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This study was designed to assess specific social problem-solving, perceived competence, and selfesteem characteristics of 20 aggressive and 18 nonaggressive boys. Significant behavioral differences existed between the groups. The problem-solving measure provided for qualitative assessment of specific problem solutions that children consider, varying according to the interpersonal context of conflicts with peers, teachers, and parents and to the level of others' intent in conflicts (ambiguous frustration and hostile provocation). In univariate analyses, aggressive children had poorer selfesteem, generated fewer verbal assertion solutions in peer conflicts and during hostile frustration, and employed more direct action solutions with teachers and during hostile frustration. Discriminant analyses significantly differentiated the two groups. Findings indicated that future research should consider the relative distribution of specific kinds of problem situations that children produce, and that situational factors in social problem-solving skills should be addressed.This paper is based on a presentation made at the American Psychological Association annual convention in Los Angeles, August 1985. Acknowledgment is made of the administrative support provided by the Durham County Schools and the Durham Community Guidance Clinic. This research was supported in part by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and from the Research Branch of the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. Appreciation is expressed to the school counselors who assisted with the coordination of this research: Tom Gemmer, Patricia Kirkley, Kathy McSwain, and Geoff Wyckoff.  相似文献   

Moral judgments were studied in 103 aggressive and 79 nonaggressive 10-year-old Finnish children. Their aggressiveness was evaluated by means of peer ratings. Moral judgments were assessed by presenting them with stories from their daily lives that contained moral conflicts. The results showed that the children did not adopt a constant level of moral reasoning; instead, judgments were situation specific. Furthermore, the moral cognitions of aggressive children did not differ from those of their nonaggressive peers, although sex-related differences tended to be significant: Boys adopted absolute moral standards, whereas girls' judgments were more relative.  相似文献   

Problem-solving strategies in hypothetical social situations were studied in 103 aggressive and 79 nonaggressive children. Subjects solved six aggression-provoking situations from children's ordinary lives. Causal thinking, alternative thinking, and prognosticating consequences were evaluated. Cognitions of aggressive children differed from those of nonaggressive children. The greatest differences were found not in high aggressiveness but in aggressive childrens' inability to detect constructive alternatives to aggressive behavior. A child's aggressiveness was a more important determinant than was sex. These findings combined with the finding that strategies can be learned offer an approach to primary prevention.  相似文献   

Social skills training for young adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K L Wise  K A Bundy  E A Bundy  L A Wise 《Adolescence》1991,26(101):233-241
A systematic assertiveness training program was developed for adolescents, based on Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory. The program, which focused on peer interactions and social responsibility, consisted of six 40-minute semi-weekly sessions and was presented to a class of 22 sixth-grade social studies students in a middle school. Cognitive acquisition of the information was measured with multiple-choice tests administered immediately after training and at a 6-month follow-up. Trained students performed significantly better than a control group on the posttest (p less than .01) and on the 6-month follow-up (p less than .02), demonstrating that young adolescents can acquire and retain the symbolic information that forms a basis for assertive behavior.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to assess the ability of maltreated school-age children and adolescents to understand the thoughts, feelings, and points of view of others. Level of egocentrism and social perspective-taking coordination were assessed in a group of 49 maltreated and 49 demographically matched nonmaltreated children. Twenty-six elementary and 23 high school students in each group were individually interviewed and their responses to hypothetical interpersonal situations coded for egocentricity and level of perspective-taking ability. The findings revealed that maltreated children and adolescents were more egocentric and delayed in their social perspective-taking development than their nonmaltreated peers and that they reported lower levels of global self-worth. However, differences within the group of maltreated children and adolescents emerged with regard to negotiating novel relationships, as those with fewer internalizing or externalizing symptoms exhibited better skills in this area than their peers who displayed more symptoms.  相似文献   

Previous research investigating the factors contributing to sports spectator violence has focused primarily on conscious processes such as the disinhibiting effects of aggressive models and physiological arousal. The current research borrows a methodology from social cognition work to examine the role of passive, category accessibility effects on fan hostility. Prior research has indicated that as a schema becomes more accessible in memory, the use of it to encode subsequent information is increased. It was therefore hypothesized that individuals for whom the category of hostility had been unobtrusively primed with aggressive-sports names (e.g., boxing) would rate an ambiguous target person as more hostile and as more likely to prefer hostile activities relative to persons who were primed with sports names which were not associated with violence (e.g., golf). The results supported the hypotheses, with subjects who were primed with aggressive-sports rating an unrelated target person's behavior as significantly more hostile and as more likely to prefer aggressive activities relative to subjects exposed to sentences containing references to nonaggressive-sports. Discussion includes the potential ramifications for spectator aggression at sporting events.  相似文献   

Examined the behavior of 118 second graders who participated in a 6-week summer school program that incorporated strategic peer affiliation (a buddy system). Moderately aggressive children (the targets of the intervention) were paired with nonaggressive peers throughout the program. All participants were observed playing foosball with their buddies and with aggressive and nonaggressive nonbuddies as teammates. Aggressive children had lower levels of disruptive behavior when their teammate was nonaggressive, regardless of whether the teammate was a buddy. Nonaggressive children showed elevated disruptive behavior when playing with an aggressive nonbuddy, but not when playing with an aggressive buddy. The highest level of aggressive behavior was seen in pairs of aggressive teammates who were friends. One year later, no increase in peer-rated aggressive behavior was found in either group. Results suggest that unidirectional peer influence is possible and that strategic peer affiliation can be an effective intervention that does not put nonaggressive children at risk for acquiring undesired behaviors.  相似文献   

The differences between hostility scores on projective and objective tests as a function of listening to aggressive or nonaggressive rock music were studied. While taking the Thematic Apperception Test (Cards 1, 3BM, 4, 9BM, and 10) and the Buss-Durkee (1957) Hostility Scale, subjects (N = 90) randomly assigned to one of three groups listened to a rock song with (a) nonaggressive music and nonaggressive lyrics, (b) aggressive music and nonaggressive lyrics, or (c) aggressive music and aggressive lyrics. TAT stories were scored for aggressive content according to Hafner and Kaplan's (1960) hostility rating scale. Hostility scores did not differ between groups. The findings are congruent with other investigators' reports that subjects do not pay attention to rock lyrics. Previous findings that music affects the emotional quality of TAT stories and hostility scores on the Buss-Durkee scale were not supported.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between aggressive problem-solving strategies and aggressive behaviour, and the intervening role of social acceptance in that relationship. The subjects were 780 14-year-old adolescents (382 girls and 398 boys). They completed a questionnaire measuring social problem-solving strategies, while assessments of aggressive behaviour and social acceptance were obtained by peer ratings. The results showed that aggressive problem-solving strategies were only moderately related to aggressive behaviour, social acceptance playing an important role. Those who received incongruent social feedback, i.e. scored high on social acceptance even though they behaved aggressively, or low although they behaved non-aggressively, expressed aggressive problem-solving strategies which conflicted with their actual behaviour. Those who received congruent social feedback, on the other hand, i.e. scored high on social acceptance if they behaved non-aggressively, or low if they behaved aggressively, had strategies which were in line with their actual aggressive behaviour. Analyses of gender differences showed that aggressive problem-solving strategies were related to aggressive behaviour and social acceptance more among boys. The findings are discussed in terms of social information-processing models and social knowledge about the self.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of social skills training on adolescent males admitted to a psychiatric hospital was evaluated through the use of empirically derived anger scenarios, blind raters, matched experimental and control treatment groups, and a repeated measures analysis. Results indicated that the social skills training effectively improved the dimension of verbal response and eye contact. Facial expression did not show measurable improvement. The use of specific skills components and scoring criteria in the social skills training was emphasized. Overall, support was found for the efficacy of social skills training for hospitalized adolescents.  相似文献   

A total of 50 behaviorally disruptive (conduct-disordered or oppositional defiant-disordered) adolescents and 50 comparison adolescents assessed how they expected to feel following both aggressive and nonaggressive situations. Compared with their peers, behaviorally disruptive adolescents expected fewer normative emotions and exhibited somewhat more of an anger emphasis in their nonaggressive emotion attributions, and they expected to feel happier following acts of instrumental/proactive aggression. These patterns of emotion expectancies were linked more closely with teacher ratings of adolescents' proactive aggression than with ratings of reactive aggression. Regression analyses indicated that both nonaggression emotion expectancies and proactive aggression happiness made independent contributions to predicting adolescents' externalizing tendencies. Discussion focused on the contributions of different types of self-attributed emotion expectancies to adolescents' social understanding and behavior.  相似文献   

PitkÄnen, L. The stability of aggressive and non-agressive patterns of behaviour. Scand. Psychol., 1973, 14, 75–77.-Six extreme groups (overtly aggressive, aggressive-anxious, anxious, controlled extraverts, balanced controlled, and controlled introverts) had been composed on the basis of peer ratings. The differences between the groups were describable in terms of a two-dimensional model including the main dimensions "number of overt responses" and "control of behaviour". Independent teacher ratings after an interval of one year showed that the individual patterns of behaviour adopted for coping with thwarting situations were maintained in spite of the change of class environment.  相似文献   

In this study, testosterone secretory capacity of testicular Leydig cells during ontogeny was determined in males of an aggressive and a nonaggressive genetic selection line of wild house mice. Neonates, 23-day-old prepubertals, and adult male mice were studied. A morphometric method was used to quantify 3β-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (3β-3HSD)-stained Leydig cells in testicular sections to determine testosterone secretory capacity. We consider this parameter to reflect circulating testosterone in the plasma. The results of this study show that the testosterone secretory capacity of Leydig cells in the testis changes differentially during development in males of the aggressive and nonaggressive selection lines. This capacity is highest in the aggressive selection line males at adulthood and at the prepubertal age of 23 days. Surprisingly, at birth, the highest T-secretory capacity was observed in the males of the nonaggressive selection line. The significance of an interaction between genetic factors and differences in perinatal testosterone for the individual variation in adult aggressive behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Under conditions of both minimal and extreme initial provocation, the effect of exposure to neutral vs aggressive films on subsequent aggressive behavior was assessed relative to a no-exposure condition. Excitatory changes were also recorded. Under minimal provocation, communication conditions were found to have no differential effect on aggressive behavior. Under extreme provocation, relative to the no-exposure condition the neutral film significantly reduced subsequent aggression, whereas the aggressive film reduced it to an insignificant degree only. The excitatory changes observed in the extreme-provocation conditions coincided with these differences in aggressive behavior. The findings, obviously countercathartic, were interpreted as inconsistent with the proposition that filmed aggression elicits aggressive behavior. Bandura's reasoning on attentional shift was modified to account for the data. An alternative explanation was developed from considerations of the aggression-modifying effect of residual excitation.  相似文献   

The behavior of preadolescent and adolescent boys, rated as aggressive and nonaggressive, was examined to test predictions from Bandura and Walters' social-learning theory and from Weiss and Miller's punishment model of audience-observation effects. The subjects were given a bogus motor task, actually insoluble, with help available on each trial. For half the subjects, help was given through the mediation of a social agent; for the rest, help was on a nonsocial, mechanically mediated basis. The groups for whom help was socially mediated made fewer help-seeking responses and decreased the number of such responses over successive trial blocks. The predictions from Bandura and Walters' theory were not supported, since neither age nor degree of aggressiveness had an effect on help-seeking responses. The results were, however, consistent with the punishment model of audience effects.The preparation of this report was supported by U.S. Public Health Service, Maternal and Child Health Service Project No. 916, and by Grant HD-03110 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Appreciation is expressed to Miss Sydney Silverstein, who served as experimenter; to Mr. James Blank and Mr. William Blecker of the Iowa City Public School System; and to Dr. Jane E. Anderson, Dr. Dee W. Norton, Dr. A. L. Benton, and Dr. David A. Parton of the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

Self-identified sexually aggressive (SA) and nonaggressive (NA) college men listened to audiotape analogues of consensual sexual intercourse and acquaintance rape. Phallometric and decision-latency methodology was used to examine sexual arousal and decisions to stop sexual advances in each scenario. Both groups showed increases in penile response to the consensual scenario. Consistent with the inhibition model of sexual aggression, the SA group showed greater sexual arousal and failed to inhibit responding when force was introduced in the rape, whereas the NA group exhibited less arousal and greater inhibition to force. The SA group allowed the rape to continue significantly longer than the NA group. These effects were greatly magnified in SA men who endorsed high calloused sexual beliefs, implying that a cognitive set that justifies sexual aggression and lacks victim empathy may disinhibit sexual arousal and potentiate coercive decision making.  相似文献   

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