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Patients with non-fear panic disorder (NFPD) meet DSM-III-R criteria for panic disorder, but do not report subjective fear or anxiety. Although apparently common in medical settings, this controversial group is in need of further diagnostic validation. This study assessed family history of panic disorder in patients with chest pain and normal coronary arteries (CP/NCA) and either NFPD, panic disorder with fear, or no panic. It was hypothesized that the two panic disorder groups would have similar, elevated rates of panic disorder in their first-degree relatives, compared to patients without panic. The results support the hypothesis; about 17% of the first-degree relatives of both NFPD and panic disorder patients were diagnosable with panic disorder according to proband interviews, whereas only 4.6% of the first-degree relatives of patients without panic were so diagnosable. These results support the diagnostic validity of NFPD in CP/NCA patients, because such patients had a family history of panic disorder similar to patients with a more classical panic disorder presentation. The lack of fear symptoms and behavior in NFPD may cause panic disorder to be overlooked as a potential cause of somatic symptoms in patients with no medical explanation for their condition.  相似文献   

Two groups of Ss suffering from recurrent episodes of pain (headache or menstrual) were studied over a period of weeks in order to determine if they tend to over-predict aversive events (pain in this instance). The results are consistent with earlier findings on fear pain. Contrary to earlier findings, however, after an under-predicted pain the menstrual Ss decreased their following prediction—suggesting the operation of a superordinate predictive pattern in this group. The Ss in both groups successfully predicted the qualities of their pain episodes, but tended to recall the episodes as being more painful than they had reported at the time of the pain episode. The explanation for the erroneous magnifications of predictions and reports of pain is not obvious. Over-predicting a potential pain, and remembering an episode as having been more painful than it was, may serve a protective function, but if so, these are not the most economical ways of achieving protection. The Ss who used medication expected to obtain moderate relief and they were not disappointed.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, one group of snake phobic Ss was reinforced (with tokens) for approaching a harmless snake. A second group received token reinforcement on a non-contingent basis, in the same setting, with a third group serving as non-treated controls. Although slight improvement was noted for all three groups, the groups did not differ significantly with respect to an increase in approach behavior or a reduction in subjective fear rating. A fourth group of snake phobic Ss was reinforced with money for approaching the snake, but showed no more improvement than the other three groups. In Experiment II. Ss who had participated in Experiment I were assigned to a participant modeling (P-M) group, in which they observed a fearless model interact with a snake and were subsequently guided through similar interactions with the snake, or to a non-treated control group. The P-M Ss showed a very marked decrement in snake phobic behavior (which generalized to a non-treatment snake) following the 40-min treatment, in contrast to control Ss who showed virtually no change.  相似文献   

‘Non-fearful panic disorder’ (NFPD) is a condition that meets DSM III-R criteria for panic disorder but lacks a report of subjective fear or anxiety. Presenting the first comprehensive overview of this issue, the authors describe studies investigating a wide range of apparently overlapping phenomena including NFPD, ‘somatically expressed panic’, ‘non-cognitive panic’, ‘alexithymic panic’, ‘non-clinical panic’, and ‘masked anxiety’. The review shows that such conditions account for from 20 to 40% of the panic disorder found in various medical populations, and that this group resembles conventional panic disorder in cross-sectional comparisons. We emphasize that a ‘triple-response’ model of anxiety is consistent with our conclusion that NFPD should be conceptualized as a panic disorder subtype. Finally, we discuss unresolved issues regarding the construct and predictive diagnostic validity of NFPD.  相似文献   

Women with panic disorder are likely to experience greater menstrual-specific symptoms (e.g., headaches, cramps) as well as more panic/anxiety-related symptoms (e.g., dizziness, faintness, chest pain, heart pounding), and may be more likely to experience these symptoms during the premenstrual phase. This study examines the attributions women make about the somatic and affective symptoms they experience during the menstrual cycle. Using a 30-day prospective design, women with and without panic disorder monitored physical and affective symptoms. Participants reported on severity of various symptoms and a primary cause for each symptom (menstrual cycle-related, panic/anxiety related, stress-related, health-related). Women with panic disorder reported more panic attacks during the premenstrual phase compared to other cycle phases. They also reported more severe affective and panic symptoms during the premenstrual phase compared to other phases, but did not significantly differ from the comparison group in menstrual symptom severity across the three cycle phases. Although women with panic disorder attributed more panic/anxiety-related causes for their symptoms across the menstrual cycle, they were able to discriminate between panic/anxiety causes and menstrual cycle-related causes. Women with panic disorder may benefit for therapy that focuses on their exacerbation of panic symptoms during the premenstrual phase.  相似文献   

A follow-up study was done of female college student volunteers who had been treated for marked fear of snakes using systematic desensitization under four experimental conditions. In the original study four groups were differentiated on the basis of: (1) therapeutic instructions and praise; (2) therapeutic instructions alone; (3) praise alone; and (4) neither therapeutic instructions nor praise. At follow-up Ss were reassessed on a behavioral test of their ability to approach and handle a snake, and were interviewed to determine whether they had discerned the conditions of the original experiment.

Twenty-five of the original thirty-two Ss (78 per cent) were assessed a mean of 9.5 months after their experimental post-test. All four groups maintained their original gains and the inter-relationships of the groups remained stable: only instructions had a statistically significant added effect over systematic desensitization; the reinforcement and interaction factors did not attain statistical significance. From the interview data it could not be demonstrated that Ss were aware of either the instructional or reinforcement conditions of their respective groups.  相似文献   

Several authors attribute excessive responsibility a predominant role in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) [Salkovskis, P. M. (1985) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 571–583; Rachman, S. (1993) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 149–154; van Oppen, P. & Arntz, A. (1994) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 79–87]. The present studies aimed at demonstrating the link between different levels of perceived responsibility and checking behaviors by experimentally manipulating responsibility in non-clinical Ss. In the first study, a sound recognition task was used to compare checking behaviors in Ss with high (HR) and low (LR) perceived responsibility. Only one variable was significantly different, Ss from the HR group reporting more anxiety during the task than Ss from the LR group. Results did not support a link between responsibility and checking behavior. In a second study HR and LR Ss were compared on a manual classification task. Subjects from the HR group hesitated and checked more, and reported more preoccupation with errors and anxiety during the task than Ss from the LR group. Since perceived severity of the outcome was the most variable affected by the manipulation, the implications for current models of OCD are discussed and an alternative explanation is attempted. Finally, clinical implications are examined and suggestions are made for future directions of research.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that reports of panic attacks are associated with a different set of symptoms to reports of generalized anxiety. The present two studies attempted to extend these findings to specific (situational) fears. In Study 1, 55 subjects with panic disorder were compared on their symptom profile during their panic attacks to 65 subjects with other anxiety disorders [simple phobia, social phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)] during response to their feared cue. The results indicated that, compared to subjects with other anxiety disorders, subjects with panic disorder were more likely to report parasthesias, dizziness, faintness, unreality, dyspnea, fear of dying and fear of going crazy/losing control. In Study 2, 90 subjects meeting diagnostic criteria for both panic disorder and another anxiety disorder (simple phobia, social phobia or OCD) were compared on the symptoms experienced during their unexpected panic attacks and their situationally-triggered fears respectively. Combining the symptoms found in Study 1 to differ between the groups into a linear combination, there was a significant interaction found between the type of fear reaction (panic attack vs cued fear response) and symptom group. Taken together, these findings suggest that reports of unexpected panic attacks associated with panic disorder are characterized by a different symptom profile to reports of specific fear reactions that are part of a phobic disorder or OCD.  相似文献   

The origins of fear and phobia of blood, injury, and injections were investigated in a sample of 128 fearful university students. Based on Mutilation Questionnaire scores, subjects were designated as common fear, high fear, or phobic. Ss reports of their onset experiences obtained from structured interviews were categorized into one or more acquisition pathways of conditioning, vicarious observation, and information. Of the 73% of Ss who recalled one or more onset experiences, 76% reported conditioning-like events as the primary pathway with the majority reporting fear-related UCSs. Vicarious experiences were reported as primary by 20% and 3% reported information as being primary in their fear onset. Severity of fear was unrelated to the pathway by which it was acquired, to whether the onset was recalled, and if recalled, whether it was due to a single or to multiple traumatic events. Results are discussed in terms of methodological problems of memory issues and means by which data are collected.  相似文献   

Ley's (Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 549-554, 1989) dyspnea-fear theory was tested on three groups of subjects: 10 with panic disorder, 24 with asthma, and 12 who were nonanxious and nonasthmatic, using measures of pulmonary function, muscle tension; and self-report measures of generalized anxiety, dyspnea, and psychopathology. Results are supportive of dyspnea-fear theory for asthmatics but not for individuals with panic disorder. Differences between groups on panic/fear measures were explained by a combination of general anxiety and dyspnea. Within-group regression analyses showed that only generalized anxiety symptoms contributed significantly to scores on the Asthma Symptom Checklist scale of panic/fear within the panic disorder group; while only dyspnea contributed to panic/fear among asthmatics. Additional results show that panic disorder subjects performed normally on pulmonary function tests but reported respiratory symptoms as severe as did asthmatics. Compared with normal subjects, both patient groups displayed lower correlations between self-rated symptoms of bronchoconstriction and objective pulmonary measures. Panic disorder subjects showed a negative relationship between pulmonary function and hyperventilation symptoms, suggesting a heightened sensitivity to, and discomfort with, sensations associated with normal pulmonary function. Asthmatics displayed a significant relationship between degree of airway obstruction and both trapezius surface EMG and ratings of hyperventilation symptoms.  相似文献   

Three procedures were assessed to determine their effectiveness in reducing anger. The procedures were: desensitization, desensitization with cognitive relaxation, and desensitization with the absence of relaxation training. Anger was aroused by exposing white males, selected for their reports of anger toward blacks, to black racial stimuli. The desensitization group reported reductions in anxiety and disgust relative to a no-treatment control group. Therapist ratings indicated reductions in anger for Ss in both the desensitization and desensitization with cognitive relaxation groups. In addition the latter group reported reductions in anger concurrently with increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Post-hoc analyses indicated that Ss for whom desensitization was most effective reported less anger after the pretreatment anger arousal procedure, greater depth of relaxation during treatment, and were liked more by their therapists. These Ss also reported a greater reduction in ethnocentrism and a trend toward lower overt hostility following treatment.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this investigation was to learn whether fears summate. Thirty Ss who reported and displayed fear in response to a snake and to a spider were shown each stimulus separately and then both stimuli simultaneously, in order to see if their fear responses would summate. They did, overall; however, if Stimulus 1 provoked greater fear than Stimulus 2, the simultaneous presentation of both stimuli was followed by a subtraction. Summation occurred when the second stimulus produced a larger fear response than the first stimulus, and the two were then presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship of attributional style, as measured with a revised version of the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and measures of agoraphobia severity, depression, and treatment outcome in 73 Ss who met DSM-III criteria for agoraphobia with panic attacks and participated in one of three 13-week treatment conditions: paradoxical intention, graduated exposure, or progressive deep muscle relaxation training. Subjects completed assessments at four periods: pretreatment, midtreatment, posttreatment, and at 3 month follow-up. In addition to the three dimensions typically examined on the ASQ, this revised version also measured Ss' estimates of the perceived importance, and future likelihood for both positive and negative events. Congruent with previous research, moderate but somewhat inconsistent associations were observed between attributional style and depression both within and across assessment periods. Predictions about associations between attributional style and agoraphobic severity were not supported; however, an interaction was observed between depression and attributional style with respect to severity of agoraphobia. There was no evidence of group differences across treatment types, although there were several significant changes in attributional style across time. Attributions for health related events were also examined. Conceptual, clinical, and research issues related to the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments we extended the research on possible memory deficits in subclinical obsessive-compulsive Ss who reported excessive checking. Using a variety of memory tests we compared 20 subclinical checkers to 20 Ss without obsessive-compulsive symptomatology. Contrary to hypothesis, checkers remembered self-generated words better than read words just as much as did normals, but they were more likely than normals to report thinking they had studied words that, in fact, had not been on the study list. Further, they more often confused whether they read or generated the words at study. Checkers did not appear to perseverate on already-recalled words on repeated free recall tests any more than did normals. However, checkers remembered fewer actions overall and more often misremembered whether they had performed, observed, or written these actions. Such memory deficits may contribute to the development of excessive checking.  相似文献   

Patients with DSM-III Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, GAD, Social Phobia and normal controls underwent a series of experimental procedures and measures to determine whether panic attack patients show a greater tendency towards hyperventilation that is independent from their anxiety levels. Contrary to expectations, the Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder patients did not show significantly lower levels of expired pCO2 at rest than the other anxious or non-anxious groups. However, the panic attack patients did show significantly higher levels of anxiety and hyperventilatory symptoms during a hyperventilation test and during breathing 5% CO2 in air. A strong relationship was found between hyperventilatory symptoms and anxiety in all groups of patients and in the controls. On the basis of these results it was concluded that Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder patients do not show a unique tendency toward hyperventilation, but rather that their hyperventilatory symptoms and perhaps intermittent overbreathing episodes are a function of the high levels of anxiety they experience.  相似文献   

The relationship between compliance with cognitive-behavioral treatment instructions and outcome was examined for 56 agoraphobic clients treated with in vivo exposure and training in anxiety management strategies. Clients who complied more often with anxiety management instructions during treatment sessions tended to improve more on a behavioral avoidance test than those who were less compliant, but did not differ on three other outcome variables. Compliance with instructions for self-directed exposure between sessions was examined in a subset of 28 of these Ss. Clients who spent more time doing homework reported significantly greater decrements in fear of fear than less compliant clients and also tended to report larger changes on avoidance behavior. However, a quasi-experimental comparison of homework vs no-homework treatment protocols yielded no difference in outcome. Less compliant clients were more symptomatic pretreatment and rated their therapists as less caring and less self-confident.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the suppression of unwanted thoughts may increase their frequency and that this effect may contribute to some psychological problems. Previous studies have examined this over a period of minutes, in an artificial setting. Suppression over a four day period was evaluated in the present study. Each S was asked to identify a negative intrusive thought which he or she experienced and to record each occurrence of it in conditions designed to maximise the similarity to those experienced by obsessional patients. Ss were randomly allocated to one of three groups. One group was asked to suppress their thoughts whenever they occurred, another group was asked to think about their thoughts whenever they occurred and the third group just recorded the thoughts whenever they occurred. This design allowed experimental control of both attention to and manipulation of the target thoughts in contrast to attention and active suppression. It was found that Ss who suppressed their thoughts experienced more thoughts and found them more uncomfortable than Ss in the other two groups. This is consistent with the theory that suppression increases thought frequency and may be important in the development and maintenance of some disorders.  相似文献   

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