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Hu  Yu  Hu  Jingwen  Zhu  Yi 《Applied research in quality of life》2022,17(5):2525-2541

In China, rural–urban migration is one of major influences on the mental health of migrant and left-behind children. Literature suggests that the perception of discrimination is an important factor that influences the mental health of these children. The present research explores (1) whether migrant children and left-behind children are different in the relationship between the perception of discrimination and mental health, and (2) whether the relationship between the perception of discrimination and mental health of these children is moderated by gender and age. Using a meta-analytic technique, the authors included 26 studies (generating 48 independent samples) with a total sample size of 28,883 participants. Results showed that the perception of discrimination of migrant children was negatively correlated with positive indicators of mental health, and it has a stronger effect than left-behind children; the perception of discrimination of migrant children was positively correlated with negative indicators of mental health, and it has a weaker effect than left-behind children. Additionally, gender moderated the relationship between the perception of discrimination and the positive indicators of mental health among left-behind children, while age moderated such relationship among migrant children.


We investigated the influence of target versus non-target group members on judgments of racial discrimination. In Study 1, Black individuals were regarded as better sources of information about racial discrimination than White individuals. In Study 2, Black peers were more influential than White peers on judgments of discrimination. In Study 3, the influence of Black peers was moderated by internal concern with prejudice, and mediated by the perceived credibility of the peer. We discuss these findings in terms of targeted social referencing, whereby members of relevant target groups exert more influence than members of non-target groups over assessments of discrimination.  相似文献   

采用整班联系、自愿参与的方式对1350名北京市流动儿童进行问卷调查,考察学业领域和社会生活领域的歧视知觉对流动儿童群体幸福感的影响,以及流动儿童对所在群体的情感认同、认知认同和内群体地位感在这一过程中的影响作用。结果表明:(1)学业领域的歧视知觉对流动儿童的群体幸福感具有非常显著的消极影响;(2)社会生活领域的歧视知觉对流动儿童的群体幸福感也存在一定的消极影响,但其影响效应相对较弱;(3)学业领域的歧视知觉主要通过降低流动儿童对其群体的情感认同和内群体地位感,间接降低其群体幸福感,不存在直接的影响效应;(4)社会生活领域的歧视知觉主要通过内群体地位感的中介效应间接地影响流动儿童的群体幸福感,同时也存在一定的直接影响效应。  相似文献   

The occurrence of discrimination in the real world is difficult to determine objectively, as it is defined in part by intentions. The perception of discrimination may therefore be influenced by one's interpretation of the intentions of others. In order to examine psychological characteristics that influence the perception of ethnic discrimination, 164 Armenian, Mexican American, and Vietnamese adolescents completed measures of perceived discrimination (PD), self-esteem, mastery, depression/anxiety, intergroup competence, and ethnic identity, as well as demographic variables. A path analysis showed that higher depression/anxiety scores and lower intergroup competence predicted more PD; depression/anxiety and intergroup competence were in turn predicted by self-esteem and mastery, respectively. Birthplace and socioeconomic status had an indirect effect on PD, via intergroup competence. The results suggest the importance of psychological variables in the perception of discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships among perceived racial discrimination, coping resources, and psychological distress experienced by 372 ethnic Chinese migrants in 3 Australian cities, within the social context of ongoing debates on Asian immigration. Based on the stress‐coping‐strain framework, it was expected that migrants’ recent increases in psychological distress would be associated with greater perceived racial discrimination, and lower levels of coping resources. Possible moderating effects of coping resources were examined. Hierarchical regression analyses provided broad support for the stress‐coping‐strain framework, and indicated direct effects of low personal and ethnic self‐esteem and having a small number of Anglo‐Australian friends on increased psychological distress. The findings are discussed with regard to implications for migrants’ wellbeing in the context of sociopolitical debates.  相似文献   

This study investigated how hope influences the relationship between discrimination and depressive symptoms. Results from participants' (N = 318) responses suggest that increased levels of hope were directly related to decreased levels of depressive symptoms. However, increased levels of hope were also related to a stronger relationship between discrimination and depressive symptoms. Este estudio investigó cómo la esperanza influye en la relación entre discriminación y síntomas depresivos. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de las respuestas de los participantes (N = 318) sugieren que unos niveles más elevados de esperanza estuvieron directamente relacionados con unos niveles más bajos de síntomas depresivos. Sin embargo, los niveles superiores de esperanza también estuvieron relacionados con una relación más fuerte entre discriminación y síntomas depresivos.  相似文献   

研究以心理健康双因素模型为视角,运用元分析技术梳理了留守儿童歧视知觉与积极和消极心理健康的关系,并探究了影响其关系的调节变量。通过文献检索与筛选,共27篇中英文文献,56个独立样本纳入元分析,包含被试17146名。结果显示,歧视知觉与积极心理健康指标呈显著的负相关关系(r=-0.298),与消极心理健康指标呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.365)。调节效应分析发现,留守儿童歧视知觉与积极心理健康的关系受到歧视知觉测量工具的影响,与消极心理健康的关系受到歧视知觉测量工具、学龄段以及消极结果类型的影响。同时,元回归分析发现,文献年份对歧视知觉与积极心理健康指标关系的调节效应显著; 性别对歧视知觉与积极和消极心理健康关系的调节作用均不显著。研究结果进一步明确了留守儿童歧视知觉与积极和消极心理健康的关系,为探索提升留守儿童心理社会适应的新路径提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

It has been suggested by researchers that educational television programmes may support the language and literacy development for children, especially those in immigrant families. In an immigrant family, many family characteristics appear to be related to educational television programme viewing of children at home, for example, parental acculturation (the process of adapting to the new culture) and parental mediation (supervision and guidance) of television viewing. In the present work, the parental influence on children during educational television viewing was studied quantitatively, based on a sample (n = 171) of immigrant families with children aged 3–6 years collected across the U.S. The results have revealed that significant differences existed between Asian and Hispanic groups in coviewing mediation and in their children's educational television viewing. Furthermore, language in parental acculturation significantly predicted instructive and restrictive parental mediation, and parental occupation significantly predicted language in parental acculturation. This study initiates the attention to the topic of educational television viewing in immigrant families, which warrants further investigations in the future as the Asian and Hispanic immigrant population increases rapidly in the U.S. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study investigated perceived religious discrimination and three facets of Muslim identity (psychological, behavioural, and visible) as predictors of psychological well‐being (life satisfaction and psychological symptoms) of 153 Muslim women in New Zealand. The results indicated that although visibility (wearing hijab) was associated with greater perceived discrimination, it predicted positive psychological outcomes. Analysis further revealed that the psychological (pride, belongingness, and centrality) and behavioural (engaging in Islamic practices) facets of Muslim identity moderated the relationship between perceived religious discrimination and well‐being. A strong psychological affiliation with Islam exacerbated the negative relationship between perceived religious discrimination and well‐being. Conversely, engaging in Islamic practices buffered the negative impact of discrimination. The research highlights the complexity of Muslim identity in diasporic women.  相似文献   

This article reviews and examines findings on the impact of racial discrimination on the development and functioning of children of color in the US. Based on current definitions of violence and child maltreatment, exposure to racial discrimination should be considered as a form of violence that can significantly impact child outcomes and limit the ability of parents and communities to provide support that promotes resiliency and optimal child development. In this article, a conceptual model of the effects of racial discrimination in children of color is presented. The model posits that exposure to racial discrimination may be a chronic source of trauma in the lives of many children of color that negatively influences mental and physical outcomes as well as parent and community support and functioning. Concurrent exposure to other forms of violence, including domestic, interpersonal and/or community violence, may exacerbate these effects. The impact of a potential continuum of violence exposure for children of color in the US and the need for future research and theoretical models on children’s exposure to violence that attend to the impact of racial discrimination on child outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

刘霞 《心理科学》2013,36(1):116-121
采用整班联系、自愿参加的方式,通过匿名方式对北京市1552名流动儿童施测个体和群体歧视知觉问卷、积极/消极情感量表、生活满意度量表、内群体认同测验与群体地位感测验,探讨个体和群体歧视知觉对流动儿童主观幸福感的影响及内群体认同感和群体地位感在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)个体和群体歧视知觉与流动儿童的主观幸福感、内群体情感认同及群体地位感之间存在显著性相关,与内群体认知认同之间相关不显著。(2)个体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感存在直接显著的负向预测作用,并通过降低流动儿童的群体地位感,进而间接地负向影响流动儿童的主观幸福感;(3)群体歧视知觉对流动儿童的主观幸福感也存在直接显著的消极影响,并同时借助于群体地位感的中介作用、以及内群体情感认同和群体地位感的双重中介作用间接地降低流动儿童的主观幸福感。  相似文献   


As a consequence of worldwide waves of immigration there is a permanent increase of ethnically mixed school classes in countries all over the world. However, there is a lack of empirical studies on interethnic relationships which differentiate immigrant children based on their countries of origin. The present paper focuses on these topics and provides data of both negative and positive aspects of interethnic interactions. Direct and indirect forms of bullying, friendship patterns, and peer acceptance in 326 native and 242 immigrant children aged 11 to 14 (57% native Austrian, 22% former Yugoslavian, 14% Turkish/Kurdish, 7% rest group) in 29 ethnically mixed school classes (6th and 7th grades) were examined. Bullying was measured via the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire and via peer nomination techniques, friendship patterns via self-ratings. Peer acceptance was defined by social preference scores on positive and negative sociometric items. According to peer ratings Austrian children were found to be more often victims (9%) and bullies (12%) of direct bullying than immigrant children. Prevalence rates in immigrant children varied depending on their country of origin between 2% and 8% for victims and 3% to 7% for bullies. Results suggested that Turkish/Kurdish children are at risk concerning their social integration in class (e.g., they had the fewest number of friends in class, reported higher levels of loneliness at school, and were less accepted by their peers compared to Austrians and former Yugoslavian children). Friendship patterns differed considerably between native children and children of the three immigrant groups. Findings are discussed concerning differences in integration strategies of immigrant children depending on their country of origin.  相似文献   

Why is women's mental health inferior to that of men? This study hypothesized that women's mental health is not as good as men's because women perceive more personal discrimination. It was confirmed that women obtained higher scores than did men on a subjective scale of psychological distress. Additionally, women perceived greater personal and group discrimination than did men. Perceived personal discrimination proved to be the more robust predictor of psychological distress. This was evident when results of a mediation analysis revealed that gender differences in subjective distress were mediated by the measure of perceived personal discrimination, but not by the measure of group discrimination.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - This study examined factors in immigrant children’s use of mental health services. Employed data described 4873 immigrant parents and children...  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of multicultural training on multicultural counseling competencies and implicit racial prejudice. Results of a multilevel modeling analysis showed that only the multicultural counseling course was related to a decrease in implicit racial prejudice and an increase in cultural self‐awareness. Implications for multicultural training are discussed. Este estudio examinó el impacto de la formación multicultural en las competencias en consejería multicultural y el prejuicio racial implícito. Los resultados de un análisis de modelo a varios niveles mostraron que solo el curso en consejería multicultural estaba implicado en un descenso del prejuicio racial implícito y un aumento de la autoconciencia cultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para la formación multicultural.  相似文献   

采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查,考察应对方式在歧视知觉与孤独情绪关系上的调节作用。结果表明,75.5%的流动儿童报告受到过歧视,但所报告的被歧视的体验并不强烈;受歧视儿童的孤独得分显著高于未受歧视儿童;受歧视程度越高,流动儿童越孤独;消极应对对是否遭受歧视与孤独情绪之间的关系具有增强作用;积极应对对受歧视儿童的歧视程度与孤独情绪之间的关系具有增强作用。  相似文献   

A lack of adequate housing in the Southern California city studied was perceived by minority groups to be the result of racial discrimination. To verify this, 25 apartment houses were visited by male-female couples from three ethnic groups: Mexican-American, Negro, and Caucasian. The couples asked about apartment availability, amount of rent, and miscellaneous fees. Fewer apartments were available to the minority groups than to Caucasians (p <.02). Negroes were quoted rents and miscellaneous fees which were higher than those quoted to Caucasians. Overall, Negroes were discriminated against more often than Mexican-Americans, who in turn were more discriminated against than Caucasians. Seventy-six percent of the apartment house managers displayed some overt indication of racial discrimination.  相似文献   

In this meta‐analysis, the authors reviewed 105 studies on the relationships between racial discrimination and health outcomes among racial/ethnic minority Americans. The authors tested for moderator effects of measurement strategies, cultural factors, substance use, gender, and racial group differences. Findings indicate a statistically significant effect size between racial discrimination and health, with the largest effect for mental health and strongest for studies with multi‐item measures. En este metaanálisis, los autores revisaron 105 estudios sobre las relaciones entre la discriminación racial y los resultados para la salud entre americanos pertenecientes a minorías raciales o étnicas. Los autores examinaron los efectos moderadores de las estrategias de medición, los factores culturales, el uso de sustancias, el género y las diferencias entre grupos raciales. Los hallazgos indican un efecto de tamaño estadísticamente significativo entre la discriminación racial y la salud, con el máximo efecto observado en la salud mental y el más fuerte en estudios con mediciones múltiples.  相似文献   

Although much research focuses on the economic and linguistic adaptation of immigrants to their new societies, it is rare to find research that studies the religious adaptation of immigrants at a national level. Using longitudinal data among immigrants to Canada in 2001, hypothesized trajectories of immigrant religiosity during initial settlement controlling for a number of individual and contextual level factors are explored. Religious group membership increases a few years after migration and then falls back to earlier levels within 4 years after migration. However, religious participation declines throughout the adaptation process, while the likelihood of religious volunteerism dramatically increases. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of potential explanations for these seemingly contradictory trajectories.  相似文献   

This paper examines the new concept of perceived job discrimination (PJD) and an associated model relating to applicant propensity to case initiation (APCI) in selection. The construct is explored and related concepts and avenues for future research are suggested. In particular we propose potential avenues for further theoretical development including the use of attribution theory and self‐serving bias, the theory of relational demography and we introduce the concept of ‘political validity’ to be considered when evaluating selection practices. We suggest a variety of research design approaches to consider in investigating the PJD construct and associated APCI further.  相似文献   

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