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The authors examined women's neuroendocrine stress responses associated with sexism. They predicted that, when being evaluated by a man, women who chronically perceive more sexism would experience more stress unless the situation contained overt cues that sexism would not occur. The authors measured stress as the end product of the primary stress system linked to social evaluative threat-the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortical axis. In Study 1, female participants were rejected by a male confederate in favor of another male for sexist reasons or in favor of another female for merit-based reasons. In Study 2, female participants interacted with a male confederate who they learned held sexist attitudes or whose attitudes were unknown. Participants with higher chronic perceptions of sexism had higher cortisol, unless the situation contained cues that sexism was not possible. These results illustrate the powerful interactive effects of chronic perceptions of sexism and situational cues on women's stress reactivity.  相似文献   

Applying constructs from the investment model used traditionally to understand interpersonal commitment, the present investigation seeks to elucidate social cognitive antecedents of commitment to the war on terror waged by the United States. In Study 1, satisfaction with, investments in, and alternatives to the war on terror predict levels of commitment to the war beyond several important control variables. In Study 2, levels of satisfaction with, investments in, and alternatives to the war are experimentally manipulated. The highest levels of commitment to the war are observed among participants exposed to a high satisfaction, high investment, and low alternatives scenario, and the lowest levels are among those exposed to a low satisfaction, low investment, and high alternatives scenario. These results support broadening the targets of commitment normally considered within the context of the investment model and suggest applying relational models to understanding broader societal concerns.  相似文献   

关于明清思想的变迁与其复杂特性,余英时和萧萐父先生做出了重要探讨.在焦竑等人那里,清代思想的博学考据与经世致用之风便非常明显.思想史的复杂性为思想史研究提出了新课题.  相似文献   

佛学中的“相”是纯粹形式,是无实质的空架子,“缘生说”将物我剖割为这些空架子,因而,物我之“现相”空、生命空、世界空。《易》之“象”是有生命意味、有实质的形式,它之生命意味源于物我本身固有的对立统一元素之间的相反相成。“象”有自体,因而,它不可还原为其他存在。物我所现之“象”皆真实不虚。熊十力由援“象”人“相”,到将“相”“象化”,展示了他出入佛老,彻底皈依儒宗的思想历程。  相似文献   

Color realism: toward a solution to the "hard problem"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thomas NJ 《Consciousness and cognition》2001,10(1):140-5; discussion 146-56

传统哲学借助哲学家的“思想实验”对道德进行研究,新近兴起的实验伦理学采用“科学实验”范式来探索伦理问题,特别是致力于道德判断、道德行为、道德责任和道德价值的心理模式与认知机制研究.作为一种用实证方式探索伦理问题的有益尝试,“科学实验”的应用能够拉近“应该”与“是”的距离,使科学与人文走向合流.  相似文献   

燕继荣 《学海》2011,(3):85-96
政治理论和政治实践表明,"有限政府"作为"宪政"的核心概念,是善治良政的重要条件和原则。然而,行政主导下的全能政治一直被认为是中国政府政治的主要特点。本文在梳理"有限政府"理论的基础上,简要分析了中国宪政发展的历程,总结了中国法治建设的成就,指出了目前距离宪政目标的差距,从"有限政府"与"有效政府"的关系出发,论证了"有限政府"作为中国政府改革目标的合理性,并从限制政府自由裁量权、确立针对政府政治的有效监督、建立公共财政制度三个方面,说明了这一改革的基本路径。  相似文献   

马克思主义与基督宗教之间的对话已经有了很长的历史.在欧洲上个世纪60年代发生了共产党与天主教会的官方对话,两方派谴他们自己的最高知识分子来进行对话.通过伽罗蒂<从诅咒到对话:一个马克思主义者向大公会议说话>(1965年),本文介绍这种对话的历史思想背景,并分析这个对话在理论上所面对的困难.虽然对话在时间上比较短,不过,它有了长远的影响,在理论上有很高的价值.  相似文献   

Therapists working with couples often find themselves frustrated when they proceed to negotiate conflicts, even when the historical antecedents and psychological dynamics seem well understood. Despite the genuine willingness of each member to negotiate a solution, they remain stuck in demands that the other take the first steps toward change. This article proposes that a crucial step--transforming helplessness--must precede efforts at fostering communication/negotiation skills. A four-square analysis of the situation helps to explain how this stalemate occurs. Also, it points the way to strategies that can transform the couple's attitudes from helpless complaining to empowered, creative action. Three case examples illustrate clinical applications of this approach.  相似文献   

当下心理学研究出现的种种问题就其实质而言,是一种生态失衡现象,因此,心理学欲走向健康发展之轨道,应注重心理学研究的生态建设。  相似文献   

This study examined age-related trends in adolescents' view of sincerity and of honesty towards oneself. Subjects were 84 high school students in grades 8 to 12 (age range 12-18). Semistructured interviews with preplanned probes were used and analyzed using content categories reflecting different emphases on disclosing "facts" versus internal events (for sincerity) and on recognizing conflicts with others versus recognizing internal divisions (for honesty towards oneself). Results indicate clear age trends on these two dimensions and a close association between them. The age trends suggest that for the younger adolescent, being "genuine" consists mainly in disclosing facts that are in principle accessible to others. For the older adolescent, being genuine more frequently implies recognizing and expressing one's "true" nature. The findings are discussed both in light of recent research on the development of self-understanding and as challenging traditional paradigms of studying the self.  相似文献   

"明"即辨别、验证,"夷"即弓矢的合文,表示弓、矢上面的符号一致."明夷"即"验证弓矢".弓矢是东夷民族发明的工具和武器.弓矢是论功行赏论罪行罚和确认战利品归属的重要凭据,也是确定猎获物所有权和损害赔偿责任的重要依据.古."(渡)"字中的"去"由弓矢二字构成,表示弓、矢上面的符号不一致."明夷"与《洪范》九畴之"明用稽疑"之间具有内在联系,"明夷"或即"明疑."这种方法由于曾经被殷末箕子所提倡或坚持而与其名字联在一起.西周金文"(渡)"字的产生与"明夷"制度有关."(渡)"字标志着古代法律由神判法(独角兽扁)向人判法(重视证据)的过渡.  相似文献   

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