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Cairns presents a plausible two-part, step by step, approach seemingly developed in Husserl??s ??workshop?? to transcendental phenomenology that is independent of culture and history, refines a concept of knowledge and its references to worldly things, encounters a difficulty, and resolves it through recognition of a non-worldly apodictic core of consciousness distinct from being in the real temporal, spatial, and causal world.  相似文献   

Both family therapists and advocates of 12-step programs are vulnerable to ethnocentrism, a one-way zeal that can inhibit collaboration and make it difficult to appreciate other ways to help individuals with drug and alcohol problems. Included is a series of letters between a family therapist and an advocate of Alcoholics Anonymous which illustrates the problems inherent in such ethnocentrism. An alternative position is also discussed which involves professional collaboration and an appreciation of the strengths of both traditions.Fred P. Piercy, PhD, is professor of family therapy and director of training and research in the family therapy doctoral program, Department of Child Development and Family Studies, at Purdue University.The letter writer's name and identifying information have been changed to protect his identity. This paper is not about Jim but about certain issues his letters raise for all of us.  相似文献   

These papers by Aron, Ralph, and White are recognized as sharing an aesthetic in recognition of a relationship between culture and subjectivity. In particular, the unique possibilities for experience shaped by particular cultural beliefs and practices as carried in musical traditions are demonstrated to contribute to the architecture of the unconscious shaping early development and clinical encounters. This discussion weaves the interimplications of the 3 papers, always with music in mind.  相似文献   

We report two studies which evaluate practically-oriented programmes of interprofessional contact involving doctors and social workers. The evaluation is based on the ‘contact hypothesis’ in intergroup relations, and highlights four sets of dependent measures: background perceptions, ingroup and outgroup ratings, knowledge, and judgements about work with outgroup partners and experienced contact. Consistent with the contact hypothesis, both studies revealed an improvement in outgroup attitudes, evidence of mutual intergroup differentiation (acknowledged superiority of ingroup and outgroup on independent dimensions), and increased outgroup knowledge. Greater change in Study 2 is interpreted in terms of its longer duration, and the opportunity it provided for contact with multiple outgroup members, compared with a single outgroup partner in Study 1. These findings from field studies are consistent with results from published laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

The author described the processes by which a sample of lesbian and bisexual women assessed and managed prejudice and discrimination while pursuing degrees of masters of social work. The author presented as being pivotal to the participants' assessments of social work settings the social cues that participants identified as indicative of potential attitudes and beliefs regarding lesbian and bisexual women. In addition, the author discussed strategies that the women used to manage others' expression of prejudicial attitudes. Through these interactional processes, the participants demonstrated that they were active in shaping and reducing their experience of oppression.  相似文献   

C. S. Peirce made the following claim: If science reveals truth, then consensus among scientists can be expected in the limit. This article does not dispute this claim; it simply assumes it. On the basis of this assumption, the following question is asked: Is it possible to extend Peirce's claim to philosophy in a natural way? It is argued that two important differences between science and philosophy strongly militate against such an extension. Does this mean that there is no truth to be found in philosophy? Are there, perhaps, different kinds of truth (scientific, philosophical, religious, and so on)? But such questions, though related to the present investigation, are nevertheless well beyond the scope of this article.  相似文献   

Studies by Barron and Henderson (1977) and Johnson (1975) provide evidence that whole words may be the unit of identification in word perception, rather than single letters. Johnson found that words were matched faster than a letter to the first letter in a word. Barron and Henderson found faster matching times for words than for legal non-word items in a letter-matching task. These findings support the interpretation that words are identified before individual letters. If so, a word-frequency effect should be expected. Experiments 1 and 2 tested for word vs. first-letter-in-word differences, as well as for a word-frequency effect in simultaneous and delayed visual matching tasks. In the simultaneous task, first letters in words were matched faster than words. In the delayed task, there was no difference between matching words or matching the first letters in words. With both tasks there was a word-frequency effect for word matches but not for first-letter-in-word matches. In Experiment 3, first-letter matching time was unrelated to word frequency or lexical status, although it did vary with orthographic legality. These results, on the whole, are consistent with a race model in which identifications take place simultaneously at word, letter-cluster, and letter levels, rather than a sequential model in which the whole word is identified before the component letters.  相似文献   

Various phenomena in tachistoscopic word identification and priming (WRODS and LTRS are confused with and prime WORDS and LETTERS) suggest that position-specific channels are not used in the processing of letters in words. Previous approaches to this issue have sought alternative matching rules because they have assumed that these phenomena reveal which stimuli are good but imperfect matches to a particular word-such imperfect matches being taken by the word recognition system as partial evidence for that word. The new Letters in Time and Retinotopic Space model (LTRS) makes the alternative assumption that these phenomena reveal the rates at which different features of the stimulus are extracted, because the stimulus is ambiguous when some features are missing from the percept. LTRS is successfully applied to tachistoscopic identification and form priming data with manipulations of duration and target-foil and prime-target relationships.  相似文献   

1952年之前的上海震旦大学和北京辅仁大学,同为天主教大学,在性质上前者为耶稣会所有,后者为教宗直属,由不同修会先后办理;在教育理念上,除了为教会和为社会的共同指向外,震旦大学还有为法国的国家向度;在教学上,震旦偏应用、工程,法语优先,辅仁重人文、自然科学,强调国文;在校园文化上,分别有"洋学堂"和"和尚庙"的绰号.本文认为,两校的根本差异代表了中国近代天主教的两个时代:殖民时代与本色化时代,在震旦大学及其代表的殖民地时代由外国人掌握天主教会权力,不尊重中国文化,更多看到中国的实用需求,辅仁大学及其代表的本色化时代则强调国人自立、对中国文化的重视及关怀.  相似文献   

As a pair of important categories in traditional Chinese culture, “ming 命 (destiny or decrees)” and “tian ming 天命 (heavenly ordinances)” mainly refer to the constraints placed on human beings. Both originated from “ling 令 (decrees),” which evolved from “wang ling 王令 (royal decrees)” into “tian ling 天令 (heavenly decrees),” and then became “ming” from a throne because of the decisive role of “heavenly decrees” over a throne. “Ming” and “tian ming” have different definitions: “Ming” represented the limits Heaven placed on the natural lives of human beings and was an objective force that men could not direct, but was embodied in human beings as their “destiny”; “Tian ming” reflected the moral ideals of human beings in their self-identification; It originated in man but had to be verified by Heaven, and it was therefore the true ordinance that Heaven placed on human beings. “Ming” and “tian ming” are two perspectives on the traditional relationship between Heaven and human beings, and at the same time Confucians and Daoists placed different emphasis on them. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Zhongguo zhexueshi 中国哲学史 (History of Chinese Philosophy), 2007, (4): 11–21  相似文献   

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