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新兴的心理学分支——环境心理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境心理学是一门新兴的心理学分支。本文系统地介绍了环境心理学的起源和发展,阐述了环境心理学的理论,研究方法和一些最新的观点和研究,并对许多理论进行了评述。本文还从理论、研究内容、研究方法及应用等方面展望了环境心理学发展的前景。  相似文献   

本文第一部分介绍了近年来应用心理学研究在我国的发展 ,分析了迅速发展的原因 ;第二部分围绕“电视与人类认知”,总结了作者近年来在应用心理学方面的研究成果 ;第三部分介绍了作者的研究心得与体会 ,包括 :1提高对心理学应用研究的认识 ;2摆好基础研究与应用研究的关系 ;3综合运用心理学的研究方法 ;4着力培养应用型心理学人才。  相似文献   

心理学中的文化意识在跨文化心理学、文化心理学、文化建构主义心理学中经历了3次重大衍变。跨文化心理学视文化为心理规律的干扰因素,认为理论研究应力求“去文化”;文化心理学认为心理是文化的“投射”,寻求理论的“文化敏感”;文化建构主义心理学则认为心理与文化是相互灌注、相互建构的关系,因而更加关注“心理”、“意义”与“现实”的双向建构过程。本文详细分析了上述几种不同的文化意识形态的主要特点,并结合历史背景,对其各自的意义、问题做了简要讨论。  相似文献   

柯兴勤   《心理科学进展》1989,7(2):82-83
第二次世界大战以来,心理学有了很快的发展,发展的特点之一是心理学应用研究的迅速增长。本文仅从文献量的统计来说明这一增长的趋势。“心理学文摘”是收录全世界范围心理学文献的工具性刊物,现收集世界各国1300份心理学及相关学科杂志中心理学论文的摘要,这份杂志较能全面反映世界心理学的动态。  相似文献   

文章采用内容分析法,以2001年来我国23个心理学博士点和一所科研院所的575篇心理学博士学位论文为研究对象,考察了我国心理学的研究领域、研究方式的总体分布情况。通过统计分析表明选题最多的领域是发展与教育心理和认知与实验心理两大块;选题运用最多的研究方式是实验研究。选题总体上呈现四大特点:应用研究有余,理论研究不足;量化研究有余,质性研究不足;现实研究有余,历史研究不足;选题“偏失”有余,“合适”不足;国内研究较多,国际研究不足。建议各心理学博士点采取有效措施,注重心理学博士生选题的主动性、创新性和时效性,并增加国际性意识。  相似文献   

范兆兰  叶浩生 《心理科学》2005,28(2):485-487
劳丹的研究传统理论是在克服库恩“范式论”和拉卡托斯“研究纲领理论”不足的基础上建立起来的更为严密、更符合科学历史事实的理论体系,本文简要介绍了该理论并在此基础上提出了心理学研究从中得到的几点启示:心理学研究应从“以方法为中心”转向“以问题为中心”,采用概念分析等多元研究方法,以一种宽容、开放的态度来评价心理学的各种理论。  相似文献   

大力促进心理学的理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶浩生 《心理学探新》2003,23(2):3-4,11
虽然心理学作为一门独立的学科已有100多年的历史,但是心理学一直缺乏带有“范式”特点的心理学理论。这导致了心理学的破碎和分裂。探讨心理学的“元”理论,大力促进心理学的理论研究,是心理学发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

近年来,工业心理学的一个新分支正在形成和迅速发展,这就是计算机心理学。也有人把这个分支的某些领域称为“软件心理学”、“认知工程学”和“人与计算机界面心理学”等等。计算机心理学的研究和应用,使心理科学在新的技术革命中发挥着日益重要的作用,也使得心理学各分支更加密切地联系在一起,大大推动了心理学本身的发展。本文就计算机心理学的兴起和主要内容作一些介绍,并谈谈计算机心理学的研究趋势,特别是人与计算机界面方面的研究,以期为在我国开展计算机心理学的研究和应用提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

江勇  孔克勤 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1508-1511
日本人格心理学领域近几年的研究表明,对“大五”和“自我”的研究是其主要关注点,同时还重视对人际关系的研究,强调理论研究的应用化取向与研究方法的多元化和整合。但目前日本人格心理学研究仍然存在一定局限,对此加深认识,具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国心理学会基本理论专业委员会1982年学术年会于去年12月在山东省烟台市举行。来自全国26个省、市、自治区的142名代表和列席代表参加了会议。大会共收到论文、报告104篇。会议在党的“十二大”精神指导下,就心理学,特别是心理学基本理论工作,如何  相似文献   

In this editorial, we tell the story of how the Special Issue on Critical Perspectives in Work and Organizational Psychology (CWOP) came about, how it fits within the broader agenda of building a critical community within Work and Organizational Psychology, and how future research and thought may be inspired by the collection of critical papers related to work and organizational psychology. We introduce the term “criticalizing” as a key concept in how the Special Issue was developed by the editorial team and the authors. Criticalizing moves beyond fixed static notions of “critical” scholarship toward a process of engaging in more fluid, expansive, and creative perspectives on the scholarship within work and organizational psychology. We illustrate how the set of papers within the Special Issue engages in such criticalizing of the field and offer new ways of thinking about and researching relevant topics in work and organizational psychology.  相似文献   

The current scientific debate on the relationship between psychological development and culture has been given different labels. These labels not only indicate divergent methodological approaches and heterogeneous research interests, but also represent distinct national scientific traditions. The authors suggest making a distinction between three main perspectives, namely “Cross-Cultural Psychology”, “Cultural Psychology” and “Psychologie Interculturelle”; a specific German approach called “Kulturpsychologie” is also briefly touched upon. These perspectives are described as distinct types of conceptual approaches and research strategies on the relationship between psychology and culture.  相似文献   


Warren (1990) claims to have formulated an argument “that personal construct psychology is not a cognitive psychology” (p. 379). Nonetheless, he presents very little in the way of logical demonstration or empirical evidence to support this conclusion. Moreover, the theoretical significance of the question posed in the title of his essay (“Is Personal Construct Psychology a Cognitive Psychology?”) is far from obvious. He asserts that “what is at dispute here is the proper characterization of a position” however, his listing several textbooks that refer to Kelly's theory as a “cognitive” approach to the study of personality does nothing at all to either clarify the specific implications of this question or explain its importance. Interestingly, in a recent introductory personality text by one of Kelly's former students (Phares, 1988), this theory is designated as a “phenomenological approach,” which is consistent with Warren's own notion that “he [Kelly] was more phenomenological than he himself believed” Kelly vigorously resisted all such attempts to classify his model in terms of the usual textbook categories (cf. Adams-Webber & Mancuso, 1983).  相似文献   

舒跃育  石莹波  袁彦 《心理学报》2019,51(9):1068-1078
在学科的主流叙事中, “科学性”被视为心理学的基本特征。长久以来, 实证主义的方法论为心理学提供了学科精神内涵。具体而言, “操作性定义”和“证伪标准”成为了心理学“科学性”甚至知识的合法性的判断标准。可心理学的这个方法论基础存在几个方面的问题:首先, 并非所有的科学概念都可以给予操作性定义; 其次, 全称存在命题和统计规律无法经验证实和证伪; 其三, 共有的自然科学方法不足以体现心理学的独特价值。因此, 来自于成熟自然科学的方法论并不足以为作为独立学科的心理学奠基, 心理学背后的本体论承诺对本学科的方法选取有自己特殊的要求, 只有本体论承诺才能为心理学作为独立学科提供逻辑起点。重新反思心理学作为独立学科的逻辑基础, 对于解决学科分裂危机具有建设性意义。  相似文献   

杨文登  叶浩生 《心理学报》2009,41(9):902-910
荆其诚先生是当代中国著名的心理学家, 是改革开放后中国心理学界在国际上的代言人。他视野开阔, 是颇具造诣的实验心理学家, 也是功底深厚的理论心理学家。文章没有涉及他在认知与发展心理学方面所做的贡献, 只从理论方面分析他的国际心理学思想及实践, 找寻他对心理学研究所持的基本态度与价值追求。文章认为荆其诚在宏观把握心理学的发展逻辑后, 以“两个阵营的心理学”来界定心理学的现状, 坚信心理学的未来是一种国际的心理学。为了达成这一学术理想, 荆其诚不仅撰文将国外心理学介绍到中国、将中国心理学推介到国外, 还积极投身于国际心理学组织与实践, 长期担任国际心联的领导职务, 组织并主持召开了2004年第28届国际心理学大会。荆其诚的一生为彰显心理学的国际维度、促进国际心理学交流、将中国心理学推上世界舞台作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

Peer Mentoring schemes tend to be developed as retention strategies, however, they can also serve other purposes (psychosocial or career-related). However, evidence of the effectiveness of these presents mixed results and less is known about the horizontal peer support schemes which may help students capitalize on existing peer relationships. We developed an integrated learning communities (ILC) peer support scheme, building on the theoretical principles of social identity theory, which we embedded within our existing teaching framework and designed functional activities. Collective activities were undertaken to promote the processes of social identity with the intention that these may foster social and academic integration experiences. This intervention was undertaken with an entire cohort of first year undergraduate psychology students. We conducted semi-structured interviews with a self-selected sample of these students (N = 17). Thematic analysis revealed two main themes, each with two sub-themes. These were: “Divergent Experiences” with the sub-themes of “dependent on people” and “types of support”, and “Good idea in principle” with the sub-themes of “Theory ≠ Practice” and “Dependent on student engagement”. Although identifying with a peer group was not transparent in the interviews, the existence of a peer support scheme was perceived positively by students which might explain the success of the newly developed student-led Psychology Society. Indeed, this Psychology Society can provide a lasting framework for further amplification of the student voice. We conclude that our embedded ILC was both feasible and potentially valuable, but it is crucial for the peer support approach to have transactional significance.  相似文献   

研究区分了两种不同的“话语”定义,它们各自引申出一类“话语分析”。最为常见的是话语的描述性定义——“话语是建构某个对象的意义、表征或陈述系统”;另一种是功能性定义——“话语即做事”;“话语即行动”;“话语即实践”。话语分析在心理学中首先是一种研究立场,其次是一类研究方法。作为研究立场,话语分析悬置了心理、人格等传统心理学构念;解构了实证研究的客观性原则;重新调整了心理学的研究目标。作为研究方法,心理学中的话语分析有修辞研究、隐喻研究、叙事研究等多种形式  相似文献   

A total of 584 thematic journals were included in the “Chinese Journal of Psychology” from 1996 to 2017 as the basic data set for this study, using bibliometrics, co-occurrence analysis, word frequency analysis, etc., and using CiteSpace III. Software mapping of knowledge. Visual analysis of published papers, research hotspots, research topic time zones, core authors, author co-occurrences, and research institutions of sports psychology research in China. It aims to fully grasp the dynamics of research on the development of sports psychology in China. The process provides a valuable reference for the theoretical research and practice of sports psychology in China. The results show that: Taking time as the axis, the amount of published documents can be divided into three stages: slow growth stage, rapid growth stage, and stable development stage; research topic time zone is also divided into three stages, and the basis for division of each stage is For the introduction of national sports reforms or new policies; 1996–2017, the focus of sports psychology disciplines is the application of sports psychology in physical education and sports training; the core authors in the field are representatives of Yan Jun, Wang Jin, and Yan. Gang Yan, etc.; The core organization of the volume of documents issued is based on professional sports colleges. The representative agency is Beijing Sport University.  相似文献   

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