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Within the context of family therapy focused on the behavioral problems of a six year old, several observations of inappropriate interactions between the parents and their infant concerned the therapist. In consultation with an infant specialist it was decided that the therapist would avoid identifying parent-infant interactions as a further problem and would, instead, begin to model appropriate interactions during the on-going therapy sessions. The infant, initially passive, began to respond to the therapist and gradually the parents became more appropriate in their interactions with their infant. It was concluded that the modeling process minimized the stress and eliminated the need to process feelings of anger and guilt often associated with professional identification of family problems.  相似文献   

Infant and early childhood mental health practices can be supported by policies and professional standards of care that foster the healthy development of young children. Policies that support infants and toddlers include those that strengthen their families to provide a family environment that promotes mental wellness. Policy issues for infants, toddlers, and young children have come to the forefront of thinking as children need a "voice" to advocate for their support and care. This article (a) highlights several important policy areas that support the social-emotional development of very young children and (b) gives examples of current policy accomplishments and challenges. The article offers a policy agenda to promote the mental health of infants and young children and suggests ways that psychologists can engage with policymakers to promote policies that foster infant mental health, including contributing to the knowledge base that informs policy decisions, educating the public and policymakers about early childhood development and mental wellness, forming community partnerships to identify and address infant mental health risks, and participating in the development of policy recommendations that improve access to evidence-based practices in infant mental health.  相似文献   

This article describes the training program and collaborative effort between the Department of Mental Health, the Child Development Project at the University of Michigan, and community mental health agencies. The in-service training is described with special attention to content and process, including the role of case supervision. The effect of the training program as a catalyst to service development is noted.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the impact of infants' attachment classifications and behaviors on naive adults' impressions of their behavior and mental health. In Study 1, three groups of 44 adults viewed a videotape of episode 8 of the Strange Situation for either an avoidant, a resistant, or a secure male infant. After viewing the videotape, they made judgments about aspects of the infant's mental health. Adults viewed the resistant baby as less socially competent and more negative in affect than the other two babies and the secure baby as the least independent of the three babies. Parents rated babies as more intelligent than did nonparents. In Study 2, 15 parents were matched on race and gender with 15 nonparents. All adults viewed a videotape of the reunions of two secure, two avoidant, and two resistant male infants. Avoidant babies were viewed as more socially competent and independent than secure babies and the C2 baby was viewed as the least intelligent, least independent, least socially competent, and most affectively negative of the infants. Results are interpreted as underscoring the need to educate parents and paraprofessionals about the importance of infant distress and physical contact with parents.  相似文献   

Teacher–child relationship building (TCRB) is a play-based professional development programme adapted from kinder training and filial therapy. Intended for early education teachers and students, TCRB is designed to strengthen the teacher–child relationship, improve student behaviour, enhance academic involvement and develop teachers' classroom management skills. In the current study, we utilised a phenomenological approach to examine teachers' perceptions of the initial implementation of TCRB through identifying individual and collective perspectives in the summation of themes. Findings indicated that the teachers perceived the TCRB model to be informative, well organised, appropriately structured and effective in enhancing teacher–child relationships, improving classroom management skills and reducing behavioural problems among child participants. Limitations of the study, implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-three adolescents from three mental health service settings were interviewed regarding their perceptions of the purpose, goals, expectations, frustrations and benefits of mental health experiences. They provided satisfaction ratings and importance rankings of seven domains of satisfaction: (a) Convenient/Accessible, (b) Meeting Needs, (c) Staff Competence, (d) Personal Relationship with Staff, (e) Effectiveness of Treatment, (f) Comfort/Appropriateness of Center, and (g) Costs and Paperwork. In addition, participants completed the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8). Results indicated that, in general, the adolescents were very satisfied with the services they received. Gender, race/ethnicity and treatment site were not related to satisfaction scores, nor was the adolescent's perceived choice in seeking services. Some significant gender differences were found both in terms of the rankings of satisfaction domains, as well as in the adolescents' perceptions of their reasons for initiating counseling and the perceived goals and benefits of counseling. Additional differences in perceptions of services were found for treatment site and race/ethnicity. In general, adolescents were able to generate informative, sophisticated responses to questions regarding their perceptions of mental health services, and demonstrated that they are capable of evaluating services they receive.  相似文献   

The role of the infant mental health therapist is differentiated from that of other infant interventionists as being a secondary prevention treatment approach employing the techniques of long-term, insight-oriented psychotherapy. Such an approach encourages the caregiver to recall his or her own childhood experiences and conflicts to gain an understanding of feelings directed at his or her own baby. The prevention models of Caplan are considered as is the development of the work of Fraiberg and her colleagues.  相似文献   


This study surveys recently graduated sport psychology (SP) doctoral students' (N = 34) educational backgrounds, work experiences, and perceptions of the professional field of SP inside and outside the realm of academia. Special attention was given to subjects' perceptions and expectations with regard to applied work in SP, actual work experiences, and income. Findings indicate that almost all graduates are spending their time in a variety of work activities, i.e., some combination of teaching, research, consulting, administration, and coaching, with a strong emphasis on teaching in an academic institution. Gender analysis revealed that, in general, females earned 74% of what males earned; females earned 53% of what males earned outside academia. Graduates' personal comments suggest a concern about consumer demand and financial support offered applied professionals in SP as well as the adequacy of their own training to provide applied services. Implications for AAASP and SP program directors are provided.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) emphasizes improved mental health and mental health services in rural areas through funding for research projects and research centers. NIMH also supports related activities including state planning, improvement of state data systems, protection of and advocacy for mentally ill individuals, disaster relief, professional training, and education concerning depression. Other important components include surveys, analyses, and public information, including support for a public hearing on rural mental health.  相似文献   

Mothers' perceptions of their infants and their own levels of self‐efficacy contribute to developing maternal‐infant attunement. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the associations between maternal perceptions of their own infants relative to other infants and maternal self‐efficacy in a group of ethnically diverse, low‐income, first‐time mothers during the first six weeks postpartum. By employing a structural equation model approach, we explored relationships between the predictor (maternal neonatal perceptions) and dependent variable (maternal self‐efficacy). Changes in maternal perceptions of their own infants significantly contributed to self‐reported levels of self‐efficacy while controlling for concurrent self‐esteem. Maternal perceptions of her infant as less difficult than the average infant at six weeks postpartum predicted increased levels of maternal self‐reported self‐efficacy. The present study supports further exploration of the first six weeks postpartum as a sensitive period for targeting intervention and support, particularly for mothers and infants at highest risk.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to demonstrate the case for establishing dedicated Infant Mental Health Services. It is argued that the 0–3 age-group is not well served by the current arrangement for the provision of mental health services along child/adult lines, and falls between these two stools. It is further argued that priority should be given to services for this group because of the immense potential of early intervention programmes. The nature and ethos of such services are discussed, and it is suggested that the time is now ripe for Infant Mental Health to be given institutional recognition as a distinct specialism in its own right.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have focused on the nature and significance of father-infant relationships. These studies show that men are as capable of behaving sensitively as women are, although cultural sex-stereotypes usually prevent them from assuming a prominent role in child care. Nevertheless, most infants become attached to both their parents during the first year of life although they tend to establish primary relationships with their primary caretakers. During the second year of life, fathers encourage boys to focus attention on their fathers. This may facilitate the development of gender identity. In addition, the security of the father-infant attachment relationship may affect the infant's orientation to novel social situations. Fathers also affect infants indirectly via their influence on the children's mothers.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of high-risk pregnancies on the maternal perception of the full-term healthy infant, as well as the influence of social support systems on these effects. Thirty mothers after high-risk pregnancy and 30 mothers after low-risk pregnancy were interviewed when their infants were 3 months old. Their perceptions of own and average baby were evaluated as well as the amount and availability of and their satisfaction with social support. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that mothers after high-risk pregnancies tend to perceive their infant as significantly more difficult than mothers after low-risk pregnancies. A main finding of this study is that high-risk pregnancy mothers perceive an average baby in a much more positive way. Social support was not found to affect significantly the maternal negative perception of the infant after a high-risk pregnancy. These findings are discussed in the context of the continuity of the process of maternal affiliation to the infant before and after delivery.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the relationship between social support and mental and physical health. Results indicate that poor functional support (or quality of support) is related to physical health problems while structural support (or social network size) is not. Moreover, although both poor functional and structural support are related to depression and anxiety, functional support is more strongly related to these outcome variables, the strongest relationship being associated with depression. Depression and hostility are also related to social isolation, although the relationship is again stronger for depression. The results suggest that the quality of social relationships is more important than quantity for optimal mental and physical health. The clinical relevance of these findings is that the quality of social support in the lives of individuals is central to recovery and should be addressed in medical and mental health treatment planning whenever it is an etiological or maintaining factor. The author dedicates this paper to her beloved father, Charles VanderVoort and her colleagues Dr. Uwe Stuecher and Dr. Gay Barfield whom she describes as “natural altruists, the rarest and most loving type of people in the world.”  相似文献   

Women's mental health during pregnancy has important implications not only for the well-being of the mother, but also for the development, health, and well-being of her unborn child. A growing body of empirical evidence from population-based studies suggests that two indicators of women's mental health during pregnancy--psychosocial stress and social support--may exert a significant influence on fetal development and infant birth outcomes, such as birth weight and length of gestation, even after controlling for the effects of established sociodemographic, obstetric, and behavioral risk factors. This paper describes the role of three major biological systems involved in the physiology of pregnancy and stress physiology: neuroendocrine, immune/inflammatory, and cardiovascular systems. These systems have been hypothesized to mediate the effects of maternal mental health on fetal developmental and health outcomes, and a central role has been proposed for placental corticotropin-releasing hormone in this process. However, not all women reporting high prenatal stress and/or low social support proceed to develop adverse birth outcomes, raising the question of the determinants of susceptibility/vulnerability in the context of high stress and/or low social support. In this context, the role of race/ethnicity and genetic predisposition are discussed as two promising avenues of further investigation.  相似文献   

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