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A Monte Carlo evaluation of 30 procedures for determining the number of clusters was conducted on artificial data sets which contained either 2, 3, 4, or 5 distinct nonoverlapping clusters. To provide a variety of clustering solutions, the data sets were analyzed by four hierarchical clustering methods. External criterion measures indicated excellent recovery of the true cluster structure by the methods at the correct hierarchy level. Thus, the clustering present in the data was quite strong. The simulation results for the stopping rules revealed a wide range in their ability to determine the correct number of clusters in the data. Several procedures worked fairly well, whereas others performed rather poorly. Thus, the latter group of rules would appear to have little validity, particularly for data sets containing distinct clusters. Applied researchers are urged to select one or more of the better criteria. However, users are cautioned that the performance of some of the criteria may be data dependent.The authors would like to express their appreciation to a number of individuals who provided assistance during the conduct of this research. Those who deserve recognition include Roger Blashfield, John Crawford, John Gower, James Lingoes, Wansoo Rhee, F. James Rohlf, Warren Sarle, and Tom Soon.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo evaluation of thirty internal criterion measures for cluster analysis was conducted. Artificial data sets were constructed with clusters which exhibited the properties of internal cohesion and external isolation. The data sets were analyzed by four hierarchical clustering methods. The resulting values of the internal criteria were compared with two external criterion indices which determined the degree of recovery of correct cluster structure by the algorithms. The results indicated that a subset of internal criterion measures could be identified which appear to be valid indices of correct cluster recovery. Indices from this subset could form the basis of a permutation test for the existence of cluster structure or a clustering algorithm.  相似文献   

Bocci  Laura  Vicari  Donatella 《Psychometrika》2019,84(4):941-985

In the context of three-way proximity data, an INDCLUS-type model is presented to address the issue of subject heterogeneity regarding the perception of object pairwise similarity. A model, termed ROOTCLUS, is presented that allows for the detection of a subset of objects whose similarities are described in terms of non-overlapping clusters (ROOT CLUSters) common across all subjects. For the other objects, Individual partitions, which are subject specific, are allowed where clusters are linked one-to-one to the Root clusters. A sound ALS-type algorithm to fit the model to data is presented. The novel method is evaluated in an extensive simulation study and illustrated with empirical data sets.


Minimization of the within-cluster sums of squares (WCSS) is one of the most important optimization criteria in cluster analysis. Although cluster analysis modules in commercial software packages typically use heuristic methods for this criterion, optimal approaches can be computationally feasible for problems of modest size. This paper presents a new branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing WCSS. Algorithmic enhancements include an effective reordering of objects and a repetitive solution approach that precludes the need for splitting the data set, while maintaining strong bounds throughout the solution process. The new algorithm provided optimal solutions for problems with up to 240 objects and eight well-separated clusters. Poorly separated problems with no inherent cluster structure were optimally solved for up to 60 objects and six clusters. The repetitive branch-and-bound algorithm was also successfully applied to three empirical data sets from the classification literature.  相似文献   

Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis (RGCCA) is a generalization of regularized canonical correlation analysis to three or more sets of variables. It constitutes a general framework for many multi-block data analysis methods. It combines the power of multi-block data analysis methods (maximization of well identified criteria) and the flexibility of PLS path modeling (the researcher decides which blocks are connected and which are not). Searching for a fixed point of the stationary equations related to RGCCA, a new monotonically convergent algorithm, very similar to the PLS algorithm proposed by Herman Wold, is obtained. Finally, a practical example is discussed.  相似文献   

An algorithm for assessing additivity conjunctively via both axiomatic conjoint analysis and numerical conjoint scaling is described. The algorithm first assesses the degree of individual differences among sets of rankings of stimuli, and subsequently examines either individual or averaged data for violations of axioms necessary for an additive model. The axioms are examined at a more detailed level than has been previously done. Violations of the axioms are broken down into different types. Finally, a nonmetric scaling of the data can be done based on either or both of two different badness-of-fit scaling measures. The advantages of combining all of these features into one algorithm for improving the diagnostic value of axiomatic conjoint measurement in evaluating additivity are discussed.  相似文献   

The clustering of two-mode proximity matrices is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem that has important applications in the quantitative social sciences. We focus on one particular type of problem related to the clustering of a two-mode binary matrix, which is relevant to the establishment of generalized blockmodels for social networks. In this context, clusters for the rows of the two-mode matrix intersect with clusters of the columns to form blocks, which should ideally be either complete (all 1s) or null (all 0s). A new procedure based on variable neighborhood search is presented and compared to an existing two-mode K-means clustering algorithm. The new procedure generally provided slightly greater explained variation; however, both methods yielded exceptional recovery of cluster structure.  相似文献   

The work in this paper introduces finite mixture models that can be used to simultaneously cluster the rows and columns of two-mode ordinal categorical response data, such as those resulting from Likert scale responses. We use the popular proportional odds parameterisation and propose models which provide insights into major patterns in the data. Model-fitting is performed using the EM algorithm, and a fuzzy allocation of rows and columns to corresponding clusters is obtained. The clustering ability of the models is evaluated in a simulation study and demonstrated using two real data sets.  相似文献   

The emergence of Gaussian model‐based partitioning as a viable alternative to K‐means clustering fosters a need for discrete optimization methods that can be efficiently implemented using model‐based criteria. A variety of alternative partitioning criteria have been proposed for more general data conditions that permit elliptical clusters, different spatial orientations for the clusters, and unequal cluster sizes. Unfortunately, many of these partitioning criteria are computationally demanding, which makes the multiple‐restart (multistart) approach commonly used for K‐means partitioning less effective as a heuristic solution strategy. As an alternative, we propose an approach based on iterated local search (ILS), which has proved effective in previous combinatorial data analysis contexts. We compared multistart, ILS and hybrid multistart–ILS procedures for minimizing a very general model‐based criterion that assumes no restrictions on cluster size or within‐group covariance structure. This comparison, which used 23 data sets from the classification literature, revealed that the ILS and hybrid heuristics generally provided better criterion function values than the multistart approach when all three methods were constrained to the same 10‐min time limit. In many instances, these differences in criterion function values reflected profound differences in the partitions obtained.  相似文献   

A lexicographic rule orders multi-attribute alternatives in the same way as a dictionary orders words. Although no utility function can represent lexicographic preference over continuous, real-valued attributes, a constrained linear model suffices for representing such preferences over discrete attributes. We present an algorithm for inferring lexicographic structures from choice data. The primary difficulty in using such data is that it is seldom possible to obtain sufficient information to estimate individual-level preference functions. Instead, one needs to pool the data across latent clusters of individuals. We propose a method that identifies latent clusters of subjects, and estimates a lexicographic rule for each cluster. We describe an application of the method using data collected by a manufacturer of television sets. We compare the predictions of the model with those obtained from a finite-mixture, multinomial-logit model.  相似文献   

We propose a generalization of the speed–accuracy response model (SARM) introduced by Maris and van der Maas (Psychometrika 77:615–633, 2012). In these models, the scores that result from a scoring rule that incorporates both the speed and accuracy of item responses are modeled. Our generalization is similar to that of the one-parameter logistic (or Rasch) model to the two-parameter logistic (or Birnbaum) model in item response theory. An expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm for estimating model parameters and standard errors was developed. Furthermore, methods to assess model fit are provided in the form of generalized residuals for item score functions and saddlepoint approximations to the density of the sum score. The presented methods were evaluated in a small simulation study, the results of which indicated good parameter recovery and reasonable type I error rates for the residuals. Finally, the methods were applied to two real data sets. It was found that the two-parameter SARM showed improved fit compared to the one-parameter SARM in both data sets.  相似文献   

Although the K-means algorithm for minimizing the within-cluster sums of squared deviations from cluster centroids is perhaps the most common method for applied cluster analyses, a variety of other criteria are available. The p-median model is an especially well-studied clustering problem that requires the selection of p objects to serve as cluster centers. The objective is to choose the cluster centers such that the sum of the Euclidean distances (or some other dissimilarity measure) of objects assigned to each center is minimized. Using 12 data sets from the literature, we demonstrate that a three-stage procedure consisting of a greedy heuristic, Lagrangian relaxation, and a branch-and-bound algorithm can produce globally optimal solutions for p-median problems of nontrivial size (several hundred objects, five or more variables, and up to 10 clusters). We also report the results of an application of the p-median model to an empirical data set from the telecommunications industry.  相似文献   

The Maxbet method is an alternative to the method of generalized canonical correlation analysis and of Procrustes analysis. Contrary to these methods, it does not maximize the inner products (covariances) between linear composites, but also takes their sums of squares (variances) into account. It is well-known that the Maxbet algorithm, which has been proven to converge monotonically, may converge to local maxima. The present paper discusses an eigenvalue criterion which is sufficient, but not necessary for global optimality. However, in two special cases, the eigenvalue criterion is shown to be necessary and sufficient for global optimality. The first case is when there are only two data sets involved; the second case is when the inner products between all variables involved are positive, regardless of the number of data sets.The authors are obliged to Henk Kiers for critical comments on a previous draft.  相似文献   

For mixed models generally, it is well known that modeling data with few clusters will result in biased estimates, particularly of the variance components and fixed effect standard errors. In linear mixed models, small sample bias is typically addressed through restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML) and a Kenward-Roger correction. Yet with binary outcomes, there is no direct analog of either procedure. With a larger number of clusters, estimation methods for binary outcomes that approximate the likelihood to circumvent the lack of a closed form solution such as adaptive Gaussian quadrature and the Laplace approximation have been shown to yield less-biased estimates than linearization estimation methods that instead linearly approximate the model. However, adaptive Gaussian quadrature and the Laplace approximation are approximating the full likelihood rather than the restricted likelihood; the full likelihood is known to yield biased estimates with few clusters. On the other hand, linearization methods linearly approximate the model, which allows for restricted maximum likelihood and the Kenward-Roger correction to be applied. Thus, the following question arises: Which is preferable, a better approximation of a biased function or a worse approximation of an unbiased function? We address this question with a simulation and an illustrative empirical analysis.  相似文献   

Matching methods such as nearest neighbor propensity score matching are increasingly popular techniques for controlling confounding in nonexperimental studies. However, simple k:1 matching methods, which select k well-matched comparison individuals for each treated individual, are sometimes criticized for being overly restrictive and discarding data (the unmatched comparison individuals). The authors illustrate the use of a more flexible method called full matching. Full matching makes use of all individuals in the data by forming a series of matched sets in which each set has either 1 treated individual and multiple comparison individuals or 1 comparison individual and multiple treated individuals. Full matching has been shown to be particularly effective at reducing bias due to observed confounding variables. The authors illustrate this approach using data from the Woodlawn Study, examining the relationship between adolescent marijuana use and adult outcomes.  相似文献   

Missing data, such as item responses in multilevel data, are ubiquitous in educational research settings. Researchers in the item response theory (IRT) context have shown that ignoring such missing data can create problems in the estimation of the IRT model parameters. Consequently, several imputation methods for dealing with missing item data have been proposed and shown to be effective when applied with traditional IRT models. Additionally, a nonimputation direct likelihood analysis has been shown to be an effective tool for handling missing observations in clustered data settings. This study investigates the performance of six simple imputation methods, which have been found to be useful in other IRT contexts, versus a direct likelihood analysis, in multilevel data from educational settings. Multilevel item response data were simulated on the basis of two empirical data sets, and some of the item scores were deleted, such that they were missing either completely at random or simply at random. An explanatory IRT model was used for modeling the complete, incomplete, and imputed data sets. We showed that direct likelihood analysis of the incomplete data sets produced unbiased parameter estimates that were comparable to those from a complete data analysis. Multiple-imputation approaches of the two-way mean and corrected item mean substitution methods displayed varying degrees of effectiveness in imputing data that in turn could produce unbiased parameter estimates. The simple random imputation, adjusted random imputation, item means substitution, and regression imputation methods seemed to be less effective in imputing missing item scores in multilevel data settings.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increasing level of interest in reporting subscores for components of larger assessments. This paper examines the issue of reporting subscores at an aggregate level, especially at the level of institutions to which the examinees belong. A new statistical approach based on classical test theory is proposed to assess when subscores at the institutional level have any added value over the total scores. The methods are applied to two operational data sets. For the data under study, the observed results provide little support in favour of reporting subscores for either examinees or institutions.  相似文献   

There are two main theories with respect to the development of spelling ability: the stage model and the model of overlapping waves. In this paper exploratory model based clustering will be used to analyze the responses of more than 3500 pupils to subsets of 245 items. To evaluate the two theories, the resulting clusters will be ordered along a developmental dimension using an external criterion. Solutions for three statistical problems will be given: (1) an algorithm that can handle large data sets and only renders non-degenerate clusters; (2) a goodness of fit test that is not affected by the fact that the number of possible response vectors by far out-weights the number of observed response vectors; and (3) a new technique,data expunction, that can be used to evaluate goodness-of-fit tests if the missing data mechanism is known. Research supported by a grant (NWO 411-21-006) of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

The conventional binormal model, which assumes that a pair of latent normal decision-variable distributions underlies ROC data, has been used successfully for many years to fit smooth ROC curves. However, if the conventional binormal model is used for small data sets or ordinal-category data with poorly allocated category boundaries, a "hook" in the fitted ROC may be evident near the upper-right or lower-left corner of the unit square. To overcome this curve-fitting artifact, we developed a "proper" binormal model and a new algorithm for maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of the corresponding ROC curves. Extensive simulation studies have shown the algorithm to be highly reliable. ML estimates of the proper and conventional binormal ROC curves are virtually identical when the conventional binormal ROC shows no "hook," but the proper binormal curves have monotonic slope for all data sets, including those for which the conventional model produces degenerate fits. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

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