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Studies employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have highlighted a covariation between the amplitude of hemodynamic responses recorded in primary and supplementary motor areas (M1 and SMA) and the duration of a motor task. A subset of these studies have hinted to a possible functional dissociation between processing carried out in these areas, with SMA primarily involved in action preparation, while M1 involved in action execution. This proposed functional dissociation was explored in the present study using a different technique--functional near-infrared spectroscopy--which enabled a finer-grained monitoring of the temporal characteristics of the hemodynamic response compared to fMRI. Here, hemodynamic responses in M1 and SMA were recorded in 7 participants during a right-finger-tapping task of short (1 s) or long (3 s) duration. Hemodynamic responses of larger amplitude were recorded from both contralateral M1 and SMA during long-duration than short-duration tapping. Furthermore, the analysis of the temporal profiles of these responses revealed a more sustained and prolonged activity for long-duration versus short-duration tapping in M1, but not in SMA. Rather than functionally dissociable areas, the present results are more compatible with the hypothesis that M1 and SMA subserve different, though strongly interacting, functional subroutines subtended in motor task preparation and execution.  相似文献   

Developmental stuttering is a frequent neurodevelopmental disorder with a complex neurobiological basis. Robust neural markers of stuttering include imbalanced activity of speech and motor related brain regions, and their impaired structural connectivity. The dynamic interaction of cortical regions is regulated by the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical system with the supplementary motor area constituting a crucial cortical site. The SMA integrates information from different neural circuits, and manages information about motor programs such as self-initiated movements, motor sequences, and motor learning. Abnormal functioning of SMA is increasingly reported in stuttering, and has been recently indicated as an additional “neural marker” of DS: anatomical and functional data have documented abnormal structure and activity of the SMA, especially in motor and speech networks. Its connectivity is often impaired, especially when considering networks of the left hemisphere. Compatibly, recent data suggest that, in DS, SMA is part of a poorly synchronized neural network, thus resulting in a likely substrate for the appearance of DS symptoms. However, as evident when considering neural models of stuttering, the role of SMA has not been fully clarified. Herein, the available evidence is reviewed, which highlights the role of the SMA in DS as a neural “hub”, receiving and conveying altered information, thus “gating” the release of correct or abnormal motor plans.  相似文献   

In the first experimental series nine right-handed and nine left-handed subjects were tested on each side on two tasks. The first task measured the accuracy of reproduction of pressure in attempted extension of the elbow joint, and the second the speed of oscillation of attempted flexion and extension of the elbow joint. The results showed no significant difference in performance on the two sides in the accuracy task but a significant difference in performance on the speed task.

In the second experimental series the effect of 15-minutes daily training on each of two tasks over a four-week period was investigated on six subjects. The two tasks were the same as those used in the first experimental series, and attempted movement at the metacarpo-phalangeal joint as well as the elbow joint was studied. The mean results of all subjects showed a significant reduction in the mean error of the “accuracy” task over the training period for both the finger and arm. However, further analysis suggests that this may have been due to a clarifying of the subjects' concept of the target value rather than an improvement in his ability to grade the appropriate muscle contractions. A significant increase in the mean speed of oscillation over the training period was also recorded for both finger and arm. This improvement was accompanied in most instances by a corresponding decrease in variation of cycle length of the individual oscillations, which is interpreted as an improvement in the subjects' “timing” of the appropriate muscle contractions.  相似文献   

Previous studies of motor short-term memory have shown that when a criterion movement on a semicircular positioning task is accompanied by an appropriate verbal label (a clock-face position), recall of the movement is more accurate than when only the movement is presented. This increased accuracy could be due to either the additional spatial information provided by the label or enhanced retention of the movement information. These two alternatives cannot be distinguished on the basis of previous studies because the studies have not evaluated movement accuracy following presentation of the label alone. The present study employed such a condition in addition to the movement-only and movement-plus-label conditions to distinguish between the two hypotheses. In all conditions, subjects were asked to move to the criterion position after a retention interval of either 5 sec or 60 sec. Evidence indicated that subjects who received both the label and the movement tended to use the spatial information provided by the label at the 60-sec interval. The evidence did not indicate that the verbal label actually enhanced retention of the movement information.  相似文献   

使用《运动想象问卷−修订版》筛选出的30名被试(男女各半), 采用功能性近红外光谱成像技术(fNIRS)监测被试在执行实际举哑铃(男生, 4磅和8磅; 女生, 2磅和4磅)任务和想象举同等重量哑铃任务时, 其大脑皮层氧合血红蛋白浓度的变化。结果发现:男女被试在运动执行与运动想象任务下都激活了主运动皮层; 且运动执行的大脑激活水平高于运动想象。在执行实际运动任务时, 运动强度显著影响大脑皮层血氧浓度的变化, 表现出左半球偏侧化优势; 在执行想象运动任务时, 运动强度没有影响大脑皮层血氧浓度的变化, 且无偏侧化现象。  相似文献   

We analyse the computational complexity of comparing informational structures. Intuitively, we study the complexity of deciding queries such as the following: Is Alice’s epistemic information strictly coarser than Bob’s? Do Alice and Bob have the same knowledge about each other’s knowledge? Is it possible to manipulate Alice in a way that she will have the same beliefs as Bob? The results show that these problems lie on both sides of the border between tractability (P) and intractability (NP-hard). In particular, we investigate the impact of assuming information structures to be partition-based (rather than arbitrary relational structures) on the complexity of various problems. We focus on the tractability of concrete epistemic tasks and not on epistemic logics describing them.  相似文献   

The neural bases of timing mechanisms in the second-to-minute range are currently investigated using multidisciplinary approaches. This paper documents the involvement of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in the encoding of target durations by reporting convergent fMRI data from motor and perceptual timing tasks. Event-related fMRI was used in two temporal procedures, involving (1) the production of an accurate interval as compared to an accurate force, and (2) a dual-task of time and colour discrimination with parametric manipulation of the level of attention attributed to each parameter. The first study revealed greater activation of the SMA proper in skilful control of time compared to force. The second showed that increasing attentional allocation to time increased activity in a cortico-striatal network including the pre-SMA (in contrast with the occipital cortex for increasing attention to colour). Further, the SMA proper was sensitive to the attentional modulation cued prior to the time processing period. Taken together, these data and related literature suggest that the SMA plays a key role in time processing as part of the striato-cortical pathway previously identified by animal studies, human neuropsychology and neuroimaging.  相似文献   

Evidence is still inconclusive regarding the locus of the stimulus intensity effect on information processing in reaction tasks. Miller, Ulrich, and Rinkenauer (1999) addressed this question by assessing the intensity effect on stimulus- and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) as indices of the sensory and motor parts of reaction time (RT). In the case of visual stimuli, they observed that application of brighter stimuli resulted in a shortening of RT and stimulus-locked LRP (S-LRP), but not of response-locked LRP (R-LRP). The results for auditory stimuli, however, were unclear. In spite of a clear RT reduction due to increased loudness, neither S-LRP nor R-LRP onset was affected. A reason for this failure might have been a relatively small range of intensity variation and the type of task. To check for this possibility, we performed three experiments in which broader ranges of stimulus intensities and simple, rather than choice, response tasks were used. Although the intensity effect on the R-LRP was negligible, S-LRP followed RT changes, irrespective of stimulus modality. These findings support the conclusion that stimulus intensity exerts its effect before the start of motoric processes. Finally, S-LRP and R-LRP findings are discussed within a broader information-processing perspective to check the validity of the claim that S-LRP and R-LRP can, indeed, be considered as pure estimates of the duration of sensory and motor processes.  相似文献   

Tasks assessing theory of mind (ToM) and non-mental state control tasks were administered to young and older adults to examine previous contradictory findings about age differences in mental state decoding. Age differences were found on a verbal ToM task after controlling for vocabulary levels. Older adults achieved significantly lower scores than did younger adults on static and dynamic visual ToM tasks, and a similar pattern was found on non-ToM control tasks. Rather than a specific ToM deficit, older adults exhibited a more general impairment in the ability to decode cues from verbal and visual information about people.  相似文献   

We investigated under which conditions sequence learning in a serial reaction time task can be based on perceptual learning. A replication of the study of Mayr (1996) confirmed perceptual and motor learning when sequences were learned concurrently. However, between-participants manipulations of the motor and perceptual sequences only supported motor learning in cases of more complex deterministic and probabilistic sequence structures. Perceptual learning using a between-participants design could only be established with a simple deterministic sequence structure. The results seem to imply that perceptual learning can be facilitated by a concurrently learned motor sequence. Possibly, concurrent learning releases necessary attentional resources or induces a structured learning condition under which perceptual learning can take place. Alternatively, the underlying mechanism may rely on binding between the perceptual and motor sequences.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of phonological similarity in simple and complex memory span tasks. In Experiment 1, participants performed either a simple or a complex span task, and the memoranda within lists were either phonologically similar or distinct. Phonologically similar lists consisted of words that rhymed.The simple span task was word span. There were two complex span tasks; one was the original reading span task, and the other was a variant of reading span in which all the sentences within a list were contextually related. The classic phonological similarity decrement was observed in word span. In contrast, phonological similarity facilitation was observed in both versions of reading span. This facilitation effect was further investigated in Experiment 2 using two new versions of reading span. In Experiment 2, the sentences in reading span were either short or long, and the memoranda were presented separately from, and were unrelated to, the sentences. Again, words within phonologically similar lists rhymed, and again, facilitation was observed. In Experiment 3, phonological similarity was operationalized in terms of feature overlap, rather than rhyme. The classic phonological similarity decrement was still observed in word span, but facilitation was not observed in complex span. The results suggest that phonological similarity, when operationalized using words that rhyme, serves as a list retrieval cue and that complex span tasks are more dependent on cue-driven memory retrieval mechanisms than are simple span tasks.  相似文献   

This paper explores how emotions mediate the research process. I draw upon a collaborative ethnography with children in a primary school to make a case for the practice of emotional reflexivity in research. More specifically I explore this in the context of a series of den-building research workshops I initiated with the young participants. Drawing upon a series of vignettes, I illustrate how reflecting upon and through my emotional responses to video data captured by children during these workshops gave presence to my movements through the data, thus recognising moments when meaning-making was entangled with prominent memories I had of the field and hidden shifts I made whilst interpreting the data. I suggest that as researchers we can use emotional reflexivity to recognise, on the one-hand, how our personal histories influence our research engagements, and on the other, how the spaces and places we inhabit as researchers shape our thoughts and feelings. I will show how emotional reflexivity offers opportunities for researchers to engage with their own relational emplacement during fieldwork and to use this awareness to develop their understandings of children's lives.  相似文献   

Many studies of explanation have focused on higher level tasks and on how explanations draw upon relevant prior knowledge, which then helps in understanding some event or observation. However, explanations may also affect performance in simple tasks even when they include no task-relevant information. In three experiments, we show that explanations adding no task-relevant information alter performance in a sequential binary decision task. Whereas people with no explanation for why two events occurred at different rates tended to predict each outcome in proportion to their probability of occurrence (to "probability match"), people with an explanation tended to predict the more likely event more often (to "overmatch," a better strategy). These results suggest a broader view of explanation, which includes a role in shaping simple tasks outside of higher level reasoning.  相似文献   

Hart MA  Reeve TG 《Acta psychologica》2007,125(3):291-300
Both simple and choice reaction-time tasks have been used to examine the processes involved in response preparation. With a response priming task, complete information prior to the presentation of the imperative stimulus is given as to which response among several will be required. It is assumed that with the priming procedure, the advanced information allows for the complete preparation of the response to be made prior to the presentation of the imperative stimulus [Klapp, S. T. (1996). Reaction time analysis of central motor control. In H. N. Zelaznik (Ed.), Advances in motor learning and control (pp. 13-36). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics]. This study used two experiments to test the underlying assumption that the processes occurring within the reaction time interval are equivalent for simple and primed tasks, and to determine if the validity of the prime influences performance. In both experiments, participants completed three reaction-time tasks: simple, primed (100%), and choice. The second experiment added a fourth task in which the prime was valid only 80% of the time. In both experiments, the reaction times were significantly slower for the choice task than for either the simple or 100%-primed tasks. Most important, the simple and primed (100%) reaction times were not significantly different. For the second experiment, the reaction times were not significantly different for the choice and 80%-valid prime tasks. The results of these experiments demonstrate that equivalent response preparation processes occur for simple and primed tasks, but that the validity of the prime does influence the response preparation processes for the primed task. Thus, equivalency is not achieved when invalid primes are used.  相似文献   

杨海波  刘和珺  章鹏  李量 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1187-1197
信息掩蔽刺激(如随机字母群)对字母视觉搜索的干扰大于能量掩蔽刺激(如将字母群像素随机化后的散点), 但相应的中枢机理还不清楚。本研究采用记录脑代谢激活模式的功能性近红外光学脑成像技术(fNIRS), 考察年轻成年被试分别在字母掩蔽、字母碎片掩蔽、像素掩蔽条件下判断上、下、左、右四个目标字母是否相同时的大脑皮层氧合血红蛋白浓度的变化。结果显示, 依字母、字母碎片、随机散点掩蔽条件顺序, 被试的搜索任务成绩显著递增, 而顶-枕皮层的激活范围与程度显著递减, 表明信息掩蔽较匹配的能量掩蔽对视觉搜索有更大的干扰作用, 并在初级和联合视觉皮层引发更大的激活。在字母碎片掩蔽条件下, 视觉初级皮层部分区域的激活水平与搜索行为绩效的相关显著, 而在字母掩蔽条件下, 视觉联合皮层部分区域的激活水平与搜索行为绩效的相关显著。这进一步说明信息掩蔽中的字母掩蔽和字母碎片掩蔽的掩蔽作用在大脑皮层上所造成的加工负载存在差异。  相似文献   

Research on memory has consistently shown that when a subject-performed task (SPT) is compared with a traditional verbal task (VT), enactment at the encoding of verbal materials (i.e., SPT) yields better memory performance than does nonenactment (i.e. VT). There is some controversy regarding the extent to which motor activation per se might be causing this effect, and whether or not SPTs may be influenced by memory strategies. The purpose of this study was to contribute toward a solution of these questions. The effect of SPT encoding was compared with the effect of encoding by means of a sign language task (SLT). The SLT condition is claimed to be a verbal/linguistic task with a major relevant motor component. The motor activation in SLT is in the present study seen to be the main difference between the SLT and the VT, and the main similarity between the SLT and the SPT. Control conditions were tested in order to evaluate possible effects of translation and imagery in the SLT condition. Subjects in the SLT condition performed similarly to subjects in the SPT condition in free recall. Subjects in both these conditions outperformed subjects in the control conditions. The SPT and SLT superiority is suggested to be caused mainly by relevant motor activation.  相似文献   

Toward understanding the role of tasks in behavioral research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study investigated the effects of meditation/relaxation on physiological responses during the performance of a fine motor and a gross motor task. A pretest-posttest control group, randomized-blocks design was used to study a group of 16 meditators and a group of 16 nonmeditators, subgroups of each who relaxed prior to performing on a pursuit-rotor tracking device as a fine motor task and to performing the Luft cycle ergometer protocol to a heart rate of 70% of age-adjusted maximum heart rate as a gross motor task. During each of these tasks heart rate, systolic blood pressure, rate-pressure-product, and EMG activity of the frontalis muscle were monitored. No significant difference in the performance of either the fine motor or the gross motor task was noted for persons practicing meditation and persons who were nonmeditators but were given the opportunity to relax prior to a motor task. Likewise, no significant difference was noted in the pattern of response to the imposed fine motor or gross motor task by meditators or relaxed nonmeditators.  相似文献   

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