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In this study, the authors addressed the issue of whether space-based motor planning occurs at a higher, equal, or lower level of central nervous system control than joint-based motor planning by using a computerized adaptation paradigm. Visual displays of participants' (N = 32) reaching movements to spatial targets were distorted either with respect to spatial hand displacements (space-based distortion) or with respect to joint angle displacements (joint-based distortion). Participants adapted more easily to space-based distortion than to joint-based distortion. The results suggest that when the participants were confronted with new visuomotor mappings, they aimed for virtual spatial targets whose positions were adjusted to compensate for the distortions associated with the new mappings. That strategy was preferred over a joint- or posture-based strategy, in which a posture is selected for the displayed spatial target and is then modified so that the new mapping between adopted and seen positions can be accommodated. The results support the widely held view that space-based planning occurs at a higher level than joint-based planning.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that task sets could be configured endogenously (i.e., on the basis of memory) according to an explicit sequence or exogenously according to a task cue. In two experiments, we examined whether an implicitly learned sequence could facilitate task set configuration without participants’ intention. These experiments led to opposite conclusions regarding this question, but their methodology made it impossible to distinguish between the interpretations. We altered the task-switching paradigm by embedding a hidden task sequence, while randomizing all other aspects, including perceptual (i.e., task cues) and motor elements. We found that a sequence of tasks, proper, was learned implicitly and that the memory of that sequence endogenously facilitated task decision processes without the participants’ explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

This study sought evidence of observational motor learning, a type of learning in which observation of the skilled performance of another person not only facilitates motor skill acquisition but does so by contributing to the formation of effector-specific motor representations. Previous research has indicated that observation of skilled performance engages cognitive processes similar to those occurring during action execution or physical practice, but has not demonstrated that these include processes involved in effector-specific representation. In two experiments, observer subjects watched the experimenter performing a serial reaction time (SRT) task with a six-item unique sequence before sequence knowledge was assessed by response time and/or free generation measures. The results suggest that: (1) subjects can acquire sequence information by watching another person performing the task (Experiments 1-2); (2) observation results in as much sequence learning as task practice when learning is measured by reaction times (RTs) and more than task practice when sequence learning is measured by free generation performance (Experiment 2, Part 1); and (3) sequence knowledge acquired by model observation can be encoded motorically--that is, in an effector-specific fashion (Experiment 2, Part 2).  相似文献   

The superiority of tensor or outward movements of hand and arm over flexor or inward movements has been described, but no evidence has been found relating to directional preferences in simple perceptual-motor tasks.

One hundred children, aged 9 to 13, 50 being right-handed writers and 50 left-handed writers, were tested on a stroke-making task, using both preferred and non-preferred hands. 75 per cent, of them exhibited a preference for outward movements of both hands, a finding which applied equally to both handedness groups. Thus an explanation based on writing habits is discounted.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the role of perceptual-motor factors in copying an equilateral four-sided figure. Children, 5 to 12 years, and adults, were asked to copy the figure presented in either "square" or "diamond" orientation under five conditions: control; large model presentation; neutral picture frame surround; partial visual information reduction; and total visual information loss. The model was present at all times. Scores were orientation and angular variability. Developmental trends were found for both figures; the diamond was less well performed than the square at all ages tested. Three perceptual-motor factors were found to be important: formulation of the movement plan; movement programming, and sensory feedback. The difficulty of the diamond is thought to be due to the high programming and hence planning demands in drawing oblique lines. Both kinaesthesis and sequential vision are important factors in drawing; and only from 12 years of age are environmental cues used efficiently to orient the figure.  相似文献   

Schiff  Rachel  Sasson  Ayelet  Green  Hadas  Kahta  Shani 《Cognitive processing》2022,23(1):55-67
Cognitive Processing - Previous studies have shown that distributed practice—a training strategy that is known to facilitate memory—is likely to result in greater learning than massed...  相似文献   

Research on the impact of action video game playing has revealed performance advantages on a wide range of perceptual and cognitive tasks. It is not known, however, if playing such games confers similar advantages in sensorimotor learning. To address this issue, the present study used a manual motion-tracking task that allowed for a sensitive measure of both accuracy and improvement over time. When the target motion pattern was consistent over trials, gamers improved with a faster rate and eventually outperformed non-gamers. Performance between the two groups, however, did not differ initially. When the target motion was inconsistent, changing on every trial, results revealed no difference between gamers and non-gamers. Together, our findings suggest that video game playing confers no reliable benefit in sensorimotor control, but it does enhance sensorimotor learning, enabling superior performance in tasks with consistent and predictable structure.  相似文献   

Practice may modify the effects of alcohol on perceptual-motor performance in at least three different ways: (1) alcohol may affect learning—that is, the rate at which performance of a skill improves with practice; (2) alcohol may have a greater effect on performance when the skill is unfamiliar than when it is practised; and (3) practice with alcohol may allow adaptation to its effects. These were investigated using a simple computer game in which subjects attempted to destroy a tank by pressing a key to release a bomb from a plane horizontally traversing the screen above it. The results demonstrated that (1) performance improved with practice; (2) with alcohol (0.8 mg/kg body weight), subjects were more variable and less accurate; (3) improvement with alcohol was greater than without alcohol, but as performance was impaired by alcohol, there was greater scope for improvement; (4) those who practised with alcohol still improved when switched to no alcohol late in practice; and (5) alcohol had the same effect early and late in practice. It is therefore concluded that there is no evidence to support any of the three suggestions outlined above.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined reference systems in spatial memories acquired from language. Participants read narratives that located 4 objects in canonical (front, back, left, right) or noncanonical (left front, right front, left back, right back) positions around them. Participants' focus of attention was first set on each of the 4 objects, and then they were asked to report the name of the object at the location indicated by a direction word or an iconic arrow. The results indicated that spatial memories were represented in terms of intrinsic (object-to-object) reference systems, which were selected using egocentric cues (e.g., alignment with body axes). Results also indicated that linguistic direction cues were comprehended in terms of egocentric reference systems, whereas iconic arrows were not.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that overshoot rate in a linear positioning task is determined by the distance of the target from the boundary of the task in the direction of movement. Present experiments have served to specify distance more precisely as being relative rather than absolute, and as proximal rather than distal, and to show that the position of the boundary depends on the movements demanded by the task and not the visual and proprioceptive limits of the display. The operational boundary may be regarded as a cognitive construct by reference to which subjects locate targets.  相似文献   

High and low working memory (WM) capacity individuals performed the serial reaction time task under both incidental and intentional learning conditions to determine the role of WM capacity in the learning of sequential information. WM capacity differences emerged in conditions of intentional but not incidental learning, indicating that individual differences in WM capacity occur in tasks requiring some form of control, with little difference appearing on tasks that required relatively automatic processing. Furthermore, an index of learning was significantly related to a measure of general fluid intelligence under intentional conditions only. Thus, the degree of learning was significantly related to higher order cognition, but only when intentional processing was emphasized.  相似文献   

Within various contexts, such as sports and the military, training programs are being designed to effectively and efficiently guide perceptual-motor skill acquisition. Even though this notion is often underestimated, the design of such training programs may greatly benefit from findings and theories from basic cognitive psychology. One particular basic paradigm that addresses this issue is the serial reaction time task. In the current article, we take on the challenge to review this paradigm from an applied point of view. We highlight a range of themes that have been explored with this paradigm that could have a direct relevance for the process of optimizing training procedures for perceptual-motor skill acquisition.  相似文献   

Formal notations are diagrams: Evidence from a production task   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although a general sense of the magnitude, quantity, or numerosity of objects is common in both untrained people and animals, the abilities to deal exactly with large quantities and to reason precisely in complex but well-specified situations--to behave formally, that is--are skills unique to people trained in symbolic notations. These symbolic notations typically employ complex, hierarchically embedded structures, which all extant analyses assume are constructed by concatenative, rule-based processes. The primary goal of this article is to establish, using behavioral measures on naturalistic tasks, that some of the same cognitive resources involved in representing spatial relations and proximities are also involved in representing symbolic notations--in short, that formal notations are a kind of diagram. We examined self-generated productions in the domains of handwritten arithmetic expressions and typewritten statements in a formal logic. In both tasks, we found substantial evidence for spatial representational schemes even in these highly symbolic domains.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have reported learning of perceptual-motor skills by amnesic patients, few if any have documented the eventual acquisition of expertise on a given task. This paper recounts the learning of the computer game Tetris by a hippocampal amnesic, whose acquisition of the task in a formal evaluation was somewhat slower than that of a comparison group, but who after many hours of self-paced practice achieved expert-level play.  相似文献   

The concepts of development and learning are discussed in terms of different theoretical orientations to the study of motor behavior. It is argued that although these concepts are commonly used to discuss various aspects of change across the life span, there is little agreement regarding the definition of these terms and even whether these are useful concepts for researchers studying change over time. A theoretical approach, the TASC-based approach is presented as an alternative account for examining change over time. The TASC label stands for a focus on particular tasks, adaptation and selection of behaviors as a function of constraints. This account is grounded in evolutionary theory and assumes that variability, selection, and adaptation are central to change over time within individuals. Emphasis is placed on the tasks individuals attempt to solve in achieving particular goals given the constraints of the local environment and the organism. An alternative manner to conceptualize the concepts of development and learning are presented within the TASC-based approach.  相似文献   

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