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This review addresses several areas of contemporary research in children's peer relationships during the elementary and middle school years, with primary foci on children's peer acceptance, the ability to make and maintain friendships, and their participation in larger peer networks. Particular attention is given to research examining the major developments and individual differences in each of these components of children's peer relations, how these different aspects of peer functioning relate to one another, and how they contribute to development more generally, including school adjustment and achievement. Finally, it is argued that children's psychosocial development may be best informed by an integration of these somewhat independent research traditions.  相似文献   

A multilevel design was used to test a model in which teachers' attitudes (beliefs) about bullying (e.g., it is normative; assertive children do not get bullied; children wouldn't be bullied if they avoided mean kids) were hypothesized to influence if and how they intervene in bullying interactions. In turn, it was hypothesized that teachers' strategies would influence how their students cope with victimization and the frequency of victimization reported by their students. Data were gathered on 34 2nd and 4th grade teachers and 363 ethnically-diverse students (188 boys; 175 girls; M age = 9 years 2 months). Results indicated that teachers were not likely to intervene if they viewed bullying as normative behavior, but were more likely to intervene if they held either assertion or avoidant beliefs. Moreover, avoidant beliefs were predictive of separating students which was then associated both directly and indirectly (via reduced revenge seeking) with lower levels of peer victimization. No grade differences emerged for teachers' views or management strategies; however, minor sex differences were detected which will be discussed.  相似文献   

Data gathered from a short term longitudinal study within fifth grade classrooms (n = 378) were used to evaluate two process-oriented models linking peer rejection and negative peer treatment to children's self-concept, school engagement and adjustment. Both structural models linked peer rejection, victimization, and exclusion to children's self-concept, classroom engagement, and change in achievement (fall of fifth grade to the spring). The model evaluations indicated that peer rejection predicted both exclusion and victimization and that these forms of peer treatment, in turn, predicted academic self-competence. Academic self-competence, however, only partially mediated linkages to achievement change. Parallel (i.e. direct) linkages from exclusion and victimization to both academic self-competence and engagement were required for adequate model fit, as were direct links from academic self-concept and engagement to achievement change. An alternative model representing the hypothesis that academic self-concept fully mediated the relationships between the forms of negative peer treatment and children's engagement and achievement did not fit the data well.  相似文献   

Participants were 360 (52.2% male) ethnically diverse and academically at-risk first-grade children attending one of three school districts in southeast and central Texas. Using latent variable structural equation modeling, we tested a theoretical model positing that the quality of the teacher–student relationship in first grade predicts children's peer acceptance the following year, controlling for children's previous externalizing problems and peer acceptance. We also expected that children's classroom engagement would mediate the effect of teacher–student relationship quality on peer acceptance. The hypothesized model provided a good fit to the data. Engagement fully mediated the effect of teacher support on subsequent peer acceptance. Neither ethnicity nor gender moderated the mediation findings.  相似文献   

We investigated growth trajectories for classroom performance goal practices and for student behavioral engagement across grades 2 to 5 for 497 academically at-risk elementary students. This study is the first longitudinal investigation of performance goal practices in the early elementary years. On average, teacher use of performance goal practices increased and students' behavioral engagement declined across the four years. Using autoregressive latent trajectory (ALT) models, we examined the synchronous relations between teacher-reported performance goal practices and teacher-reported student behavioral engagement. As expected, as students move into classrooms with a new teacher with less emphasis on performance goal practices, they become more behaviorally engaged in school. Gender did not moderate these results. Implications for teacher professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study advances a new method for assessing teacher beliefs and priorities. This paper describes the development and psychometric properties of the Teacher Belief Q-Sort (TBQ), an assessment technique that examines teachers' priorities and beliefs about discipline practices, classroom practices, and beliefs about children (see www.socialdevelopmentlab.org. Further, this paper describes the usefulness of this tool by examining differences in beliefs and priorities among four groups of teachers (experienced teachers trained in the Responsive Classroom (RC) Approach, experienced teachers with no such training, pre-service teachers planning on teaching elementary school, and pre-service teachers planning on teaching middle/high school) with the goal of demonstrating the way priorities are sensitive to specialized training and teaching experience. The study establishes the TBQ as a reliable, valid, and useful method. Findings showed that RC teachers hold discipline and teaching practice priorities consistent with training in the RC Approach and that pre-service teachers placed greater priority on spontaneity and collaboration and held more negative views about children's likeability and motivation than in-service teachers. Findings are discussed in terms of the ways in which teacher priorities are sensitive to specialized training and teaching experience and offer an early indicator of integrity of implementation.  相似文献   

The impact of peer relations on academic progress in junior high   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study is to examine whether peer relations within classrooms were related to students' academic progress, and if so, whether this can be explained by students' relatedness and engagement, in line with Connell and Wellborn's self-system model. We analyzed data of 18,735 students in 796 school classes in Dutch junior high schools, using multilevel analysis. Academic progress, conceptualized as regular promotion to the next year versus grade retention, moving upward, and moving downward in the track system, was measured at the time of transition between Grades 1 and 2 (equivalent to US Grades 7 and 8). The results indicated that students who were accepted by their peers had lower probabilities to retain a grade or to move downward in the track system. Although peer acceptance was associated with relatedness and engagement, these variables did not explain why peer acceptance was associated to academic progress. Furthermore, peer acceptance and relatedness were more strongly related in classes with more negative class climates.  相似文献   

This study focused on the relation between adolescents' social anxiety and the way they are treated by classmates. The link between class behavior during oral presentations and the social anxiety of the speakers was investigated. Social anxiety was measured both as a trait variable and as manifest in two state anxiety characteristics. A group of 55 students from Grades 8 and 9 were selected to participate in the study. Class behavior during their presentations was rated by the students themselves, their teacher, and an independent observer. Results showed that negative class behavior was related to social anxiety, particularly when behavior was rated by the independent observer. The data suggested that this negative social outcome is related to longer lasting social interactions in the classroom and not to specific state anxiety characteristics.  相似文献   

Researchers of social networks commonly distinguish between “behavioral” and “cognitive” social structure. In a school context, for example, a teacher’s perceptions of student friendship ties, not necessarily actual friendship relations, may influence teacher behavior. Revisiting early work in the field of sociometry, this study assesses the level of agreement between teacher perceptions and student reports of within-classroom friendship ties. Using data from one middle school teacher and four classes of students, the study explores new ground by assessing agreement over time and across classroom social contexts, with the teacher-perceiver held constant. While the teacher’s perceptions and students’ reports were statistically similar, 11–29% of possible ties did not match. In particular, students reported significantly more reciprocated friendship ties than the teacher perceived. Interestingly, the observed level of agreement varied across classes and generally increased over time. This study further demonstrates that significant error can be introduced by conflating teacher perceptions and student reports. Findings reinforce the importance of treating behavioral and cognitive classroom friendship networks as distinct, and analyzing social structure data that are carefully aligned with the social process hypothesized.
Brian V. CarolanEmail:

The effects of teacher practices in promoting student academic achievement, behavioral adjustment, and feelings of competence were investigated in a prospective study of 257 children in 14 first grade classrooms. Using hierarchical linear modeling and regression techniques, observed teaching practices in the fall were explored as predictors of mean levels of student achievement, behavior, and self-perceived competence, as well as the percentage of students who met academic standards as measured in the spring. After controlling for child characteristics at school entry, in classrooms where teachers were observed to offer more instructional and social-emotional support (i.e., attending to students' interest and initiative, providing appropriately challenging learning opportunities, and creating positive social relationships), children on average acquired more math skills, made greater behavioral gains, and had more positive perceptions of their academic abilities. Further, a higher percentage of students in such classrooms met academic standards (two reading, one math). Implications for future research and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the influence of collective student characteristics (academic skills and task persistence at the beginning of first grade) and different teaching practices (child-centered, teacher-directed, and child-dominated) on the development of academic skills and task persistence during the first two years in school. We hypothesized that teaching practices would differentially impact the development of academic skills and task persistence depending on the collective needs of the classroom. Participants were 523 students (273 boys) from 32 classrooms across Estonia. By using multilevel modeling, we found several interactions indicating that both contextual influences are important in determining subsequent academic functioning and task persistence but that some teaching practices are more beneficial depending on the collective starting point of students. These findings highlight the importance of studying different contextual influences hand in hand when trying to understand what enhances young children's academic development.  相似文献   

Children's behavior problems, both internalizing and externalizing, are a function of both genetic and environmental influences. One potentially important environmental influence is the classroom environment. This study of 1941 monozygotic twin pairs examined whether children whose parents rated them as similarly high or low on a number of problem behaviors were rated in the same way by teachers when they were together versus separated in their classrooms at school. Results showed that twins in the same classrooms were rated by their teachers more similarly on each dimension of problem behavior than were twins who were separated into different classrooms, suggesting that the classroom environment is important in predicting differences between twins in terms of problem behaviors at school. In addition, parents' ratings of problem behaviors were lower for twins placed in the same classroom versus twins in different classrooms. Thus, there is reason to consider whether, at least during the early school years, parents should be allowed to make the decision to not separate twins at school.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to examine relations from temperamental approach reactivity (i.e., impulsivity, frustration, and positive affect) and effortful control (EC; 42 and 54 months) to teachers’ reports of academic achievement and popularity (72 and 84 months). Frustration was positively related to achievement and negatively related to popularity for girls, but unrelated to boys’ outcomes. Interactions suggested that, among children with high EC or emotional approach (frustration or positive emotion), impulsivity positively predicted achievement. Few gender differences in interactions were noted. These results provide insight into the dynamics relations from temperament/personality to children’s academic and social adjustment.  相似文献   

Peers influence children's social-emotional development and school engagement in important and unique ways. Recent research on peer social networks documents that children are affected by the nature of the school-based peer ecology, as well as by their personal peer experiences. Yet, little is known about how teachers affect the peer ecology, nor how teachers can promote positive peer influences in the school context. The four studies in this special section examine this issue. Together, they document the promise and the potential of studying the “invisible hand” of teacher influence on peer relations, and illustrate the need for further research in this area. This commentary considers the contributions of these papers for conceptualizing processes of transactional teacher and peer influence on student outcomes, and implications for interventions designed to reduce problem behaviors or increase school engagement. In addition, it considers the limitations of current knowledge and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Writing SMART Goals has recently become an integral part of the landscape of teacher professional learning in Australian schools, including both teacher professional development and performance management in classroom practices. This paper discusses the origins of SMART Goals and the diverse terms and definitions associated with such goal setting. Anecdotal evidence suggests that for some teachers, writing personal, professional or teaching and learning goals may be a daunting task. For school leadership teams, these goals often are the basis for operationalising school improvement over time. We make a case for clarity with SMART Goals within the context of each school, as interpreted and supported by school principals and leadership teams working with their staff. This paper concludes with some tentative suggestions for school leaders intended to improve SMART Goals, and teacher professional learning, over time. We hope this clarification and our suggestions support writing more effective learning goals for both teachers and students over time.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which teacher-student interactions in fifth grade classrooms are associated with peer behavior in fifth grade, accounting for prior peer functioning. Participants included 894 fifth grade students from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. The quality of teacher-student interactions (emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support) was assessed through classroom observations in fifth grade; peer behavior was assessed via teacher report (prosocial behavior, aggression, relational aggression, and asocial behavior) in fourth and fifth grades and classroom observations (sociable/cooperative peer behavior) in third and fifth grades. Multiple regression analyses revealed that children in fifth grade classrooms with higher quality organization interactions had more positive observed interactions with their peers and lower teacher ratings of aggression and relational aggression. In addition, emotional support interactions were related to higher teacher ratings of prosocial behavior. Implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports two prospective investigations of the role of friendship in the relation between peer victimization and grade point averages (GPA). Study 1 included 199 children (105 boys, 94 girls; mean age of 9.1 years) and Study 2 included 310 children (151 boys, 159 girls; mean age of 8.5 years). These children were followed for two school years. In both projects, we assessed aggression, victimization, and friendship with a peer nomination inventory, and we obtained children's GPAs from a review of school records. Peer victimization was associated with academic declines only when children had either a high number of friends who were above the classroom mean on aggression or a low number of friends who were below the classroom mean on aggression. These results highlight the importance of aggression levels among friends for the academic adjustment of victimized children.  相似文献   

The effects of unstructured peer-tutoring procedures on the math performance of fourth- and fifth-grade students were investigated. Students' performances in two daily math sessions, during which they worked problems of the same type and difficulty, were compared. When students tutored each other over the same math problems as they subsequently worked, higher accuracies and rates of performance were associated with the tutored math sessions. The use of consequences for accurate performance seemed to enhance the effects of tutoring on accuracy. The results from an independent-study control condition, which was the same peer-tutoring except that students did not interact with each other, suggested that interactions between students during the tutoring procedure were, in part, responsible for improved accuracy and rate of performance. When students tutored each other over different but related problems to those that they were subsequently asked to solve, accuracies and rates during tutored math sessions were also higher, suggesting the development of generalized skills in solving particular types of math problems.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to focus on a neglected aspect of children’s and adolescents’ friendships: the level of temporal stability. First, a rationale for examining stability as a distinct friendship dimension is presented. Next, the different levels of friendship experiences are distinguished. Friendship stability is also discussed across developmental periods. Factors affecting friendships stability and individual correlates associated with friendship stability are then covered. Finally, the methodological issues pertaining to the study of friendship stability are addressed. The authors conclude by emphasizing the importance of pursuing future research that aims to demonstrate the pertinence of the friendship stability construct as an individual difference variable. Further, on a methodological level, the assessment of stability needs to be based on longitudinal designs that include multiple measurement waves. Ultimately, such detailed analysis of stability will allow a better understanding of the dynamic processes by which friendships change over time and affect children’s and adolescents’ psychosocial development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the differential effects of 2 versions of the Good Behavior Game (Barrish, Saunders, & Wolf, 1969), allocating teacher attention to rule violations (GBG-response cost) and to rule following (GBG-reinforcement), on student and teacher behavior. The participants were 6 kindergarten students who were nominated as the 3 most disruptive students in each classroom. The study was conducted using single-case A/B/A/C/B/C reversal design with each teacher randomly assigned to either GBG-response cost or GBG-reinforcement condition for implementation in the first B phase. Results indicated that both versions were effective at reducing rule violations and that GBG-reinforcement consistently resulted in either comparable or lower levels of rule violations across classrooms and students. In addition, GBG-reinforcement was preferred by the teachers as a better fit to their classrooms. The implications of the findings to teachers and school psychologists in classroom settings are discussed.  相似文献   

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