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Building on an evolutionary approach to out‐group avoidance, this study showed relations between perceived disease salience and beliefs in the efficacy of avoiding foreigners as protective measures in the context of a real‐life pandemic risk; i.e., avian influenza. People for whom avian influenza was salient and who held unfavorable attitudes toward foreigners were more likely to believe that avoiding contact with foreigners protects against infection. This finding suggests that individual differences in social attitudes moderate evolved mechanisms relating threat of disease to out‐group avoidance.  相似文献   

To overcome diagnostic uncertainties in early phases of Alzheimer's disease (pre-senile dementia), the analysis of T-3 and T-4 concentration can be usefully employed. Arising out of the localisation neuropathological findings in Alzheimer type dementia, it could be that hormonal findings perform a useful function as indicators of a change in neurotransmitter activity in this disease.  相似文献   

单病种限价收费是医院经营的一种管理模式,是指在临床诊疗收费中,对单一病种病人限定最高费用的做法,是医院的一种自发行为。这在一定程度上解决了群众看病难、看病贵的问题,缓解了社会医疗费用过度增长的压力,有助于医疗机构收费更趋于合理化。拟从社会的各个层面对医疗机构单病种限价问题进行深入地探讨。  相似文献   

Rapid Cycling     
Rapid cycling is not a distinct disorder, but is a particularly severe form of bipolar disease. One in six patients with bipolar disease seen by psychiatrists either as an outpatient or as an inpatient suffers from four or more episodes per year. If at least four episodes occur within one year, this high-frequency phase is called ?rapid cycling“ (RC). Treatment for bipolar disorder with RC usually includes trialling mood stabilizers, such as lithium, anticonvulsants, and modern antipsychotics.In four out of five RC patients, treatment improves disease progression; however, some patients exhibit RC for many years.Specific studies have raised the suspicion that administering antidepressive therapy could facilitate an unfavorable course of bipolar affective disorder. The present case demonstrates disease progression and treatment attempts in a patient with distinct RC progression.  相似文献   

通过对临床收集的187例青年(≤45岁)颈心综合征患者的临床资料进行分析。探讨青年颈心综合征临床误诊为冠心病的原因及避免误诊的诊疗策略。目的在于帮助临床医师对青年颈心综合征进行识别,注意如何与冠心病心绞痛相鉴别,对防止病情延误,尽早明确诊断积极治疗,排除冠心病,减少诊疗费用及避免冠脉造影的风险意义很大。  相似文献   

中医学是临床实践很强的经验医学,临床实践一直是中医理论创新的源泉,现代中医理论创新研究必须基于临床疗效为导向,以中医有治疗特色的重大疾病和难治病为突破口,借鉴现代科学和技术,深入开展证候构成要素的中医病因病机研究。中医病因病机既是构成病证的核心要素,又深刻揭示了病证的本质,它体现中医整体观、辨证论治的思维,是中医治病理论的结晶和精华浓缩,抓住重大疾病和难治病中医病证病因病机的本质和核心问题进行现代研究,必将导致中医药理论的重大创新和发展。  相似文献   

The authors, after presenting a survey of the literature on the treatment of multiple sclerosis with immunosuppressants, report their experience with Imurek. Of 53 patients with a chronic and progressive course of the disease, objective improvement could be observed in 17. In 20 patients the symptomatology remained unchanged, although 4 of them reported subjective improvement. In 16 patients, progression of the disease could not be stopped. Better results of treatment could be obtained for those forms of the disease where the course was, first, in the form of what may be referred to as outbursts and, later, in a chronic and progressive form. -Possible side effects are pointed out.  相似文献   

This study investigates how individuals can be helped to make decisions about predictive genetic testing. Participants (n = 120) rated how likely they would be to opt for predictive testing for heart disease if it were available, and other variables such as anxiety about heart disease. They received information on predictive testing for heart disease and ratings were repeated. Participants were then randomly allocated to one of three groups and focused on the personal relevance of positive issues or negative issues which had been mentioned as part of the standardised information previously given. The third group focused on issues irrelevant to testing for heart disease. The form of questioning used in this focusing manipulation was intended to model the processes involved in non-directive questioning. Results showed a significant increase in likelihood of testing in the positive group, and a significant decrease in the negative group. There was also a significant decrease in rated anxiety about heart disease and perceived severity of an increased susceptibility to heart disease of the negative group relative to the positive and control groups. The results may have implications for the ways in which pre-test counselling is carried out.  相似文献   

Despite the marked impairment of recent episodic memories in Alzheimer's disease, there have been few attempts to rehabilitate these deficits. We used a novel external memory aid to promote recall of episodic memories in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. SenseCam, a small wearable camera, recorded significant events in the lives of six Alzheimer's disease patients. Every two days for two weeks each patient's memory for an event was assessed, followed by a structured review of the SenseCam images. Longer-term recall was tested one and three months later. A written diary control condition followed the same procedure. Across 40 events the SenseCam review method resulted in significantly more details of an event being recalled over two weeks than the written diary method in five out of the six patients. At three months post event, four out of five patients (one had dropped out) recalled significantly more details of events in the SenseCam condition while the other patient showed no significant difference. Viewing SenseCam images of personally experienced events may significantly improve autobiographical memory in patients with even moderate Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

浅谈脂肪肝的诊治策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脂肪肝已成为威胁国人健康仅次于病毒性肝炎的第二大肝病。通过对脂肪肝发病机制、发病原因、诊断方法和防治措施的深入研究,能够确定行之有效的诊治策略。针对病因和(或)诱因进行预防,走出在脂肪肝治疗上的误区,对遏制脂肪肝的日益严重的发病趋势和降低医疗费用有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper offers a discussion of some of the nuances of mental disease or defect as required for the insanity defense in criminal law. It also compares and contrasts the mental disease or defect definitions of criminal law with those definitions used in clinical practice. It points out a general pattern of vagueness and dispute regarding the proper interpretation of the mental disability requirement in the insanity defense and in other legal provisions. It reports a variety of interpretations by courts and commentators regarding the meaning of these phrases, and it reports attempts by state legislatures to narrow the range of applicable conditions by excluding various mental or emotional states.  相似文献   

宫颈癌的发病率居女性恶性肿瘤的第二位,只要做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗,宫颈癌是一种可以预防和治愈的疾病。认真地做好宫颈癌的普查和随诊,能够降低宫颈癌的发病率和病死率。因为宫颈液基细胞学设备简单,方法便利,阳性检出率高,目前已成为基层医疗单位开展宫颈癌普查的重要手段。提倡宫颈癌的普查是对全社会育龄妇女健康的关怀,是医学人文精神的具体体现。全社会的妇女都应享有这种人文关怀。  相似文献   

Whilst a growing body of work has explored family communication about Huntington’s disease and how at-risk individuals learn about their risk, the experience of telling a partner and partners’ experiences of finding out about this potentially devastating hereditary illness have received little attention. This study describes the experiences of partners in finding out about Huntington’s disease and any impact on couple’s relationships/marriages. We undertook a thematic analysis of qualitative interviews which explored the dynamics of partners’ marriages after predictive testing and partners’ views of genetic counseling. A main theme from partners’ accounts was how they found out about their spouse’s risk of Huntington’s disease and the impact this had on marital relations. The analysis revealed four types of disclosure experiences: (1) marital secrets; (2) alerting, but not telling; (3) knowing and seeing; (4) marital ignorance. Our findings demonstrate that partners’ experiences of (non)disclosure about the risk of HD within marriages is an important factor which contributes to couples’ coping or marital problems. Exploring how spouses found out about their partner’s risk of HD will illuminate issues about a couple’s past and future patterns of communication and their coping strategies. A practical and ethical implication is the extent to which genetic counselors should inform partners about the course and nature of Huntington’s disease when a partner is the support person for the individual being tested.  相似文献   

Advances in technology have created new ways for individuals to find partners through personal ads seeking casual sexual encounters. This article examines self-identified married men who are seeking sexual encounters through placement of a men seeking men personal ad found on a free non-sexual large mainstream classified website. Three thousand advertisements were analyzed to reveal patterns among advertisements including items such as sexual act desired, sexual roles desired, race, and age. The results reveal that married men are seeking out different types of sexual encounters than men who do not identify themselves as married, desiring encounters more often during lunch, seeking out drug and disease free partners, desiring safe sex, and being more likely to desire a top or versatile sex role.  相似文献   

The Bechara simulated gambling task is a popular method of examining decision-making deficits exhibited by people with brain damage, psychopathology, antisocial personality, or drug abuse problems. However, performance on this task is confounded by complex interdependencies between cognitive, motivational, and response processes, making it difficult to sort out and identify the specific processes responsible for the observed behavioral deficits. The authors compare 3 competing cognitive decision models of the Bechara task in terms of their ability to explain the performance deficits observed in Huntington's disease patients as compared with healthy populations and people with Parkinson's disease. The parameters of the best fitting model are used to decompose the observed performance deficit of the Huntington patients into cognitive, motivational, and response sources.  相似文献   

随着老年人口的增多,膀胱过度活动症的发病率也会逐年升高,但其确切病因不清楚,临床症状不典型,很多患者对这种疾病认识不够,严重影响着患者的生活质量,给患者带来了极大的生理和心理上的困扰。因此,临床工作中应注意发现膀胱过度活动症相关的临床症状,结合完整全面的病史,进行体格检查和相关的辅助检查,及早诊断并给予合理的治疗,提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

White matter occupies almost half of the human brain. It contains axons connecting spatially segregated modules and, as such, it is essential for the smooth flow of information in functional networks. Structural maturation of white matter continues during adolescence, as reflected in age-related changes in its volume, as well as in its microstructure. Here I review recent observations obtained with magnetic resonance imaging in typically developing adolescents and point out some of the known variations in structural properties of white matter vis-à-vis brain function in health and disease. I conclude by re-focusing the interpretations of MR-based studies of white matter from myelin to axon.  相似文献   

结合国内外文献资料,从儿童缺血性脑病的病因、临床表现、影像学特点、治疗方式及疗效等方面着手,进行分析和比较,加深医患对儿童缺血性脑病的了解,同时为该类疾病的临床诊断与治疗思路提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of using a family history questionnaire to ascertain patients and families at-risk for inherited cardiovascular disease. A questionnaire composed of 21 questions was developed based on the experience of a cardiovascular genetic counselor. This questionnaire was administered to 39 patients at a University-based cardiology practice reflecting general and specialized aspects of cardiovascular medicine. Using the number and degree of relatedness of relatives reported and limited age of onset information participants were ranked into three familial risk categories. Thirty-nine patients participated in this pilot study. Of the 39 patients, six Mendelian diseases were identified. All individuals surveyed in this study were found to be at high and/or moderate risk for at least one disease based on the family history questionnaire. Twenty-five out of 39 participants (64.1%) were found to be at high risk for at least one cardiovascular disease, and thirty-three out of 39 participants (84.6%) were found to be at moderate risk for at least one disease. A family history of arrhythmia disorders, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease and diabetes were more likely to be associated with a personal history in family histories of both moderate and high risk. Family history questionnaires in cardiology clinics can be a cost-effective tool for identifying patients and families who are in the greatest need of genetic evaluation and genetic counseling services.  相似文献   

The continuing presence of different negative emotions has been suggested as an important factor in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). The present study was carried out at a medical center to investigate the presence of negative emotions and Type A behavior in a group of 40-yr.-old men and women. The National Institute of Public Health in Norway carried out the data-collection as a part of their CHD risk factor screenings. The correlation between hostility and total cholesterol is negative as is that between systolic blood pressures and the feeling of guilt for women. There was no further support for earlier findings of relationships between either Type A behavior pattern and negative emotions or Type A and elevated cholesterol values. A number of possible explanations are offered. In the study, assessment of hostility was questioned; there was possible support for poor assessment of hostility on the Karolinska Scales of Personality employed in the study.  相似文献   

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