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Three experiments were performed to determine whether apparently minimal disturbances of dams and litters would influence haloperidol-induced akinesia. In Experiment I, Long-Evans hooded rats (a) were left unmanipulated, (b) received nestcage relocation and observation, (c) received nestcage relocation/observation and maternal separation, or (d) received nestcage relocation/observation and pup handling. The male adult offspring received open-field testing and later received forepaw-on-dowel catalepsy testing following saline, morphine (20 mg/kg), or haloperidol (2 mg/kg). In Experiment II, hooded rats received (a) no manipulation, (b) nestcage relocation, (c) maternal separation, or (d) pup handling. At weaning, dams were tested in the open-field. Activity wheel locomotion of the offspring was assessed following saline or haloperidol for 3 days/week for 3 weeks; then, 5 and 7 days later, rats received haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg) and catalepsy testing. In both experiments, manipulations involving the dam reduced the offsprings' haloperidol-induced catalepsy, but, in Experiment II, a history of haloperidol administration distinguished between the effects of nestcage relocation and maternal separation. In Experiment III, Swiss albino mice received (a) no treatment, (b) nestcage relocation and maternal separation, (c) relocation/separation and mild cold stress of pups, (d) relocation/separation and pup handling, or (e) relocation/separation and severe cold stress of pups. Adult male mice received saline or haloperidol (2.5 mg/kg) and inclined grid catalepsy testing. Mice receiving relocation/separation and mice receiving relocation/separation and severe cold stress showed enhanced catalepsy versus control mice. Thus, it was concluded that seemingly innocuous events in infancy can influence the intensity of extrapyramidal side effects of neuroleptics in adulthood.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Exploring new and unfamiliar environments is critical for survival, providing information on food, shelter, mates, and sources of danger. The open field paradigm is commonly used...  相似文献   

Influence via threats was investigated in correspondent relationships (characterized by commonality of interest) and in noncorrespondent relationships (characterized by conflict of interest). In addition, the degree of informational power attributed by the influencee to the influencer and to himself, and the severity of threats used by the influencer were manipulated. The results point to the existence of two qualitatively different processes of influence. In correspondent relationships, threats are viewed as conveying the influencer's belief about the choice of action that would benefit both parties to the relationship. Further, the more severe the threat, the more confident the influencer would appear to be of his choice of action. As a result, the influencee's willingness to rely on the influencer's judgment, as conveyed by the threat, becomes an important aspect of the influence process. Such willingness is affected by the influencee's attribution of informational power to the influencer and to himself. In noncorrespondent relationships, on the other hand, suspicion and mutual distrust preclude reliance on threats as sources of information. Under such circumstances, social influence via threats becomes a simple process of coercion.  相似文献   

The use of social influence techniques was examined in two studies of marital conflict. In each study, couples discussed two issues in counterbalanced order: one in which the husband wanted change and one in which the wife wanted change. Interactions were coded for the use of influence techniques. Evidence from both studies supported a social role explanation, such that roles based on who wanted change predicted the use of influence, whereas gender did not. Secondary hypotheses based on attribution theory and schema theory were also supported. When discussing areas in which they wanted change in partners, spouses made more partner attributions, were more likely to suggest change, and were more likely to explain their partners’behavior than when discussing areas in which their partners wanted change. However, they were more likely to ask questions to clarify the problem when discussing a change their partners wanted in them than when discussing a change they wanted. The importance of considering social structural variables such as social roles in examining conflict interactions is discussed.  相似文献   


This chapter describes a programme of research on group dynamics in the aftermath of successful minority influence that reverses minority and majority positions within a group. Supporting the authors' gain - loss asymmetry model of change, converging evidence suggests that loss of the majority position generates strong disidentification from the superordinate group whereas gaining the majority position does not yield comparable identification. This overall decrease in identification is associated with a general increase in hostility, reduced helpfulness, and a desire to exit the group. Thus groups may be especially fragile following internal changes in the majority - minority positions. Additional research suggests that such a pattern of reactions to majority - minority change is a specifically group phenomenon (versus aggregates of individuals) and occurs when majority - minority reversals follow the attitude change of existing group members (versus an influx of new members). New majorities will increase their identification with the group when converts provide genuine support or when their new majority position persists over time. Implications of these findings for intra-group relations in the aftermath of social change are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the role of message originality vs. conventionality in social influence. It was hypothesized that subjects would generate more original proposals when confronted with a minority advocating an original viewpoint than when confronted with a conventional minority proposal or with an original majority proposal. In the first experiment, subjects exposed to an original minority paired with a conventional majority produced a wider range and more original proposals than those exposed either to a conventional minority paired with a conventional majority or to a majority source only. The second experiment further demonstrated that the original message induced creative processing only when attributed to a minority source but not when attributed to a majority source. It also showed that the original minority elicited creative processing mainly when paired with a conventional majority, but not when paired with a majority advocating an equally original position. Findings are interpreted in the frame of Nemeth's (1986) minority influence theory.  相似文献   

Social class influence on female sport involvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this investigation was to analyze specific socioeconomic variables that may influence female participation in various sport types (team, individual, dual, and mixed). The first hypothesis predicted that sport type would be function of socioeconomic status. This hypothesis was verified, since team sport participants tended to come from a lower class background, while individual and dual sport participants had a higher social class status. The second hypothesis examined the relationship between reference group influence (family versus peer) and type of sport participation. No relationship was found between sport type and reference group influence. In addition, no relationship was found when socioeconomic status and type of reference group influence were examined together.  相似文献   

This article argues that we could improve the design of research protocols by developing an awareness of and a responsiveness to the social contexts of all the actors in the research enterprise, including subjects, investigators, sponsors, and members of the community in which the research will be conducted. "Social context" refers to the settings in which the actors are situated, including, but not limited to, their social, economic, political, cultural, and technological features. The utility of thinking about social contexts is introduced and exemplified by the presentation of a hypothetical case in which one central issue is limitation of the probability of injury to subjects by selection of individuals who are not expected to live long enough for the known risks of the study to become manifest as harms. Benefits of such considerations may include enhanced subject satisfaction and cooperation, community acceptance, and improved data quality, among other desirable consequences.  相似文献   

Social influence processes affecting adolescent substance use   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Social influence is central to models of adolescent substance use. Nonetheless, researchers fail to delineate the various forms of social influence. A framework that distinguishes between active (explicit drug offers) and passive (social modeling and overestimation of friends' use) social pressure was tested. The effect of these processes on alcohol and cigarette use was examined with 526 seventh graders taking part in an alcohol prevention program. Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that pretest measures of alcohol use, offers, modeling, and overestimation each accounted for unique variance in posttest alcohol use. Similar results were obtained for cigarette smoking. The general model was not significantly different for boys and girls, or for prior users and prior nonusers, supporting the generalizability of the framework. Implications for intervention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how a principle of social influence—reciprocity—affects the informational elements produced in an investigative interview. Participants from 3 ethnic/cultural groups recruited from the community either received a bottle of water or not prior to their engaging in an investigative interview, in which they either told the truth or lied about having committed a mock crime. Three different informational elements (Relevant details, Irrelevant details, and Plausibility) were coded from their responses, and rapport in the interaction was coded from video. Offering water facilitated greater rapport and influenced the informational elements. These effects were moderated by Veracity condition: For liars, offering water produced more Relevant details and greater Plausibility in the statements and this effect was mediated by rapport. Ethnicity/culture did not moderate these findings. These findings suggested the applicability of principles of social influence in investigative interviews across cultures/ethnicities and had theoretical, empirical, and practical implications.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in order to compare the influence of ingroup and outgroup minorities and to assess the role of Zeitgeist perception in minority influence. The results confirmed that ingroup minorities are more influential than outgroup minorities. This overall finding was observed in two different experimental paradigms, using either a small group setting in which subjects interacted with the minority or the simultaneous social influence paradigm in which both influence sources impinge simultaneously (via written information) upon the subjects. These results were supportive of Tajfel's social identity theory while contradicting Kelley's augmenting/discounting principle. Finally, subjects' perception of the Zeitgeist was unrelated to the magnitude of minority influence.  相似文献   

The present study sheds light on interactions between cognitive and social factors affecting children's memory performance and suggestibility in event recall tasks. We examined 251 children, aged 8, 9 and 10 years, and applied a well-known paradigm from social psychology, that is, the social influence of misleading questions was experimentally manipulated through the presence and answering behaviour of an adult confederate. Children's answers about the content of a previously watched film to misleading questions, their accurate statements in their subsequent free recall, as well as performance in a recognition test were assessed. The design also included two control conditions, one in which children answered misleading questions without an adult confederate, and a second one in which no misleading interview was administered but only free recall and recognition. The results document large recall and suggestibility differences between the conditions. Participants of the strong social influence condition answered more conformably to misleading questions and showed a larger effect of memory contagion in recognition. Moreover, there were strong age-related increases in the ability to rely on one's own recollection rather than parroting the confederate's answers. Strong social influence also differentially affected the occurrence of false statements in free recall and errors in the recognition test depending on the children's age.  相似文献   

Herding in financial markets refers to that investors are influenced by others. This study addresses the importance of consistency for herding. It is suggested that, in financial markets perceptions of consistency are based on repeated observations over time. Consistency may then be perceived as the agreement across time between investors' predictions. In addition, consistency may be related to variance over time in each investor's predictions. In an experiment using a Multiple Cue Probability Learning paradigm, 96 undergraduates made multi‐trial predictions of future stock prices given information about the current price and the predictions made by five fictitious others. Consistency was varied between the others' predictions (correlation) and within the others' predictions (variance). The results showed that the predictions were significantly influenced by the others' predictions when these were correlated. No effect of variance was observed. Hence, participants were influenced by the others when they were in agreement, regardless of whether they varied their predictions over trials or not. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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