with better psychological well‐being, but balanced selves in the intrapersonal domains were linked with more frequent sociocultural difficulties. The findings suggest that the content of international students’ possible selves reflects not only their academic‐focused and career‐inspired sojourn, but also their intercultural experiences with various ethnic groups in the Canadian multicultural society. As well, they speak to the motivational significance of possible selves, particularly the balanced possible selves, for supporting international students’ motivation to pursue an international education and for facilitating a successful cross‐cultural sojourn.  相似文献   

A total of 221 responses were obtained from a survey of international students in Japan, regarding the facilitative effects of social network formation on their adjustment. Regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationships among four types of adjustment revealed in a preceding study (“general adjustment,”“self-control,”“affiliative” and “dependent”), network size, demographic variables, expected social support, etc. For each adjustment type, predictive variables were identified. Two of the variables that showed network effects on adjustment were Japanese language proficiency and race (Asians vs. Westerners). From these results, it would appear that social network formation does facilitate adjustment, and insight into the effect of adjustment type and demographic variables on network functions was obtained. Furthermore, the actual conditions regarding network formation of international students in Japan were revealed.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of demographic factors (length of stay, education and language level), perceived discrimination, social support, four acculturation attitudes, and psychological distress in predicting empowerment among Turkish migrant women in the UK. The study sample comprised 248 Turkish migrant women (mean age: 34.38; SD: 7.6) living in London. Self-report questionnaires were used to assess empowerment, social support, acculturation attitude and psychological distress. The study hypothesized that perceived discrimination; acculturation attitudes of separation, assimilation and marginalization; and psychological distress would be negative predictors of empowerment and that social support and an integration acculturation attitude would be positive predictors of empowerment. To some extent, the study findings supported this hypothesis. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated psychological distress to be the most significant predictor of empowerment, with other significant predictors including level of education and social support. More specifically, lower levels of psychological distress and higher levels of education and social support appeared to predict greater empowerment. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that level of education and social support may function as protective factors and that psychological distress may function as a risk factor for empowerment in the migration context. The paper discusses the findings of this study in relation to the previous literature and notes their implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

The relations of perceived cultural distance, personality, acculturation orientations and outcomes were studied among exchange students (N = 187) in Russia who came from various countries in Asia, sub‐Saharan Africa, Latin America and the former Soviet Union. The hypothesis was supported that a larger perceived cultural distance between mainstream and immigrant culture is associated with less psychological (homesickness and stress) and sociocultural (behaviour with Russian students and behaviour with co‐nationals) adjustment. The statistical relations between perceived cultural distance, personality and sociocultural adjustment were much stronger for host domain behaviour than for home domain behaviour. Adjustment was higher for participants with more cultural empathy, openmindedness and flexibility. Adjustment showed statistically stronger associations with cultural distance than with acculturation orientations. It is concluded that cultural distance may be more salient than acculturation orientations in studies of heterogeneous groups of immigrants. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of cross-cultural migration may be particularly difficult for students travelling overseas for further or higher education, especially where qualitative differences exist between the home and host nations. The present study examined the sociocultural adjustment of sojourning Malaysian students in Britain. Eighty-one Malay and 110 Chinese students enrolled in various courses answered a self-report questionnaire that examined various aspects of sociocultural adjustment. A series of one-way analyses of variance showed that Malay participants experienced poorer sociocultural adjustment in comparison with their Chinese counterparts. They were also less likely than Chinese students to have contact with co-nationals and host nationals, more likely to perceive their actual experience in Britain as worse than they had expected, and more likely to perceive greater cultural distance and greater discrimination. The results of regression analyses showed that, for Malay participants, perceived discrimination accounted for the greatest proportion of variance in sociocultural adjustment (73%), followed by English language proficiency (10%) and contact with host nationals (4%). For Chinese participants, English language proficiency was the strongest predictor of sociocultural adjustment (54%), followed by expectations of life in Britain (18%) and contact with host nationals (3%). By contrast, participants' sex, age, and length of residence failed to emerge as significant predictors for either ethnic group. Possible explanations for this pattern of findings are discussed, including the effects of Islamophobia on Malay-Muslims in Britain, possible socioeconomic differences between Malay and Chinese students, and personality differences between the two ethnic groups. The results are further discussed in relation to practical steps that can be taken to improve the sociocultural adjustment of sojourning students in Britain.  相似文献   

采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查, 考察社会支持、社会认同在歧视知觉与社会文化适应关系中的作用。结果表明, 流动儿童的歧视知觉整体上并不明显, 其社会文化适应状况整体良好; 歧视知觉对社会文化适应有显著负向预测性(β=-0.39, p<0.001); 在歧视知觉与社会文化适应的负向预测关系中, 社会支持起部分中介作用, 城市认同有增强作用, 老家认同有缓冲作用; 社会支持的中介作用受到城市认同、老家认同的调节。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对1101名流动儿童进行调查研究,考察歧视知觉对流动儿童社会疏离感的影响,同时考察认同整合在其中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到社会支持的调节。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别、学校性质、转学次数之后,歧视知觉对流动儿童社会疏离感具有正向预测作用;(2)认同整合在流动儿童歧视知觉和社会疏离感关系中起到部分中介作用;(3)认同整合的中介作用受到社会支持的正向调节,相对于社会支持水平低的流动儿童,中介作用对社会支持水平高的流动儿童更显著。因此,歧视知觉对流动儿童社会疏离感的影响是有调节的中介效应。这些结果对于综合解释城市适应过程中环境与个体因素对流动儿童社会疏离感的作用路径与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   


In the present study, we examined the role of ethnoracial discrimination, social support (viz., family & friends), and hope (viz., agency & pathways) in accounting for negative psychological adjustment (viz., worry & depressive symptoms) and positive psychological adjustment (viz., vitality & life satisfaction) in a sample of 203 (164 females & 39 males) multiethnoracial adults. Results of conducting a series of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that beyond ethnoracial discrimination and social support, the inclusion of hope was found to augment the prediction model of psychological adjustment. Within the hope set, agency was found to be uniquely associated with adjustment. Pathways was found to be uniquely associated with positive indices of psychological adjustment. The present findings are the first to highlight the significance of hope in multiethnoracial adults. Some implications of the present findings for understanding psychological adjustment in multiethnoracial adults are discussed.  相似文献   

以423名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了大学生应对策略的特点、性别差异及其与社会支持之间的关系.研究发现:(1)大学生更多地倾向于使用积极解决问题和寻求情感支持的应对策略,而转移注意力和消极解决问题应对策略相对较少;(2)社会支持总体感受水平与积极解决问题和寻求情感支持的应对策略显著正相关,而与消极解决问题和转移注意力的应对策略显著负相关;对男生而言,社会支持感受在积极解决问题应对策略上贡献率相对较大;对女生而言,社会支持感受在寻求情感支持应对策略上贡献率相对较大;(3)不仅不同性别大学生的应对策略存在显著差异,而且不同社会支持感受水平的同性别大学生的应对策略也存在显著差异.男生比女生采取更多的消极解决问题策略,而采取更少的寻求情感支持应对策略;不论男生或女生高社会支持感受组均比低社会支持感受组采用更多的积极解决问题和寻求情感支持的应对策略,而更少的采用转移注意力和消极解决问题的应对策略.  相似文献   

Transition to university is a multifactorial process to which scarce consideration has been given in Spain, despite this being one of the countries with the highest rates of academic failure and attrition within the European Union. The present study proposes an empirical model for predicting Spanish students' academic achievement at university by considering pre-entry characteristics, perceived social support and adaptation to university, in a sample of 300 traditional first-year university students. The findings of the path analysis showed that pre-university achievement and academic and personal–emotional adjustment were direct predictors of academic achievement. Furthermore, gender, parents' education and family support were indirect predictors of academic achievement, mediated by pre-university grades and adjustment to university. The current findings supporting evidence that academic achievement in first-year Spanish students is the cumulative effect of pre-entry characteristics and process variables, key factors that should be taken into account in designing intervention strategies involving families and that establish stronger links between research findings and university policies.  相似文献   

With data gathered from 47 university counseling centers in the United States, this study addresses both inter- and intra-group differences in symptomatology at intake among international students. In Study 1, symptomatology among international students was explored in comparison to US ethnic groups. In Study 2, intra-group differences in symptomatology among international students were examined. In Study 1, data consisted of 14,421 international, White American, African American, Asian American, and Latina/Latino American counseling center clients who completed the CCAPS-62 at intake. Partially supporting our hypothesis, results indicate significant findings among international students in the social anxiety and academic distress domains of the CCAPS-62. Contrary to our expectations, Asian American students reported significantly greater concerns across many domains when compared to other groups. In Study 2, international students (n = 607) were further divided into five continents of origin: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. Results indicate that in multiple domains, international students from Asia and Africa reported significantly greater concerns than those from Europe, North America, or South America. Implications of findings for university counseling centers and universities at large are discussed.  相似文献   

采用问卷测量769名贫困大学生和1014名非贫困大学生的歧视知觉、核心自我评价、朋友支持和孤独感,探讨歧视知觉对贫困/非贫困大学生的影响以及核心自我评价和朋友支持的中介作用。结果表明:(1)贫困大学生歧视知觉和孤独感显著高于非贫困大学生、核心自我评价和朋友支持显著低于非贫困大学生。(2)歧视知觉与贫困/非贫困大学生核心自我评价、朋友支持和孤独感相关显著,歧视知觉显著预测贫困/非贫困大学生孤独感。(3)贫困/非贫困大学生结构模型没有显著差异,核心自我评价和朋友支持部分中介歧视知觉对贫困/非贫困大学生孤独感的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨社会逆境感知对大学生攻击行为的影响机制,选取577名大学生为被试,采用社会逆境感知问卷、大学生攻击行为量表、反刍思维量表及领悟社会支持量表进行测试。结果表明:(1)社会逆境感知对大学生攻击行为有显著的正向影响,并间接地通过反刍思维对大学生攻击行为产生作用;(2)领悟社会支持在社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在低领悟社会支持水平下,社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的预测作用更强,而在高领悟社会支持水平下,社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的预测作用不显著。  相似文献   

归因、自我效能和社会容认度对心理求助行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
夏勉  江光荣 《心理学报》2007,39(5):892-900
在江光荣心理求助行为的“阶段-决策模型”框架下,探查处于第三阶段的被试的求助行为,侧重研究⑴对心理问题的归因、⑵作为心理咨询当事人的自我效能和⑶心理求助行为的社会容认度这三个变量对实际求助行为的影响,同时探讨变量之间的作用机制。结果表明,这三个变量对求助行为均有预测作用。其中心理求助行为的社会容认度除了对求助行为有直接作用外,还以作为心理咨询当事人的自我效能为中介变量间接影响求助行为。整个模型对求助行为解释的变异量达到26%  相似文献   

刘霞 《心理科学》2013,36(1):116-121
采用整班联系、自愿参加的方式,通过匿名方式对北京市1552名流动儿童施测个体和群体歧视知觉问卷、积极/消极情感量表、生活满意度量表、内群体认同测验与群体地位感测验,探讨个体和群体歧视知觉对流动儿童主观幸福感的影响及内群体认同感和群体地位感在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)个体和群体歧视知觉与流动儿童的主观幸福感、内群体情感认同及群体地位感之间存在显著性相关,与内群体认知认同之间相关不显著。(2)个体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感存在直接显著的负向预测作用,并通过降低流动儿童的群体地位感,进而间接地负向影响流动儿童的主观幸福感;(3)群体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感也存在直接显著的消极影响,并同时借助于群体地位感的中介作用、以及内群体情感认同和群体地位感的双重中介作用间接地降低流动儿童的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

We designed two new measures—the Index of Life Stress (ILS) and the Index of Social Support (ISS)—to assist in the prediction of cultural adjustment for an Asian international student population. In the present study, these two measures were administered to 101 Asian international students. Stability estimates over 1 month were high: .97 for the ILS and .81 for the ISS. Construct validity, assessed via factor analyses, and concurrent validity, assessed via regression analyses to criteria of depression, hopelessness, and suicide ideation were satisfactory. Incremental validity for these two measures relative to extant measures of life stress and social support were computed. Results from these analyses indicated that these two measures added incrementally to the prediction of adjustment beyond that offered by existing measures.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察歧视知觉(包括个体和群体歧视知觉)在社会经济地位和留守儿童社会适应之间的中介作用.542名10~18岁留守儿童参加了本次调查,测量工具包括社会经济地位(三个指标:父母职业,父母受教育程度和家庭经济),个体和群体歧视知觉量表,积极和消极情感量表,自尊量表和问题行为量表.结果发现:(1)留守儿童社会经济地位与其社会适应之间有着显著的正相关;(2)相对于个体歧视知觉,留守儿童群体歧视知觉在家庭社会经济地位和社会适应之间的中介作用更为显著;(3)留守儿童群体歧视知觉中介模型不存在显著的性别差异,但高群体歧视知觉的男生比同类别的女生更容易产生社会适应问题.  相似文献   

韩毅初  温恒福  程淑华  张淳淦  李欣 《心理学报》2020,52(11):1313-1326
本研究基于心理健康双因素模型,通过运用元分析技术探讨流动儿童歧视知觉与各项心理健康指标的关系,以及调节变量对二者关系的影响,以期为提升流动儿童心理健康提供有效借鉴。经过文献检索和筛选,共纳入原始文献30篇,含49个独立样本,被试总数达到40351名。根据同质性检验结果,选择随机效应模型分析发现,流动儿童歧视知觉与积极心理健康指标存在中等程度的负相关(r=-0.323,95%CI为[-0.378,-0.266]),与消极心理健康指标存在中等程度的正相关(r=0.41,95%CI为[0.36,0.458])。流动儿童歧视知觉测量工具、学龄段对流动儿童歧视知觉与积极心理健康的关系存在显著的调节效应,而对流动儿童歧视知觉与消极心理健康的关系不存在显著的调节效应。同时,元回归分析结果发现,性别对二者的关系不存在显著的调节效应。后续研究应该进一步探索流动儿童歧视知觉与心理健康间的调节变量,结合中国流动儿童心理发展特点,探索提升流动儿童心理健康水平的新路径。  相似文献   

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