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A same-different discrimination between the colors of 2 halves of a circle was poorer when the halves were viewed simultaneously than when the delay between viewing them was 33 ms. The simultaneous discrimination also produced a poor performance on different stimuli relative to same stimuli in comparison to the successive discrimination. Poor-on-different performance should indicate high perceived similarity. The simultaneous colors were also judged as more similar. The delay did not alter the physical similarity of the colors. Thus, the delay may have decreased assimilation (perceived similarity) and thereby improved discrimination, in support of the hypothesis that perceived similarity frequently affects discrimination.  相似文献   

Diverse factors affect perceived similarity and discrimination, with high perceived similarity associated with poor discrimination. To investigate this hypothesis, college students made speeded same-different discriminations between 2 achromatic colors when they were contiguous and separated, did the same with 2 chromatic colors, and rated similarity. Compared with chromatic color, the separation for achromatic color impaired the performance on different stimuli more than on same stimuli with response bias controlled, which implied an increase in the perceived similarity of the discriminated stimuli, hurt overall performance, and elevated rated similarity. Thus, discrimination was more closely associated with 2 measures of perceived similarity than with distance and color, in support of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a series of reversals of a simultaneous form discrimination in which the trial outcomes were separated from the choice responses by an 8-s delay interval. Different conditions were defined by the stimuli occurring during the two halves of the delay interval. Discrimination learning was greatly facilitated by having differential stimuli during the delay following correct versus incorrect choices. When the differential stimuli appeared only at the midpoint of the delay, some facilitation occurred relative to when no different stimuli occurred, but there was substantially less facilitation than when the differential stimuli occurred immediately contingent on choice. A reversed-stimulus condition, in which the stimulus at the onset of the delay following a correct choice was the same as that during the last segment of the delay following an incorrect choice, and the stimulus at the onset of the delay following an incorrect choice was the same as that preceding food during the last segment of the delay following a correct choice, also facilitated discrimination learning relative to the nondifferential stimulus conditions.  相似文献   

Initial identification discriminations between two sizes and between two slants produced better overall performances on subsequent size and slant same-different discriminations, respectively. This size- and slant-specific transfer was due to an improvement on only the different pairs. Time-duration identification discriminations with the identical stimuli and response assignments improved neither overall same-different performances nor performances on different pairs. A good performance on different pairs relative to same pairs should indicate a low perceived similarity. The literature indicates that A-X and B-Y pairings produce a positive transfer on an A-versus-B discrimination when X and Y are relatively low in similarity, and also indicates that a low perceived (not physical) similarity improves discrimination learning. An increase in salience should have also improved performance on the same pairs. The conclusion: the initial discriminations decreased the perceived similarity of parts (size or slant). This decrease resembles perceptual contrast. A discrimination between two parts also seems to increase the extent to which each part is apprehended as a separate group. Therefore, the conclusion accords with the position that two groups are associated with contrast, including for visibility.  相似文献   

Interocular transfer of discriminations in the pigeon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons with one eye covered were trained to discriminate intensities or colors of stimuli located to one side of the head, or intensities, colors or forms of stimuli located in front of the beak. Each discrimination transferred to the covered eye, even when previous training with the covered eye included the reversal of the tested discrimination. Pigeons also were able to learn conditional discriminations in which appropriate responding depended on which eye was covered.  相似文献   

Identification and discrimination of two-formant [bae-dae-gae] and [pae-tae-kae] synthetic speech stimuli and discrimination of corresponding isolated second formant transitions (chirps) were performed by six subjects. Stimuli were presented at several intensity levels such that the intensity of the F2 transition was equated between speech and nonspeech stimuli, or the overall intensity of the stimulus was equated. At higher intensity (92 dB), b-d-g and p-t-k identification and between-category discrimination performance declined and bilabial-alveolar phonetic boundaries shifted in location on the continuum towards the F2 steady-state frequency. Between-category discrimination improved from performance at 92 dB when 92-dB speech stimuli were simultaneously masked by 60-dB speech noise; alveolar-velar boundaries shifted to a higher frequency location in the 92-dB-plus-noise condition. Chirps were discriminated categorically when presented at 58 dB, but discrimination peaks declined at higher intensities. Perceptual performance for chirps and p-t-k stimuli was very similar, and slightly inferior to performance for b-d-g stimuli, where simultaneous masking by F1 resulted in a lower effective intensity of F2. The results were related to a suggested model involving pitch comparison and transitional quality perceptual strategies.  相似文献   

Horner DT 《Perception》2006,35(1):125-136
A discrimination task was used to examine how locations on the glabrous skin of the terminal and middle phalanges of the index finger affect the perceived shape of tactile patterns. On each trial, a pair of same-shape or different-shape patterns was presented successively on the distal half, on the proximal half, or on both halves of a phalanx. Observers responded "same" or "different" depending on the perceived pattern shape. Performance was compared between the two phalanges, with two different pattern sets. For patterns at separate locations, performance was uniformly poor. For patterns at the same location, performance was better on the distal halves than on the proximal halves of both phalanges for one pattern set but not for the other. Performance was best on the distal half of the terminal phalanx. The results are discussed in terms of the densities of innervation of first-order afferents.  相似文献   

The effect of spatially repeated stimulus elements on the speed of discrimination, measured in a sorting task, was determined under conditions of low stimulus visibility (state limitation) and high stimulus similarity (process limitation). A significant increase in speed of sorting stimuli was found when the stimuli were state limited but not when process limited, even though base speeds were the same in both cases. It is concluded that element redundancy will improve discrimination performance only when the need for the improvement is a state limitation.  相似文献   

We examined how biasing time perception affects choice in a midsession reversal task. Given a simultaneous discrimination between stimuli S1 and S2, with choices of S1 reinforced during the first, but not the second half of the trials, and choices of S2 reinforced during the second, but not the first half of the trials, pigeons show anticipation errors (premature choices of S2) and perseveration errors (belated choices of S1). This suggests that choice depends on timing processes, on predicting when the contingency reverses based on session duration. We exposed 7 pigeons to a midsession reversal task and manipulated the reinforcement rate on each half of the session. Compared to equal reinforcement rates on both halves of the session, when the reinforcement rate on the first half was lower than on the second half, performance showed more anticipation and less perseveration errors, and when the reinforcement rate on the first half was higher than on the second half, performance showed a remarkable reduction of both types of errors. These results suggest that choice depends on both time into the session and the outcome of previous trials. They also challenge current models of timing to integrate local effects.  相似文献   

Independent groups of Ss rated the similarity of pairs of patterns belonging to the same class, either bef ore or af ter a discrimination task of schematic concept formation (SCF). Mean similarity increased as a function of SCF pretraining. A linear relationship was found between a Pythagorean distance measure on the patterns and subjective similarity of pairs of stimuli (r=.88). No such relationship was obtained from an analysis of judgments from a group that viewed random, nonschematic stimuli. A secondary analysis of the discrimination judgments in the SCF task showed that the Pythagorean distance measure was predictive of judgments on pairs of stimuli from the same schema family, but the relationship did not hold for pairs representing two different schemata. Multidimensional scaling analyses indicated that mildly deviant schematic stimuli were perceived to be instances of a single family. The dimensions describing a schema cluster appeared to be specific to the sample of stimuli. A tendency for the Kruskal procedures to collapse certain types of stimulus clusters was observed and discussed.  相似文献   

We separated effects of contour summation and orthographic similarity under masking conditions, by comparing identification with simultaneous and sequentially presented letter strings, which either did or did not overlap spatially. With overlapping simultaneous stimuli, performance was better for strings with similar contours than for strings with the same letters (the orthographic similarity condition). This suggests that contour summation effects were strongest in the condition where stimuli had similar contours. With sequential presentations, performance in the similar contour and the orthographically similar conditions was equated when the stimuli were overlapping. However, effects of contour summation decreased when prime and target letters were spatially displaced, whereas performance in the orthographically similar condition was maintained. We conclude that effects of orthographic similarity can be distinguished from effects of contour summation, under masking conditions.  相似文献   

In a conditional discrimination, reinforcement of pigeons' responses to pairs of simultaneously presented wavelength stimuli depended on the orientation of white lines superimposed on the wavelengths. Over different conditions in Experiment 1, three wavelength differences were combined with two differences between successively presented line orientations. Measures of stimulus discriminability increased with increases in the difference between both orientation and wavelength stimuli. Conditional-discrimination performance was thus conjointly determined by stimulus disparity in the successive and simultaneous discriminations. In Experiment 2, ratios of rates of reinforcement contingent upon the two categories of correct responses were varied over several conditions for difficult and easy discriminations. Ratios of responses to wavelength pairs were sensitive to variations in the reinforcement ratio to a greater extent for the more difficult orientation discrimination than for the easier orientation discrimination. Performance in the conditional discrimination was therefore determined by the interacting effects of stimulus disparity and the relative rates of reinforcement contingent upon the two correct choices. It was concluded that the effect of temporally distant reinforcement on behavior in a prevailing schedule component is attenuated to an extent that depends on similarity of stimuli that delineate the successive components.  相似文献   

The free classification of two-dimensional analyzable and unanalyzable stimuli was investigated. Analyzable stimuli consist of dimensions which are distinct and phenomenally separable (e.g., colored geometric forms); unanalyzable stimuli consist of two dimensions which are not distinct, not phenomenally separable, and which are probably perceived as a unitary dimension (e.g., Munsell colors). In the first experiment, Ss judged the similarity between each stimulus pair for both types of stimuli. The results replicated previous work in showing that the city-block metric was appropriate for the analyzable stimuli and that the euclidean metric was appropriate for unanalyzable stimuli. In the second experiment, Ss classified sets of analyzable and unanalyzable stimuli into two or three groups in any way they wished. For analyzable stimuli, classification was based on the dimensional structure-stimuli which alter the dimensional structure by defining another dimension change classification. For unanalyzable stimuli, classification was based on the similarity structure-stimuli which alter the similarity structure change classification.  相似文献   

We investigated whether jungle crows can learn concepts by using printouts of shapes in a simultaneous two-alternative task. Jungle crows were first trained with a red triangle and red square until they reached the discrimination criterion (80 % of correct choices in two blocks of 10 trials each). Then, we tested crows with successive transfer tests to investigate both the discrimination cues being used and concept formation ability, by using novel triangular and non-triangular stimuli. All of the jungle crows learnt to discriminate between the triangle and square during training. The discrimination performance was generally not affected either by changes in the colour of the stimuli or when both shape and colour cues conflicted, with the previously non-rewarded shape but matching colour (red square) versus rewarded shape but non-matching colour (green triangle). The use of only outlines of the familiar stimuli also did not affect discrimination behaviour of crows. In addition, crows significantly discriminated novel triangular shapes during the limited trials given, suggesting their ability to form the concept of triangularity. However, failure to discriminate when the novel stimuli size deviated from the original suggests that there is a limit to shape concept formation in a familiar–novel context in the jungle crow.  相似文献   

We assessed whether uniform connectedness (UC; Palmer & Rock, 1994) operates prior to effects reflecting classical principles of grouping: proximity and similarity. In Experiments 1 and 2, reaction times to discriminate global letters (H vs. E), made up of small circles, were recorded. The small circles were respectively grouped by proximity, similarity of shapes, and by UC. The discrimination of stimuli grouped by similarity was slower than those grouped by proximity, and it was speeded up by the addition of UC. However, the discrimination of stimuli grouped by proximity was unaffected by connecting the local elements. In Experiment 3, similar results occurred in a task requiring discrimination of the orientation of grouped elements, except that the discrimination of stimuli grouped by UC was faster than that of those grouped by weak proximity. Experiment 4 further showed that subjects could respond to letters composed of discriminably separate local elements as fast as to those without separated local elements. The results suggest that grouping by similarity of shapes is perceived slower than grouping by UC, but grouping by proximity can be as fast and efficient as that by UC.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, we investigated the matching of objects across visual and haptic modalities across different time delays and spatial dimensions. In all of the experiments, we used simple L-shaped figures as stimuli that varied in either the x or the y dimension or in both dimensions. In Experiment 1, we found that cross-modal matching performance decreased as a function of the time delay between the presentation of the objects. We found no difference in performance between the visual-haptic (VH) and haptic-visual (HV) conditions. Cross-modal performance was better when objects differed in both the x and y dimensions rather than in one dimension alone. In Experiment 2, we investigated the relative contribution of each modality to performance across different interstimulus delays. We found no differential effect of delay between the HH and VV conditions, although general performance was better for the VV condition than for the HH condition. Again, responses to xy changes were better than changes in the x or y dimensions alone. Finally, in Experiment 3, we examined performance in a matching task with simultaneous and successive presentation conditions. We failed to find any difference between simultaneous and successive presentation conditions. Our findings suggest that the short-term retention of object representations is similar in both the visual and haptic modalities. Moreover, these results suggest that recognition is best within a temporal window that includes simultaneous or rapidly successive presentation of stimuli across the modalities and is also best when objects are more discriminable from each other.  相似文献   

面孔加工的种族效应(the other-race effects)指人们对面孔做个体辨别任务时辨别本族面孔的绩效优于辨别他族面孔的绩效, 而做种族分类任务时分类他族面孔的绩效优于分类本族面孔的绩效。本研究通过知觉适应操纵被试对种族两歧(高加索和亚洲)融合面孔的种族知觉, 进而比较被试在两种条件下对同一张融合面孔进行种族分类和知觉辨别的绩效的差异。结果发现, 知觉适应能使被试产生将两歧融合面孔知觉为与原始面孔所属种族相反种族的知觉偏向, 并且, 伴随着这种知觉偏向, 两歧融合面孔的加工出现了他族分类优势和本族辨别优势, 提示社会认知因素对面孔加工的种族效应有重要作用。  相似文献   

Visual discrimination and detection responses to a single stimulus presented simultaneously with noise stimuli are slower and less accurate than are responses to a single stimulus presented alone. This occurs even though the location of the relevant stimulus (target) is known or visually indicated with stimuli onset. Results showed that noise elements delay focal attending and processing of a target. Furthermore, precuing the target location reduces, and can eliminate, target processing delays. Processing delays were not due to response competition or to random attentional capture by noise. It is suggested that simultaneous stimuli are perceived initially as a single object, and delays in processing a single stimulus are due to difficulties in perceptually segregating this stimulus from noise. Precuing is assumed to facilitate this segregation process.  相似文献   

The effect of learned stimulus associations on visual discrimination was measured in four experiments. The stimuli were visual shapes which had been scaled for similarity. Two shapes were selected as discriminanda, and each S was pretested and posttested for discrimination of these briefly presented simultaneous pairs of “same” and “different” shapes. During the training, each discriminandum was paired with another simultaneously presented associated shape on a paired-associate response-learning task. The two associated shapes were very similar, intermediate in similarity, or very dissimilar. There was more improvement in posttest discrimination following training with dissimilar associates. We conclude that learned stimulus associations affect visual discrimination.  相似文献   

We assessed whether uniform connectedness (UC; Palmer & Rock, 1994) operates prior to effects reflecting classical principles of grouping: proximity and similarity. In Experiments 1 and 2, reaction times to discriminate global letters (H vs. E), made up of small circles, were recorded. The small circles were respectively grouped by proximity, similarity of shapes, and by UC. The discrimination of stimuli grouped by similarity was slower than those grouped by proximity, and it was speeded up by the addition of UC. However, the discrimination of stimuli grouped by proxhnity was unaffected by connecting the local elements. In Experiment 3, similar results occurred in a task requiring discrimination of the orientation of grouped elements, except that the discrimination of stimuli grouped by UC was faster than that of those grouped by weak proximity. Experiment 4 further showed that subjects could respond to letters composed of discriminably separate local elements as fast as to those without separated local elements. The results suggest that grouping by similarity of shapes is perceived slower than grouping by UC, but grouping by proximity can be as fast and efficient as that by UC.  相似文献   

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