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Previous research has indicated that adolescents who intend to smoke differ from those who do not intend to smoke in the imagery they associate with smoking. The present study examined relationships among self-image, ideal self-image, image of smokers in general and image of models in cigarette ads for seventh-grade students. The strongest finding was a positive correspondence of smokers image to self-image in predicting intention to smoke cigarettes. This correspondence between smokers image and self-image derived from a relative depression of self-image in combination with a relative elevation of smokers image for youth who were more likely to report intentions to smoke. There was also a trend for the ideal self-image of youth with greater intentions to smoke to be similarly depressed. It is suggested that when both self-concept and aspirations for self-improvement are diminished, smoking may seem particularly desirable as a means of enhancing identity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of self-reinforcement and group therapy intervention techniques in modifying the fear of failure motivation and classroom behavior of 123 male fourth- through sixth-grade inner-city economically deprived children. Results confirmed the ability of such techniques to provide success and reward experience for these children and develop internal patterns of positive reinforcement, feelings of competency, and self-esteem as measured by more realistic levels of aspiration, increases in academic performance, and decreases in a projective measure of fear of failure motivation. Classroom use of such easily trained intervention techniques by teachers was suggested.  相似文献   

Contemporary research has suggested that bereavement is a paramount issue in college populations, a group which has historically been underrepresented in grief research (Balk. in Death studies 25:67–84, 2001; Balk et al. in Death Studies 34:459–468, 2010). Indeed, there has been a call to generate new research on grief with specific populations and age groups (Center for the Advancement of Health. in Death Studies 28:568–575, 2004). Religion is often described as a primary way that individuals cope with bereavement in particular (Frantz et al. in Pastor Psychol 44(3):151–163, 1996) and has been shown to effect college student reactions to stress in general (Merrill et al. in Mental Health, Religion & Culture 12(5):501–511, 2009). The RCOPE (Pargament et al. in J Clin Psychol 56(4):519–543, 2000, J Health Psychol 9:713–730, 2004) is a frequently used measure of religious coping, but has not been evaluated with a bereaved undergraduate population. Given that emerging adulthood is a critical developmental phase of religious identity (Fowler. in New Directions for Child Development 3(52):27–45, 1991), the current study examined the factor structure of the RCOPE within a sample of bereaved college students. An exploratory factor analysis was performed, which approximated the factor structure proposed by Pargament et al. (J Clin Psychol 56(4):519–543, 2000). However, a high correlation between the positive and negative religious coping subscales (r = 0.71) detracted from the predictive utility of Pargament et al.′s (2000) two overarching subscales. Therefore, an exploratory factor analysis with an orthogonal rotation was used to identify two uncorrelated subscales (adaptive religious coping and maladaptive religious coping). This new two-factor, 39-item version of the RCOPE was found to demonstrate good internal consistency (α > 0.8) as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The interaction between religious coping strategies and core beliefs about the predictability of the world is explored, and directions for future research and clinical practice are suggested.  相似文献   

采用GNAT实验范式,以小学四年级、初一和高一学生为被试,探讨了中小学生数学内隐态度的年级差异。结果发现,小四、初一和高一学生的数学内隐态度存在显著差异;男生和女生的数学内隐态度差异不显著。表明数学内隐态度存在年级差异但不存在性别差异。  相似文献   

Concerns about family life push some students away from a career in science or lead them away from particular career paths within science. Religion has been shown to have an influence on individuals’ values concerning both family and work. This study uses data from a survey of U.S. graduate students in five science disciplines to estimate a structural equation model examining paths between religiosity, work and family values, and intent to pursue different careers within science. The analysis finds that religiosity is positively associated with the importance placed on family and, through this mediator, is associated with a lower intent to pursue research‐focused academic jobs and higher intent to pursue teaching‐focused academic jobs. We discuss the implications of these findings, particularly as the analysis shows that women and some racial and ethnic minority students are more religious than their male and white peers.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法和结构方程模型分析技术,探讨家庭功能与大学生情绪表达性、孤独感之间的关系,以及家庭功能的作用机制,即家庭功能能否通过情绪表达影响大学生孤独感。结果发现:(1)家庭功能对大学生情绪表达性、孤独感有显著预测作用,家庭亲密度或适应性水平高的大学生更倾向具有高的情绪表达性,更少的体验到亲情、爱情以及社交孤独感;(2)情绪表达性对大学生社交孤独感具有一定的预测作用,即大学生越乐于表达情绪,其社交孤独感就越少;(3)家庭功能既直接对社交孤独感产生影响,又通过情绪表达性间接影响社交孤独感,即情绪表达性在家庭功能与社交孤独感之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

We examined cessation among 630 smokers who quit abruptly on their own. Continuous, complete abstinence rates were 33% at 2 days, 24% at 7 days, 22% at 14 days, 19% at 1 month, 11% at 3 months, 8% at 6 months postcessation, and 3% at 6 months with biochemical verification. Slipping (smoking an average of less than 1 cigarette/day) was common (9% to 15% of subjects) and was a strong predictor of relapse; however, 23% of long-term abstainers slipped at some point. These results challenge beliefs that most smokers can initially stop smoking and that most relapse occurs later on postcessation.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - Religious beliefs and attitudes contribute to a healthy life by helping individuals avoiding negative behaviors that can affect health. In this respect, clergymen...  相似文献   

大学生气质类型、父母教养方式与孤独感的关系研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
采用量表法以349名大学生为被试研究了气质类型、父母教养方式和孤独感的关系.(1)差异检验表明:女性大学生的亲情孤独感、总体孤独感多于男生,且气质类型上更情绪化;城市大学生的社会性得分显著高于来自乡村大学生;在爱情孤独和总体孤独感上存在显著的专业差异,理工类大学生体验到更多的孤独感尤其是爱情孤独感.(2)相关分析表明:大学生孤独感的各个维度与其气质类型中的社会性以及父母教养方式中的大多因素显著相关.(3)回归分析进一步表明:母亲情感温暖对总体孤独感有显著预测作用;母亲情感温暖、父亲严惩、母亲干涉保护对亲情孤独感因子有显著预测作用;社会性、父亲严惩对爱情孤独感因子有显著预测作用;母亲情感温暖、母亲干涉保护、父亲干涉对社交孤独感因子有显著预测作用.  相似文献   


This investigation is a replication of part of a study by Elkind on quantity conceptions in adolescence. A home economics class composed of 28 eighth-grade girls in a junior high school in Levittown, New York, were tested with Piagetian tasks to determine their conceptions of mass, weight, and volume. The results are strikingly parallel to those obtained by Elkind for the same mean age group. In both studies, only 29% of the subjects of mean age 13.6 had attained the conception of conservation of volume, a finding at variance with Piaget's earlier results.  相似文献   

Early explications of family communication patterns (FCP) suggested that a family's communication pattern arises as a result of interactions in which parents and adolescents influence each other. In contrast, empirical research usually treats FCP as parent‐imposed norms that influence socialization outcomes in adolescents, without testing whether adolescents' socialization influences FCP. This study revisits the assumption that adolescents influence FCP, using data from a longitudinal quasi‐experimental evaluation of a school‐based civics curriculum intervention (N = 313 parent‐adolescent pairs). Results show that the intervention‐stimulated adolescents to initiate discussion of politics at home and that these adolescent‐initiated discussions influenced adolescents' and parents' perceptions of FCP 6 months later.  相似文献   

Study goals were to identify family patterns of gender role attitudes, to examine the conditions under which these patterns emerged, and to assess the implications of gender attitude patterns for family conflict. Participants were mothers, fathers, and first- and second-born adolescents from 358 White, working and middle-class US families. Results of cluster analysis revealed three gender role attitude patterns: egalitarian parents and children, traditional parents and children, and a divergent pattern, with parents more traditional and children more egalitarian. Mixed-model ANOVAs indicated that these family patterns were related to socioeconomic status, parents’ time spent in gendered household tasks and with children, and the gender constellation of the sibling dyad. The traditional family group reported the most family conflict.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the content of a course designed to prepare students for family practice, with emphasis on mothers as primary caregivers. A model is presented of relatively healthy family interactions characterized by co-parenting and equitable division of labor in the home. The strengths perspective is applied to family practice with mother-headed families where noncustodial fathers share responsibilities for childrearing. Challenges inherent in carrying out dual roles of wage labor and family caregiving are linked to social support and differences among women based on class, race, and ethnicity.  相似文献   

We designed this study to assess parental, behavioral, and psychological factors associated with tobacco use among Chinese adolescents. The data were collected from 995 middle school students in Nanjing, China. Both smoking experimentation and current smoking (smoking in the past 30 days) were assessed among the study sample. Psychosocial measures include family structure, problem behaviors, social influence of smoking (both parental and friends’ approval of smoking), depressive symptoms, social alienation, self-esteem, parental monitoring (social monitoring and academic monitoring) and parenting style (responsiveness and demandingness). Among the study sample (mean age 15.16 years and 50% females), 24% ever smoked and 15% smoked in the past 30 days. Advanced age, male gender, low family SES, low school performance and low educational aspiration were associated with both smoking experimentation and current smoking. Depressive symptoms, social alienation, low self-esteem, low social and academic monitoring, problem behaviors, low maternal and paternal responsiveness, peer smoking, parent smoking, and parental and friends’ approval of smoking were positively associated with current smoking among Chinese adolescents. Future tobacco use prevention efforts among Chinese adolescents need to consider the parental, behavioral, and psychological correlates identified in the current study.  相似文献   

This study tried to establish the incremental validity of family environment among Maltese university students in view of childhood mental trauma, highlighted mainly through past abuse. Participants (N = 312) completed the Brief Adjective Rating Scale, a personality measure based on the five-factor model of personality, the Family Environment Scale, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, which covers all aspects of abuse and neglect, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale, a cognitive well-being scale. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the family environment’s relationship dimension explained 35% of the variance for the subjective well-being component, over and above the contribution of key variables such as personality. This study replicates classic research on the important role that family environment plays in children’s holistic development. The study strongly suggests that the inclusion of family environment offers a better and more holistic perspective on the reality of child abuse and its consequences.  相似文献   

Research on Family Patterns An Instrument Measurement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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